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Nom scientifique du taxon
- Anthopleura elegantissima (Brandt, 1835)
- Nucella lamellosa (Gmelin, 1791)
- Endocladia muricata (Endlichter) J.Agardh
- Hedophyllum sessile (C.Agardh) Setchell
- Epidalea calamita (Laurenti, 1768)
- Riccordia ricordii (Gervais, 1835)
- Alectroenas nitidissimus (Scopoli, 1786)
- Dryolimnas augusti Mourer-Chauviré, Bour, Ribes & Moutou, 1999
- Necropsar rodericanus Slater, 1879
- Prosobonia ellisi Sharpe, 1906
- Stylodrilus heringianus Claparède, 1862
- Horisme intrepida Prout, 1932
- Berta anteplaga Prout, 1916
- Synegia ocellata (Warren, 1894)
- Synegia punctinervis Holloway, 1976
- Lotus subbiflorus Lag.
- Coronilla securidaca L.
- Ogasawarana nitida Minato, 1980
- Mandarina polita Chiba, 1989
- Mentzelia albicaulis (Douglas ex Hook.) Douglas ex Hook.
- Astragalus pattersonii A.Gray
- Carya illinoinensis (Wangenh.) K.Koch
- Helianthemum rosmarinifolium Lag. ex DC., 1824
- Symphyotrichum kralii G.L.Nesom
- Prunus glandulosa Torr. & A.Gray
- Chamaenerion angustifolium (L.) Scop.
- Alloberberis trifoliolata
- Sairocarpus nuttallianus (A.DC.) D.A.Sutton
- Styphnolobium affine (Torr. & A.Gray) Walp.
- Streptanthus crassicaulis Torr.
- Dudleya traskae (Rose) Moran
- Ozomelis diversifolia (Greene) Rydb.
- Sairocarpus subcordatus (A.Gray) D.A.Sutton
- Polygonum polystachyum Wall., 1829
- Potentilla paradoxa Schur ex Nyman
- Persicaria lapathifolia (L.) Gray
- Sideroxylon alachense L.C.Anderson
- Microsorum scolopendria (Burm.fil.) Copel.
- Crataegus multiflora Bunge
- Potentilla anserina Jeps.
- Thymus kosteletzkyanus Opiz
- Synthyris missurica (Raf.) Pennell
- Oenothera cordata Steud.
- Antillotyphlops dominicanus (Stejneger, 1904)
- Ecclisopteryx guttulata (Pictet, 1834)
- Peltodytes caesus (Duftschmid, 1805)
- Dixa dilatata Strobl, 1900
- Hydroporus incognitus Sharp, 1869
- Dixella obscura (Loew, 1849)
- Hydroporus erythrocephalus (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Dixella martinii (Peus, 1934)
- Hydroporus obscurus Sturm, 1835
- Nephrotoma analis (Schummel, 1833)
- Sigara scotti (Douglas & Scott, 1868)
- Laccobius atratus Rottenberg, 1874
- Oenanthe crocata L.
- Scapania undulata (L.) Dumort.
- Veronica catenata Pennell
- Hygrohypnum eugyrium (Schimp.) Broth.
- Jungermannia hyalina Lyell
- Jungermannia exsertifolia Steph.
- Nardia geoscyphus (De Not.) Lindb.
- Sarmentypnum exannulatum (Schimp.) Hedenäs
- Dicranum majus Turner
- Sonchus palustris L.
- Angelica archangelica L.
- Rorippa islandica (Oeder) Borbás
- Neckera crispa Hedw.
- Brachythecium albicans (Hedw.) Schimp.
- Thalictrum minus L.
- Scilla verna Huds.
- Genista anglica L.
- Sphagnum cuspidatum Ehrh. ex Hoffm.
- Rumex rupestris Le Gall
- Omphalotropis bilirata Mousson, 1865
- Crenicichla yaha Casciotta, Almirón & Gómez, 2006
- Camponotus bryani Santschi, 1928
- Camponotus loa Mann, 1919
- Polyrhachis santschii Mann, 1919
- Scoletoma magnidentata (Winsnes, 1981)
- Haliclona mucosa (Griessinger, 1971)
- Aplidium fuscum Drasche, 1883
- Phorbas tenacior (Topsent, 1925)
- Artedius fenestralis Jordan & Gilbert, 1883
- Rumex arifolius All.
- Carduus personata (L.) Jacq.
- Doronicum columnae Ten.
- Galeopsis angustifolia Ehrh. ex Hoffm.
- Phalloceros leptokeras Lucinda, 2008
- Philydor lichtensteini Cabanis & Heine, 1859
- Arundinicola leucocephala (Linnaeus, 1764)
- Cacicus chrysopterus (Vigors, 1825)
- Certhiaxis cinnamomeus (Gmelin, 1788)
- Chlorophonia cyanea (Thunberg, 1822)
- Colaptes melanochloros (J.F.Gmelin, 1788)
- Crypturellus tataupa (Temminck, 1815)
- Drymophila genei (Filippi, 1847)
- Elaenia obscura (Orbigny & Lafresnaye, 1837)
- Florisuga fusca (Vieillot, 1817)
- Glaucidium minutissimum (zu Wied-Neuwied, 1830)
- Hemitriccus furcatus (Lafresnaye, 1846)
- Hylophilus poicilotis Temminck, 1822
- Laterallus exilis (Temminck, 1831)
- Lochmias nematura (Lichtenstein, 1823)
- Megascops choliba (Vieillot, 1817)
- Myiarchus ferox (Gmelin, 1789)
- Myiozetetes cayanensis (Linnaeus, 1766)
- Orchesticus abeillei (R.Lesson, 1839)
- Patagioenas cayennensis (Bonnaterre, 1792)
- Phyllomyias fasciatus (Thunberg, 1822)
- Picumnus cirratus Temminck, 1825
- Poospiza thoracica (Nordmann, 1835)
- Pulsatrix koeniswaldiana (M.Bertoni & W.Bertoni, 1901)
- Ramphotrigon megacephalum (Swainson, 1835)
- Schiffornis virescens (Lafresnaye, 1838)
- Oryzoborus angolensis (Linnaeus, 1766)
- Strix virgata (Cassin, 1849)
- Thraupis ornata (Sparrman, 1789)
- Thlypopsis sordida (d'Orbigny & Lafresnaye, 1837)
- Triclaria malachitacea (Spix, 1824)
- Vanellus chilensis (Molina, 1782)
- Herpetotheres cachinnans (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Tangara cayana (Linnaeus, 1766)
- Cathartes burrovianus Cassin, 1845
- Euphonia chalybea (Mikan, 1825)
- Myrmeciza loricata (Lichtenstein, 1823)
- Spizaetus melanoleucus (Vieillot, 1816)
- Anumbius annumbi (Vieillot, 1817)
- Theristicus caudatus (Boddaert, 1783)
- Neopelma aurifrons (Wied-Neuwied, 1831)
- Tijuca condita Snow, 1980
- Cryptotermes fatulus (Light, 1935)
- Polystichum fuentesii Espinosa
- Cyanea dolichopoda Lammers & Lorence
- Cyanea parvifolia (C.N.Forbes) Lammers, Givnish & Sytsma
- Cyrtandra macraei A.Gray
- Cyanea linearifolia Rock
- Dubautia kenwoodii G.D.Carr
- Hibiscadelphus wilderianus Rock
- Kokia lanceolata Lewton
- Melicope lydgatei (Hillebr.) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone
- Panicum ramosius Hitchc.
