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"type": "and",
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"type": "within",
"geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((137.35 -28.85, 137.35 -28.95, 137.4 -28.95, 137.4 -29, 137.35 -29, 137.35 -29.1, 137.3 -29.1, 137.3 -28.9, 137.25 -28.9, 137.25 -28.85, 137.15 -28.85, 137.15 -28.9, 137.1 -28.9, 137.1 -28.95, 137.15 -28.95, 137.15 -29, 136.95 -29, 136.95 -28.95, 136.9 -28.95, 136.9 -28.75, 136.95 -28.75, 136.95 -28.7, 136.9 -28.7, 136.9 -28.65, 136.85 -28.65, 136.85 -28.6, 136.9 -28.6, 136.9 -28.45, 136.95 -28.45, 136.95 -28.4, 137 -28.4, 137 -28.2, 136.95 -28.2, 136.95 -28.05, 136.9 -28.05, 136.9 -28, 136.75 -28, 136.75 -27.95, 136.9 -27.95, 136.9 -27.9, 136.8 -27.9, 136.8 -27.85, 136.65 -27.85, 136.65 -27.75, 136.7 -27.75, 136.7 -27.65, 136.75 -27.65, 136.75 -27.6, 136.8 -27.6, 136.8 -27.55, 136.75 -27.55, 136.75 -27.5, 136.7 -27.5, 136.7 -27.45, 136.65 -27.45, 136.65 -27.35, 136.7 -27.35, 136.7 -27.15, 136.65 -27.15, 136.65 -27.1, 136.6 -27.1, 136.6 -27.05, 136.55 -27.05, 136.55 -27, 136.3 -27, 136.3 -26.95, 136.25 -26.95, 136.25 -26.85, 136.15 -26.85, 136.15 -26.8, 136.1 -26.8, 136.1 -26.75, 136.05 -26.75, 136.05 -26.7, 136 -26.7, 136 -26.55, 136.05 -26.55, 136.05 -26.6, 136.2 -26.6, 136.2 -26.55, 136.15 -26.55, 136.15 -26.45, 136.1 -26.45, 136.1 -26.4, 136.05 -26.4, 136.05 -26.35, 136 -26.35, 136 -26.3, 136.05 -26.3, 136.05 -26.05, 136 -26.05, 136 -26, 135.9 -26, 135.9 -25.95, 135.65 -25.95, 135.65 -26, 135.35 -26, 135.35 -25.95, 135.3 -25.95, 135.3 -25.75, 135.15 -25.75, 135.15 -25.8, 135 -25.8, 135 -25.75, 134.95 -25.75, 134.95 -25.7, 134.9 -25.7, 134.9 -25.65, 134.85 -25.65, 134.85 -25.6, 134.8 -25.6, 134.8 -25.55, 134.7 -25.55, 134.7 -25.5, 134.45 -25.5, 134.45 -25.45, 134.4 -25.45, 134.4 -25.35, 134.45 -25.35, 134.45 -25.3, 134.6 -25.3, 134.6 -25.25, 134.65 -25.25, 134.65 -25, 134.6 -25, 134.6 -24.9, 134.55 -24.9, 134.55 -24.8, 134.5 -24.8, 134.5 -24.75, 134.45 -24.75, 134.45 -24.7, 134.35 -24.7, 134.35 -24.6, 134.3 -24.6, 134.3 -24.5, 134.35 -24.5, 134.35 -24.3, 134.3 -24.3, 134.3 -24.15, 134.25 -24.15, 134.25 -24.05, 134.1 -24.05, 134.1 -24, 134.05 -24, 134.05 -23.8, 134 -23.8, 134 -23.75, 134.4 -23.75, 134.4 -23.7, 134.5 -23.7, 134.5 -23.75, 134.7 -23.75, 134.7 -23.8, 134.8 -23.8, 134.8 -23.85, 134.85 -23.85, 134.85 -23.9, 135 -23.9, 135 -23.95, 135.15 -23.95, 135.15 -24, 135.35 -24, 135.35 -23.95, 135.4 -23.95, 135.4 -23.9, 135.45 -23.9, 135.45 -23.85, 135.5 -23.85, 135.5 -23.75, 135.55 -23.75, 135.55 -23.7, 135.6 -23.7, 135.6 -23.4, 135.65 -23.4, 135.65 -23.35, 135.7 -23.35, 135.7 -23.3, 135.85 -23.3, 135.85 -23.25, 135.9 -23.25, 135.9 -23.3, 135.95 -23.3, 135.95 -23.25, 136 -23.25, 136 -23.2, 135.95 -23.2, 135.95 -23, 136 -23, 136 -22.9, 136.05 -22.9, 136.05 -22.85, 136.1 -22.85, 136.1 -22.8, 136.2 -22.8, 136.2 -22.75, 136.15 -22.75, 136.15 -22.7, 136.05 -22.7, 136.05 -22.65, 136 -22.65, 136 -22.6, 135.95 -22.6, 135.95 -22.55, 135.85 -22.55, 135.85 -22.5, 135.8 -22.5, 135.8 -22.45, 135.75 -22.45, 135.75 -22.35, 135.7 -22.35, 135.7 -22.3, 135.75 -22.3, 135.75 -22.15, 135.8 -22.15, 135.8 -22.1, 135.85 -22.1, 135.85 -22.05, 135.9 -22.05, 135.9 -22, 135.95 -22, 135.95 -21.95, 136 -21.95, 136 -21.9, 136.1 -21.9, 136.1 -21.85, 136.2 -21.85, 136.2 -21.8, 136.25 -21.8, 136.25 -21.75, 136.35 -21.75, 136.35 -21.7, 136.45 -21.7, 136.45 -21.65, 136.5 -21.65, 136.5 -21.6, 136.55 -21.6, 136.55 -21.55, 136.6 -21.55, 136.6 -21.6, 136.65 -21.6, 136.65 -21.65, 136.7 -21.65, 136.7 -21.7, 136.8 -21.7, 136.8 -21.75, 136.9 -21.75, 136.9 -21.8, 136.95 -21.8, 136.95 -21.85, 137.05 -21.85, 137.05 -21.9, 137.1 -21.9, 137.1 -21.95, 137.15 -21.95, 137.15 -22, 137.25 -22, 137.25 -22.05, 137.3 -22.05, 137.3 -22.1, 137.4 -22.1, 137.4 -22.15, 137.45 -22.15, 137.45 -22.2, 137.5 -22.2, 137.5 -22.25, 137.55 -22.25, 137.55 -22.35, 137.6 -22.35, 137.6 -22.4, 137.65 -22.4, 137.65 -22.6, 137.9 -22.6, 137.9 -22.55, 137.95 -22.55, 137.95 -22.45, 138.1 -22.45, 138.1 -22.5, 138.2 -22.5, 138.2 -22.55, 138.25 -22.55, 138.25 -22.6, 138.35 -22.6, 138.35 -22.65, 138.4 -22.65, 138.4 -22.7, 138.5 -22.7, 138.5 -22.75, 138.6 -22.75, 138.6 -22.8, 138.65 -22.8, 138.65 -22.85, 138.75 -22.85, 138.75 -22.9, 138.9 -22.9, 138.9 -22.95, 139.65 -22.95, 139.65 -23, 139.75 -23, 139.75 -23.05, 139.85 -23.05, 139.85 -23.1, 139.9 -23.1, 139.9 -23.15, 139.95 -23.15, 139.95 -23.25, 140 -23.25, 140 -23.45, 140.05 -23.45, 140.05 -24.2, 140 -24.2, 140 -24.4, 140.05 -24.4, 140.05 -24.5, 140.1 -24.5, 140.1 -24.55, 140.15 -24.55, 140.15 -24.6, 140.25 -24.6, 140.25 -24.65, 140.5 -24.65, 140.5 -24.6, 140.6 -24.6, 140.6 -24.55, 140.65 -24.55, 140.65 -24.5, 140.7 -24.5, 140.7 -24.45, 140.75 -24.45, 140.75 -24.3, 140.8 -24.3, 140.8 -23.9, 140.85 -23.9, 140.85 -23.7, 140.9 -23.7, 140.9 -23.65, 140.95 -23.65, 140.95 -23.6, 141 -23.6, 141 -23.5, 141.05 -23.5, 141.05 -23.45, 141.1 -23.45, 141.1 -23.4, 141.2 -23.4, 141.2 -23.35, 141.25 -23.35, 141.25 -23.3, 141.3 -23.3, 141.3 -23.25, 141.35 -23.25, 141.35 -23.2, 141.45 -23.2, 141.45 -23.15, 141.55 -23.15, 141.55 -23.1, 141.6 -23.1, 141.6 -23.05, 141.65 -23.05, 141.65 -22.9, 141.7 -22.9, 141.7 -22.85, 141.95 -22.85, 141.95 -22.9, 142 -22.9, 142 -22.95, 142.05 -22.95, 142.05 -23.05, 142.1 -23.05, 142.1 -23.1, 142.35 -23.1, 142.35 -23.05, 142.4 -23.05, 142.4 -23, 142.45 -23, 142.45 -22.95, 142.5 -22.95, 142.5 -22.9, 142.55 -22.9, 142.55 -22.8, 142.6 -22.8, 142.6 -22.7, 142.65 -22.7, 142.65 -22.6, 142.7 -22.6, 142.7 -22.55, 142.8 -22.55, 142.8 -22.5, 143.05 -22.5, 143.05 -22.55, 143.25 -22.55, 143.25 -22.65, 143.3 -22.65, 143.3 -22.8, 143.35 -22.8, 143.35 -23.15, 143.3 -23.15, 143.3 -23.2, 143.25 -23.2, 143.25 -23.25, 143.2 -23.25, 143.2 -23.5, 143.15 -23.5, 143.15 -23.65, 143.3 -23.65, 143.3 -23.6, 143.4 -23.6, 143.4 -23.55, 143.45 -23.55, 143.45 -23.5, 143.5 -23.5, 143.5 -23.45, 143.55 -23.45, 143.55 -23.4, 143.6 -23.4, 143.6 -23.35, 143.85 -23.35, 143.85 -23.55, 143.8 -23.55, 143.8 -23.6, 143.75 -23.6, 143.75 -23.65, 143.7 -23.65, 143.7 -23.7, 143.6 -23.7, 143.6 -23.75, 143.55 -23.75, 143.55 -23.8, 143.5 -23.8, 143.5 -23.9, 143.45 -23.9, 143.45 -24, 143.4 -24, 143.4 -24.25, 143.35 -24.25, 143.35 -24.35, 143.3 -24.35, 143.3 -24.45, 143.25 -24.45, 143.25 -24.55, 143.2 -24.55, 143.2 -24.7, 143.15 -24.7, 143.15 -24.8, 143.1 -24.8, 143.1 -24.85, 143.05 -24.85, 143.05 -24.9, 143 -24.9, 143 -25.15, 143.2 -25.15, 143.2 -25.1, 143.35 -25.1, 143.35 -25.05, 143.45 -25.05, 143.45 -25, 143.55 -25, 143.55 -24.95, 143.65 -24.95, 143.65 -24.9, 143.7 -24.9, 143.7 -24.85, 143.85 -24.85, 143.85 -25, 143.8 -25, 143.8 -25.05, 143.7 -25.05, 143.7 -25.1, 143.6 -25.1, 143.6 -25.15, 143.45 -25.15, 143.45 -25.2, 143.35 -25.2, 143.35 -25.25, 143.3 -25.25, 143.3 -25.3, 143.25 -25.3, 143.25 -25.35, 143.2 -25.35, 143.2 -25.4, 143.1 -25.4, 143.1 -25.45, 143.05 -25.45, 143.05 -25.5, 142.95 -25.5, 142.95 -25.6, 142.85 -25.6, 142.85 -25.65, 142.75 -25.65, 142.75 -25.7, 142.7 -25.7, 142.7 -25.75, 142.65 -25.75, 142.65 -25.85, 142.55 -25.85, 142.55 -25.9, 142.45 -25.9, 142.45 -25.95, 142.4 -25.95, 142.4 -26.1, 142.55 -26.1, 142.55 -26.15, 142.65 -26.15, 142.65 -26.2, 142.75 -26.2, 142.75 -26.25, 142.8 -26.25, 142.8 -26.3, 142.85 -26.3, 142.85 -26.35, 142.9 -26.35, 142.9 -26.4, 142.95 -26.4, 142.95 -26.5, 143 -26.5, 143 -26.55, 143.05 -26.55, 143.05 -26.6, 143.1 -26.6, 143.1 -26.7, 143.15 -26.7, 143.15 -26.85, 143.2 -26.85, 143.2 -26.95, 143.25 -26.95, 143.25 -27.05, 143.3 -27.05, 143.3 -27.1, 143.35 -27.1, 143.35 -27.15, 143.4 -27.15, 143.4 -27.25, 143.45 -27.25, 143.45 -27.4, 143.5 -27.4, 143.5 -27.45, 143.55 -27.45, 143.55 -27.55, 143.6 -27.55, 143.6 -27.6, 143.65 -27.6, 143.65 -27.65, 143.8 -27.65, 143.8 -27.7, 143.95 -27.7, 143.95 -27.75, 144.1 -27.75, 144.1 -27.85, 144.05 -27.85, 144.05 -27.95, 144 -27.95, 144 -28, 143.9 -28, 143.9 -28.05, 143.85 -28.05, 143.85 -28.1, 143.75 -28.1, 143.75 -28.15, 143.7 -28.15, 143.7 -28.2, 143.6 -28.2, 143.6 -28.25, 143.55 -28.25, 143.55 -28.3, 143.45 -28.3, 143.45 -28.35, 143.4 -28.35, 143.4 -28.45, 143.45 -28.45, 143.45 -28.5, 143.5 -28.5, 143.5 -28.55, 143.75 -28.55, 143.75 -28.6, 143.8 -28.6, 143.8 -28.65, 143.85 -28.65, 143.85 -29, 143.75 -29, 143.75 -29.05, 143.7 -29.05, 143.7 -29.2, 143.55 -29.2, 143.55 -29.25, 143.35 -29.25, 143.35 -29.2, 143.3 -29.2, 143.3 -29.3, 143.25 -29.3, 143.25 -29.4, 143.35 -29.4, 143.35 -29.45, 143.25 -29.45, 143.25 -29.55, 143.2 -29.55, 143.2 -29.6, 143.15 -29.6, 143.15 -29.7, 143.1 -29.7, 143.1 -29.8, 143.05 -29.8, 143.05 -29.85, 142.85 -29.85, 142.85 -29.9, 142.8 -29.9, 142.8 -29.95, 142.75 -29.95, 142.75 -30.05, 142.7 -30.05, 142.7 -30.25, 142.85 -30.25, 142.85 -30.4, 142.8 -30.4, 142.8 -30.35, 142.55 -30.35, 142.55 -30.3, 142.45 -30.3, 142.45 -30.25, 142.3 -30.25, 142.3 -30.3, 142.25 -30.3, 142.25 -30.35, 142.2 -30.35, 142.2 -30.25, 142.15 -30.25, 142.15 -30.3, 142.1 -30.3, 142.1 -30.35, 142.05 -30.35, 142.05 -30.3, 142 -30.3, 142 -30.35, 141.95 -30.35, 141.95 -30.4, 141.9 -30.4, 141.9 -30.5, 141.95 -30.5, 141.95 -30.65, 141.85 -30.65, 141.85 -30.7, 141.8 -30.7, 141.8 -30.65, 141.75 -30.65, 141.75 -30.55, 141.7 -30.55, 141.7 -30.6, 141.65 -30.6, 141.65 -30.65, 141.6 -30.65, 141.6 -30.7, 141.45 -30.7, 141.45 -30.85, 141.35 -30.85, 141.35 -30.9, 141.25 -30.9, 141.25 -30.95, 141.2 -30.95, 141.2 -31, 141.15 -31, 141.15 -31.05, 141.05 -31.05, 141.05 -31, 141 -31, 141 -30.95, 140.95 -30.95, 140.95 -31, 140.8 -31, 140.8 -31.05, 140.75 -31.05, 140.75 -31.2, 140.7 -31.2, 140.7 -31.3, 140.65 -31.3, 140.65 -31.25, 140.6 -31.25, 140.6 -31.2, 140.55 -31.2, 140.55 -31.25, 140.5 -31.25, 140.5 -31.3, 140.45 -31.3, 140.45 -31.25, 140.35 -31.25, 140.35 -31.3, 140.25 -31.3, 140.25 -31.25, 140.2 -31.25, 140.2 -31.2, 140.05 -31.2, 140.05 -31.15, 139.8 -31.15, 139.8 -31.1, 139.75 -31.1, 139.75 -31.05, 139.6 -31.05, 139.6 -31, 139.55 -31, 139.55 -30.95, 139.5 -30.95, 139.5 -30.8, 139.55 -30.8, 139.55 -30.7, 139.6 -30.7, 139.6 -30.6, 139.7 -30.6, 139.7 -30.55, 139.75 -30.55, 139.75 -30.5, 139.85 -30.5, 139.85 -30.4, 139.9 -30.4, 139.9 -30.3, 139.95 -30.3, 139.95 -30.2, 140 -30.2, 140 -30.15, 140.05 -30.15, 140.05 -30.1, 140.1 -30.1, 140.1 -29.95, 140.15 -29.95, 140.15 -29.8, 140 -29.8, 140 -29.7, 139.95 -29.7, 139.95 -29.6, 140 -29.6, 140 -29.55, 139.95 -29.55, 139.95 -29.5, 139.9 -29.5, 139.9 -29.45, 139.75 -29.45, 139.75 -29.4, 139.65 -29.4, 139.65 -29.3, 139.55 -29.3, 139.55 -29.25, 139.5 -29.25, 139.5 -29.2, 139.4 -29.2, 139.4 -29.15, 139.35 -29.15, 139.35 -29.1, 139.25 -29.1, 139.25 -29.05, 139.2 -29.05, 139.2 -29, 139.15 -29, 139.15 -28.95, 139.1 -28.95, 139.1 -29, 138.95 -29, 138.95 -28.95, 138.9 -28.95, 138.9 -28.85, 138.95 -28.85, 138.95 -28.8, 138.9 -28.8, 138.9 -28.65, 138.85 -28.65, 138.85 -28.6, 138.8 -28.6, 138.8 -28.55, 138.6 -28.55, 138.6 -28.6, 138.5 -28.6, 138.5 -28.65, 138.45 -28.65, 138.45 -28.75, 138.5 -28.75, 138.5 -28.85, 138.4 -28.85, 138.4 -28.9, 138.35 -28.9, 138.35 -29, 138.4 -29, 138.4 -29.15, 138.35 -29.15, 138.35 -29.1, 138.3 -29.1, 