The data publisher has removed this record from the GBIF index, but the last version is shown below.
Records no longer in a published dataset are removed from the GBIF index. Publishers may sometimes have reasons to remove individual records or an entire dataset or assign new local identifiers.
"basisOfRecord": "PreservedSpecimen",
"catalogNumber": "H 7419-19",
"collectionCode": "ANFC",
"coordinateUncertaintyInMeters": "100",
"dateIdentified": "2018-02-26",
"decimalLatitude": "22.46667",
"decimalLongitude": "120.45",
"eventDate": "2012-12-27",
"extensions": {
"": [
"measurementID": " 7419-19-method",
"measurementType": "Method collected",
"measurementValue": "market collection",
"occurrenceID": " 7419-19"
"measurementID": " 7419-19-sl",
"measurementType": "Standard Length",
"measurementTypeID": "",
"measurementUnit": "Millimetres",
"measurementUnitID": "",
"measurementValue": "475",
"occurrenceID": " 7419-19"
"family": "Congridae",
"footprintWKT": "POINT (120.45000 22.46667)",
"genus": "Rhynchoconger",
"id": " 7419-19",
"identificationRemarks": "3s - Identification made with high confidence to genus but less so to species - identification resulting from the examination of the specimen",
"identifiedBy": "J Pogonoski",
"institutionCode": "CSIRO",
"locality": "Dong-gang fish market",
"modified": "2022-04-01T00:58:12",
"occurrenceID": " 7419-19",
"occurrenceStatus": "present",
"organismQuantity": "1",
"organismQuantityType": "individual",
"scientificName": "Rhynchoconger ectenurus (Jordan & Richardson, 1909)",
"scientificNameAuthorship": "(Jordan & Richardson, 1909)",
"scientificNameID": "",
"specificEpithet": "ectenurus",
"stateProvince": "Taiwan",
"taxonRank": "Species"