- Pritchardia hardyi Rock
- Schiedea implexa (Hillebr.) Sherff
- Stenogyne cinerea Hillebr.
- Phoenix hybrida Hort.Bog. ex Teijsm. & Binn., 1866
- Chionochloa nivifera Connor & K.M.Lloyd
- Hibiscus richardsonii Lindl.
- Logania depressa Hook.fil.
- Pachycladon stellatum (Allan) Heenan & A.D.Mitch.
- Raoulia eximia Hook.fil.
- Goodenia heenanii K.A.Sheph.
- Veronica poppelwellii Cockayne
- Geranium gardneri DeLange
- Malacorhynchus scarletti Olson, 1977
- Megavitiornis altirostris Worthy, 2000
- Coturnix novaezelandiae Quoy & Gaimard, 1832
- Porphyrio mantelli (Owen, 1848)
- Gymnomyza samoensis (Hombron & Jacquinot, 1841)
- Ramphocelus dimidiatus Lafresnaye, 1837
- Pachycondyla papuana (Viehmeyer, 1914)
- Psammotettix alienus (Dahlbom, 1850)
- Senecio bicolor Ces., Pass. & Gibelli, 1878
- Labeo trigliceps Pellegrin, 1926
- Aphyosemion congicum (Ahl, 1924)
- Labeobarbus mawambi (Pappenheim, 1914)
- Heteromormyrus pauciradiatus (Steindachner, 1866)
- Synodontis pulcher Poll, 1971
- Haplochromis dolorosus Trewavas, 1933
- Scriptaphyosemion cauveti (Romand & Ozouf-Costaz, 1995)
- Alticorpus profundicola Stauffer & McKaye, 1988
- Copadichromis atripinnis Stauffer & Sato, 2002
- Placidochromis boops Hanssens, 2004
- Placidochromis lineatus Hanssens, 2004
- Placidochromis nkhotakotae Hanssens, 2004
- Protomelas macrodon Eccles, 1989
- Rhabdalestes brevidorsalis (Pellegrin, 1921)
- Haplotaxodon trifasciatus Takahashi & Nakaya, 1999
- Haplochromis turkanae Greenwood, 1974
- Haplochromis estor Regan, 1929
- Oxyeleotris herwerdenii (Weber, 1910)
- Ancistrus heterorhynchus (Regan, 1912)
- Bujurquina labiosa Kullander, 1986
- Corydoras incolicana Burgess, 1993
- Imparfinis parvus (Boulenger, 1898)
- Peckoltia multispinis (Holly, 1929)
- Trichomycterus bomboizanus (Tortonese, 1942)
- Olivaichthys cuyanus (Ringuelet, 1965)
- Trichomycterus venulosus (Steindachner, 1915)
- Helogenes uruyensis Fernández-Yépez, 1967
- Apteronotus acidops Triques, 2011
- Hypostomus fluviatilis (Schubart, 1964)
- Schizodon australis Garavello, 1994
- Homodiaetus banguela Koch, 2002
- Hyphessobrycon amandae Géry & Uj, 1987
- Rineloricaria felipponei (Fowler, 1943)
- Poropuntius huguenini (Bleeker, 1853)
- Ghatsa pillaii (Indra & Rema Devi, 1981)
- Horabagrus nigricollaris Pethiyagoda & Kottelat, 1994
- Akysis brachybarbatus Chen, 1981
- Schistura breviceps (Smith, 1945)
- Sarcocheilichthys kiangsiensis Nichols, 1930
- Nangra robusta Mirza & Awan, 1973
- Cirrhinus macrops Steindachner, 1870
- Glyptothorax naziri Mirza & Naik, 1969
- Triplophysa yasinensis (Alcock, 1898)
- Gyrinocheilus pustulosus Vaillant, 1902
- Osteochilus bellus Popta, 1904
- Cyprinus barbatus Chen & Huang, 1977
- Pseudohomaloptera yunnanensis (Chen, 1978)
- Pseudecheneis immaculata Chu, 1982
- Schizothorax kozlovi Nikolskii, 1903
- Zacco taliensis (Regan, 1907)
- Cynoglossus purpureomaculatus Regan, 1905
- Pogobrama barbatula (Luo & Huang, 1985)
- Acheilognathus elongatoides Kottelat, 2001
- Platysmacheilus nudiventris Luo, Le & Chen, 1977
- Anabarilius qiluensis Chen & Chu, 1980
- Discogobio tetrabarbatus Linnaeus, 1931
- Percocypris regani (Tchang, 1935)
- Xenocyprioides carinatus Chen & Huang, 1985
- Coregonus chadary Dybowski, 1869
- Salmo balcanicus (Karaman, 1927)
- Onychostoma macrolepis (Bleeker, 1871)
- Silurus lanzhouensis Chen, 1977
- Oxynoemacheilus merga (Krynicki, 1840)
- Benthophilus casachicus Ragimov, 1978
- Bangana rendahli (Kimura, 1934)
- Gobiobotia abbreviata Fang & Wang, 1931
- Liobagrus kingi Tchang, 1935
- Platysmacheilus longibarbatus Lu, Luo & Chen, 1977
- Schizothorax elongatus Huang, 1985
- Triplophysa ninglangensis Wu & Wu, 1988
- Asprocottus parmiferus Taliev, 1955
- Madatyphlops cariei (Hoffstetter, 1946)
- Astyanax troya Azpelicueta, Casciotta & Almirón, 2002
- Hypostomus scaphyceps (Nichols, 1919)
- Polyommatus timfristos Lukhtanov, Vishnevskaya & Shapoval, 2016
- Platysuccinea portoricensis (Shuttleworth, 1854)
- Diadasia diminuta (Cresson, 1879)
- Melecta pacifica Cresson, 1879
- Perdita sphaeralceae Cockerell, 1896
- Melissodes verbesinarum Cockerell, 1905
- Anthophora montana Cresson, 1869
- Colletes sphaeralceae Timberlake, 1951
- Andrena illinoiensis Robertson, 1891
