Please cite as (24 October 2021) GBIF Occurrence Download

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602 MB Darwin Core Archive
Involved datasets
{{ 1834 | localNumber}}
Involved publishers
{{ 603 | localNumber}}
Involved publishing countries
{{ 57 | localNumber}}
Scientific name
  1. Abies alba Mill.
  2. Aesculus hippocastanum L.
  3. Carex pallescens L.
  4. Crataegus laevigata (Poir.) DC.
  5. Dioscorea communis (L.) Caddick & Wilkin
  6. Juncus bulbosus L.
  7. Malus domestica (Suckow) Borkh.
  8. Phytolacca americana L.
  9. Potamogeton natans L.
  10. Potentilla sterilis (L.) Garcke
  11. Raphanus raphanistrum L.
  12. Solidago canadensis L.
  13. Spergula arvensis L.
  14. Thalictrum lucidum L.
  15. Verbena officinalis L.
  16. Viola tricolor L.
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  "type": "in",
  "key": "TAXON_KEY",
  "values": [
  "matchCase": false

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