The data publisher has removed this record from the GBIF index, but the last version is shown below.
Records no longer in a published dataset are removed from the GBIF index. Publishers may sometimes have reasons to remove individual records or an entire dataset or assign new local identifiers.
"basisOfRecord": "PreservedSpecimen",
"catalogNumber": "45179",
"class": "Elasmobranchii",
"collectionCode": "CASSU(ICH)",
"collectionID": "",
"continent": "Atlantic Ocean / NW Atlantic",
"coordinateUncertaintyInMeters": null,
"country": "Bermuda",
"county": null,
"dateIdentified": null,
"day": null,
"decimalLatitude": "32.2000000000",
"decimalLongitude": "-64.6000000000",
"dynamicProperties": "Size=1997 mm; male",
"eventDate": null,
"eventRemarks": "N.Y. Zool. Soc. Bermuda Oceanographic Exped.",
"eventTime": null,
"extensions": {
"gbif:Multimedia": []
"family": "Carcharhinidae",
"fieldNumber": "NYZS",
"genus": "Carcharhinus",
"georeferenceRemarks": null,
"georeferenceSources": null,
"habitat": "marine",
"higherClassification": "Elasmobranchii | Carcharhiniformes",
"higherGeography": "Atlantic Ocean|NW Atlantic|Bermuda",
"id": "urn:catalog:CAS:SU (ICH):45179",
"identificationQualifier": null,
"identifiedBy": null,
"individualCount": "1",
"infraspecificEpithet": null,
"institutionCode": "CASC",
"institutionID": "",
"island": null,
"islandGroup": null,
"kingdom": "Animalia",
"language": "en",
"license": "CC0",
"locality": "From a cylinder of water 8 miles in diameter, 5-13 miles south of Nonsuch Island, center at following coordinates",
"modified": "2013-01-14 15:37:18.0",
"month": null,
"municipality": null,
"nomenclaturalCode": "ICZN",
"occurrenceID": "urn:catalog:CAS:SU (ICH):45179",
"occurrenceRemarks": "In 2 jars, caudal fin in 1 jar, 1/2 gill arch in another;",
"order": "Carcharhiniformes",
"otherCatalogNumbers": "NYZS 25055; NYZS K1078/K563",
"phylum": "Chordata",
"preparations": "C&S-GLYCERINE",
"recordedBy": "Beebe, William; Tee-Van, John; et al",
"samplingProtocol": null,
"scientificName": "Carcharhinus leucas",
"specificEpithet": "leucas",
"stateProvince": null,
"type": "PhysicalObject",
"typeStatus": null,
"verbatimDepth": null,
"verbatimEventDate": null,
"verbatimLatitude": "32°12'N",
"verbatimLongitude": "64°36'W",
"waterBody": null,
"year": null