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Nom scientifique du taxon Echinodermata
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Download as TSV
67kKU Museum of Invertebrate Paleontology
50kNMNH Extant Specimen Records
17kMuseum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University
15kiNaturalist Research-grade Observations
14kNMNH Paleobiology Specimen Records
14kUniversity of Florida Invertebrate Paleontology
12kPaleobiology Database
9kPaleobiology Database
9kInvertebrate Paleontology Division, Yale Peabody Museum
8kCAS Invertebrate Zoology (IZ)
7kCatálogo de los equinodermos recientes de México (Fase II)
6kField Museum of Natural History (Geology) Fossil Invertebrates Collection
5kNaturalis Biodiversity Center (NL) - Paleontology Invertebrates
5kCMC Cincinnati Museum Center Invertebrate Paleontology
4kUniversity of California Museum of Paleontology
4kUF Invertebrate Zoology
3kNPL collections
3kInvertebrate Zoology Division, Yale Peabody Museum
3kColeção de Echinodermata do Museu Nacional - MNRJ-ECHINO
3kInvert Paleo Specimens
3kNatural History Museum (London) Collection Specimens
3kInventario de ofiuroideos del Pacífico mexicano
2kInventario de corales pétreos, anélidos, crustáceos decápodos, moluscos, equinodermos y peces óseos de los arrecifes coralinos de Guerrero y Oaxaca
2kZUEC-OPH - Coleção de Ophiuroidea do Museu de Zoologia da UNICAMP
2kBiodiversity Research and Teaching Collections - TCWC Marine Invertebrates
2kEsponjas, corales escleractinios, equinodermos y peces de arrecifes coralinos del norte y sur de Veracruz
1kMuseo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia" (MACN). Invertebrates National Collection (MACNIn)
1kGeographically tagged INSDC sequences
1kBiología poblacional de Isostichopus fuscus (Ludwig, 1875) (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea) en el sur del Golfo de California
1kFlora marina (Clorophyta, Phaeophyta, Rodophyta) y fauna conspicua (Echinodermata, Mollusca, Polychaeta) del Complejo Insular Espíritu Santo-Cerralvo-San José en BCS, México
1kInventario de la fauna arrecifal asociada al ecosistema de Pocillopora en el Pacífico Tropical Mexicano
1kBernice P. Bishop Museum
1kThe Deepwater Program: Northern Gulf of Mexico Continental Slope Habitat and Benthic Ecology - DgoMB: Trawls
1kNaGISA Project
1kUAM Invertebrate Collection (Arctos)
1kOccurrences in SinBIOTA
1kThe Deepwater Program: Northern Gulf of Mexico Continental Slope Habitat and Benthic Ecology - DgoMB: Macros
1kDiversidad bentónica del ambiente intermareal e infralitoral somero de Progreso, Yucatán
1kCleveland Museum of Natural History Invertebrate Paleontology Collection
1kNCSM Invertebrate Paleontology Collection
932Diversity of the Indo-Pacific (DIPnet)
899Paleontological Research Institution Collections
771CU Invertebrate Paleontology
758Amplicon sequencing of Tara Oceans DNA samples corresponding to size fractions for protists.