- Lasioglossum pruinosum (Robertson, 1892)
- Augochlorella aurata (Smith, 1853)
- Perdita albovittata Cockerell, 1895
- Macrotera magniceps (Timberlake, 1960)
- Centris caesalpiniae Cockerell, 1897
- Anthidium palmarum Cockerell, 1904
- Perdita austini Cockerell, 1895
- Colletes birkmanni Swenk, 1906
- Xeromelecta interrupta (Cresson, 1872)
- Melissodes confusus Cresson, 1879
- Megachile lobatifrons Cockerell, 1924
- Megachile casadae Cockerell, 1898
- Andrena prunorum Cockerell, 1896
- Megachile inimica Cresson, 1872
- Anthophora neglecta Timberlake & Cockerell, 1936
- Lasioglossum paraforbesii McGinley, 1986
- Megachile dakotensis Mitchell, 1926
- Epeolus minimus (Robertson, 1902)
- Coscinodiscus centralis Weisse, 1867
- Cylindropyxis tremulans Hendey, 1964
- Pronoctiluca acuta (Lohmann) Schiller, 1933
- Steromphala tumida (Montagu, 1803)
- Lepidepecreum longicorne (Spence Bate & Westwood, 1861)
- Amphora hyalina H.L.Smith, 1873
- Bylgides sarsi (Malmgren, 1866)
- Juxtacribrilina annulata (Fabricius, 1780)
- Cylista elegans (Dalyell, 1848)
- Kallymenia microphylla J.Agardh
- Rolandia coralloides de Lacaze Duthiers, 1900
- Duvaucelia manicata (Deshayes, 1853)
- Nipponnemertes pulcher (Johnston, 1837)
- Pyropia drachii (Feldmann) J.Brodie, 2015
- Paraconchoecia dasyophthalma (G.W.Müller, 1906)
- Gaussicia gaussi (G.W.Müller, 1906)
- Heteramalla sarsi Roe, 1975
- Thoriella islandica Stephensen, 1915
- Boreomysis incisa Nouvel, 1942
- Conchoecia vityazi Rudjakov, 1962
- Ilyanassa trivittata (Say, 1822)
- Amathia gracilis (Leidy, 1855)
- Neocytherideis fasciata (Brady & Robertson, 1874)
- Spiophanes longicirrus
- Pseudopanopeus pusilla (A.Milne-Edwards, 1880)
- Raninoides laevis (Latreille, 1825)
- Leodamas texana (Maciolek & Holland, 1978)
- Scoletoma branchiata (Treadwell, 1921)
- Pterocirrus malacoceros
- Podarke latifrons
- Aurospira dibranchiata
- Oithona setigera (Dana, 1849), 2020
- Desmatelesia coerulea (Canu & Bassler, 1929)
- Mesostomaria strictoramae Canu & Bassler, 1927
- Grandidierella makena (J.L.Barnard, 1970)
- Hargeria rapax (Harger, 1879)
- Scoletoma acicularum (Webster & Benedict, 1887)
- Rathbunixa occidentalis (Rathbun, 1894)
- Gammaropsis chelifera (Chevreux, 1901)
- Limecola petalum (Valenciennes, 1821)
- Ilyarachna acarina Menzies & Barnard, 1959
- Kalliapseudes bahanensis Sieg, 1982
- Pacifoculodes barnardi Bousfield & Chevrier, 1996
- Bemlos audbettius J.L.Barnard, 1962
- Oediceropsis elsula J.L.Barnard, 1966
- Dicrotendipes simpsoni Epler, 1987
- Chevalia inaequalis (Stout, 1913)
- Paraprionospio treadwelli (Hartman, 1951)
- Brada nuda Annenkova-Chlopina, 1922
- Caprella pilidigitata Laubitz, 1970
- Archivesica tsubasa (Okutani, Fujikura & Kojima, 2000)
- Placamen tiara (Philippi, 1836)
- Ophiothrix fumaria Müller & Troschel, 1840
- Megacardita turgida (Lamarck, 1819)
- Dulcerana granularis (Röding, 1798)
- Leodamas madagascariensis (Fauvel, 1919)
- Rimakoroga floridana Lowry & Stoddart, 1997
- Thyasira elliptica (A.E.Verrill & K.J.Bush, 1898)
- Semiothisa adonis (Barnes & McDunnough, 1918)
- Marycarmenia gaspeensis (Pettibone, 1961)
- Ptilella grandis (Ehrenberg, 1834)
- Melanochyla fulvinervia (Blume) Ding Hou
- Acronychia porteri Hk.f.
- Syzygium variolosum (King) Chantar. & J.Parn.
- Lecane clara (Bryce, 1892)
- Schizochlamys compacta Chuang
- Chlamydomonas callosa Gerloff
- Callinina georgiana (I.Lea, 1834)
- Mespilodaphne pulchella Meisn.
- Cymbodinium elegans Cachon & Cachon, 1967
- Actinodaphne tadulingami Gamble
- Boana caipora (Antunes, Faivovich & Haddad, 2008)
- Tripos massiliensis (Gourret) F.Gómez
- Anadara kagoshimensis (Tokunaga, 1906)
- Scopimera ryukyuensis Wong, Chan & Shih, 2010
- Nephtys neopolybranchia Imajima & Takeda, 1987
- Pterostichus japonicus (Motschulsky, 1861)
- Echiaster unicolor Bernhauer, 1922
- Eucolpodes japonicus (Motschulsky, 1861)
- Ochromonas minuscula
- Judolia sexmaculata (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Senna bauhinoides (A.Gray) H.S.Irwin & Barneby, 1979
- Macrochernes attenuatus Muchmore, 1969
- Taraxacum alpinum Schur
- Vantanea depleta Mc Pherson
- Bembidion obliquum Sturm, 1825
- Lotus purshianus Clem. & E.G.Clem.
