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"geometry": "POLYGON((180 -44.3,173 -44.3,173 -47.5,170 -47.5,157 -47.5,157 -45.9,150 -45.9,150 -47.5,143 -47.5,143 -45.8,140 -45.8,140 -44.5,137 -44.5,137 -43,135 -43,135 -41.7,131 -41.7,131 -40.1,115 -40.1,92 -40.1,92 -41.4,78 -41.4,78 -42.3,69 -42.3,69 -43.3,47 -43.3,47 -41.7,30 -41.7,12 -41.7,12 -40.3,10 -40.3,10 -38.3,-5 -38.3,-5 -38.9,-9 -38.9,-9 -40.2,-13 -40.2,-13 -41.4,-21 -41.4,-21 -42.5,-39 -42.5,-39 -40.7,-49 -40.7,-49 -48.6,-54 -48.6,-54 -55.7,-62.7972582608082 -55.7,-64 -55.7,-64 -57.8,-71 -57.8,-71 -58.9,-80 -58.9,-80 -40,-125 -40,-167 -40,-167 -42.6,-171 -42.6,-171 -44.3,-180 -44.3,-180 -90, 0 -90,180 -90,180 -44.3))"
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2MThe Retrospective Analysis of Antarctic Tracking (Standardised) Data from the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research
456kSouthern Ocean Continuous Zooplankton Recorder (SO-CPR) Survey
318kMarine metagenomes Metagenome
246kEOD – eBird Observation Dataset
189kARGOS Satellite Tracking of animals
150kIMOS - Phytoplankton Abundance and Biovolume (CPR), Australia (2007 to present)
139kSeabirds of the Southern and South Indian Ocean
111kIMOS - Zooplankton Abundance and Biomass Index (CPR)
103kANTAVIA TrackingKing
90kIMOS - AATAMS Facility Satellite Relay Tagging Program - Delayed mode data
89kEpipelagic mesozooplankton distribution and abundance in Southern Ocean Atlantic sector and the North Atlantic and Arctic 1996-2013
88kNew Zealand fish and squid distributions from research bottom trawls 1964-2008
79k16S Amplicon Data from an Antarctic Cold Seep
68kNeptune Deep-Sea Microfossil Occurrence Database
67kNMNH Extant Specimen Records (USNM, US)
63kCCAMLR historic KRILL
60keDNA samples from the surface ocean to the seafloor collected by RV Investigator voyage IN2017_V01 - Linking Modern and Paleo-Genetics at the Sabrina Coast East Antarctica (2017)
53kMyctobase, a circumpolar database of mesopelagic fishes for new insights into deep pelagic prey fields - data
53kPelagic Fish Observations 1968-1999
49kBritish Antarctic Survey Argos satellite tracking data
47kFish and zooplankton from RMT-8 net hauls on the BROKE voyage
46kAntarctic Plant Database
44kBiome of Australia Soil Environments
41kTagged Seal Location Data from SOGLOBEC
40kBase de datos biogeográfica del Fondo de Investigación Pesquera y de Acuicultura (1999-2019), Subsecretaría de Pesca y Acuicultura
40kNIWA Invertebrate Collection
33kNew Zealand sea lion (Phocarctos hookeri) movement and dive data - Campbell Island/Motu Ihupuku, New Zealand (2012-2015)
30kElephant Seal Sightings, Macquarie Island
30kElephant Seal Sightings, Macquarie Island
30kSAFRING: Historical Bird Ringing Records (2005-2009)
28kMICROBIS database
27kSoviet Trawl Fishery Data (New Zealand Waters) 1964-1987
26kBiological observations from the Discovery Investigations 1925-1952
23kQuantitative Diatom data collected from the RV Investigator voyage, IN2017_V01, Sabrina Coast, Antarctica (2017)
22kCatch data from New Zealand research trawls since 2008
21kGlobal soil organisms
21kInternational Barcode of Life project (iBOL)
21kAmplicon sequencing of Tara Oceans DNA samples corresponding to size fractions for protists.