138.3 -29.2, 138.25 -29.2, 138.25 -29.25, 138.2 -29.25, 138.2 -29.15, 138.15 -29.15, 138.15 -29, 138.1 -29, 138.1 -28.95, 138 -28.95, 138 -29.1, 137.9 -29.1, 137.9 -29.05, 137.8 -29.05, 137.8 -29.1, 137.75 -29.1, 137.75 -29.2, 137.7 -29.2, 137.7 -29.3, 137.55 -29.3, 137.55 -29.35, 137.45 -29.35, 137.45 -29.4, 137.4 -29.4, 137.4 -29.45, 137.35 -29.45, 137.35 -29.4, 137.3 -29.4, 137.3 -29.45, 137.25 -29.45, 137.25 -29.5, 137.15 -29.5, 137.15 -29.2, 137.2 -29.2, 137.2 -29.25, 137.25 -29.25, 137.25 -29.2, 137.4 -29.2, 137.4 -29.15, 137.45 -29.15, 137.45 -29.1, 137.5 -29.1, 137.5 -29.05, 137.55 -29.05, 137.55 -29, 137.45 -29, 137.45 -28.95, 137.5 -28.95, 137.5 -28.9, 137.4 -28.9, 137.4 -28.85, 137.35 -28.85), (137.3 -28.8, 137.3 -28.75, 137.35 -28.75, 137.35 -28.7, 137.25 -28.7, 137.25 -28.8, 137.3 -28.8), (137.3 -28.8, 137.3 -28.85, 137.35 -28.85, 137.35 -28.8, 137.3 -28.8), (143.3 -29.2, 143.3 -29.15, 143.25 -29.15, 143.25 -29.2, 143.3 -29.2)), ((142.85 -30.4, 142.9 -30.4, 142.9 -30.45, 142.95 -30.45, 142.95 -30.6, 142.95 -30.65, 142.9 -30.65, 142.9 -30.6, 142.85 -30.6, 142.85 -30.4)), ((142.8 -30.4, 142.8 -30.45, 142.75 -30.45, 142.75 -30.4, 142.8 -30.4)))"
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Download as TSV
117kBirdLife Australia, Birdata
111kEOD – eBird Observation Dataset
64kSA Fauna (BDBSA)
42kSA Flora (BDBSA)
31kNSW BioNet Atlas
17kWildNet - Queensland Wildlife Data
15kFirst Bird Atlas
15kFauna Atlas N.T.
13kSouth Australian Museum Australia provider for OZCAM
8kBRI AVH data
8kDNA AVH data
7kAustralian Museum provider for OZCAM
6kCANB AVH data
6kQueensland Museum provider for OZCAM
5kNSW AVH feed
4kMEL AVH data
4kHistorical Bird Atlas
3kAustralian National Wildlife Collection provider for OZCAM
3kBiome of Australia Soil Environments
2kiNaturalist Research-grade Observations
2kFlora Atlas N.T.
2kMuseums Victoria provider for OZCAM
1kAustralian National Insect Collection
1kA global database for the distributions of crop wild relatives
1kConservation Atlas Surveys
815Northern Territory Museum and Art Gallery provider for OZCAM
366ALA species sightings and OzAtlas
346Xeno-canto - Bird sounds from around the world
344International Barcode of Life project (iBOL)
339PERTH AVH data
288UNSW AVH data
280NE AVH data
254Earth Guardians Weekly Feed
246MVZ Bird Collection (Arctos)
220Tracking Australia - arid wildlife track-based monitoring
214(Table 4) Percentages of planktonic foraminiferal taxa from the 214 surface-sediment samples from the South China Sea and the western Pacific
195Waite Insect and Nematode Collection
186Records of the Australian National Botanic Gardens Seedbank
177HO AVH data
163Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences Bird collection