743SEFSC CAGES Alabama Fish Length Data with CPUE
737MfN - Fossil invertebrates III
737The echinoderm collection (IE) of the Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle (MNHN - Paris)
718Inventario de corales pétreos, asteroideos, equinoideos y peces óseos de arrecifes de la costa de Jalisco, Colima y Michoacán
669Nahant Collection
665Formación de una base de datos de la biodiversidad de fauna marina y costera en el Golfo de California
557ZUEC-AST - Coleção de Asteroidea do Museu de Zoologia da UNICAMP
545Field Museum of Natural History (Zoology) Invertebrate Collection
543Condon Fossil Collection
512Royal BC Museum - Invertebrates Collection
475Equinodermos de la Colección de Referencia de Biología Marina de la Universidad del Valle (CRBMeq-UV)
463Antarctic, Sub-Antarctic and cold temperate echinoid database
455Inventario de la biota marina (cnidarios, poliquetos, moluscos, crustáceos, equinodermos y peces) del Santuario Islas e Islotes de Bahía Chamela, Jalisco, México
450Propuesta para rescatar y conservar la paleobiota de la Cantera Tlayúa, en Tepexí de Rodríguez, Puebla: Fase II
433Données BioObs - Base pour l’Inventaire des Observations Subaquatiques de la FFESSM
425Sistema Arrecifal Veracruzano: condición actual y programa permanente de monitoreo: Primera Etapa
400Australian Museum provider for OZCAM
392Expédition Karubenthos 2012 : inventaire des Echinodermes de la Guadeloupe
362Biodiversidad de la macrofauna bentónica en la microcuenca de Chabihau, Yucatán
355SDSM Invertebrate Collections
329The fossil collection (F) of the Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle (MNHN - Paris)
321Echinoderms from the Seaflower Biosphere Reserve
316Continuous Plankton Recorder Dataset (SAHFOS)
270Naturalis Biodiversity Center (NL) - Foraminifera
270Naturalis Biodiversity Center (NL) - Echinodermata
253Collection Echinodermata fossil SMF
249Diveboard - Scuba diving citizen science observations
246Marine Invertebrate from Argentina, Uruguay and Chile
241Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia" (MACN). Paleoinvertebrates National Collection (MACNPi)
226CAS Geology (GEO)
205Ohio University Invertebrate Paleontology Collection
203Biodiversidad de macroinvertebrados bénticos de la región marina Tijuana-Ensenada Baja California, México
193Biological observations from the Discovery Investigations 1925-1952
189Equinodermos de La Guajira Colombiana
189Vulnerable marine ecosystems in the South Pacific Ocean region
188Atlantic Reference Centre Museum of Canadian Atlantic Organisms - Invertebrates and Fishes Data
185Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi - Paleoinvertebrate Collection
183Biodiversidad asociada a mantos de rodolitos y praderas de pastos marinos en Bahía Concepción, BCS
172UAM Earth Sciences Collection (Arctos)
171Inventario y monitoreo del Canal de Infiernillo para el comanejo de los recursos marinos en el territorio Seri, Golfo de California
170BOEM Beaufort Sea, Alaska, Fish and Invertebrate Haul and Catch, with Oceanography, 2008
169MSB Parasite Collection (Arctos)
153Marine Water Column Samples Targeted loci environmental
150Inventario de algas, corales pétreos, moluscos, crustáceos decápodos, equinodermos y peces de las islas de Revillagigedo, Colima, México
149UWBM Invertebrate Paleontology Collection
146Water and Sediment samples Targeted loci environmental
144California Current Cruise CCE-P1408 Process Cruise #6
142South Caribbean Diversity
141Ophiuroidea collections of the Zoological Institute Russian Academy of Sciences
139Arctic Ocean Diversity
138MICROBIS database
130Colección de Zoología Invertebrados - Otros invertebrados
123Northeast Area Monitoring and Assessment Program Near Shore Trawl Survey (NEAMAP)
117Inventario de la biota terrestre (florístico) y marina (invertebrados, peces y macroalgas bentónicos) del parque nacional Isla Isabel
110CHAS Malacology Collection (Arctos)
102(Figure 8 a) Distribution of Cretaceous planktonic foraminifers and associated organisms from DSDP Hole 77-535
102ZUEC-HOL - Coleção de Holothuroidea do Museu de Zoologia da UNICAMP