20kWeddell Seal Sightings, Vestfold Hills, Antarctica
20k(Table T2) Foraminifer distribution in ODP Site 188-1165 sediments
19kNew Zealand research tagging database
19kBacterial 16S rRNA gene sequencing of Antarctic soil
19kMarine metagenomes from the bioGEOTRACES project
18kSuivis télémétrique des Phoques de Weddell en Terre Adélie - Suivis télémétriques des Phoques de Weddell en Terre Adélie par LOCEAN-IPSL
18kThe CPR Survey
17k16S data describing Antarctic benthic sediment
17kVulnerable marine ecosystems in the South Pacific Ocean region
15kBIOMASS 1980-1985
15kiNaturalist Research-grade Observations
14kFBIP: Survey of invertebrate and microbial diversity of the Prince Edward Islands system
13kABBBS Bird Banding records from the Australian Antarctic Territory and Heard Island
13kINSDC Sequences
12kSCAR Biogeographic Atlas of the Southern Ocean - Porifera - Data
12kSediment bacteria in the Southern Ocean
11kSOMBASE – Southern Ocean mollusc database: a tool for biogeographic analysis in diversity and evolution
11k(Table T1) Neogene stratigraphy of diatoms, ebridians and endoskeletal dinoflagellates in ODP Hole 183-1138A
11kAustralian Antarctic Division Herbarium
10k(Table 1) Distribution of benthic and planktonic foraminifers at DSDP Hole 28-270
10kHappywhale - Humpback Whale in Southern Ocean
9kVertebrate Zoology Division - Ichthyology, Yale Peabody Museum
9kPaleobiology Database
9kNatural History Museum (London) Collection Specimens
9kMuseums Victoria provider for OZCAM
9kAustralian Museum provider for OZCAM
9kAPIS - Antarctic Pack Ice Seals 1994-1999, plus historical data from the 1980s
8kAustralia's Census of Antarctic Marine Life project - IYGPT Data collected on the CEAMARC cruise 2007/08
8kInternational Polar Year and Census of Antarctic Marine Life Ross Sea voyage (TAN0802) biodiversity data
-, Nature data from around the World
8kLACM Vertebrate Collection
8k(Table T6) Foraminifer distribution in ODP Hole 188-1167A sediments
7kAuburn University Museum of Natural History Invertebrates
7kInventaire des Mammifères de France - Inventaire des Mammifères marins de France (métropole et outre-mer)
7kBase de données Pecheker (modifiée). Museum National D'Histoire Naturelle - DEPARTEMENT MILIEUX PEUPLEMENTS AQUATIQUES
7kSMRU Elephant Seal Pup Tracking 1995-1996
7kWhale catches in the Southern Ocean
7kAbundances of benthic invertebrate species in the CEAMARC region 2007/08
7kThe fishes collection (IC) of the Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle (MNHN - Paris)
6kZooplankton Abundance Based on Taxa and Life Stages or Size
6kSnow Petrel census, Reeve Hill, Windmill Islands, East Antarctica (1984-2003)
6kUniversity of Florida Invertebrate Paleontology
6kProtected species bycatch in New Zealand fisheries
6k(Table T1) Biostratigraphy of calcareous nannofossil taxa in ODP Hole 183-1135A
6kRV Investigator Voyage IN2016_V01 Seabird Observations, Australia (2016)
6kDistributional records of Ross Sea (Antarctica) planktonic Copepoda from bibliographic data and samples curated at the Italian National Antarctic Museum (MNA)
6kKrill abundance, vertical and horizontal distribution (MOCNESS system), April-June 2001-02, continental margin west of Antarctic Peninsula, GLOBEC.
5kSiliceous microfossil occurrence, Site 177-1092
5kTracking the common diving petrel (Pelecanoides urinatrix) from 3 sites in the Southern Ocean (2016-2019)
5kPaleontological Research Institution Collections
5kMacquarie Island Fur Seal Database
5kSouth Australian Museum Adelaide provider for OZCAM
5kLTER Antarctic satellite telemetry of humpback whales
5kSnow Petrel nest census, Mawson region 2004/05
5kSuivis télémétriques des pinnipèdes dans les TAAF du Centre d'Etudes Biologiques de Chizé - Suivis télémétriques des éléphants de mer dans les TAAF par le Centre d'Etudes Biologiques de Chizé
5kRMT Trawl catch from the 1995/96 V4 BROKE voyage
5kAntarctic Amphipod Crustaceans: Ant'Phipoda Database (BIANZO)
5kNOAA Deep Sea Corals Research and Technology Program
5kThe echinoderm collection (IE) of the Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle (MNHN - Paris)
5kE1 Targeted Locus (Loci)
5kOcean Genome Legacy Collection
5k(Figure 4) Distribution of benthic foraminifers in the Upper Cretaceous of DSDP Hole 71-511
5k(Table 6) Stratigraphic ranges and relative abundances of Paleogene planktonic foraminifers and other selected organisms in ODP Hole 114-703A
5kNest census, Windmill Islands 2002/03
5kSiliceous microfossil occurrence, Site 177-1093
4k(Appendix I) Planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy of ODP Hole 113-689B
4kAntarctic Penguin Biogeography Project: Database of abundance and distribution for the Adélie, chinstrap, gentoo, emperor, macaroni, and king penguin south of 60 S
4k(Appendix B5) Distribution of planktic foraminifera in DSDP Site 90-594 east of New Zealand
4kSIO Benthic Invertebrate Collection
