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"type": "and",
"predicates": [
"type": "within",
"geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((20.5 -32, 20.45 -32, 20.45 -31.9, 20.4 -31.9, 20.4 -31.85, 20.35 -31.85, 20.35 -32.05, 20.3 -32.05, 20.3 -31.95, 20.25 -31.95, 20.25 -31.9, 20.15 -31.9, 20.15 -31.95, 20.1 -31.95, 20.1 -31.85, 20.05 -31.85, 20.05 -31.75, 20.1 -31.75, 20.1 -31.7, 20.15 -31.7, 20.15 -31.65, 20.1 -31.65, 20.1 -31.6, 19.95 -31.6, 19.95 -31.4, 19.9 -31.4, 19.9 -31.3, 19.95 -31.3, 19.95 -31.25, 20 -31.25, 20 -31.05, 19.9 -31.05, 19.9 -31, 19.8 -31, 19.8 -30.7, 19.75 -30.7, 19.75 -30.65, 19.7 -30.65, 19.7 -30.6, 19.65 -30.6, 19.65 -30.55, 19.6 -30.55, 19.6 -30.5, 19.45 -30.5, 19.45 -30.45, 19.3 -30.45, 19.3 -30.4, 19.2 -30.4, 19.2 -30.45, 19.15 -30.45, 19.15 -30.6, 18.85 -30.6, 18.85 -30.65, 18.8 -30.65, 18.8 -30.6, 18.75 -30.6, 18.75 -30.55, 18.7 -30.55, 18.7 -30.5, 18.65 -30.5, 18.65 -30.45, 18.5 -30.45, 18.5 -30.4, 18.4 -30.4, 18.4 -30.35, 18.3 -30.35, 18.3 -30.3, 18.35 -30.3, 18.35 -30.1, 18.4 -30.1, 18.4 -30.05, 18.35 -30.05, 18.35 -29.9, 18.4 -29.9, 18.4 -29.75, 18.35 -29.75, 18.35 -29.7, 18.2 -29.7, 18.2 -29.35, 18.25 -29.35, 18.25 -29.2, 18.3 -29.2, 18.3 -29.15, 18.35 -29.15, 18.35 -29.1, 18.4 -29.1, 18.4 -29.05, 18.1 -29.05, 18.1 -29, 17.9 -29, 17.9 -28.95, 17.75 -28.95, 17.75 -28.9, 17.6 -28.9, 17.6 -28.85, 17.5 -28.85, 17.5 -28.8, 17.45 -28.8, 17.45 -28.75, 17.4 -28.75, 17.4 -28.7, 17.35 -28.7, 17.35 -28.6, 17.3 -28.6, 17.3 -28.55, 17.25 -28.55, 17.25 -28.5, 17.2 -28.5, 17.2 -28.4, 17.15 -28.4, 17.15 -28.35, 17.1 -28.35, 17.1 -28.25, 17.05 -28.25, 17.05 -28.2, 17 -28.2, 17 -28.15, 16.95 -28.15, 16.95 -28.1, 16.9 -28.1, 16.9 -28.05, 16.85 -28.05, 16.85 -28, 16.8 -28, 16.8 -27.95, 16.75 -27.95, 16.75 -27.85, 16.7 -27.85, 16.7 -27.8, 16.65 -27.8, 16.65 -27.75, 16.6 -27.75, 16.6 -27.65, 16.55 -27.65, 16.55 -27.6, 16.5 -27.6, 16.5 -27.55, 16.45 -27.55, 16.45 -27.45, 16.4 -27.45, 16.4 -27.4, 16.35 -27.4, 16.35 -27.3, 16.3 -27.3, 16.3 -27.25, 16.25 -27.25, 16.25 -27.15, 16.2 -27.15, 16.2 -27.1, 16.15 -27.1, 16.15 -27, 16.1 -27, 16.1 -26.9, 16.05 -26.9, 16.05 -26.8, 16 -26.8, 16 -26.7, 15.95 -26.7, 15.95 -26.55, 16.3 -26.55, 16.3 -26.6, 16.35 -26.6, 16.35 -26.65, 16.4 -26.65, 16.4 -26.7, 16.5 -26.7, 16.5 -26.75, 16.55 -26.75, 16.55 -26.8, 16.6 -26.8, 16.6 -26.85, 16.65 -26.85, 16.65 -26.95, 16.7 -26.95, 16.7 -27, 16.75 -27, 16.75 -27.05, 16.95 -27.05, 16.95 -27.1, 17.1 -27.1, 17.1 -27.05, 17.2 -27.05, 17.2 -27, 17.3 -27, 17.3 -27.05, 17.5 -27.05, 17.5 -27, 17.8 -27, 17.8 -26.95, 18.05 -26.95, 18.05 -26.9, 18.15 -26.9, 18.15 -26.85, 18.2 -26.85, 