101(Table 1) Occurrence of selected planktonic foraminifers, other microfossils, and lithologic components at DSDP Hole 96-619
101Macrobenthos Chukchi Sea, 1986
100Diversidad de equinodermos en los cayos del norte, Reserva de Biósfera SeaFlower, 2011
92Stable Isotope Compositions of tubeworms, mussels, and their associated fauna in Gulf of Mexico hydrocarbon seeps
92Canadian Museum of Nature General Invertebrate Collection
91Microbial Processes and Biodiversity: OCEAN
90(Figure 7) Distribution of Cretaceous planktonic foraminifers and associated organisms from DSDP Hole 77-540
90Base de datos de fauna batial, abisopelágica y abisal del Golfo de México
86Invertebrates Collection of the Swedish Museum of Natural History
85(Figure 8c) Distribution of Cretaceous planktonic foraminifers, calpellionids and associated organisms from DSDP Hole 77-536
84Colección de Referencia de Equinodermos del Museo de Ciencias de la Universidad El Bosque
81Données sur la biodiversité des récifs coralliens de Martinique (OMMM)
77(Table 3) Composition of turbidite and background samples at ODP Site 166-1003
74Museums Victoria provider for OZCAM
71AMNH Invertebrate Paleontology WIS-Cretaceous Research Collection
69ZUEC-ECH - Coleção de Echinoidea do Museu de Zoologia da UNICAMP
68Arctic benthic invertebrate collection of the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Science
68Biodiversidad de los recursos marinos y costeros entre Cartagena y el Golfo de Urabá, Caribe colombiano
65Invertebrates of the Gothenburg Natural History Museum (GNM)
63Caracterización ecológica y de la diversidad en los ecosistemas de arrecifes de coral y pastos marinos en la jurisdicción marina de CORPAMAG, departamento del Magdalena, Caribe Colombiano
60UWIZM Echinoderms
58International Barcode of Life project (iBOL)
54(Table 4) Composition of turbidite and background samples at ODP Site 166-1007
53Censo de biodiversidad marina Edo. Miranda
52(Figure 9) Distribution of Cretaceous planktonic foraminifers and associated organisms from DSDP Hole 77-536
52(Figure 8b) Distribution of Cretaceous planktonic foraminifers, calpellionids and associated organisms from DSDP Hole 77-535
52DMNS Marine Invertebrate Collection (Arctos)
50Colección General de Invertebrados del Cenpat (CNP-INV)
49Equinodermos de las unidades ecológicas someras Expedición Seaflower Serranilla2017 - Proyecto Colombia BIO
48(Figure 11) Distribution of Cretaceous planktonic foraminifers and associated organisms from DSDP Hole 77-538A
46Caracterización ecológica y monitoreo del Parque Nacional Sistema Arrecifal Veracruzano: Primera Etapa
44Some shallow water marine invertebrates from Venezuelan central coast
40Sistematización de la Colección Paleontológica de la Facultad de Ingeniería, UNAM
40Collections data on ecology of bottom animal of the Southern ocean
39Données naturalistes d' Anne PROUZET
39Equinodermos de la Isla Cayo Serrana durante la Expedición Seaflower 2016 - Proyecto Colombia BIO
38South Australian Museum Australia provider for OZCAM
37Benthos Chirnov Basin 1986 and 2002
36UNM Earth Sciences Collection (Arctos)
35Macroalgas, equinodermos y crustáceos de la Isla Cayo Serranilla durante la Expedición Seaflower 2017 - Proyecto Colombia BIO
33Computarización de la Colección de Referencia para Zoología, Arqueozoología y Paleontología del Museo de Historia Natural de la Universidad Autónoma de Baja California Sur
32Canadian Museum of Nature Fossil Invertebrate Collection
30(Tab. 3) Occurence of microfossils in Late Jurassic sediments of DSDP Hole 11-100, Cat Gap Area, western Atlantic Ocean
30Computarización de material complementario en la Colección Regional de Invertebrados del Pacífico mexicano, Instituto de Ciencias del Mar y Limnología, Unidad Académica Mazatlán, UNAM
28Lund Museum of Zoology (MZLU)
28Harvard University Herbaria: All Records
28VIMS Chesapeake Bay Multispecies Monitoring and Assessment Program
27Ghent University - Zoology Museum - Invertebrate collection
27Collection Echinodermata - ZMB
26Hydrate Ridge, OR - Deep sea cold seep ecosystem Targeted Locus (Loci)
26(Table 2) Sediment constituents and quartz in the sand-sized fraction, West Florida slope and Eastern Mississippi Fan, during USGS R/V Gyre cruises G80-6A and G81-8