4kZooplankton abundance in the Kerguelen Axis region 2016
4kWeddell Sea macrozoobenthos EASIZ I
4k(Table 5) Stratigraphic ranges and relative abundances of Paleogene planktonic foraminifers and other selected organisms in ODP Site 114-702
4kTasmanian Herbarium (HO) AVH data
4k(Appendix II) Planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy of ODP Site 113-690
4kWeddell Seal census, Vestfold Hills, Antarctica
4kRéférentiel taxonomique national (TAXREF) - Inventaire des Collectivités d'outre-mer et de la métropole (ICOM_16) issu des données biogéographiques de TAXREF v16
4kAsteroids, ophiuroids and holothurians from the South-Eastern Weddell Sea (Southern Ocean)
4k(Table T1) Diatom biostratigraphy of ODP Hole 183-1140A
4kHUEFS herbarium - Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana - Herbário Virtual REFLORA
4kRéférentiel taxonomique national (TAXREF) - Inventaire des Collectivités d'outre-mer et de la métropole (ICOM_15) issu des données biogéographiques de TAXREF v15
4k(Table T3) Biostratigraphy of calcareous nannofossil taxa in ODP Hole 183-1138A
4kseawater metagenome Metagenome
4kINSDC Environment Sample Sequences
4kSiliceous microfossil occurrence, Site 177-1091
4k(Table 3) Planktonic foraminifers from ODP Hole 114-704A
4kRoss Sea Biodiversity Survey 2004 (BioRoss)
3kZooplankton abundance and population structures assessed during April-September of 2001-2, Southern Ocean, GLOBEC
3kAntarctic Jellyfish
3kIcota - Pelagant
3k(Table 7) Occurrence of selected diatom species in ODP Hole 119-744A
3kAllan Herbarium (CHR)
3kAntarctic Snow Algae 2014/15 16S and 18S Illumina Seq of snow algae communities around Ryder Bay, Antarctica
3kPolE At Sea Observations of Birds and Marine Mammals during PS 81 (ANT-XXIX/4)
3kAuckland Museum Entomology Collection
3kAntarctic Euphausiacea occurence data from "German Antarctic Marine Living Resources" (GAMLR) Expeditions
3k(Appendix B1) Relative abundances of middle Eocene-late Oligocene calcareous nannofossils in ODP Hole 120-748B
3kDiatom abundance from CEAMARC coretop samples 2007/08
3k(Table 4) Distribution of benthic foraminifera in ODP Site 120-750
3kRBINS Crustacea collection
3kDead benthic foraminifera in South Atlantic surface sediments
3kOccurrence of 13 crabeater seals (Lobodon carcinophaga) from ARGOS satellite track observations during campaign DRE1998
3kDiatom data from the PC03 core from the RV Investigator voyage IN2017_V01, Sabrina coast, Antarctica (2017)
3kBritish Antarctic (Terra Nova) Expedition, 1910-1913
3k(Table 3) Stratigraphic ranges and relative abundances of Paleogene planktonic foraminifers and other selected organisms in ODP Hole 114-699A
3k(Table 10) Eocene-Oligocene diatom biostratigraphy of ODP Hole 120-748B
3kNational Herbarium of Victoria (MEL) AVH data
3k(Table 4) Stratigraphic ranges and relative abundances of Paleogene planktonic foraminifers and other selected organisms in ODP Hole 114-700B
3k(Table 1) Distribution and numerical abundance of foraminifera of sediment core CRP-3
3kRMT Trawl catch from the 1980/81 V5 FIBEX voyage
3kAlabama Museum of Natural History Invertebrate Zoology (Arctos)
3kSpatial and environmental variation in whole microbial communities in Fildes Bay, King George Island, Antarctica Raw sequence reads
3kSIO Marine Bird and Mammal Survey 2004
3kThe Australian Phytoplankton Database (1844 onwards)
3kAnnotated Atlas of the Vascular Flora of Macquarie Island - 1979
2kMacro benthos in surface sediments sampled during POLARSTERN cruise ANT-XXIII/8
2kAntarctic, Sub-Antarctic and cold temperate echinoid database
2kLive benthic foraminifera in South Atlantic surface sediments
2kGlobal Lacustrine Diatoms
2kInvertebrates compiled by W.Block
2kCGMS - Herbário da Fundação Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul
2kInventory of Antarctic seabird breeding sites
2k(Figure 6) Distribution of benthic foraminifers in middle-upper and Quaternary in DSDP Site 71-512
2kModern foraminifera in the New Zealand EEZ
2kInvertebrate survey, Heard Island 2001
2k(Table 1) Distribution of benthic foraminifera in ODP Site 120-747
2k(Appendix 1) Census data of planktic foraminiferal faunas together with estimates of mean annual SST for DSDP Site 90-594
2kCollection Bryozoa SMF
2kElectron Micrograph Database - Marine Specimens
2k(Table 5) Distribution of benthic foraminifers in the late Cretaceous of DSDP Hole 71-511
2kRelative abundance of radiolaria in surface sediments
2kCAS Invertebrate Zoology (IZ)
2kIce core meiofauna during the SIPEX and SIPEX II voyages
2kDiet results from Adelie penguins at Bechervaise Island and Whitney Point, 2012/13
2kRMT Trawl catch from the 1984/85 V5 SIBEX2 voyage
2kRMT Trawl catch from the 1984/85 V5 SIBEX2 voyage
2kNew Zealand Arthropod Collection (NZAC)
2kStable isotope ratios of C, N and S in Southern Ocean sea stars (1985-2017)
2kGlobal soil microbiomes: A new frontline of biome-ecology research
