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5MGlobal soil organisms
1MBiome of Australia Soil Environments
698kData associated with 'A 17-year time-series of fungal environmental DNA from a coastal marine ecosystem reveals long-term seasonal-scale and inter-annual diversity patterns'
198kINSDC Host Organism Sequences
174kmarine metagenome Metagenome
142kInternational Barcode of Life project (iBOL)
106kINSDC Sequences
103kEukaryotic diversity in Central Park
100kMarine metagenomes Metagenome
82kGlobal soil microbiomes: A new frontline of biome-ecology research
70kEffects of organic matter manipulation on archaeal, bacterial, and fungal community assembly
66kAssembly and activity of microbial communities in the Pacific temperate rainforest
62kThe Island Project - Fungal communities in boreal forest soils
43kAmplicon sequencing of Tara Oceans DNA samples corresponding to size fractions for protists.
40kINSDC Environment Sample Sequences
33kPlant niche rather than soil or species shapes the microbiota
30kBIOWIDE eDNA Fungi dataset
27kDiversity of microbial community (bacteria, micro-eukaryotes and fungi) in the Passage of Lascaux Cave.
21kMapping and Predictive Variations of Soil Bacterial Richness across French National Territory
21kNahant Collection
18kBiodiversidad identificada por medio de metabarcoding asociada al proyecto piloto de investigación integral - PPII Platero, departamento de Santander
16kVarennes Communities in Contaminated Soils
16kUniversity of Tartu Natural History Museum and Botanical Garden DNA and Environmental Sample Collections
16kFungal Internal Transcribed Spacer RNA (ITS) RefSeq Targeted Loci Project
16kSoil fungal communities of Chilean temperate rainforests
14kMetagenomic barcode approach of the ExStream Project 2014 for eukaryotes
13kSoil fungal diversity along elevation gradients
10kmetabarcoding of eDNAbyss sediment samples
9kFungal 28S Ribosomal RNA (LSU) RefSeq Targeted Loci Project.
6kSoil fungal communities of ectomycorrhizal dominated woodlands across West Africa
5kMicrobial populations of Lascauxs Apse in relation to collembola and black stains on cave walls.
5kTartu Botanical Garden Root and Leaf Endophytes
5kMarine metagenomes from the bioGEOTRACES project
5kEGB sediment data (raw sequence reads)
5kFungal diversity associated with deep-sea asphalt seep mounds
5ksediment metagenome Raw sequence reads
5kNorwegian specimens stored in Herb. Klepsland (pre 2022)
3kDevelopment and validation of a multi-trophic metabarcoding biotic index for benthic organic enrichment biomonitoring using a salmon farm case-study.
3kTemporal variation in pesticide biodegradation
3kWater and Sediment samples Targeted loci environmental
3kThe study includes fungal genetic diversity assessment by ITS-1 next generation sequencing (NGS) analyses. The main the main experimental objects are soils of different classes, quality groups and also subjected to various agrotechnical treatments
3kFungal 18S Ribosomal RNA (SSU) RefSeq Targeted Loci Project
3kTrace element-contaminated soil Metagenome
3kanchialine metagenome Raw sequence reads
3kMarine Water Column Samples Targeted loci environmental
3kCARBOM cruise 2013 flow cytometry sorted phytoplankton
2kITS2 representative sequences of fungal OTUs from a metabarcoding study on decaying Norway spruce in southern Finland
2kmarine sediment metagenome Metagenome
2k1) Fungi, 2) Perscribed Burning, 3) Soil Targeted Locus (Loci)
2kNHMO DNA Bank Fungi and Lichens collection
2kFungal diversity in Sanya mangrove sediments, China
2kMicrobial populations of Lascauxs Apse in relation to collembola and black stains on cave walls.
2kProtist Diversity in the East China Sea
2kSOLA Raw sequence reads
2kWestmead Mycology Culture Collection
2kSediment Metagenome Raw sequence reads
2kEMOSE (2017) Inter-Comparison of Marine Plankton Metagenome Analysis Methods
2kSoil marker gene sequences across the Nutrient Network
2kShotgun metagenome sequences of Anthelia biocrust samples.