155Jervois and Karinga Flora
136INSDC Sequences
122Naturalis Biodiversity Center (NL) - Botany
116Records from the South Australian Seed Conservation Centre
108Western Australian Museum provider for OZCAM
102PlantBank Records
96Mosquito Occurrence Dataset
91Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University
85UTEP Plants (Arctos)
85CNS AVH data
81University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Division of Reptiles & Amphibians
79European Molecular Biology Laboratory Australian Mirror
78Field Museum of Natural History (Botany) Lichen Collection
75Field Museum of Natural History (Botany) Bryophyte Collection
75New South Wales Bird Atlassers
74Field Museum of Natural History (Botany) Pteridophyte Collection
71UMNH Reptiles and Amphibians Collection (Arctos)
68NMNH Extant Specimen Records (USNM, US)
65UWBM Ornithology Collection
60MVZ Herp Collection (Arctos)
59MVZ Mammal Collection (Arctos)
52Bathing Birds - National Parks Association NSW and Birdlife Australia
48Tropicos Specimen Data
37Ouellet-Robert Entomological Collection (QMOR) - Specimens
34Field Museum of Natural History (Botany) Seed Plant Collection
-, Nature data from around the World
23Queen Victoria Museum Art Gallery provider for OZCAM
22Field Museum of Natural History (Zoology) Invertebrate Collection
22SP - Herbário do Estado "Maria Eneyda P. Kaufmann Fidalgo" - Coleção de Fanerógamas
21Natural History Museum (London) Collection Specimens
20JCT AVH data
20The Lichens Collection at the Botanische Staatssammlung München
20CSIC-Real Jardín Botánico-Colección de Plantas Vasculares (MA)
18Amphibian specimens
17Bernice P. Bishop Museum
17Harold W. Manter Laboratory of Parasitology Collection (HWML) Parasite Collection (Arctos)
17Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew - Herbarium Specimens
15Two new genera and five new species of Mugadina - like small grass cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadidae: Cicadettini) from Central and Eastern Australia: comparative morphology, songs, behaviour and distributions
14ARC-PPRI: National Collection Of Fungi(1817-2009)
14The New York Botanical Garden Herbarium (NY)
13Lichens at Herbarium Berolinense, Berlin (B)
12Phanerogamic Botanical Collections (S)
12KUBI Ornithology Collection
11International Collection of Microorganisms from Plants (ICMP)
10KUBI Mammalogy Collection
10South Australian Museum Terrestrial Invertebrate Images
10Herbarium of Taiwan Forestry Research Institute
9Canadian Museum of Nature Herbarium
8CUMV Amphibian and Reptile Collection
8Biodiversitätsdatenbank Salzburg
8Plume moths - ANIC
7Ohio State Acarology Laboratory (OSAL), Ohio State University
7University of South Florida Herbarium (USF)