2kCollections data on ecology of bottom animal of the Southern ocean
2kAuckland Museum Botany Collection
2kUB - Herbário da Universidade de Brasília
2kHigh occurrence of jellyfish predation by black-browed and Campbell albatross identified by DNA metabarcoding 2017
2kFBIP:IZIKO-UCT:Historical Invertebrates (1930-1980)
2k(Table T1) Foraminifer abundance of ODP Hole 188-1165B
2kSIO Marine Bird and Mammal Survey 2003
2kRange chart of calcareous nannofossils from ODP Hole 188-1165B (Table 1)
2kThe molluscs collection (IM) of the Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle (MNHN - Paris)
1k(Table 1) Dinoflagellate range chart of ODP Hole 120-748C
1kInventory of Australian seabird colonies (1877-1999)
1k(Appendix C) Stratigraphic range and relative abundance of Neogene planktonic foraminifer taxa in ODP Hole 120-751A
1kSouthern Ocean
1k(Table 1) Ranges of Paleocene to middle Eocene planktonic foraminifera in ODP Hole 119-738B
1kWestern Australian Museum provider for OZCAM
1kType locality distributions from the World Register of Marine Species
1kOphiuroidea collections of the Zoological Institute Russian Academy of Sciences
1kNekton and plankton counts from RMT (4500 µm) hauls of cruise GAE 1975/76
1kSoil DNA extracted from Robinson Ridge, East Antarctica Raw sequence reads
1kAAD Benthic Sampling Database
1k(Table T1) Abundance of planktic forminifera in ODP Site 177-1090
1kSeabird observations from the Australasian Antarctic Expedition (AAE) 2013-2014
1kSeabird observations in Australian waters and the Southern Ocean from voyages of the fisheries patrol vessel Oceanic Viking (2005-2007)
1k(Table 5) Distribution of calcareous nannofossils in ODP Hole 119-738C
1kSeabird Atlas of South-eastern Australian Waters 1975-1993
1kFishBase Database
1kBiological data from the Soviet Antarctic Expedition (1955-1958)
1kRMT Trawl catch from the 1992/93 V6 KROCK voyage
1kPlanktic foraminifera assemblage of sediment core ELT49.018-PC
1kInvertebrate Zoology Division, Yale Peabody Museum
1kElephant Seal Sightings, Heard Island
1kSubseafloor microbiome project
1kNew Zealand Arthropod Collection - Symbiota
1kAnt'Phipoda Database (New records)
1kA collection of Antarctic Phipoda
1kDistribution of benthic foraminifera of sediment core PS1388-3
1kThe Belgica 121 expedition to the Western Antarctic Peninsula: a high resolution biodiversity census
1kNekton and plankton counts from RMT (320 µm) hauls of cruise GAE 1975/76
1k(Figure 7) Distribution of benthic foraminifers in the Oligocene to upper Miocene DSDP of Hole 71-513A
1k(Figure 3) Distribution of planktonic foraminifers in the Upper Cretaceous of DSDP Hole 71-511
1kThe First Comprehensive Description of the Biodiversity and Biogeography of Antarctic and Sub-Antarctic Intertidal Communities
1kDistribution of major planktic foraminifer at Site 177-1090
1kThe vascular plants collection (P) at the Herbarium of the Muséum national d'Histoire Naturelle (MNHN - Paris)
1kAntarctic Hypersaline Brine Raw sequence reads
1kFurther investigations of the effects of the Nella Dan oil spill 1988/94
1k(Figure 8) Distribution of benthic foraminifers in the Pliocene-Quaternary of DSDP Hole 71-514
1kCentre for Australian National Biodiversity Research (CANB) AVH data
1k(Appendix A) Stratigraphic range and relative abundance of Neogene planktonic foraminifer taxa in ODP Hole 120-747A
1kHexacorallians of the world
1kZMH Ichthyology collection
1k(Appendix C) Stratigraphic range and relative abundance of Paleogene planktonic foraminifera in ODP Hole 120-748B
1kDistribution of main calcareous nannofossils at Site 1093
1kTracking of Arctic tern migrations 2007-2008
1kMuseum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University
1k(Appendix 2, Part 4) Distribution of Maestrichtian to Paleocene benthic foraminifera in ODP Site 113-690
1kHistorical distribution of whales shown by logbook records 1785-1913
1kMichigan State University bryophytes
1kAntarctic Rotifera literature review
1kCollection Crustacea - ZMB
1kINSDC Host Organism Sequences
1k(Table 3) Ranges of upper Eocene Holocene planktonic foraminifera in ODP Hole 119-744A
1kPlanktic foraminifera assemblage of sediment core ELT49.017-PC
1kMega benthos in surface sediments sampled during POLARSTERN cruise ANT-XXIII/8
1kMicrobial diversity of marine sediments from Ross Sea
1kIZIKO: Marine Invertebrate Collection (1900-2011)
1k(Appendix B) Stratigraphic range and relative abundance of Neogene planktonic foraminifer taxa in ODP Hole 120-748B
1kAntarctic Lakes Brine Raw sequence reads
1kBiogeographic distribution of Antarctic and sub-Antarctic Cumacea
1k(Table 2) Benthic isopod species of the Ross Sea, their bathymetry and distribution in the Southern Ocean
1k(Figure 5) Distribution of benthic foraminifers in the upper Eocene, Oligocene, and Quaternary of DSDP Hole 71-511
1kAntarctic Arrow worms
1kSouthern Ocean octopus