2kMetabarcoding surveys of the Arctic marine environment
1kPolymetallic nodule field Targeted loci environmental
1kProtists community in the southern East China Sea
1kSoil metagenome from healthy and unhealthy agricultural soil
1kMicrobial biogeography of French caves
1kTemporal sampling of marine metagenomes from Station ALOHA and BATS
1kSea ice and seawater Raw sequence reads
1kBiodiversidad identificada por medio de metabarcoding asociada al Estudio de Impacto ambiental para el proyecto Piloto de Investigación Integral - Kalé
1kFungal communities across four coastal marine habitats in North Carolina, USA
1kExtracellular DNA marine sediment Targeted Locus (Loci)
1kSoil microbial diversity in the Maintenance of Exotic vs. Native Diversity experiment (depth study)
1kResearch on Airborne Ice Nucleating Species
1kDiet analysis of Japanese sardine and Pacific round herring larvae
1kRaw sequence reads from soil relic DNA study
1kOcean Sampling Day (OSD) 2014: AUTHORITY-RAW amplicon and metagenome sequencing study from the June solstice in the year 2014
1kGreen alder encroachment shapes microbial diversity in subalpine soils.
1kMonitoreo de microorganismos (metabarcoding) en el área de influencia de la contingencia del pozo Lisama 158
1kDiet analysis of Pacific Bluefin Tuna larvae
1kuncultured prokaryote Targeted loci environmental
1kEucaryotic microbial communities structure in the headwater watchment of Dongjiang River in the south of China
1kNutrient addition mesocosm experiment Targeted Locus (Loci)
1ksea water Picoeukaryotic Community Raw sequence reads Raw sequence reads
1kMetabarcoding of eDNAbyss water samples
1kFBIP: Mycorrhizal and root endophytic fungi associated with Orchids
1kMicrobial communities associated with Eurasian watermilfoil, water and sediment
1kKungsängen soil microbial communities
1kMarine sediment metagenome raw sequence reads
1kNitrate-storing microorganisms in sediments of the Bornholm Basin
1kSediment of acid mine drainage Targeted loci environmental
1kAmplicon sequencing of Tara Oceans RNA samples corresponding to size fractions for protists.
1kLarge variability of bathypelagic microbial eukaryotic communities across the world's oceans
1kPeltigera cyanolichens from Southern Chile
998Red Sea microbial plankton Raw sequence reads
973Marine fungi Raw sequence reads
947Zooplankton communities in the coastal water of northeastern Hokkaido
931Ecological Genomics of a Seasonally Anoxic Fjord; Saanich Inlet
891California Current Cruise CCE-P1408 Process Cruise #6
843Picoplankton 18S rRNA gene sequences (V4 region, DNA and RNA) from Vertical Profiles (surface to 4000m depth) sampled during the Malaspina 2010 circumglobal expedition
810Environmental long read amplicons of soil fungi across Podzol soil profile
745Hongos formadores de micorrizas arbusculares de la transición Andino-Amazónica del departamento del Caquetá - Proyecto Colombia BIO
739sediment metagenome Metagenome
734The Nanoeukaryotic plankton Raw sequence reads
724Microbial Processes and Biodiversity: OCEAN
715Línea base general de microorganismos para el valle medio del Magdalena - VMM
692ARMS Jeddah sample Raw sequence reads
639sediment metagenome Metagenome
620White sea picoplankton Metagenome
61818S Monterey Bay Time Series: an eDNA data set from Monterey Bay, California, including years 2006, 2013 - 2016
613Environmental long read amplicons of soil fungi across Podzol soil profile
599Comparative study in validity of three regions of 18S-rRNA for eukaryote amplicon sequence analyses
583Hydrate Ridge, OR - Deep sea cold seep ecosystem Targeted Locus (Loci)
564Picoplankton 18S rRNA gene sequences (V9 region) from Vertical Profiles (surface to 4000m depth) sampled during the Malaspina 2010 circumglobal expedition
550Impact of sulfamethoxazole on the microbial community of a riverine environment
547North Sea plastic incubation and reference communities, raw sequence reads
546SAR amplicon from community incubated with various nanophytoplankton in microcosm
52616S rDNA amplicon of Bacteria and Archaea Metagenome
513microbial community diversities of Tuosu Lake
512Picoplankton 18S rRNA genes from the tropical and sub-tropical global-ocean sampled during the Malaspina-2010 expedition
488Microbial eukaryotes
474Red Sea Zooplankton Raw sequence reads
462Marine metagenome ICM_JRV
429sediment metagenome Raw sequence reads
423Eukaryotic natural population from Northern Baffin Bay - Raw sequence reads
414Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Study metagenomes
401Organic agricultural field soil Raw sequence reads
380Pelagic Microbiome: viruses to protists. 16S and 18S data from oceanic samples collected at the chlorophyll maximum.