6Studies on the Australian Muscidae (Diptera). VIII. The genus Lispe Latreille, 1797
6RSA - California Botanic Garden Herbarium
5NHMO Bird collection
5A revision of the Myopsalta crucifera (Ashton) species group (Hemiptera: Cicadidae: Cicadettini) with 14 new species from mainland Australia
5Intermountain Herbarium (Vascular plants & algae)
4Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery provider for OZCAM
4The Fungal Collection at the Senckenberg Museum für Naturkunde Görlitz
4UF Invertebrate Zoology
4Moscow University Herbarium (MW)
4Collection Arachnology SMF
4Monograph of the Australian Bithyniidae (Caenogastropoda: Rissooidea)
4CDA - California Department of Food and Agriculture
3Corvids Literature Database
3Ohio State University Tetrapod Division - Bird Collection (OSUM)
3Revision of the Psilota Meigen, 1822 flower flies (Diptera: Syrphidae) of Australia
3Arizona State University Lichen Herbarium
3Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences Mollusc collection
3Lund Botanical Museum (LD)
3Meise Botanic Garden Herbarium (BR)
3Allan Herbarium (CHR)
3University of Graz, Institute of Plant Sciences - Herbarium GZU
2University of British Columbia Herbarium (UBC) - Vascular Plant Collection
2Three new Macropsini (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) leafhopper species from Australia
2CAS Entomology (ENT)
2FrogWatch SA
2INSDC Host Organism Sequences
2Ichthyology Collection - Royal Ontario Museum
2LACM Vertebrate Collection
2The Fungal Collection at the Botanische Staatssammlung München
2List of the specimens of the Vanuatu National Herbarium (PVNH)
2University of Colorado, Museum of Natural History Herbarium Lichen Collection
2LSUMZ Birds Collection
2Fish collection of National Museum of Nature and Science
2Invertebrate Paleontology Division, Yale Peabody Museum
2Vertebrate Zoology Division - Ornithology, Yale Peabody Museum
2AMNH Bird Collection
2Texas Tech University, E. L. Reed Herbarium
2Snow Entomological Museum Collection
2The vascular plants collection (P) at the Herbarium of the Muséum national d'Histoire Naturelle (MNHN - Paris)
2The Retrospective Analysis of Antarctic Tracking (Standardised) Data from the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research
2University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Division of Birds
2Plant Resources Center
1Canadian Museum of Nature Parasite Collection
1Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Insect Collection
1Canadian Museum of Nature Mollusc Collection
1Pl@ntNet automatically identified occurrences
1CSIRO Ichthyology provider for OZCAM
1University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Herbarium
1A revision of Rhodomantis Giglio-Tos, 1917 (Mantodea: Mantidae: Mantinae)