1kSea spiders (Arthropoda, Pycnogonida) from ten recent research expeditions to the Antarctic Peninsula, Scotia Arc and Weddell Sea - data
1kMarine sample from an Antarctic Bay Raw sequence reads
1k(Table 22) Benthic foraminifera in Pliocene sediments of DSDP Hole 90-594
1kSCAR Biogeographic Atlas of the Southern Ocean - Tanaidacea - Data
1kPlanktic foraminifera assemblage of sediment core ELT49.021-PC
1kAntarctic Krill occurrence data from US AMLR "US Antarctic Marine Living Resources" Program
1kInvertebrates Collection of the Swedish Museum of Natural History
1kA Method for Studying Protistan Diversity Using Massively Parallel Sequencing of V9 Hypervariable Regions of Small-Subunit Ribosomal RNA Genes
1k(Table 3) Neogene benthic foraminifers of ODP Hole 120-751A
1kSuivis télémétriques des pinnipèdes dans les TAAF du Centre d'Etudes Biologiques de Chizé - Suivis télémétriques des Otaries des Kerguelen par le Centre d'Etudes Biologiques de Chizé
1k(Appendix 2, Part 3) Distribution of Eocene to Recent benthic foraminifera in ODP Site 113-690
1k(Table 2) Ranges of middle Eocene through Holocene planktonic foraminifera in ODP Hole 119-738C
1kCEAMARC Eastern Antarctic Gelatinous Mesozooplankton (Cnidaria and Ctenophora)
1kSCAR Biogeographic Atlas of the Southern Ocean - Antarctic free-living marine Nematodes - Data
1kRMT Trawl catch from the 1990/91 V6 AAMBER2 voyage
1k(Table 3) Calcareous nannofossil distribution in the Upper Cretaceous of ODP Site 120-750
1kFigure 7: Carbonate contribution in macrozoobenthos from the west and east Antarctic Peninsula and western and eastern Weddell Sea regions
1kRMT Trawl catch from 1985/86 V1 ADBEX III voyage
1kMarine sediment metagenome ICM_DSE
1kCircumpolar dataset of sequenced specimens of Promachocrinus kerguelensis (Echinodermata, Crinoidea)
1kCOMARGIS: Information System on Continental Margin Ecosystems
1kPlanktic foraminifera assemblage of sediment core ELT45.029-PC
1kMacrozooplankton concentrations estimated from MOCNESS tow samples, Continental Margin Western Antarctic Peninsula, GLOBEC
1kBacterial community dynamics during polysaccharide degradation at contrasting sites in the Southern and Atlantic Oceans
1kMicrobial Diversity in Antarctic marine sediments (Admiralty Bay and Bransfield Strait)
1kForaging zones of Macaroni Penguins breeding at Heard Island 2000
1k(Table 2) Live benthic foraminifera in surface sediments from the eastern South Atlantic Polar Front region
1kZooplankton Abundance_Umbrella net_sea ice zone 2007/12
1k(Figure 4) Distribution of planktonic foraminifers in the Cenozoic sediments of DSDP Site 71-512
1kMarine biological observation data from coastal and offshore surveys around New Zealand
1k(Appendix B) Nannofossil abundances in DSDP Hole 90-594 from the South Chatham Rise, southeastern New Zealand
1kSenckenberg - CeDAMar Resource
1k(Appendix table DR1) Foraminiferal distribution data for ODP Hole 178-1098B
1kSiliceous microfossil occurrence, Site 177-1094
1kDiversity of Microbial Eukaryotes in Sea Waters From Fildes Peninsula,King George Island, Antarctica
1kIMOS - AATAMS Facility - Tracking of Short-tailed shearwaters, Southern Ocean, Australia (2010 - 2012)
1kCetacean Sightings Survey and Southern Ocean cetacean program
1kMuseo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia" (MACN). Invertebrates National Collection (MACNIn)
1kAntarctic Biodiversity Studies 2006 (Ross Sea, Scott Island, and Balleny Islands) (TAN0602)
1k(Table 3) Dead benthic foraminifera in surface sediments from the eastern South Atlantic Polar Front region
1kBiogeographic distribution of the Antarctic and Sub-Antarctic brachiopods (living forms)
1k(Table 4) Paleocene to Eocene planktonic foraminifera of DSDP Hole 29-277
1kBenthic microbial communities in the sediments of the Southern Ocean
1k(Table 1) Calcareous nannofossil distribution in the Upper Cretaceous of ODP Site 120-747
992(Figure 3) Distribution of planktonic foraminifers in the Cenozoic sediments of DSDP Hole 71-511
989Southern Ocean Ostracoda (except Halocypridina)
986(Table 2) Planktic foraminiferal abundance in Eocene to Oligocene sediments of ODP Hole 177-1090B on the Agulhas Ridge, South Atlantic
976Planetary Biodiversity Inventory Eumycetozoan Databank
975Fatty acid profiles of marine consumer from the Southern Hemisphere (1990-2018)
974NaGISA Project
958Seabird observations in Australian and adjacent seas from voyages of the RV Franklin, RV Southern Surveyor, Southern Supporter and RV Aurora Australis (1988-2012)
944Main components of radiolarian assemblage at Site 177-1092
936RMT Trawl catch from the 1982/83 V2 ADBEX I voyage
930(Table 5) Distribution of calcareous nannofossils in the Paleocene of ODP Hole 113-690C
928Macaulay Library Audio and Video Collection
920Crustacea collection (Cru) at UiO NHM, Oslo
918(Table 1) Neogene benthic foraminifers of ODP Hole 120-747A