364Fungal communities in decaying poplar pins in Northeastern USA discovered by MycoPins method
359Abundance, diversity and distribution of Legionellales in wet environments in Sweden
351Benthic biodiversity in four pairs of Norwegian lakes
350Latitudinal diversity patterns of pelagic copepods in the Pacific using metagenetic analysis
338Non-target effects of Metarhizium brunneum on soil microbial communities
337Exploring Fronts With Multiple Robots Schmidt Ocean Institute Cruise to the Pacific Ocean in 2018
328Macroalgal Morphology affects composition and settlement of microbial communities
326Environmental eukaryotes Metagenome
323NMNH Material Samples (USNM)
304The San Pedro Ocean time-series is a marine time-series started circa 1997. This project aims to study ecological and biogeochemical implications of global marine microbial biodiversity.
302Eukaryote diversity assessment of sediments of the Western English Channel
296Mariana and Kermadec Trench sediment 16S rRNA gene sequencing
290Microbial communities in the ocean Raw sequence reads
285Microbial communities in estuarine sediments
281Bacterial 16s Amplicon Sequencing of the Atlantic Ocean
281Compost microbe establishment and growth in agricultural soils
275marine metagenome Raw sequence reads
269Structure and function of picoplankton and virus communities along zonal gradients in the South Pacific Ocean
255Southern Ocean microorganisms Targeted Locus (Loci)
248DEEPEND: Microbiome and bacterioplankton rRNA gene sequence data collected from Gulf of Mexico seawater samples. Cruises DP03 and DP04 from Jan 2016 - December 2016
247Effect of size fractionation and DNA extraction on the diversity and composition of prokaryotic and eukaryotic plankton community
245Caracterización de hifomicetos ingoldianos del río Frio, Santander
232Pristine and TNT contaminated (tilled and untilled) soils
230Census of the species of Benin. Data mobilized in the framework of JRS Benin project and funded by JRS Biodiversity Foundation
228Herbicide-incubated GBR lagoon microbiomes Targeted loci environmental
224Uncultured eukaryotes Targeted Locus (Loci)
217Universal Amplicon Sequences (mixed 16S/18S) from GEOTRACES Cruises GA03 and GP13
206Microbial eukaryote 454 Roche sequencing in estuarine ecosystems
205Amundsen Gulf Overwintering Eukaryote Community
204uncultured eukaryote Raw sequence reads
202Sediment Microcosm Metagenome
193FBIP: Mycorrhizal associations of Erica hair roots in South African fynbos
193South China Sea interfaces 16S amplicon sequencing
192FBIP: Fungal Root Endophytes of Selected Erica species
191Arctic microbiome along Svalbard Cross Shelf transects
189Community structure of Archaea in the western North Pacific and the Arctic Ocean
183Microbial indicators of anthropogenic marine pollution identified by 16S and 18S metagenomic library analysis
182Metagenomic community analysis of marine zooplankton using two plankton nets
179Microbial communities in the phycosphere environment
177Comparison of copper contaminated soils, with similar uncontaminated controls.
177Microbial community of Red Sea (16S amplicon) Targeted Locus (Loci)
174deep marine subsurface Raw sequence reads
173Marine metagenome ICM_WBS
173Impact of rainforest transformation on phylogenetic and functional diversity of soil prokaryotic communities in Sumatra (Indonesia)
171Kenai National Wildlife Refuge Pollinator Surveys
168Municipal Pensacola Beach Sand Metagenome
164Marine metagenome ICM_GPS
161Biological rejuvenation of iron oxides in bioturbated marine sediments
159Structuring effect of environmental variables on protistan diversity patterns in two anoxic marine basins
158Coral-associated bacteria demonstrate phylosymbiosis and cophylogeny
156Shotgun Metagenome Sequencing of Lake Soyang
153Effects of organic amendments in soil affected by fire in central Chile
148eDNA samples from the surface ocean to the seafloor collected by RV Investigator voyage IN2017_V01 - Linking Modern and Paleo-Genetics at the Sabrina Coast East Antarctica (2017)
146Metagenomic investigation of six depths from the anchialine Bundera sinkhole
143Eukaryotic protists Metagenome
142Active microbial eukaryotes amidst a marine subsurface RNA paleome
14018S data from: Diversity of Pico- to Mesoplankton along the 2000 km Salinity Gradient of the Baltic Sea (Hu et al. 2016)
140Submarine Ligurian Canyons Water Prokaryotic and Protist Communities
136Sea spray aerosols at Three California Beaches
136soil bacteria and fungi Targeted loci environmental
134Porcupine Marine Natural History Society Dataset
134Porcupine Marine Natural History Society Dataset
134Whale fall
128Core MV1012-46.9-JPC2 aDNA metagenomes and negative control
128Shotgun metagenomic analysis of Lake Paajarvi sediment microbes.