1Field Museum of Natural History (Zoology) Mammal Collection
1Eunice sensu latu (Annelida: Eunicidae) from Australia: description of seven new species and comments on previously reported species of the genera Eunice, Leodice and Nicidion
1RB - Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden Herbarium Collection
1Mammal collection NTNU University Museum
1NIWA Invertebrate Collection
1Taxonomic assessment of Australian Eocyzicus species (Crustacea: Branchiopoda: Spinicaudata)
1Cleveland Museum of Natural History
1Bush Blitz aids description of three new species and a new genus of Australian beeflies (Diptera: Bombyliidae: Exoprosopini)
1Natural History Museum, Vienna - Herbarium W
1Harold W. Manter Laboratory of Parasitology Collection
1Herbarium Senckenbergianum (FR) - Fungi
1Parasitic Platyhelminthes Collections
1Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden (FTG)
1Auckland Museum Botany Collection
1Michigan State University Herbarium Lichens
1Natural History Collections of the Faculty of Biology AMU
1Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences Mammal collection
1The Myxomycetes Collections at the Botanische Staatssammlung München - Collection of Martin Schnittler
1Vertebrate Zoology Division - Herpetology, Yale Peabody Museum
1Harvard University Herbaria: All Records
1MPM Milwaukee Public Museum Herbarium
1KUBI Invertebrate Paleontology Collection
1Bell Museum plants
1Las colecciones del Museu Valencià d'Història Natural
1University of Tartu Natural History Museum and Botanical Garden Mycological Collections
1Brigham Young University Arthropod Museum
1CHSC - CSU Chico, Chico State Herbarium - Vascular Plants
1National Parks Association of NSW Great Koala Count
1Systematics of the Australian spiny trapdoor spiders of the genus Blakistonia Hogg (Araneae: Idiopidae)
1Revision of Australian Meranoplus: the Meranoplus diversus group.
1Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh Herbarium (E)
1DAV - UC Davis Herbarium
1University of Michigan Herbarium
1University of New Mexico Herbarium
1Herpetology Collection - Royal Ontario Museum
1CAS Herpetology (HERP)
1UB - Herbário da Universidade de Brasília
1Taxonomic revision of the Australian Notoxinae (Coleoptera: Anthicidae)
1Bryophyte Herbarium (H): Herbarium Generale
1Fungarium, Oslo (O) UiO
1Barrow Island Flatback Turtle Tracking 2011-2012 (aggregated per 1-degree cell)
1New Zealand Fungal and Plant Disease Collection (PDD)
1Borror Lab of Bioacoustics (BLB), Ohio State University
1A review of the Australian endemic clam shrimp, Paralimnadia Sars 1896 (Crustacea: Branchiopoda: Spinicaudata)
1Ornithology Collection Passeriformes - Royal Ontario Museum
1Canadian Museum of Nature Mammal Collection
1CAS Botany (BOT)