18.2 -26.8, 18.3 -26.8, 18.3 -26.75, 18.5 -26.75, 18.5 -26.8, 18.6 -26.8, 18.6 -26.75, 18.8 -26.75, 18.8 -26.7, 19.05 -26.7, 19.05 -26.65, 19.15 -26.65, 19.15 -26.6, 19.2 -26.6, 19.2 -26.7, 19.15 -26.7, 19.15 -26.8, 19.1 -26.8, 19.1 -26.85, 19.05 -26.85, 19.05 -26.9, 19 -26.9, 19 -26.95, 18.95 -26.95, 18.95 -27.05, 18.9 -27.05, 18.9 -27.1, 18.85 -27.1, 18.85 -27.2, 18.8 -27.2, 18.8 -27.3, 18.75 -27.3, 18.75 -27.4, 18.7 -27.4, 18.7 -27.45, 18.65 -27.45, 18.65 -27.5, 18.5 -27.5, 18.5 -27.45, 18.35 -27.45, 18.35 -27.5, 18.25 -27.5, 18.25 -27.55, 18.2 -27.55, 18.2 -27.65, 18.25 -27.65, 18.25 -27.7, 18.5 -27.7, 18.5 -27.65, 18.85 -27.65, 18.85 -27.7, 19.1 -27.7, 19.1 -27.75, 19.35 -27.75, 19.35 -27.8, 19.75 -27.8, 19.75 -27.85, 20.1 -27.85, 20.1 -27.9, 20.25 -27.9, 20.25 -27.95, 20.35 -27.95, 20.35 -28, 20.5 -28, 20.5 -28.05, 20.55 -28.05, 20.55 -28.1, 20.65 -28.1, 20.65 -28.15, 20.75 -28.15, 20.75 -28.2, 20.8 -28.2, 20.8 -28.25, 20.85 -28.25, 20.85 -28.3, 20.95 -28.3, 20.95 -28.35, 21.1 -28.35, 21.1 -28.2, 21.25 -28.2, 21.25 -28.25, 21.35 -28.25, 21.35 -28.3, 21.45 -28.3, 21.45 -28.25, 21.55 -28.25, 21.55 -28.2, 21.7 -28.2, 21.7 -28.25, 21.75 -28.25, 21.75 -28.45, 21.8 -28.45, 21.8 -28.55, 21.85 -28.55, 21.85 -28.7, 21.9 -28.7, 21.9 -28.75, 22.05 -28.75, 22.05 -28.8, 22.15 -28.8, 22.15 -28.75, 22.25 -28.75, 22.25 -28.7, 22.3 -28.7, 22.3 -28.6, 22.4 -28.6, 22.4 -28.7, 22.35 -28.7, 22.35 -28.75, 22.3 -28.75, 22.3 -28.8, 22.25 -28.8, 22.25 -28.85, 22.2 -28.85, 22.2 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-33.25, 22.95 -33.3, 23.25 -33.3, 23.25 -33.25), (24 -33.2, 23.85 -33.2, 23.85 -33.25, 24 -33.25, 24 -33.2), (21.7 -32.15, 21.7 -32.2, 21.8 -32.2, 21.8 -32.15, 21.7 -32.15), (24.2 -32.05, 24.2 -32.1, 24.25 -32.1, 24.25 -32.05, 24.2 -32.05), (23.15 -33.1, 23.2 -33.1, 23.2 -33.05, 23.15 -33.05, 23.15 -33.1), (22.6 -33.3, 22.8 -33.3, 22.8 -33.25, 22.6 -33.25, 22.6 -33.3), (22.1 -33.2, 22.1 -33.25, 22.15 -33.25, 22.15 -33.2, 22.1 -33.2), (21.6 -32.3, 21.65 -32.3, 21.65 -32.25, 21.6 -32.25, 21.6 -32.3)), ((20.5 -32, 20.55 -32, 20.55 -32.05, 20.6 -32.05, 20.6 -32.25, 20.6 -32.3, 20.5 -32.3, 20.5 -32.25, 20.55 -32.25, 20.55 -32.1, 20.5 -32.1, 20.5 -32)), ((26.25 -29.85, 26.3 -29.85, 26.3 -29.9, 26.25 -29.9, 26.25 -29.85)), ((25.6 -31.3, 25.6 -31.25, 25.65 -31.25, 25.7 -31.25, 25.7 -31.3, 25.6 -31.3)), ((26.05 -31.75, 26.1 -31.75, 26.1 -31.8, 26.05 -31.8, 26.05 -31.75)), ((25 -31.1, 25 -31.15, 24.95 -31.15, 24.95 -31.1, 25 -31.1)), ((23.9 -32.1, 23.85 -32.1, 23.85 -32.05, 23.9 -32.05, 23.9 -32.1)), ((24.6 -32.35, 24.6 -32.3, 24.65 -32.3, 24.65 -32.35, 24.6 -32.35)), ((26.25 -29.65, 26.3 -29.65, 26.3 -29.7, 26.25 -29.7, 26.25 -29.65)), ((24.55 -33.55, 24.6 -33.55, 24.6 -33.6, 24.55 -33.6, 24.55 -33.55)))"