127Moorea Reef Archaea and Eukaryota gene survey
127A community genomics investigation of fungal adaptation to cold
124There are 3 zooplankton samples from 3 different ponds, we collected sample and use the fresh samples to do DNA extraction directly, then mix them with adjustment guided by the number of species within each of them. At last, use Hiseq-2599 PE-150 to do NGS work
123Seawater metagenome Targeted loci environmental
120envinronment Metagenome
120Taxonomic composition of microbial communities in coastal Arctic sediments
119Surface ocean Targeted Locus (Loci)
119Antarctic Snow Algae 2014/15 16S and 18S Illumina Seq of snow algae communities around Ryder Bay, Antarctica
116eDNA along Houdong riverine zonation in Taiwan
11616S Amplicon Data from an Antarctic Cold Seep
116Marine methane seep Targeted Locus (Loci)
115water sample Raw sequence reads
111Amplicon-Based Illumina Sequencing Reveals High Diversity of Phytoplankton in the Coastal Waters of Qinhuangdao
110seawater metagenome Metagenome
108Microbial eukaryotes present in a Norwegian coastal ecosystem and in the gut content of Calanus copepods from Raunefjorden
107Gulf of Mexico open ocean Targeted Locus (Loci)
105European Molecular Biology Laboratory Australian Mirror
99Impact of Plant Development on Structure and Function of Rhizosphere Microbial Community associated with Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.)
98Amplicon sequencing of Tara Oceans DNA samples corresponding to size fractions for prokaryotes or protist.
96Equatorial Pacific Ocean Targeted loci environmental
94Microbial biogeography of 925 geothermal springs in New Zealand
91Queensland Marine Sediment
87Characteristics of eukaryotic plankton community in the Coastal Waters of Rongcheng by Illumina sequencing
86Who eats the tough stuff DNA stable isotope probing (SIP) of bacteria and fungi degrading 13C-labelled lignin and cellulose in forest soils
86marine metagenome Raw sequence reads
82Bacterial 16S rRNA and fungal ITS Metagenome
82Pelagic eukaryotic communities across Fram Strait
81Tejidos de sistemas cársticos en el municipio de El Peñón, Santander - Proyecto Colombia BIO
79Oxygen minimal zone Targeted loci environmental
78Saltern of Margherita di Savoia Metagenome
78Temporal dynamics of eukaryotic microbial diversity at a coastal Pacific site
77Survey of Saproxylic Fungi Communities from Franklin Parker Preserve, New Jersey, USA, via metabarcoding
7618S Metabarcoding Genetic Observations of Marine Species in the Port of Wallhamn, Sweden (2022)
75Caracterización morfológica de hongos y bacterias de suelo, agua y sedimento en la cuenca de la Quebrada Lizama
74Assessing the microbial diversity in Cape Comorin ocean water
74Environmental zooplankton Targeted Locus (Loci)
73Microbial community in marine sediments
72Microbial community structure and dynamics in the oxygen minimum zone of the Northeast subarctic Pacific Ocean
72Marine sediment metagenome ICM_DSE
72Meiobenthos nSSU metagenetic meiobenthic data
72VAG Mine Pit Pond Metagenome
71Svalbard Targeted Locus (Loci)
70Metazoan sequencing
68SSU rRNA amplicon of the Arctic Ocean during Winter-Spring Transition
68Metagenomic approach for studying picoeukaryotes in a extreme oligotrophic marginal sea (South Adriatic Sea) during winter mixed conditions
68uncultured prokaryote Targeted loci environmental
67Sundarbans estuarine ecosystem Metagenome
67Microbial diversity in shallow water hydrothermal sediments of Gueishan Island, Taiwan
66Archaea 16S 01-13 Genome sequencing and assembly
65Microbial diversity of marine sediments
64Colectas de la levadura emergente Candida auris en aguas marinas de Bocagrande-Cartagena
64marine sediment Raw sequence reads
63Microbial community diversity in Arctic marine sediments and Planktonic microbial
60uncultured marine picoeukaryote strain:Peuk_V4_NWP2 Raw sequence reads
60Red Sea sediment 2011 Targeted Locus (Loci)
59Comparative metagenome analysis of normal and arsenic contaminated soils from ballia district, Uttar Pradesh, India
58Diversity patterns of uncultured Haptophytes unravelled by pyrosequencing in Naples Bay
58Lake sediment sequencing
58marine metagenome Raw sequence reads
57Tejidos de la desembocadura del caño Teracay en el río Tomo, Puerto Carreño, Vichada - Proyecto Colombia Bio
57Evaluation of filtration and DNA extraction methods for environmental DNA biodiversity assessments across multiple trophic levels.