- Rhamdella zelimai Reis, Malabarba & Lucena, 2014
- Macropsis fuscula (Zetterstedt, 1828)
- Euglesa henslowana (Sheppard, 1825)
- Roeselia costalis Staudinger, 1887
- Sphragifera biplaga Walker, 1857
- Meganola protogigas Inoue, 1970
- Habrosyne violacea (Fixsen, 1887) Fixsen, 1887
- Culex salinarius Coquillett, 1904
- Aedes triseriatus (Say, 1823)
- Aedes grossbecki Dyar & Knab, 1906
- Psorophora horrida (Dyar & Knab, 1908)
- Culex quinquefasciatus Say, 1823
- Aedes fulvus (Wiedemann, 1828)
- Culex erythrothorax Dyar, 1907
- Psorophora mathesoni Belkin & Heinemann, 1975
- Syntomus obscuroguttatus (Duftschmid, 1812)
- Bembidion mannerheimii C.R.Sahlberg, 1827
- Harpalus puncticeps (Casey, 1914)
- Orthosia stabilis (Denis & Schiffermüller), 1775
- Photedes pygmina (Haworth, 1809)
- Hepialus fusconebulosa De Geer, 1778
- Xanthia citrago (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Aspitates ochrearia (Rossi, 1794)
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1MEOD – eBird Observation Dataset
87kArtportalen (Swedish Species Observation System)
78kiNaturalist Research-grade Observations
-, Nature data from around the World
66kFinnish Floristic Database (Finnish Museum of Natural History Collections)
60kVectorBase (Bioinformatics Resource for Invertebrate Vectors of Human Pathogens)
54kDutch Vegetation Database
52kThe Danish Environmental Portal, species and habitats-database "Danmarks Miljøportals Naturdatabase"
51kPl@ntNet automatically identified occurrences
49kINPN - Données flore des CBN agrégées par la FCBN
47kBSBI data from several English counties, up to 2015
35kFlora von Deutschland (Phanerogamen)
32kBryophyte data for Great Britain from the British Bryological Society held by BRC: Atlas 2014
30kUSGS PWRC - Native Bee Inventory and Monitoring Lab (BIML)
30kOther BSBI Scottish data up to 2015
30kOccurrence Data of Vascular Plants collected or compiled for the Flora of Bavaria
28kFlorabank1 - A grid-based database on vascular plant distribution in the northern part of Belgium (Flanders and the Brussels Capital region)
20kNorwegian Species Observation Service
16kSwiss National Databank of Vascular Plants
12kFloristic records from survey studies of the Bayerisches Landesamt für Umwelt
11kMacro-moth distribution records for the UK for the period pre 2000 from Butterfly Conservation
11kFlore du Bassin parisien (CBNBP)
10kDutch Foundation for Applied Water Research (STOWA) - Limnodata Neerlandica
10kLERN Records
10kSwiss National Amphibia Databank
9kBee Biology and Systematics Laboratory
8kObservations floristiques - plateforme SINP régionale SILENE PACA
8kObservations du Conservatoire botanique national du Bassin parisien.
8kVascular Plants, Field notes, Oslo (O)
7kWater Beetle Surveys from Britain and Ireland
- - Plant occurrences in Flanders and the Brussels Capital Region, Belgium
7kBelgian IFBL Flora Checklists (1939-1971)
7kAtlas Flora Danica
7kSEWBReC Vascular Plants (South East Wales)
6kAzorean Biodiversity Portal
6kObservations floristiques issues de la base de données du Conservatoire botanique national alpin
6kScottish SNH-funded BSBI records
6kMARINe/PISCO: Intertidal: MARINe Long-Term Monitoring Surveys: Photo Plots and Transects Summarized
5kFinnish Entomological Database
5kFinnish Floristic Database (Literature Sources)
5kFlore Franco-Belge
5kBRERC species records from all years at full resolution excluding Notable Species within the last 10 years
5kBiodiversitätsdatenbank Salzburg
4kLund Botanical Museum (LD)
4kWelsh BSBI data (ex-VPDB dataset) at hectad resolution
4kSuffolk Biodiversity Information Service (SBIS) Dataset
4kRECORD Vascular Plant Data
4kEstonian Naturalists’ Society
4kObservations floristiques floutées issues de la base de données flore du Conservatoire botanique national alpin
4kBiologiezentrum Linz
4kApoyo para la infraestructura de la colección de artrópodos con y sin importancia médica del Laboratorio estatal de Salud Pública del estado de Guanajuato
4kCSIC-Real Jardín Botánico-Anthos. Sistema de Información de las Plantas de España
4kRotherham Biological Records Centre - Non-sensitive Records from all taxonomic groups
4kDonnées d'occurrences Espèces issues de l'inventaire des ZNIEFF
4kDonnées faune pour le rapportage européen DHFF-DO 2018
3kShropshire Ecological Data Network database
3kActualización de la Colección de Artrópodos con importancia médica (CAIM), Laboratorio de Entomología, InDRE
3kNaturalis Biodiversity Center (NL) - Botany
3kFlora of Worcestershire
3kMerseyside BioBank (unverified)
3kSnow Entomological Museum Collection
3kXeno-canto - Bird sounds from around the world
3kSistema de Información de la vegetación Ibérica y Macaronésica
3kCollections and observation data National Museum of Natural History Luxembourg
3kMerseyside BioBank (verified)
3kVegetWeb - Repositorium von Vegetationsaufnahmen
3kFinnish Floristic Database (Vascular plant data of Kevo Subarctic Research Institute)
3kInventario Español de Especies Terrestres (MAGRAMA)
3kNaturalis Biodiversity Center (NL) - Coleoptera
3kFloraCAT: Banco de datos de los cormófitos de Cataluña
3kFloristic Databases of Mecklenburg-Pomerania - Higher Plants
2kSeasearch Marine Surveys in England
2kRiver Macrophytes Database
2kMinisterio de Medio Ambiente, y Medio Rural y Marino. Dirección General de Medio Natural y Política Forestal. Inventario Nacional de Biodiversidad 2007, Anfibios
2kVascular plant records verified via iRecord
2kObservations naturalistes des Amis de BioObs.