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Download as TSV
715kSouthern African Bird Atlas Project 2
354kSAFRING: Historical Bird Ringing Records (2005-2009)
179kSouthern African Bird Atlas Project
64kEOD – eBird Observation Dataset
18kiNaturalist Research-grade Observations
9kCoordinated Waterbird Counts
8kAM: Terrestrial Insect Collections (1896-2000)
8kIZIKO South Africa Museum Collection (1800-2013)
5kEWT: African Crane Conservation Programme Sightings
4kNatural History Museum (London) Collection Specimens
4kFBIP: Great Escarpment Biodiversity Research Programme data mobilisation
4kNMNH Extant Specimen Records (USNM, US)
-, Nature data from around the World
2kOccurrence records of southern African aquatic biodiversity
2kBODATSA: Botanical Collections
2kARC-PPRI: National Collection of Nematodes and South African Plant-Parasitic Nematode Survey(1901-2014)
2kDitsong National Museum of Natural History Collection: 1805-2008
1kARC-PPRI: National Survey of Arachnida (1905-2009)
1kBolus Herbarium Specimens Collection (1865-2009)
1kUCT: Southern African Butterfly Conservation Assessment (1815-2009)
1kARC-PPRI: Collection of Southern African bees (1800-2007)
1kInternational Barcode of Life project (iBOL)
1kFBIP: What are the impacts of global climate change on arid soil microbial communities?
1kNMSA: Arthropod Collections (1900-2012)
1kAM: Freshwater Invertebrates (1900-2005)
1kStuart M. Fullerton Collection of Arthropods (UCFC), University of Central Florida
1kDNSM: Durban Natural Science Museum Insect Collection (1900-2011)
1kUniversity of Pretoria: Dung Beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae)
1kXeno-canto - Bird sounds from around the world
732Naturalis Biodiversity Center (NL) - Botany
713GRBGT: Southern Cape Herbarium Specimen Collections (1882-2008)
703Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University
593Catalogue of Afrotropical Bees
549Bee Biology and Systematics Laboratory
483Geneva Herbarium – General Collection (G)
476CAS Herpetology (HERP)
474INSDC Sequences
405SANBI: DNA Banking(1987-2011)
381African Plants - a photo guide
291FBIP: PRUANT and AFRC data mobilisation dataset 2018
282Phanerogamic Botanical Collections (S)
272Natural History Collections of the Faculty of Biology AMU
267Tropicos Specimen Data
220South Australian Museum Australia provider for OZCAM
200Dung beetles specimens along aridity gradients at the border of three deserts: Chihuahua (Mexico), Kalahari (South Africa) and Sahara (Morocco), 2013-2015.