56Marine protists Metagenome
55Protist communities in moored long-term sediment traps (Fram Strait, Arctic) Preservation with mercury chloride allows for PCR-based molecular genetic analyses
54Geotraces Raw sequence reads
50Preservation of ancient eukaryotic DNA in methane hydrate-associated marine sediments.
50uncultured marine eukaryote Targeted loci environmental
49Savu Sea-Indonesia eDNA Dataset
49Depth dependent (0-5,000 m) and seasonal variability in archaeal community structure in the subarctic and subtropical western North Pacific.
47Soil bacterial communities (Hainich National Park)
46rDNA amplicon sequencing of Western North Atlantic microbial community
45uncultured marine picoeukaryote strain:Peuk_V4_NWP1 Raw sequence reads
44Biogeography of pelagic bacterioplankton across an antagonistic temperature-salinity gradient in the Red Sea
44Metagenome analysis of picoeukaryotes from surface seawater
43Arctic Ocean
43Pelagic sediment metagenome of Gulf of Khambhat
42Microbial diversity in the Benguela coastal upwelling system as derived from 16S rRNA sequencing and RNA Stable Isotope Probing (SIP)
42Diversity of Microbial Eukaryotes in Sea Waters From Fildes Peninsula,King George Island, Antarctica
42Guaymas Basin and Sonora Margin sediment Targeted loci
41Heterogeneity of methane seep microbiomes in the NE Pacific
41Zostera Marina Ammonification environmental
41Microbial eukaryote community structure during early phytoplankton blooms in the naturally iron-fertilized Kerguelen area (Southern Ocean) Targeted Locus (Loci)
41ADDOMEx Tier 3 Experiments: Mesocosm Si with Gulf of Mexico coastal waters
40A Method for Studying Protistan Diversity Using Massively Parallel Sequencing of V9 Hypervariable Regions of Small-Subunit Ribosomal RNA Genes
39Bacterial 16S rRNA gene sequencing of Antarctic soil
39Coastal Marine Environment Targeted loci environmental
39Microbial Community Diversity Response to a Changing Arctic Ocean
39Soil DNA extracted from Robinson Ridge, East Antarctica Raw sequence reads
38A practical introduction to microbial molecular ecology through the use of iChips
38Nitrogen fixation rates and cyanobacteria cover in a subarctic biological soil crust are enhanced by warming, wetting and light
38Tejidos de ejemplares colectados en el Páramo de Chingaza - Proyecto Colombia Bio
37Pelagic sediment metagenome of Gulf of Kutch
35Presencia de Cryptococcus neoformans y Cryptococcus gattii en muestras ambientales de Bucaramanga y Cúcuta
35Northern Gulf of Mexico Hypoxia can Alter Sediment Communities of Nitrifying Archaea
35Response of soil bacteria to anthropogenic soil variables at large spatial scales
35Gulf Oil Spill underwater oil plume samples Targeted Locus (Loci)
34Ocean sediment-basement interface Targeted Locus (Loci)
34Microbial consortium enriched at the cathode of a solar microbial fuel cell
34Short-term interaction of pyrene and cadmium in prokaryotic community in coastal sediment microcosms
34Prokaryotic community response to microalgal lysates
33Metagenome data from DNA stable isotope probing of Stiffkey saltmarsh sediment microcosms to investigate methanogenesis from choline
33Impacts of crude oil and chemical dispersant exposure on marine microbial biofilm formation and steel corrosion
33Fringing reef Metagenome
33Mediterranean mud volcano flow Targeted loci
32Marine Microbes from RV Investigator voyage IN2014_E03, Australia (2014)
32California Current System Long Term Ecological Research P1604 (CCS_LTER_P1604) Targeted loci environmental
32Marine sediment Raw sequence reads
32particle-attached and free-living bacteria kongsfjorden
32Protists in Havre-aux-Maisons Lagoon, Magdalen Islands, Quebec, Canada
31Subseafloor microbiome project
31Marine eukaryotes Targeted loci environmental
31Magdalen Island Spatio Temporal (MIST) Raw sequence reads
31Meise Botanic Garden Herbarium (BR)
31A long-standing complex tropical dipole shapes marine microbial biogeography
30Global phylogeography survey of thermophilic spores in marine sediments.