2kAtlas of Amphibians and Reptiles of Portugal
2kBIOGEOnet : Bryophytes occurrences in Wallonia
2kPl@ntNet observations
2kIllinois Natural History Survey Insect Collection
2kCarabidae records for Britain to 2014
2kMiscellaneous records held on the Cofnod database
2kDonnées ONF faune-flore-fonge
2kEDP Foz-Tua: Vascular Flora – Ecological and Complentary Measures Monitoring Programs – Contruction Phase I [2012-2014]
2kMosquito Occurrence Dataset
2kMuseum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University
2kNatural Resources Wales Regional Data : Mid-Wales
2kMarine Nature Conservation Review (MNCR) and associated benthic marine data held and managed by JNCC
2kAmphibiens et Reptiles de France (Enquête 2)
2kSER Site-based Surveys
2kMoscow University Herbarium (MW)
2kINSDC Sequences
2kBryophyte data for Great Britain and Ireland from the British Bryological Society held by BRC: data compiled post-Atlas
2kVerteCAT: Banco de datos de vertebrados de Cataluña
1kRelevés floristiques du protocole de l'Inventaire National Forestier de l'IGN
1kTAXA - Flore et habitats naturels de Franche-Comté
1kMosses (S)
1kBob Merritt Coleoptera Dataset
1kVascular plant field notes, NTNU University Museum
1kPhenological Center - Plants
1kNBIS Records to December 2016
1kThe New York Botanical Garden Herbarium (NY)
1kFlore d'Ille-et-Vilaine
1kNational Trust Species Records
1kUniversity of British Columbia Herbarium (UBC) - Bryophytes Collection
1kInternational Barcode of Life project (iBOL)
1kDonnées de la flore d’Alsace (SBA)
1kNRW Regional Data: South East Wales Non-sensitive species
1kNMNH Extant Specimen Records
1kSwiss National Bryophyte Databank
1kEnvironmental Monitoring database (MOD) DNV
1kKiEco Freshwater Ecology: River Macrophytes
1kWorld distribution of the aquatic Oligochaeta
1kNorwegian Biodiversity Information Centre - Other datasets
1kVascular Plants, Observations, Oslo (O)
1kBryophyte herbarium TRH, NTNU University Museum
1kBanco de Datos de la Biodiversidad de la Comunitat Valenciana
1kDonnées acquises dans le cadre de l'activité du bureau d'étude BIOTOPE (1994 - 2013)
1kLACM Vertebrate Collection
1kVascular Plant Herbarium, Oslo (O) UiO
1kUniversity of New Hampshire Collection of Insects and Arthropods (UNHC-UNHC)
1kBugbase, Lepidopterological Society
1kFLORUS: miscellaneous records
1kSwiss National Moths Databank
1kVascular Plant Records up to 2010
1kEDP Foz-Tua: Vascular Flora and Habitats – Ecological and Complementary Measures Monitoring Programs – Construction Phase II [2015-2016] and Flooding Phase [2016-2017]
- - Non-native plant occurrences in Flanders and the Brussels Capital Region, Belgium
1kAtlas des amphibiens-reptiles du Nord et du Pas-de-Calais (GON)
1kNational Wetland Inventory (NV)
1kOskarshamn herbarium (OHN)
1kSeasearch Marine Surveys in Scotland
1kVascular Plants, Field notes, Agder naturmuseum (KMN)
1kWelsh Invertebrate Database (WID)
1kNHMO DNA Bank Vascular plants collection
1kVictorian Biodiversity Atlas
1kThreatened species occurrences, Denmark 1991-2015
1kGloucestershire Historic Wildlife Sightings prior to 1st Jan 2000
1kRL Minckley Insect and Plant Collection
1kFlora-On: occurrence data of the flora of mainland Portugal
1kNSW BioNet Atlas
1kA global database for the distributions of crop wild relatives
1kInventaire permanent de la flore du massif armoricain
988Duke University Herbarium Bryophyte Collection
986L. IS dataset. Cyanoprocaryota, Lichens, Bryophyte
971Macaulay Library Audio and Video Collection
968Amphibiens et Reptiles de France métropolitaine (Enquête 1)
959USGS Nonindigenous Aquatic Species database
954SER Species-based Surveys
943500,000 plant Specimens from PE Herbarium in China from 1950 to 1999
943Observational database of Icelandic plants
920Gyrinidae, Haliplidae, Noteridae and Dytiscidae occurrences in Denmark, recorded by Mogens Holmen
918Tropicos Specimen Data
879Données faune, flore et fonge du Conservatoire des espaces naturels de Picardie
876Masaryk University - Herbarium BRNU
872Aves Acuáticas de las sabanas inundables del Meta y Casanare
872Reptiles and Amphibians Dataset
854Ground beetles (Carabidae) in urban habitats of Kaluga city (Russia)
852Stuart M. Fullerton Collection of Arthropods (UCFC), University of Central Florida
852IBF Monitoring of Vascular Plants
852Vascular Plant Specimen database of Kanagawa Prefectural Museum of Natural History
846Argyll Biological Records Dataset
842Northern Ireland Environment Agency (NIEA) Collated Species Records
837Natural History Museum (London) Collection Specimens
825Liste des espèces de la faune sauvage de la base de données naturalistes Faune-France 2018.
806Herbarium (ICEL)
804Monitoreo de aves acuáticas en hábitats sedimentados de la Laguna de Sonso y determinación de la presencia e incidencia de influenza aviar en humedales continentales y costeros del Valle del Cauca.
798NEON Biorepository Mosquito Collection (Pinned Vouchers)
796Herbarium of Umeå University (UME)
795CSIC-Real Jardín Botánico-Colección de Plantas Vasculares (MA)
786NE Scotland butterfly and moth records 1800-2010
782NRW Regional Data: all taxa (excluding sensitive species), West Wales
761Hatikka Observation Database
758Dr Mary Gillham Archive Project
756Isle of Man historical wildlife records 1995 to 1999
755Carnet B Lorraine
754EDP Baixo Sabor: Construction and Reservoir Filling Phases – Vascular Flora and Habitats: species from prioritary conservation habitats - [2010-2014]
751Records of vascular plants, bryophytes and lichens from Ukrainian Grassland Database
749Vascular plant specimens of National Museum of Nature and Science (TNS)
742Swiss National Coleoptera Databank
738Habitats Directive Portuguese Report: Species 2013-2018
733Texas A&M University Insect Collection
726Miscellaneous records held by BIS
722Isle of Man wildlife records from 01/01/2000 to 13/02/2017
722CNIN/Abejas de México/Apoidea
720R. L. McGregor Herbarium Vascular Plants Collection
719Alas del Arroz
709Lepidoptera collection of Hannu Saarenmaa
706Seguimiento a la Fauna presente en las Actividades de Mantenimiento realizadas entre la Empresa de Acueducto y Alcantarillado de Bogotá ESP y Aguas de Bogotá SA ESP en los Parques Ecológicos Distritales de Humedal, Bogotá D.C.