26LACM Invertebrate Paleontology
26AMNH Invertebrate Paleontology Collection
25Deep-sea (> 1000 m) Goniasteridae (Valvatida; Asteroidea) from the North Pacific, including an overview of Sibogaster, Bathyceramaster n. gen. and three new species
24Expedición Providencia I - INVEMAR
23Western Australian Museum provider for OZCAM
22Caracterización de la epifauna y macrobentos (0-800 m) de Isla Cayo Serranilla y Áreas aledañas: Equinodermos primera fase 2017 - Proyecto Colombia Bio
22Northern Territory Museum and Art Gallery provider for OZCAM
21(Figure 10) Distribution of Cretaceous planktonic foraminifers and associated organisms from DSDP Hole 77-537
19Peces pelágicos de la Isla Cayo Serrana durante la Expedición Seaflower 2016 - Proyecto Colombia BIO
18Fossil (NSMK-FO)
17Tartu University, palaeontology collections
17Registro de Corales en el Parque Nacional Jardines de la Reina, Cuba
17Invertebrates (Type Specimens) of the Swedish Museum of Natural History
16Monitoreo del bentos, nutrientes e isótopos en relación a la salud arrecifal de áreas naturales protegidas del norte de Quintana Roo con mayor vulnerabilidad al cambio de fase arrecifal: Primera Etapa
15(Table 1) Carbonate constituents and quartz in the sand-sized fraction in Mississippi Fan sediments, DSDP Hole 96-615
15Computarización de la Colección Paleontológica de la Secretaria de Medio Ambiente, Vivienda e Historia Natural, del estado de Chiapas
14(Tab. 6) Occurence of microfossils in Late Jurassic sediments of DSDP Hole 44-391C, Blake Bahama Basin
13NCSM Non-molluscan Invertebrates Collection
12Collection Vermes - ZMB
12Natural History Museum Rotterdam (NL) - Invertebrata miscellaneous Collection
12Avistamientos de Biodiversidad Marina / Marine Biodiversity Sightings
12Morfología funcional de mantos de rodolitos en el golfo de California, México
11Shallow-water brittle stars (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea) from Araçá Bay (Southeastern Brazil), with spatial distribution considerations
11(Tab. 3) Distribution of benthic foraminifera in Lower Cretaceous sediments of DSDP Hole 11-101A, Blake-Bahama Outer Ridge
11Queensland Museum provider for OZCAM
10Seaflower ll: Cayo Serrana- Colecciones biológicas de la universidad CES - Proyecto Colombia BIO
10Clitellata - SMF
10Taxonomy of the genus Thyonella (Holothuroidea: Dendrochirotida), with mention of the first record of T. sabanillaensis from the southwestern Atlantic Ocean
9Palaeozoological Collections (PZ), Swedish Museum of Natural History (NRM)
9Marine metagenome ICM_GPS
8URM - Herbário Pe. Camille Torrand
7Registros biológicos recogidos en el marco del proyecto Census of Marine Life Componente Natural Geography in Shore Areas - NAGISA Santa Marta
7Recent Invertebrates Specimens
7Invertebrates excl. Entomology at the Natural History Museum of Denmark
7Naturalis Biodiversity Center (NL) - Micropaleontology
7Redescription and designation of a neotype for Ophiothrix angulata (Say, 1825) (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea: Ophiotrichidae)
7Galathea II, Danish Deep Sea Expedition 1950-52
7Two new species of Psolus Oken from Brazil (Holothuroidea: Psolidae), with neotype designation and redescription of Psolus vitoriae Tommasi, 1971, and a key to the southwestern Atlantic and Magellanic species
6Late Oligocene - Miocene non-lunulate sand dollars of South America: Revision of abertellid taxa and descriptions of two new families, two new genera, and a new species
6New species of the genera Havelockia and Thyone (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea) and first record of T. crassidisca from the southwestern Atlantic Ocean
6Macaulay Library Audio and Video Collection
6Colección científica del Museo de Historia Natural Alfredo Dugés
5IZIKO: Marine Invertebrate Collection (1900-2011)
5A new genus and species of Sclerodactylidae (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea: Sclerothyoninae) from the Pacific coast of Panama, and assignment of Neopentamera anexigua to Sclerothyoninae
5MfN - Fossil invertebrates Ib
5CARBOM cruise 2013 flow cytometry sorted phytoplankton