30Composition and genetic diversity of picoeukaryotes in subtropical coastal waters as revealed by 454 sequencing-by-synthesis
29Successional trajectories of coastal bacterioplankton communities in response to co-exposure of cadmium and phenanthrene
29Amplicon sequencing of Tara Oceans DNA samples corresponding to size fractions for large DNA viruses.
28marine sediment metagenome Targeted loci environmental
27Patagonian fjord prokaryote community
27ARK26/3_Station212 Targeted Locus (Loci)
26Microbial eukaryotes Metagenome
25Soil microbial response to organic disturbances
25Protistan plankton diversity along salt gradient
25A metagenetic approach for revealing community structure of marine planktonic copepods using Illumina MiSeq
24Microbial eukaryote Metagenome
23Enrichment of organohalide respiring bacteria
23Bacterial diversity and community composition in grassland and forest soils of the German Biodiversity Exploratories
23Metagenomics of Brava and Tebenquiche lakes microbial mats
23The Indigo Project: a global citizen science Ocean survey
23Bacterial communities in agricultural soils under contrasting agronomic managements and biomes of Argentina
22Marine photic zone, New Caledonia Lagoon raw sequence reads, nitrogenase amplicons
22the under-explored coal gangue and the adjacent acid mine drainage creek soil Raw sequence reads
22How much do we know about marine metazoan biodiversity? Recent disclosures using second generation sequencing.
21Coral metagenome ICM_CCB
21Microbial communities in marine surface water
21Bacteria community in the southern East China Sea
20Comparison of marine sediments from the Beguela upwelling zone
20Microbiome of St. Lawrence estuary sediments
20Microbial communities associated with Juncus roemerianus and Spartina alterniflora vegetated sediments in Louisiana saltmarshes
20Microbial diversity in benthic stream sediment
20Magadalen Islands Spatio Temporal (MIST) Large Fraction
20It was verified the impact of irrigation treatments (wet, optimal, dry and very dry) and three potato cultivars on soil microbial community.
1916S and 18S sequences from the epiphytic biofilm on leaves of Enhalus acroides
19marine metagenome Targeted Locus (Loci)
19magnetite Targeted Locus (Loci)
1918S-V4 amplification of dinoflagellate cyst communities in the South China Sea
18Marine sediment microbial communities in the presence of macrophytes
18Green Edge microcosms Raw sequence reads
18Ocean crust Targeted Locus (Loci)
18Metagenomics of soil
18Marine subseafloor sediment Targeted Locus (Loci)
18Uncultured marine eukaryotes Targeted Locus (Loci)
18Protistan communities of the upper Arctic Ocean (18S SSU-rRNA Targeted Locus)
17Effects of Fecal Input, Environmental Conditions, and Environmental Sources on Enterococci Concentrations in an Estuarine Ecosystem
16Metagenome microbial communities of bottom sediments of the Kara Sea
16ETNP Targeted Locus (Loci)
16Soil bacterial diversity is associated with human population density in urban greenspaces
16NINA Artskart data
16Nanticoke Harbour, ON, Canada (plankton SSU 454 sequencing)
1616S data describing Antarctic benthic sediment
16Distributions and Abundances of Sublineages of the N2-Fixing Cyanobacterium Candidatus Atelocyanobacterium thalassa (UCYN-A) in the Noumea Lagoon
16Vertical stratification of microbial communities in the Red Sea revealed by 16S rDNA pyrosequencing
16blocking PCR amplification of metazoan DNA for protistan diversity
15Sewer sediments Targeted loci environmental
152009 The Marine Biological Association of the UK (MBA) Wembury Bioblitz Survey
15Marine phytoplankton Metagenome
15aquatic bacterial metagenome Raw sequence reads
14Ascidian and Seawater Metagenome
14Global Ocean Sampling Expedition
14Temperature shifts simulating secondary oil recovery
14Shotgun Metagenomic Sequencing of the Arctic Ocean during Winter-Spring Transition
14Sediment river Genome sequencing and assembly
14Metagenetic analysis of the 18S nuclear small subunit ribosomal RNA gene of a mixed zooplankton assemblage was carried out using the 454 pyrosequencing platform.