177The Vascular Plant Collection at the Herbarium Tubingense
171ARC-PPRI: National Collection Of Fungi(1817-2009)
165Field Museum of Natural History (Zoology) Bird Collection
152MVZ Herp Collection (Arctos)
140FBIP: Diversities of microbiomes from South African arid and natural soils
134PRECIS (KwaZulu-Natal Herbarium)
130Review of South African Euryphyminae
130UWBM Ornithology Collection
125NMNH Material Samples (USNM)
- observations
123Occurrence data of Afrotropical Mydidae (Insecta: Diptera: Asiloidea)
120Royal Museum of Central Africa - True Fruit Flies (Diptera, Tephritidae) of the Afrotropical Region (ENBI wp13)
114A global database for the distributions of crop wild relatives
114Geneva Herbarium – De Candolle's Prodromus (G-DC)
111Texas A&M University Insect Collection
107The Lichens Collection at the Botanische Staatssammlung München
104Illinois Natural History Survey Insect Collection
96LACM Vertebrate Collection
89Western Palearctic migratory birds in continental Africa
89Biodiversity Research and Teaching Collections - TCWC Vertebrates
84Field Museum of Natural History (Botany) Pteridophyte Collection
82Australian Museum provider for OZCAM
79Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew - Herbarium Specimens
78NSW AVH feed
78MEL AVH data
77Zoologische Staatssammlung Muenchen - International Barcode of Life (iBOL) - Barcode of Life Project Specimen Data
64Field Museum of Natural History (Botany) Bryophyte Collection
63UCT: Southern African Reptile Conservation Assessment (1910-2009)
60CSIC-Real Jardín Botánico-Colección de Plantas Vasculares (MA)
57The New York Botanical Garden Herbarium (NY)
56INSDC Environment Sample Sequences
56C.A. Triplehorn Insect Collection (OSUC), Ohio State University
53Field Museum of Natural History (Botany) Seed Plant Collection
53FBIP: Baboon spider distribution records from selected South African museums
51Desert Botanical Garden Herbarium
46Pl@ntNet automatically identified occurrences
46Revision of the southern African genera Nemopterella Banks and Nemia Navás (Neuroptera: Nemopteridae: Nemopterinae), with descriptions of new genera and species
45Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Stuttgart, Herbarium
45Biologiezentrum Linz
41University of British Columbia Herbarium (UBC) - Vascular Plant Collection
40Lund Botanical Museum (LD)
38The vascular plants collection (P) at the Herbarium of the Muséum national d'Histoire Naturelle (MNHN - Paris)
38The birds collection (ZO) of the Muséum national d'Histoire Naturelle (MNHN - Paris)
37The Pisces Collection at the Staatssammlung für Anthropologie und Paläoanatomie München
34Ohio State Acarology Laboratory (OSAL), Ohio State University
34Harold W. Manter Laboratory of Parasitology Collection (HWML) Parasite Collection (Arctos)
31CAS Entomology (ENT)
31Millenium Seedbank (MSB)
29LACM Entomology Collection
29SANBI: Rare and Threatened Plants (Cape Floristic Region, 1864-2008)
28FBIP: IZIKO Marine Bony Fish (1884-2013)
28CAS Botany (BOT)
27CANB AVH data
27Institut Botanic de Barcelona (IBB, CSIC-Ajuntament de Barcelona), BC-Plantae
26INSDC Host Organism Sequences
26Vertebrate Zoology Division - Ornithology, Yale Peabody Museum
25HO AVH data
24University of Minnesota Insect Collection
22Field Museum of Natural History (Zoology) Mammal Collection
22Revision and molecular phylogeny of the spider genus Micaria Westring, 1851 (Araneae: Gnaphosidae) in the Afrotropical Region
21FBIP:IZIKO-UCT:Historical Survey (1930-1980)
21CAS Mammalogy (MAM)
20United Herbaria of the University and ETH Zurich
20Charles University Prague - Herbarium PRC
20MVZ Egg and Nest Collection (Arctos)
17University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Division of Reptiles & Amphibians
17The Retrospective Analysis of Antarctic Tracking (Standardised) Data from the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research
16Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences Bird collection
16TTU Mammals Collection
16Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences Mammal collection
16Herbarium Hamburgense
15Entomology Division, Yale Peabody Museum
15NU: KwaZulu-Natal Invasive Alien Species (1821-2011)
14Macaulay Library Audio and Video Collection