5DMNS Parasite Collection (Arctos)
4Taxonomic status of Protankyra ramiurna and Protankyra benedeni (Holothuroidea: Apodida: Synaptidae)
4Faunal assemblage of sediment core TR149-31
4(Table 1) Fauna composition of the community of Amphiodia urtica - Nephtys ferruginea in bottom sediments from the central part of the shelf in the California upwelling zone
4(Table 4) Fauna composition of the community of Nephtys ferruginea - Amphiura acrystata in bottom sediments from the shelf edge in the California upwelling zone
4COMARGIS: Information System on Continental Margin Ecosystems
4VMNH SVDM Invertebrate Paleontology
4A new species of the remarkable brittle star genus Astrophiura (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea) from the western Atlantic Ocean
4Marine metagenome ICM_JRV
4Questagame weekly feed
4Taxonomic guide and historical review of echinoids (Echinodermata: Echinoidea) from northeastern Brazil
3Faunal assemblage of sediment core GS7603-9
3IG TUT paleontology
3Species Composition and Abundance of Zooplankton in the Nearshore Beaufort Sea in Winter-Spring 1978-1980
3Porphyrocrinus daniellalevyae n. sp. (Echinodermata: Crinoidea), a sea lily from the tropical western Atlantic with a unique crown pattern
3Marine invertebrate collection NTNU University Museum
3Whale fall
2Palaeobiology collection, FAU Erlangen
2Lissothuria imbricata sp. nov., a new species of sea cucumber (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea) from the central-eastern Pacific Ocean
2A revision of Holothuria (Halodeima) kefersteinii (Selenka, 1867) and the revival of Holothuria inornata Semper, 1868 from sea cucumbers collected in Mexico and Central America
2Collection paléontologique du Museum d'histoire naturelle de la ville de Bourges (BOUM)
2Faunal assemblage of sediment core GS7603-14
2Faunal assemblage of sediment core TR149-35
2Faunal assemblage of sediment core TR149-37
2Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona: MCNB-ZG
2MfN - Fossil invertebrates Ia
2Distribución e inventario de algunas especies bentónicas (hexacorales, octocorales, esponjas, y especies misceláneas) en arrecifes del Caribe mexicano
2Registros biológicos en áreas protegidas obtenidos de documentos impresos
2The cryptogamy collection (PC) at the Herbarium of the Muséum national d'Histoire Naturelle (MNHN - Paris)
1Marine metagenome ICM_LCR
1Gulf of Mexico open ocean Targeted Locus (Loci)
1KUBI Paleobotany Collection
1Palaeontological collections National Museum of Natural History Luxembourg
1Catalogue of the type specimens of sea stars (Asteroidea, Echinodermata) from research collections of the Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences
1SAR amplicon from community incubated with various nanophytoplankton in microcosm
1Euryalid brittle stars from the International Indian Ocean Expedition 1963 - 64 (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea: Euryalida)
1Naturalis Biodiversity Center (NL) - Paleobotany
1Faunal assemblage of sediment core GS7603-10
1Faunal assemblage of sediment core GS7603-12
1Faunal assemblage of sediment core GS7603-13
1SMNS Palaeontological collection - Invertebrates (Jurassic and Cretaceous)
1Fossil (WSHN-FO)
1SMNS Palaeontological collection - Invertebrates (Cenozoic)
1Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona: MCNB-Pal
1Las colecciones del Museu Valencià d'Història Natural
1Mollusca specimens of Manazuru Shell Museum
1Botany (UPS)
1Herbarium specimens of Université de Montpellier 2, Institut de Botanique (MPU))
1FBIP:IZIKO-UCT:Historical Invertebrates (1930-1980)
1A taxonomic review of the genus Astrodendrum (Echinodermata, Ophiuroidea, Euryalida, Gorgonocephalidae) with description of a new species from Japan
1SMNS Palaeontological collection - Invertebrates (Palaeozoic, Mesozoic)
1Neptune Deep-Sea Microfossil Occurrence Database
1Programme national de science participative sur la Biodiversité Littorale (BioLit)
1Biological rejuvenation of iron oxides in bioturbated marine sediments
1A Method for Studying Protistan Diversity Using Massively Parallel Sequencing of V9 Hypervariable Regions of Small-Subunit Ribosomal RNA Genes