The 2019 Capacity Enhancement Support Programmme (CESP) has selected five recipients of funding for collaborative projects involving 18 GBIF participant countries and organizations. This year's CESP call resulted in 21 concept notes from which nine projects were invited to submit a full proposal.
The selected projects are:
- Strengthening Zimbabwe’s GBIF node through mentoring by GBIF Spain
- OpenPSD: Promoting publication and use of private-sector data on biodiversity
- Data use for decision-making workshop: an Iberoamerican community call
- Using the CBD Clearing-House Mechanism to strengthen biodiversity data acquisition and data sharing
- Tackling the spatial challenge in the Southern Cone through georeferencing training
Addressing priority areas of interest in mentoring, filling data gaps and promoting data use, the awarded projects will receive a combined funding of €108,000 complemented by €183,000 in co-funding.
The Capacity Enhancement Support Programme is funded from GBIF’s core budget, and aims to address specific needs identified by GBIF Participants to facilitate knowledge transfer and collaboration at regional and global levels. Access to the programme is restricted to those countries and international organizations that have joined the network through signature of the GBIF Memorandum of Understanding.