14Meise Botanic Garden Herbarium (BR)
14University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Division of Birds
14MVZ Bird Collection (Arctos)
13Coleoptera World (Luomus) (EC)
12Some Angiosperm Data of the Forest Herbarium Ibadan (FHI) Nigeria
12A new Phoberus MacLeay species (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea: Trogidae) from the Maloti-Drakensberg Mountains of southern Africa and the Phoberus caffer species group reviewed
12Occurrence of Skipper butterflies (Lepidoptera:Hesperiidae) in Invertebrate Zoology Collection at National Museums of Kenya
12Snow Entomological Museum Collection
11Ornithology Collection Non Passeriformes - Royal Ontario Museum
11Museums Victoria provider for OZCAM
11Lund Museum of Zoology (MZLU)
11Natural History Museum, Vienna - Herbarium W
11Botany (UPS)
10A beautiful new species of Hyalonthophagus Palestrini & Giacone, 1988 (Coleoptera Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae), from the Northern Cape Province, South Africa
10Western Australian Museum provider for OZCAM
10Bell Museum plants
10Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences Crustacea collection
10Ornithology Collection Passeriformes - Royal Ontario Museum
9African Mammalia
9KUBI Mammalogy Collection
9CM Herps Collection
9BIOTA Southern Africa - The Collection of Lichens at the Botanische Staatssammlung München
9Type specimens in the Port Elizabeth Museum, South Africa, including the historically important Albany Museum collection. Part 2: Reptiles (Squamata)
9Naturalis Biodiversity Center (NL) - Aves
9Taxonomic revision of the spider family Penestomidae (Araneae, Entelegynae)
9AMNH Bird Collection
9Field Museum of Natural History (Botany) Lichen Collection
9Proper cleaning of keratin beetles reveals a cryptic species: Phoberus fumarius (Haaf, 1953) from southern Africa is reinstated as valid (Coleoptera: Trogidae)
8The Fungal Collection at the Senckenberg Museum für Naturkunde Görlitz
8Occurrence data of dragonflies available at the National Museums of Kenya's Natural History Collection, Invertebrates Zoology Section.
7MVZ Mammal Collection (Arctos)
7The Herpetology Collection at the Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Stuttgart
7An update on the spider genus Hexophthalma (Araneae: Sicariidae) in the Afrotropical region, with descriptions of new species
7Revision of Chondrocyclus s. l. (Mollusca: Cyclophoridae), with description of a new genus and twelve new species
6Naturalis Biodiversity Center (NL) - Mammalia
6A new species of Fidelia Friese, 1899 (Hymenoptera, Megachilidae), with a key to the species of the genus
6Review of Anasillomos Londt, 1983 with the description of a new species (Insecta : Diptera : Asilidae)
6Lichen herbarium, Oslo (O) UiO
6The Vascular Plant Collection at the Botanische Staatssammlung München
6The Collection of Lichenicolous Fungi at the Botanische Staatssammlung München
6FBIP:IZIKO-UCT:Historical Invertebrates (1930-1980)
6Occurrence data of Anasillomos (Diptera: Asiloidea: Asilidae)
6Butterflies (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) Occurrence Data in Sub-Saharan Africa
5University of Tartu Natural History Museum and Botanical Garden Zooloogical Collections
5Occurrence data of hawkmoths (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae) in the National Museums of Kenya Zoological Collection
5Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences Reptile collection
5IICT Tabanidae Collection
5Revision of the South African endemic bee genus Redivivoides Michener, 1981 (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Melittidae)
5Parasitic Platyhelminthes Collections
5Earth Guardians Weekly Feed
4UNSW AVH data
4LSUM Bernard Lowy Mycological Herbarium at Louisiana State University - Fungi
4International Collection of Microorganisms from Plants (ICMP)
4A taxonomic revision of seed harvester ants of the Tetramorium solidum group (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in southern Africa
4Field Museum of Natural History (Zoology) Insect, Arachnid and Myriapod Collection
4Moscow University Herbarium (MW)
4RSA - California Botanic Garden Herbarium
4SMNS Herpetologie
4University of South Florida Herbarium (USF)
4MSB Mammal Collection (Arctos)
