Please cite as (05 August 2020) GBIF Occurrence Download

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4 MB Darwin Core Archive
Involved datasets
{{ 246 | localNumber}}
Involved publishers
{{ 119 | localNumber}}
Involved publishing countries
{{ 27 | localNumber}}
    And All must apply
  • Geometry POLYGON((-13.35938 32.54681,7.73437 33.72434,28.82812 28.92163,37.26563 19.31114,50.625 7.71099,83.67188 -4.21494,112.5 9.79568,172.96875 44.08759,184.92188 53.33087,184.21875 74.21198,127.96875 81.09321,56.25 79.17133,18.28125 74.95939,-9.49219 61.875,-18.50459 49.80596,-13.35938 32.54681))
  • Has geospatial issue false
  • Scientific name Mus musculus Linnaeus, 1758
To repeat the download on current data, you can use below query with the API. Read more
  "type": "and",
  "predicates": [
      "type": "within",
      "geometry": "POLYGON((-13.35938 32.54681,7.73437 33.72434,28.82812 28.92163,37.26563 19.31114,50.625 7.71099,83.67188 -4.21494,112.5 9.79568,172.96875 44.08759,184.92188 53.33087,184.21875 74.21198,127.96875 81.09321,56.25 79.17133,18.28125 74.95939,-9.49219 61.875,-18.50459 49.80596,-13.35938 32.54681))"
      "type": "equals",
      "key": "HAS_GEOSPATIAL_ISSUE",
      "value": "false",
      "matchCase": false
      "type": "equals",
      "key": "TAXON_KEY",
      "value": "7429082",
      "matchCase": false

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