705Base de datos de plantas vasculares del País Vasco: ARAN-EH
704University of Michigan Herbarium
695University of Tennessee Bryophyte Herbarium
695CAS Invertebrate Zoology (IZ)
694Phase 2 Lowland Grassland Survey of Wales
687Baikalsky State Nature Biosphere Reserve and its protective zone: floristic data
684Conchological Society of Great Britain & Ireland: marine mollusc records
682Monitoring data from the federal state North Rhine-Westphalia (Germany)
680Habitats Directive Portuguese Report: Species 2007-2012
679UCR - University of California, Riverside Herbarium - Vascular Plants
674DOF - Observations from the Danish Ornithological Society
673University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Division of Birds
671Cartografía de vegetación a escala de detalle 1:10.000 de la masa forestal de Andalucía
667SD - SD Herbarium, San Diego Natural History Museum
666Wikiplantbase #Toscana
655Phase Two Lowland Heathland Survey
647Dorset Sites of Nature Conservation Interest (SNCI) species records pre 2000
645Localización de táxones botánicos de interés para la identificación de hábitats de la REDIAM (Secretaría General de Medio Ambiente, Agua y Cambio Climático)
642Weed plants of the European part of Russia
631Chronicle of Nature - Phenology of Plants of FSE Zapovednoe Podlemorye
630Conchological Society of Great Britain & Ireland: non-marine molluscs (1999 Atlas dataset)
628National Trust for Scotland Species Records
625MEL AVH data
625Bryophyte Herbarium, Oslo (O) UiO
618Isle of Man historical wildlife records 1990 to 1994
618Botany Division, Yale Peabody Museum
613Collated IRTU Freshwater Surveys
612Colorado Plateau Museum of Arthropod Biodiversity
602Vertebrate Zoology Division - Ornithology, Yale Peabody Museum
601Canadian National Collection of Insects
598Locations of plants on dot distribution maps in the Flora of Siberia (Flora Sibiraea, 1987–1997)
598Mollusques dulcicoles de France - Jacques MOUTHON
594Registros biológicos asociados al monitoreo de la diversidad de aves en paisajes ganaderos 2013-2019
589RSA - California Botanic Garden Herbarium
588Invertebrate Site Register - England (1738-2005).
584Marine invertebrate collection NTNU University Museum
582Ulster Museum Marine Surveys
577Bell Museum plants
575Hertfordshire Flora Survey Records 1987-2005
571Environmental Monitoring Database Species data 1987 to 2015
569Computarización de la Colección de insectos y ácaros de importancia médica de la Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León
568Disko Fan Conservation Area in the Davis Strait (Eastern Arctic) - Epibenthic Megafauna Database
566Seasearch Marine Surveys in Wales
564Aves de los Parques Ecológicos Distritales Humedales Bogotá, D.C.
561Bryophyte records via iRecord
559Natural England Marine Monitoring surveys
558Yorkshire Wildlife Trust - Non-sensitive records from all taxonomic groups
557Species data for Scottish waters held and managed by Scottish Natural Heritage, derived from benthic surveys 1993 to 2018
551Data collected on citizen science web portal
546Water Bug (aquatic Heteroptera) data for Britain
538Atlas de las Aves de México: Fase II
532Leicestershire and Rutland Environmental Records Centre records 2000-2009
532Finnish Floristic Database (University of Turku Collections)
519Herbarium GB, University of Gothenburg
516University of British Columbia Herbarium (UBC) - Algae Collection
513Estonian University of Life Sciences Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Vascular Plant Herbarium
512SYKO Herbarium Moss Collection
511El Censo Neotropical de Aves Acuáticas en Colombia (CNAA): 2002 - 2011
510Herbier du Québec (QUE) - Collection de plantes vasculaires
509Flore du Limousin
506Carnet en Ligne
496Entomology, Natural History Museum, University of Oslo
486Atlas des plantes vasculaires de Lorraine
483Données naturalistes de Patrick HAFFNER
482Amphibians of the Former USSR
480NEON Biorepository Mosquito Collection (Bulk Identified)
480An 'as-complete-as-possible' Sussex Beetle Records dataset covering the period to March 2017
478Canadian Museum of Nature Herbarium
471Seasearch Marine Surveys in Ireland
469Vascular plant specimens of Nagano Environmental Conservation Research Institute, Nagano Prefecture
468CRIS data set
465Observations faune et flore du Parc national des Écrins
463Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid: MNCN_Herpeto
463Vascular plant herbarium TRH, NTNU University Museum
457DASSH Data Archive Centre - Statutory Surveys
442Leicestershire and Rutland Environmental Records Centre records 2010-2014
439Commissioned surveys and staff surveys and reports for Scottish Wildlife Trust reserves - Verified data
433Marine sites, habitats and species data collected during the BioMar survey of Ireland.
433Marine sites, habitats and species data collected during the BioMar survey of Ireland.
433National Plant Monitoring Scheme - England, Scotland, Wales
431Coleoptera: Records for Kent
431Field Museum of Natural History (Botany) Seed Plant Collection
429ICN - Universidad Nacional de Colombia
429Vascular Plant Collection
424Marine data from Natural Resources Wales (NRW) Technical Support (Research & Monitoring) Contracts, Wales
424Biodiversitätsdatenbank Nationalpark Hohe Tauern
419Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia" (MACN). Ornithology National Collection (MACNOr)
411Catálogo Florístico Histórico de Navarra. Gobierno de Navarra
411Chronicle of Nature - Phenology of Plants of State Nature Reserve Stolby
410Coleção de Aves do Museu Nacional / UFRJ
409Leicestershire and Rutland Environmental Records Centre records pre 2000
409RNF - Données de la Fédération des Réserves Catalanes
401Flora of Vladimir Oblast, Russia: an updated grid dataset (1867–2020)
400Bob Merritt invertebrate records for VCs 72-75
399Terrestrial and limnic invertebrates systematic collection, NTNU University Museum
398All taxa records for Leicestershire and Rutland
398UF Invertebrate Zoology
397CEDaR Online Recording
396Conchological Society of Great Britain & Ireland: non-marine mollusc records
392Australian Museum provider for OZCAM
391Herbarium Senckenbergianum (GLM) - Bryophyta
388Estonian University of Life Sciences Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Entomological Collection
387Dorset SSSI Species Records 1952 - 2004 (Natural England)
387Aves migratorias boreales y australes en un bosque secundario con algún grado de intervención (Jardín Botánico) y en una zona periurbana (Campus Barcelona, Unillanos) de piedemonte, Villavicencio, Meta.