4Mammalogy Collection - Royal Ontario Museum
4Euophryine jumping spiders of the Afrotropical Region-new taxa and a checklist (Araneae: Salticidae: Euophryinae)
3An update to the taxonomy of the genus Macroderes Westwood 1842 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) with descriptions of new species from South Africa
3Herbarium Horti Botanici Pisani (PI), Sistema Museale di Ateneo, Università di Pisa
3Ringing and recovery database of birds (TIPU)
3Redescription of Steleocoris Mayr, 1864 and Theloris Thunberg, 1783 (Hemiptera Pentatomidae), two poorly known African stink bugs
3Revision of the aperturally dentate Charopidae (Gastropoda: Stylommatophora) of southern Africa - genus Afrodonta s. lat., with description of five new genera, twelve new species and one new subspecies
3Occurrence data of Microphontes (Diptera: Asiloidea: Asilidae)
3Taxonomic revision of the Calotheca parvula species group from southern Africa, with descriptions of three new species (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae)
3Occurrence data of Namadytes (Diptera: Asiloidea: Mydidae)
3University of Cincinnati, Margaret H. Fulford Herbarium - Bryophytes
3ZFMK Coleoptera collection
3Review of Afrotropical Glenosema Kieffer (Hymenoptera, Bethylidae) with description of 13 new species
3Arizona State University Lichen Herbarium
3University of Michigan Herbarium
3Antlions of southern Africa: Syngenes Kolbe, 1897, with descriptions of two new species and comments on extra-limital taxa (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae: Acanthaclisini)
2Occurrence data of Ectyphus and Parectyphus (Diptera: Asiloidea: Mydidae)
2Transfer of the Namibian Argistes africanus Simon, 1910 (Araneae: Liocranidae) to Afroceto Lyle & Haddad, 2010 (Trachelidae), with a new synonym
2Estonian University of Life Sciences Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Entomological Collection
2Worms (Luomus)
2A review of Lamyra Loew (Diptera: Asilidae: Laphriinae)
2New Chummidae (Araneae): quadrupling the size of the clade
2University of British Columbia Herbarium (UBC) - Bryophytes Collection
2Mammals housed at MHNG, Geneva
2Fungus Collections at Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Karlsruhe (Herbarium KR)
2Taxonomic revision of the assassin-fly genus Microphontes Londt, 1994 (Insecta, Diptera, Asilidae)
2Review of the genus Namadytes Hesse, 1969 (Insecta: Diptera: Mydidae: Syllegomydinae)
2University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Division of Mammals
2Pl@ntNet observations
2Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences Brachiopoda collection
2An update on the spider genus Loxosceles (Araneae: Sicariidae) in the Afrotropical region, with description of seven new species
2Bemerkenswerte Faltenwespen aus der äthiopischen Region. Teil 14 (Hymenoptera, Vespidae, Eumeninae)
2Duke University Herbarium Bryophyte Collection
2Swiss Psyllid (Hemiptera) Collections - Basel
2Provincial Museum of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada. Birds (Aves)
2MEXU/Colección de Briofitas
2Centre for Genetic Resources, the Netherlands, PGR passport data
2Mosquito Occurrence Dataset
2Diptera World (Luomus)
2Las colecciones del Museu Valencià d'Història Natural
2Queensland Museum provider for OZCAM
2Animal Sound Archive
2New deltochiline (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) taxa associated with hyrax dung in arid south western Namibia
2The Sphecid wasps of the genus Cerceris LATREILLE, 1802 of the " Biologiezentrum Linz " - Collection in Linz, Austria, from Subsaharan Africa and Madagascar, with description of five new species (Hymenoptera, Apoidea, Crabronidae)
2Digitonthophagus Balthasar, 1959: taxonomy, systematics, and morphological phylogeny of the genus revealing an African species complex (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae)
2Dryinidae of the Afrotropical region (Hymenoptera, Chrysidoidea)
2SIO Marine Vertebrate Collection
2Carnegie Museum of Natural History Herbarium
1University of Tennessee Fungal Herbarium
1University of Tennessee Bryophyte Herbarium
1SPF - Herbário da Universidade de São Paulo
1Capobula gen. nov., a new Afrotropical dark sac spider genus related to Orthobula Simon, 1897 (Araneae: Trachelidae)