14Multi-omics of the nitrate-reducing iron(II)-oxidizing culture BP
14sediment metagenome Raw sequence reads
13Tejidos de los bosques montanos del Oriente Antioqueño, Cañón del río Melcocho, en el municipio de El Carmen de Viboral, Antioquia - Proyecto Colombia BIO
13marine metagenome Metagenome
13Spirulina necromass degradartion in arctic marine sediments
13Kallisti Limnes subsea pools Metagenome Study
13Diesel contamination of Antarctic soils and sediments
12Hongos formadores de micorrizas en cultivos de Manihot esculenta del corregimiento de Mariangola, Cesar
12marine sediment metagenome Raw sequence reads
12Assessing the effects of salmon farming seabed enrichment using bacterial community diversity and high throughput sequencing
12FUNGID Fungi dataset
12Peruvian eddy shotgun metagenomes
12Urban Barcode Project - Fungi
12De novo whole metagenome sequencing studies
12marine sediment metagenome Raw sequence reads
11Biogeography of Arctic picoeukaryotes during summer of 2012
11Loihi Seamount Targeted loci environmental
11Microbial ecology of archaeal community in sediment from adjacent waters of Rushan Bay
11Time course change of microbial community in tsunami sediment caused by the Great East Japan Earthquake
11Marine microbial eukaryote community analysis in Korea
111)sediments; 2) coral floc Metagenome
11Amplicon-based sequencing of soil fungi from wood preservative test sites
10ocean bacteria Metagenomic assembly
10Metagenetic analysis of copepod community in the tropical and subtropical Pacific
10Active picoeukaryotes in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea
10Characteristics of bacterial communities in the deep sediment Lake Baikal from the regions with oil and gases discharging
10Comparative 16S analysis of hydrothermal vent samples from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR)
10Bacteria exposure experiment North Sea
10Metagenomic investigation of the coastal region of south Gujarat using soil sample - Nargol, Umargam and Dandi
10Ecosystem biomonitoring with eDNA: metabarcoding across the tree of life in a tropical marine environment
9Diversity of SE Pacific benthic Bacteria and Archaea communities Targeted Locus (Loci)
9Marine methane seep Targeted Locus (Loci)
9marine sediment metagenome Targeted loci environmental
9Antarctic Hypersaline Brine Raw sequence reads
9Plankton sample collected from Nanaimo Harbour Targeted Locus (Loci)
9North Pacific Subtropical Gyre Microbial Community
9Methane and dissolved organic carbon fueled microbial loop supports a tropical subterranean estuary ecosystem
9May 2013 DNA-SIP marine seawater bacteria metagenomic assembly
9Targeted loci sequencing of anaerobic benzene-degrading enrichment cultures
9Marine sample from an Antarctic Bay Raw sequence reads
9Uncultured eukaryote community Targeted loci environmental
8Cascading influence of inorganic nitrogen sources on DOM production composition lability and microbial community structure in the open ocean
8Prokaryotic microbial communities structure in the headwater watchment of Dongjiang River in the south of China
8Effects of different types of wastewater on microbial degradation of 2,2'',4,4''-tetrabromodiphenyl ether (BDE-47) in anaerobic sediment.