383Australian National Insect Collection
376Colección de plantas vasculares del Herbario "Jaime Andrés Rodríguez". LEB
370Carnegie Museum of Natural History Herbarium
369Museum of Southwestern Biology, Division of Arthropods
369University of Texas, Biodiversity Center, Entomology Collection (UTIC)
368Vascular Plant Collection - University of Washington Herbarium (WTU)
367SA Flora (BDBSA)
366HBRG Insects Dataset
364Swiss National Mollusca Databank
363MBML-Aves - Coleção de Aves MBML
361Données naturalistes de Thomas GAILLARD
358Vegetation of Rybachy Peninsula and Srendny Peninsula, Murmansk Oblast, Russia
357Fermanagh Flora
355CAS Botany (BOT)
353Department of Agriculture Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) Marine and Fisheries Division Marine Survey Data
350Aves Playeras y Otras Aves Asociadas a Arrozales en los Departamentos de Casanare y Meta en 2009 - 2010
347A common plants survey of vascular plants in South Northumberland and Durham, United Kingdom
342Datos observacionales sobre biodiversidad Ministerio del Medio Ambiente 2015
342Flora of the Stołowe Mts.
338R.H.Wardell - Cardiff Nature Conservation Strategy - 1991 - 1998
337Entomology Division, Yale Peabody Museum
336Coleoptera collection, NHM
335Programme CARTHAM: Inventaire biologique dans le cadre de Natura 2000 en Mer
334Karplanter i vernet barskog og edelløvskog
334University of Colorado Museum of Natural History Herbarium Vascular Plant Collection
334Herbier Louis-Marie (QFA) - Collection de bryophytes
333EDP Foz Tua: Amphibians - Ecological Monitoring Program [2010-2017]
327Steve Lane - Warwickshire dataset and Personal records from various vice-counties
317Catálogo digital y clave ilustrada de los mosquitos (Diptera: Culicidae) de las zonas áridas de los estados de Nuevo León y Tamaulipas, México
315Field Museum of Natural History (Botany) Bryophyte Collection
311Herbier Louis-Marie (QFA) - Collection de plantes vasculaires
311Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew - Herbarium Specimens
309FloVegSI - Floristical and fitocenological database of ZRC SAZU
309Long-Term Monitoring Network Vegetation Quadrats
308Vascular plant herbarium, UiT Tromsø Museum
306Vascular Plant Herbarium, UiB
304Caracterización de aves asociadas a los cultivos de flores de la Sabana de Bogotá y el Oriente Antioqueño
302CAS Entomology (ENT)
300Natural History Museum Rotterdam - Specimens
294Inventaire des Mollusques Sphaeriidae de France
291Dorset Sites of Nature Conservation Interest (SNCI) species records 2000-2008
290Bird Monitoring Data
290Colección de plantas vasculares del herbario de la Universitat de València (VAL)
288DASSH Data Archive Centre Academic Surveys
287BrioCAT: Banco de datos de los briòfitos de Cataluña
285Dixidae (Diptera) records from Britain and Ireland to 1988
284Línea base general de aves para el valle medio del Magdalena - VMM
281Carnet B Centre - lot 2012
281Leicestershire and Rutland Environmental Records Centre records 2015-2019
280Système d’évaluation de l’état des Eaux (SEEE) - Macrophytes
279Some Plant Specimens from PE Herbarium in China from 1900 to 1950
278Aves de tres Macro Hábitats en la región de la Mojana, Sucre, Colombia
276Marine Offshore Seabed Survey data held by JNCC
274Danish waterbugs (Insecta: Hemiptera-Heteroptera: Gerromorpha + Nepomorpha)
273SBBG - Clifton Smith Herbarium, Santa Barbara Botanic Garden
270Regroupement de données amphibiens et reptiles récoltées sur la période de 1983-2014 par Cistude Nature
267CANB AVH data
267Naturhistorisches Museum Mainz, Feldbeobachtungsdaten Pflanzen
267Invasive species - Invasive plants near waterways in West and East Flanders, Belgium
265Gwaii Haanas Invertebrates (OBIS Canada)
264Allan Herbarium (CHR)
262NSW AVH data
260Montgomeryshire Wildlife Trust records held by BIS
260Wikiplantbase #Italia
257VIT Herbarium - Vascular Plants (The Natural History Museum of Alava)
256Arizona State University Vascular Plant Herbarium
256A grid-based database on vascular plant distribution in Udomlya District of Tver Oblast, Russia
255The molluscs collection (IM) of the Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle (MNHN - Paris)
255Auckland Museum Botany Collection
254Point Count Data for Chaa Creek Lodge, Belize 1997-2001
254Registros biológicos de especies de fauna vertebrada terrestre en las centrales de San Carlos y Jaguas - 2006
253NRW Regional Data: North Wales
253LACM Malacology
252NINA insect database
250Herbarium of Jyväskylä University Museum
248University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Division of Insects
248Mosses and Liverworts: Records for Kent.