917Amphipoda Hyperiidea of the Southern Ocean: catalogue and occurrences
915uncultured marine eukaryote Targeted loci environmental
908South American Antarctic Marine Biodiversity Literature
902(Table 16B) Occurrences of planktonic foraminifers in DSDP Holes 90-594 and 90-594A
897Diatom and foraminiferal samples from surficial sediments of Prydz Bay, Antarctica
891Distribution of major planktic foraminifera at Site 177-1089
890RMT Trawl catch from the 2005/06 V3 BROKE-West voyage - Zooplankton
888(Table 21) Benthic foraminifera in middle Miocene sediments of DSDP Hole 90-594
879Asteroids from French subantarctic islands: records from the Marion Dufresne MD03 expeditions
875Meise Botanic Garden Herbarium (BR)
874NSW AVH feed
870(Figure 3) Distribution of benthic foraminifers in the Albian of DSDP Hole 71-511
861(Table 1) Percentage of Coccolithus pelagicus vs. Reticulofenestra spp. of ODP Hole 120-747A
855Australian National Fish Collection (ANFC)
855Australian National Fish Collection (ANFC)
850Planktic foraminifera counts of sediment core RC08-49
849MNA Italica 2004_Rauschert dredge_Ross_sea_Mollusca_lgp
840(Table T1) Planktonic and benthic foraminifer abundance of ODP Hole 183-1138A
835The crustaceans collection (IU) of the Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle (MNHN - Paris)
833(Table 2) Calcareous nannofossil distribution in the Upper Cretaceous of ODP Hole 120-748C
832AD AVH Data
829Spring Phytoplankton Assemblages in the Southern Ocean Between Australia and Antarctica (CLIVAR-SR3)
819(Table 2) Distribution of calcareous nannofossils in ODP Hole 113-690C
814Auburn University Museum of Natural History Mollusks
808Lichen herbarium, UiB
804(Appendix Table 1) Relative abundances of calcareous nannofossil in the total assemblage of ODP Hole 177-1090D
804Bacterial community composition in the naturally iron-fertilized region off Kerguelen Island (Southern Ocean). Targeted Locus (Loci)
796Ice and animal observations during POLARSTERN cruise ANT-X/6
795Walter Herwig 1978 (FFS): SeaStars (Echinodermata, Asteroidea)
792Occurrence records of southern African aquatic biodiversity
791(Table 7) Distribution of dead benthic foraminifera in deep-sea surface sediments of the Scotia Sea, part 1
789New Zealand Fungal and Plant Disease Collection (PDD)
784(Appendix E) Stratigraphic range and relative abundance of Paleogene planktonic foraminifera in ODP Hole 120-749B
782Coccolithophorids in surface sediments of the South Atlantic
782(Appendix A) Stratigraphic range and relative abundance of Paleogene planktonic foraminifera in ODP Hole 120-747A
770Marine birds and mammals of the Southern Ocean (a census for the CAML)
768(Table T2) Biostratigraphy of calcareous nannofossil taxa in ODP Hole 183-1136A
764Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery provider for OZCAM
761Nekton and plankton counts from neuston net (300 µm) hauls of cruise GAE 1975/76
756KUBI Invertebrate Paleontology Collection
750Staying cool also has consequences: increased sea ice cover disrupts food web structure in East Antarctica-Data
746RMT Trawl catch from the 1986/87 V7 AAMBER voyage
743NHMO Bird collection
741Instituto de Botánica Darwinion
740Polycystine Radiolarians from the water column and the surface sediments of the World Ocean
740Ifremer BIOCEAN database (Deep Sea Benthic Fauna)
738(Table 4) Planktonic foraminifers from ODP Hole 114-704B
736Happywhale - Leopard seal in Southern Ocean
735Collection Porifera SMF
733Antarctic Porifera database from the Spanish benthic expeditions: Bentart, Gebrap and Ciemar
731Marine Biological Reference Collections: CBMR-General (ICM-CSIC)
723Morphological Responses of Abatus heart urchins to Sewage Contamination at Davis Station 2012/13
720Distribution of major planktic foraminifer at Site 177-1091
720ZMMU MSU, White Sea Branch
717TOPP Summary of SSM-derived Telemetry
716(Appendix Table 2) Relative abundances of calcareous nannofossil in the >4 µm assemblage of ODP Hole 177-1090D
713(Table 2) Distribution of planktonic foraminifera in the smaller size fraction of ODP Hole 120-747A
708Colección de Zoología Invertebrados - Otros invertebrados
708Phytoplankton samples - 2005/06 V3 BROKE-West
701(Appendix 2, Part 1) Distribution of Eocene to Recent benthic foraminifera in ODP Site 113-689
700(Table T5) Benthic foraminifer occurrence in ODP Hole 183-1139A sediments
691The cryptogamy collection (PC) at the Herbarium of the Muséum national d'Histoire Naturelle (MNHN - Paris)
690(Appendix I) Distribution of Quaternary nannoflora at DSDP Site 90-594 east of South Island, Southwest Pacific
69010 year trend of levels of organochlorine pollutants in Antarctic seabirds 2003/04
689(Table 6) Distribution of live benthic foraminifera in deep-sea surface sediments of the Scotia Sea, part 1
682Soft sediment assemblages at Casey Station: Brown Bay Grid - samples taken along a pollution gradient.