8Microbes in drinking water and biofilms (18S rDNA amplicon study)
8Incubation of marine methane seep sediments with a bioorthogonal amino acid
8Microbial community structure of chronically polluted marine sediments from a cold region of the southern hemisphere
8microbial diversity Raw sequence reads
8Global Malaspina 2010 deep ocean expedition - rRNA pyrotags
8marine sediment metagenome Targeted loci environmental
8bacterial community in the deep-sea surface sediments
7Marine metagenome ICM_LCR
7UCYN-A diversity in the Pacific
7Swan lake bacteria Raw sequence reads
7Taxonomic study of endospores in a marine sediment
7Zooplankton microbiome of the Amazon River Plume and western trophic North Atlantic
7US East Coast Salt Marshes Targeted Locus (Loci)
7Protists tag sequencing of 18S rRNA HV 9
72017-2018 North Devon Coast Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) North Devon Species Census
6Picoplankton 16S rRNA genes from the tropical and sub-tropical global-ocean sampled during the Malaspina-2010 expedition
6Drinking water distribution system biofilm samples Metagenome
6Diversity, Ecology and Biogeochemistry of cyst-forming acantharia (Radiolaria) in the oceans
6Pyrosequencing reveals highly diverse and species-specific microbial communities in sponges from the Red Sea
6Little Sippewissett Marsh Targeted Locus (Loci)
6Arctic water Metagenome
6Metagenomes of Sediments from Red Sea Atlantis II and Discovery Deep Brine Pools
6Microbial diversity associated with copepods in the North Atlantic subtropical gyre
6Bacterial Biomarkers of Marcellus Shale Activity in Pennsylvania
5Marine metagenome ICM_AWP
5Spatial Variation of Coastal Bacterioplankton Community along a Nitrogen and Phosphorus Co-pollution Gradient
52018 North Devon Coast Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty Northam Burrows BioBlitz
5Bacterial Biogeography of Coastal Water in the Northern East China Sea
5Microbial community in on-site tsunami sediment caused by the Great East Japan Earthquake
5Foraminifera 18S rDNA and rRNA diversity for fish farms biomonitoring
5Groundwater microbiome
5Depth profile of ancient sediments
5Archaea microbial communities structure in the sediment and downarea soil of the Fengshuba Reservoir in the Guangdong Provinve, South China
5A metagenetic approach for revealing community structure of marine planktonic copepods
516s data marine community of L4 station
4Marine metagenome ICM_DOF
4Santa Barbara Basin Raw sequence reads
4Microbial eukaryotes in an Arctic under-ice spring bloom north of Svalbard.
4Marine sediment metagenome ICM_CFU
4marine sediment metagenome Raw sequence reads
4This workpackage details only the prokaryote (Archaea and Bacteria) analyses for the MicroPolar project.
4Aldegondabreen cryoconite Targeted Locus
4Diversity and population structure of Marine Group A in the oxygen minimum zone of the Northeast subarctic Pacific Ocean
4Metagenomics of Ojo de Campo
4Marine sediment metagenome
4Pelagic bacterial communities across Fram Strait
4Microbial community structures of chimney in DODO and Solitaire hydrothermal fields
4sediment microorganisms nirK gene Raw sequence reads
4Prince Edward Island marine metgenome Raw sequence reads
4Marine Bacteria 16S V4 Raw sequence reads
4Bacterial communities from the water column and the surface sediments along a transect in the East Sea (Sea of Japan)
4Appliaction of metagenomic technique for isolation of microbes from mangroves for potential use in biofertilization and bioremediation
4marine sediment metagenome Targeted Locus (Loci)
3Thermophilic endospores in temperate sediments
3Shallow-water pockmarks diversity Targeted Locus (Loci)
3Fungal community across a tropical forest disturbance gradient
3Deep Subsurface Basalts Targeted Locus (Loci)
3Socompa Lake Stromatolite Shotgun Metagenomic Sequencing
3MiSeq 16S rRNA gene (prokaryotic 16S rRNA gene) sequences of 16 SCS sediments
3Effects of triclosan on bacterial community composition in natural seawater microcosms
3archaeal community in Haima cold seep in SCS
3PCB-contaminated sediment Genome sequencing
3Accuracy of protist diversity assessments: morphology compared to cloning and direct pyrosequencing of 18S rRNA genes and ITS regions using the conspicuous tintinnid ciliates as a case study
3marine sediment metagenome Raw sequence reads
3Biogeography of coastal wetland bacterial communities experiencing sudden vegetation dieoff
3seawater metagenome Genome sequencing and assembly
3ZRD sediment metagenome Metagenome
3Uncultered bacterium Targeted Locus (Loci)
3Distinctive Microbial Community Structure in Highly Stratified Deep-Sea Brine Water Columns
3Marine sediment in Arctic Raw sequence reads
3Marine Sediment from the Berkeley Bay Targeted Locus (Loci)
3Bayside Harbour, NS, Canada (plankton SSU library 454 sequencing)
3Marine metagenome ICM_ABR
3Microbial diversity of marine sediments from Ross Sea
3Microbial associations in temperate marine copepods from the Gulf of Maine