The data publisher has removed this record from the GBIF index, but the last version is shown below.
Records no longer in a published dataset are removed from the GBIF index. Publishers may sometimes have reasons to remove individual records or an entire dataset or assign new local identifiers.
"acceptedNameUsage": "Cirolana neglecta",
"basisOfRecord": "PreservedSpecimen",
"catalogNumber": "NHMD77996",
"class": "Malacostraca",
"collectionCode": "IV",
"continent": "Mediterranean",
"coordinateUncertaintyInMeters": null,
"country": "Italy M",
"county": null,
"datasetName": "Natural History Museum Denmark Invertebrate Zoology",
"decimalLatitude": null,
"decimalLongitude": null,
"eventDate": null,
"eventRemarks": null,
"extensions": {
"gbif:Multimedia": [
"creator": null,
"format": "image/tif",
"identifier": "",
"license": "CC BY 4.0",
"rightsHolder": null,
"source": null,
"title": "CRU-000148_hab-dor-select.tif"
"creator": null,
"format": "image/tif",
"identifier": "",
"license": "CC BY 4.0",
"rightsHolder": null,
"source": null,
"title": "CRU-000148_label.tif"
"creator": null,
"format": "image/tif",
"identifier": "",
"license": "CC BY 4.0",
"rightsHolder": null,
"source": null,
"title": "CRU-000148_hab-ven-select.tif"
"gbif:Reference": [
"creator": "Hansen, H",
"date": "1890",
"identifier": null,
"source": "Det Kgl. Danske Videnskabernes Selskabs Skrifter",
"title": "Cirolanidae et familiae nonullae propinquae Musei Hauniensis"
"dwc:Identification": [
"dateIdentified": null,
"identificationID": "f8023d59-6545-c5fd-261e-dc0a2ce9a2e9",
"identificationQualifier": null,
"identificationReferences": null,
"identificationRemarks": null,
"identificationVerificationStatus": "1",
"identifiedBy": null,
"scientificName": "Cirolana neglecta Hansen, 1890",
"taxonRemarks": null,
"typeStatus": "syntype"
"family": "Cirolanidae",
"fieldNumber": null,
"genus": "Cirolana",
"geodeticDatum": null,
"georeferencedDate": null,
"higherGeography": "Mediterranean, Italy M",
"id": "7a1543b4-f6f2-402e-833a-80bb5597af1b",
"infraspecificEpithet": null,
"institutionCode": "NHMD",
"institutionID": "",
"license": "",
"locality": "Gulf of Naples",
"modified": "24/10/2012",
"occurrenceID": "7a1543b4-f6f2-402e-833a-80bb5597af1b",
"occurrenceRemarks": "In old Access catalogue noted as cancelled. Loan # 1756. Marked with ZMUC-CRU-number. Type status checked 2003-2011, but may need reconfirmation.",
"order": "Isopoda",
"otherCatalogNumbers": "CRU-000148",
"phylum": "Arthropoda",
"preparations": "various - 3",
"recordedBy": null,
"specificEpithet": "neglecta",
"stateProvince": null,
"typeStatus": "syntype"