682Electron Micrograph Database - Terrestrial and Limnetic Specimens
680(Appendix 2) Abundances of benthic forminifera in ODP Hole 113-690B
678Ohio State Acarology Laboratory (OSAL), Ohio State University
675Happywhale - Weddell seal in Southern Ocean
668Collection Crustacea - ZIM Hamburg
667Happywhale - Killer Whale in Southern Ocean
667Antarctic Krill occurrence data from Discovery expeditions
666Distribution of surface phytoplankton between New Zealand and Antarctica, December 1957
660Distribution of major planktic foraminifer at Site 177-1093
648Biogeographic distribution of Antarctic and sub-Antarctic Mysida
640(Appendix 1) Calcareous nannofossils in ODP Hole 119-738B
637MNA (Section of Genoa) - Marine Biological Samples
630(Figure 5) Distribution of planktonic foraminifers in the Cenozoic sediments of DSDP Hole 71-513
627(Table 16A) Occurrences of planktonic foraminifers in DSDP Hole 90-594, samples 594-1-CC through 594-30-CC
624(Table 5) Oligocene planktonic foraminifera of DSDP Hole 29-277
620Benthic foraminiferal assemblages (living), surface data
615Effect of climate-change induced glacier melting on the benthic prokaryotic diversity in the West Antarctic Peninsula
614Planktic foraminifera assemblage of sediment core ELT49.023-PC
612Microzooplankton (larger protists and small copepods) abundance measured on concentrated water bottle samples at station PS65/593-9
612RBINS Echinodermata collection
611Nannofossil abundance of Hole 29-277
607King penguin census data, Gadget Gully, Macquarie Island (1993-2008)
603Diatoms from the Vestfold Hills Lakes
603CEN herbarium - Embrapa Recursos Genéticos e Biotecnologia - Herbário Virtual REFLORA
592Antarctic Krill occurrence data from Ukraine YUGNIRO Institute
591(Table T4) Calcareous nannofossil abundance of ODP Site 189-1171 sediments
591RB - Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden Herbarium Collection
577Composition of planktonic foraminifera species in 1123 surface sediment samples compared with sea surface temperatures from the Levitus Atlas
576Stable isotope data from marine sediment and invertebrates from Davis Station 2009/10
576Zooplancton del estrecho de Bransfield y alrededores de Isla Elefante, verano austral 2019-2020, durante la VI Expedición Científica de Colombia en la Antártica
574Mycological Collection - University of Washington Herbarium (WTU)
573Auckland Museum Land Vertebrates Collection
572(Table 2) Distribution of calcareous nannofossils in the Paleocene of ODP Hole 113-689B
572Happywhale - Humpback Whale in South Atlantic Ocean
567(Table 2) Distribution of calcareous nannofossils in ODP Hole 119-738C
564SCAR Biogeographic Atlas of the Southern Ocean - macroalgae - Data
560(Table 2) Stratigraphic ranges and relative abundances of Paleogene planktonic foraminifers and other selected organisms in ODP Hole 114-698A
554Auckland Museum NZ Marine Collection
548FBIP: IZIKO Marine Bony Fish (1884-2013)
547RMT Trawl catch from the 2003/04 V3 BROKE-West voyage
545Herbarium Senckenbergianum (FR) - Fungi
544(Table V) Distribution of diatoms in samples from Heidemann Valley trench, Antarctica
540(Table 2) Numerical abundance counts of planktonic foraminifers and other biogenic constituents for ODP Hole 114-700B
536Microzooplankton (larger protists and small copepods) abundance measured on concentrated water bottle samples at station PS65/553-11
536(Table 2) Distribution of planktonic foraminifera in the larger size fraction of ODP Hole 120-747A
534Stable isotope analysis of benthic foraminifera and summer sea surface temperature reconstruction of sediment core PS2489-2
534RMT Trawl catch from the 2005/06 V3 BROKE-West voyage - Fish
534Leopard Seal census, Heard Island 1987/88
533Microzooplankton (larger protists and small copepods) abundance measured on concentrated water bottle samples at station PS65/508-22
528(Appendix B) Stratigraphic range and relative abundance of Paleogene planktonic foraminifera in ODP Hole 120-747C
527Marine metagenome ICM_GPS
527Données de Dauphin de Commerson de Kerguelen de la Réserve Naturelle des TAAF - Données d'observation de Dauphin de Commerson de Kerguelen de la Réserve Naturelle des TAAF (2011 à 2015)
525Biota occurrence data from plankton surveys around New Zealand
525Queensland Museum provider for OZCAM
524UAM Mammal Collection (Arctos)
524Microzooplankton (larger protists and small copepods) abundance measured on concentrated water bottle samples at station PS65/587-14
521Distribution of major planktic foraminifer at Site 177-1092
520(Appendix 2) Absolute abundance of nannofossils in ODP Hole 183-1135A