247USFWS Bee surveys - Sandbar WMA, VT 2018
246Rapid Assessment Program (RAP) Biodiversity Survey Database
246Estonian Museum of Natural History Department of Botany
245Marie-Victorin Herbarium (MT) - Plantes vasculaires
242Vascular plant herbarium (KMN) UiA
242Plant Specimen from Herbarium (NAS) in China, Institute of Botany, Jiangsu Province and Chinese Academy of Sciences
238University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Division of Mollusks
236Wisconsin Insect Research Collection
235CeDoc de Biodiversitat Vegetal: BCN-Cormophyta
235Anillamiento de Aves Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta - Proyecto Cruzando el Caribe
235Stackpole National Nature Reserve Species Inventory and Ad-hoc Sightings from Across Pembrokeshire
233Computarización de la colección de abejas (Hymenoptera: Apoidea) del Museo de Zoología Alfonso L. Herrera, de la Facultad de Ciencias de la UNAM
233Registros biológicos de especies de fauna vertebrada terrestre en las centrales de San Carlos y Jaguas - 2007
232National Benthic Inventory
227Ireland's BioBlitz
225Insects, Outer Hebrides
225TWIC Biodiversity Field Trip Data (1995-present)
224Vascular Plant Collection of Natural History Museum and Institute, Chiba
224Ibaraki Nature Museum, Vascular Plants collection
224Monitoreo de biodiversidad del Valle del Cerrejón
223MHA Herbarium: collections of vascular plants
221Bryophyta collection of the Botanical Museum of the University of Oulu
220PUA - Pacific Union College Hebarium
220Observations occasionnelles Parc national des Pyrénées
218Inventario de fauna presente en la jurisdicción de Corantioquia
216Synthèse 10x10km de la faune sauvage des Directives Oiseaux et Habitats-Faune-Flore recensée via les portails gérés par la LPO de 2013 à 2017
214Galiano Island BC Canada Marine Zoology 1893–2021
214Herbarium of the Department of Natural Forests (Forest Research Institute) - Plants
213Sheffield and Rotherham Wildlife Trust - Records
212Atlas of Iberian water beetles (ESACIB database)
212Invertebrate Zoology Division, Yale Peabody Museum
212Bryophyte Collection - University of Washington Herbarium (WTU)
212Observations Regelink Ecology and Landscape
211MVZ Bird Collection (Arctos)
210Tullie House Museum Natural History Collections
210Bryophyte collection of Porto Herbarium (PO)
210Données naturalistes de CERCOPE (Jean-Louis PRATZ)
208Shire Group IDB species data 2004 to present
208Observatoire LPO Franche-Comté des espèces (oiseaux, amphibiens, reptiles, mammifères sauf chauve-souris)
204Gwaii Haanas Marine Plants (OBIS Canada)
203Phase 2 Lowland Peatland Survey of Wales 2004 onwards
201Diversidad bentónica del ambiente intermareal e infralitoral somero de Progreso, Yucatán
200Monitoring data from the federal state Rhineland-Palatinate (Germany)
200The Himalayan Uplands Plant database (HUP Version 1)
199Specimen based records and geographic locations of carabid beetles (Coleoptera) collected mainly by Dr. Kazuo Tanaka
199Observaciones de Especies Silvestres (by Charif Tala)
197United Herbaria of the University and ETH Zurich
197Finnish Floristic Database (Åbo Akademi University Collections)
196Caracterización de la avifauna de las cuencas de los Ríos Cañas (Dibulla–Guajira), Garupal (Valledupar–Cesar), Arroyo Grande (San Juan Nepomuceno–Bolívar), Aipe (Huila), Yaví (Tolima), Dagua (Valle del Cauca) como insumo para la identificación de oportunidades de conservación y de recuperación de servicios ecosistémicos del bosque seco.
196Herbarium of Taiwan Forestry Research Institute
195Archbold Biological Station Arthropod Collection
194Herpetofauna y avifauna de los municipios de Villeta y Guaduas (Cundinamarca), en el contexto de la vulnerabilidad del territorio al cambio climático
194Censos de aves del parque nacional Laguna Blanca
193Monitoreo participativo de aves en la laguna de Fúquene
192Institut Botanic de Barcelona (IBB, CSIC-Ajuntament de Barcelona), BC-Plantae
189Geneva Herbarium – General Collection (G)
188Monitoring data from the federal state Saxony (Germany)
188Herbarium Berolinense, Berlin (B)
187Essig Museum of Entomology
187BRI AVH data
184Registros biológicos de especies de fauna vertebrada terrestre en las centrales de San Carlos y Jaguas - 2009
184Evaluation de la dynamique de la flore aquatique au Bénin en association avec les espèces envahissantes Pistia stratioides et Eichhornia crassipes. Data mobilized in the framework of JRS Biodiversity Foundation funded project
183Monitoring data from the federal state Hesse (Germany)
183Universidad de Oviedo. Departamento de Biología de Organismos y Sistemas: FCO-Briof
182IMOS - AusCPR: Phytoplankton Abundance
182Vegetation surveys of coastal shingle in Great Britain
182Liste des espèces de la faune sauvage de la base de données naturalistes Faune-France 2017.
181NaGISA Project
181Natural History Museum, Vienna - Herbarium W
181Naturalis Biodiversity Center (NL) - Aves
181Bob Merritt dataset of Nottinghamshire invertebrates
180Fauna y flora en áreas con cultivos de palma de aceite en el norte y oriente de Colombia
180Chronicle of Nature - Phenology of Plants of State Nature Reserve Olekminsky
179H.A. Stephens Herbarium
179Gunma Museum of Natural History, Vascular Plant Specimen
179Ground Beetle Recording Scheme - data verified via iRecord
177Limnic freshwater benthic invertebrates biogeographical mapping/inventory NTNU University Museum
175SHARK - Regional monitoring, recipient control and monitoring projects of phytoplankton in Sweden since 1985
174Herbário João de Carvalho e Vasconcellos, I.S.A./U.L.
174Leicestershire Bryophyte Data
173Some Plant Specimens from KUN, IBSC, NAS Herbarium in China from 1900 to 1950
172Puntos de presencia en Baja California (Botany)
171Données naturalistes d'Olivier ESCUDER
169Royal BC Museum - Invertebrates Collection
169UAM Herbarium (ALA), Cryptogam Collection (Arctos)
167Segunda caracterización biológica de aves del proyecto "Incorporación de la Biodiversidad en el sector cafetero en Colombia"
166Tiroler Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum
166Species recordings from the Danish National portal
166Données d'observation flore du réseau des CBN issues du système d'information de la FCBN
166Vascular plant specimens of Toyama Science Museum
166Atlas of the Amphibians and Reptiles of Poland
166Mollusc data of Molltax, Norway
165Leicestershire & Rutland Coleoptera
165Flora of Murmansk Region point distribution data
164Portuguese Lepidoptera records compiled by Martin Corley's database
162Fiocruz/CCULI - Coleção de Culicidae
160Herbarium Willing at Herbarium Berolinense, Berlin (B)
160Plant Resources Center
159Données naturalistes flore et fonge du Conservatoire des espaces naturels Auvergne saisies avant le 18 février 2019.
159Invertebrate Common Standards Monitoring and ISIS Test Data
158Livre rouge de la flore menacée de France (tomes I et II) - (FCBN)
158Herbario HSS Finca La Orden-Valdesequera (CICYTEX). Junta de Extremadura
157Entomology collection, UiT Tromsø Museum
156Cranefly (Diptera; Tipuloidea) records for Britain to 2016
156A grid-based database on vascular plant distribution in the Meshchera National Park, Vladimir Oblast, Russia
156LACM Invertebrate Paleontology
155University of Tartu Natural History Museum and Botanical Garden Botanical Collections
154Herbario de Plantas Vasculares de la Universidad de Salamanca: SALA
153Angiospermatatophytina Collection of Saitama Museum of Natural History
153CHSC - CSU Chico, Chico State Herbarium - Vascular Plants
152WFVZ Bird Collections
151The vascular plants collection (P) at the Herbarium of the Muséum national d'Histoire Naturelle (MNHN - Paris)