1A review of the genera Anasillomos Londt, 1983, Oratostylum Ricardo, 1925, and Remotomyia Londt, 1983, with description of a new genus and two new species (Diptera: Asilidae: Stenopogoninae)
1Antlions of southern Africa: genus Crambomorphus McLachlan, 1867, including extra-limital species (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae: Palparinae: Palparini)
1Description of two new Obriini Mulsant, 1839 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) from the Tankwa Karoo biome in South Africa and Namibia
1MVZ Hildebrand Collection (Arctos)
1An overview of the African genera of Prodidominae spiders: descriptions and remarks (Araneae: Gnaphosidae)
1The endemic Southern African genus Epirinus Dejean, 1833 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) revisited: five new species and two new synonyms
1Ichthyology Collection - Royal Ontario Museum
1The Smicronychini of southern Africa (Coleoptera, Curculionidae): Review of the tribe and description of 12 new species
1Revision of the Highly Specialized Ant Genus Discothyrea (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in the Afrotropics with X-Ray Microtomography and 3 D Cybertaxonomy
1Essig Museum of Entomology
1DMNS Mammal Collection (Arctos)
1University of Texas, Biodiversity Center, Ichthyology Collection (TNHCi)
1Diveboard - Scuba diving citizen science observations
1Review of Namibimydas Hesse, 1972 and Nothomydas Hesse, 1969 (Diptera: Mydidae: Syllegomydinae: Halterorchini) with the description of new species
1Cleveland Museum of Natural History
1CAS Entomology Type (TYPE)
1ASE - Herbário da Universidade Federal de Sergipe
1Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona: MCNB-Art
1Collection Crustacea - ZMB
1The Fungal Collection at the Botanische Staatssammlung München
1The Mammalia Collection at the Staatssammlung für Anthropologie und Paläoanatomie München
1Nymphalidae butterflies Occurrence data
1Collection Malakologie - SNSD
1Australian Antarctic Division Herbarium
1Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden (FTG)
1CSIC-Real Jardín Botánico-Colección de Musgos (MA-Musci)
1Invertebrate Paleontology Division, Yale Peabody Museum
1Herbarium Berolinense, Berlin (B)
1Vertebrate Zoology Division - Herpetology, Yale Peabody Museum
1Herbarium of Umeå University (UME)
1Collection Arachnology SMF
1Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences Mollusc collection
1Revisionary systematics of the endemic soft coral fauna (Octocorallia: Alcyonacea: Alcyoniina) of the Agulhas Bioregion, South Africa
1A new species of Anacaena Thomson, 1859 from South Africa (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae)
1University of Tartu Natural History Museum and Botanical Garden Mycological Collections
1Hymenoptera World (Luomus)
1Ghent university - Zoology Museum - Nematod Collection
1University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
1Grasses of the Forest Herbarium Ibadan (FHI) Nigeria
1Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh Herbarium (E)
1Bird collection NTNU University Museum
1Revision of the Afrotropical species of the genus Mentophilonthus (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Philonthina)
1Description of the female of Syrittosyrphus opacea Hull, 1944 (Diptera, Syrphidae, Eristalinae) with additional notes on the genus
1Platynotina (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) collections on the World
1UB - Herbário da Universidade de Brasília
1Revision of African Apiocera (Diptera: Apioceridae)
1Occurrence data of Namibimydas and Nothomydas (Diptera: Asiloidea: Mydidae)
1The African species of the subfamily Penestominae (Araneae: Eresidae): with descriptions of two new species
1Bryophyte Herbarium (H): V. F. Brotherus Herbarium (H-BR)
1SPF herbarium - Universidade de são Paulo - Herbário Virtual REFLORA
1Revision of the euryglossiform species of the Afrotropical bee genus Scrapter Lepeletier & Serville, 1828 (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Colletidae)
1Review of the southern African species of Thinodromus (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Oxytelinae)
1University of Graz, Institute of Plant Sciences - Herbarium GZU