519(Table 7) Distribution of dead benthic foraminifera in deep-sea surface sediments of the Scotia Sea, part 2
517RBINS Bryozoa collection
515Bacteria Metagenome
512(Table 1) Distribution of calcareous nannofossils in the Eocene of ODP Hole 113-689B
504Heterotrophic bacterial diversity in aquatic microbial mat communities from Antarctica
502(Table T4, T5, T6, T7) Percentage of agglutinated and calcareous benthic foraminiferal species in ODP Hole 178-1098C
501ZUEC-BIV - Coleção de Bivalvia do Museu de Zoologia da UNICAMP
499Relative abundances of late Quaternary benthic foraminifera in ODP Site 90-594
498(Table 6) Distribution of live benthic foraminifera in deep-sea surface sediments of the Scotia Sea, part 2
493Microzooplankton (larger protists and small copepods) abundance measured on concentrated water bottle samples at station PS65/543-5
490Harpagifer of the Southern Ocean
487(Table 3) Distribution of dinoflagellate cysts in Late Pliocene sediments of DSDP Hole 90-594 from Chatham Rise, Southwest Pacific
486Naturalis Biodiversity Center (NL) - Botany
484(Table 2) Absolute abundances of benthic foraminifera in ODP Site 120-748
477Relative abundances of middle Pleistocene benthic foraminifera in DSDP Site Site 90-594
475Presence of Disease in the Penguins and Skuas of Macquarie Island 2006
473(Table 2) Stratigraphic occurrences of the dinoflagellate cysts in lithologic Subunit IIIB of ODP Hole 120-748C
470Gross body measurements of Laternula elliptica collected from sites adjacent to Casey Station 2014/15
466Large protozoan and small metazoan abundance measured on concentrated water bottle samples at station PS65/590-1
464Benthic foraminiferal assemblages (dead), surface data
462Antarctic Fur Seal Populations on Heard Island Summer 1987-1988
461RV Investigator Voyage IN2017_V02 Seabird Observations, Australia (2017)
458ANTXXIII-8 Birds and Mammals
456Distribution records of Amphipoda based on the collection stored at the Italian National Antarctic Museum (MNA)
453CAS Ichthyology (ICH)
452Microzooplankton (larger protists and small copepods) abundance measured on concentrated water bottle samples at station PS65/509-16
452(Table 3) Relative abundances of benthic foraminifera in ODP Site 120-748
452Improving Species-Based Area Protection in Antarctica - data
448Phytoplankton abundance and biomass measured on water bottle samples during POLARSTERN cruise ANT-X/6
447NMNH Paleobiology Specimen Records (USNM)
445Otoliths Reference Collection. CBMR-AFORO (ICM-CSIC)
443Microzooplankton (larger protists and small copepods) abundance measured on concentrated water bottle samples at station PS65/546-19
442Marine palynomorph abundance estimates of sediment core CRP-2A (Fig. 2)
440Planktic foraminifera abundance of Hole 29-279A
439Antarctic and Subantarctic Asteroid zoogeography
437(Appendix A) Planktonic foraminiferal abundances in DSDP Hole 90-594 from the South Chatham Rise, southeastern New Zealand
436Invertebrados Bentónicos de la II y III Expedición Colombia a la Antártica (CCO)
431Collection Polychaeta - ZIM Hamburg
430Archaeal diversity of surface seawater (A3,A5,G3,G5) Targeted Locus (Loci)
429Toxicity of copper, cadmium and zinc to Macquarie Island marine invertebrates 2012/15
427Distribution of planktic foraminifera, factor analysis, SST of sediment core PS2498-1
423Microzooplankton (larger protists and small copepods) abundance measured on concentrated water bottle samples at station PS65/570-14
422Historical ringing data of birds with Polish rings
422Observation de Mammifères marins dans le cadre du Programme SOWER (Southern Ocean Whale and Ecosystem Research) - Données d'observation de Cétacés en Antarctique dans le cadre du Programme SOWER entre 1978 et 2009
422Antarctic Krill Euphausia superba
422Nemertina World Checklist
420(Table 3) Planktic foraminiferal abundance in Oligocene to Early Pliocene sediments of ODP Hole 177-1090D on the Agulhas Ridge, South Atlantic
418Geographic distribution of dinoflagellate cysts in surface sediments
415Vulnerable Marine Ecosystem Indicator Taxa recorded by submarine as evidence of the presence of Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems, Antarctic Peninsula - data
412(Appendix 2, Part 2) Distribution of Maestrichtian to Paleocene benthic foraminifera in ODP Site 113-689
412Collection Polychaeta SMF
411Invertebrates (Type Specimens) of the Swedish Museum of Natural History
409Microzooplankton (larger protists and small copepods) abundance measured on concentrated water bottle samples at station PS65/424-22
408(Table 1) Distribution of calcareous nannofossils in ODP Hole 113-689B
408Moss sampling in the Windmill Islands and the Vestfold Hills