Please cite as (31 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download

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22 MB Simple
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{{ 164 | localNumber}}
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{{ 79 | localNumber}}
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{{ 29 | localNumber}}
    And All must apply
  • Geometry POLYGON((2.54883 13.06274,2.62573 10.99731,2.21924 8.60229,2.29614 5.89966,4.27368 5.32837,5.76782 3.95508,8.64624 4.22974,9.89868 5.40527,11.82129 6.29517,13.41431 8.52539,15.86426 11.11816,14.42505 14.24927,11.64551 14.33716,4.80103 14.44702,2.54883 13.06274))
  • Scientific name Tracheophyta
To repeat the download on current data, you can use below query with the API. Read more
  "type": "and",
  "predicates": [
      "type": "within",
      "geometry": "POLYGON((2.54883 13.06274,2.62573 10.99731,2.21924 8.60229,2.29614 5.89966,4.27368 5.32837,5.76782 3.95508,8.64624 4.22974,9.89868 5.40527,11.82129 6.29517,13.41431 8.52539,15.86426 11.11816,14.42505 14.24927,11.64551 14.33716,4.80103 14.44702,2.54883 13.06274))"
      "type": "equals",
      "key": "TAXON_KEY",
      "value": "7707728",
      "matchCase": false

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