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Scientific name
  1. Sphaerozoum geminatum Haeckel, 1887
  2. Solenosphaera Haeckel, 1887
  3. Solenosphaera collina
  4. Disolenia collina
  5. Acrosphaera collina Haeckel, 1887
  6. Solenosphaera zanguebarica Brandt, 1905
  7. Solenosphaera polymorpha Strelkov & Reschetnjak, 1971
  8. Otosphaera polymorpha Haeckel, 1887
  9. Disolenia zanguebarica (Ehrenberg) Nigrini, 1967
  10. Solenosphaera polysolenia Strelkov, 1971
  11. Solenosphaera chierchiae Brandt, 1905
  12. Clathrosphaera Zalewski, 1888
  13. Clathrosphaera arachnoides Haeckel, 1887
  14. Buccinosphaera
  15. Buccinosphaera invaginata Haeckel, 1887
  16. Collosphaera imvaginata
  17. Acrosphaera
  18. Acrosphaera arktios (Nigrini, 1970)
  19. Polysolenia arktios Nigrini, 1970
  20. Acrosphaera spinosa Caulet, 1986
  21. Acrosphaera spinosa subsp. flammabunda
  22. Acrosphaera spinosa subsp. longispina
  23. Acrosphaera spinosa subsp. coniculispina
  24. Polysolenia spinosa (Haeckel, 1860)
  25. Acrosphaera murrayana (Haeckel) Hilmers, 1906
  26. Polysolenia murrayana (Haeckel, 1887)
  27. Choenicosphaera murrayana Haeckel, 1887
  28. Acrosphaera lappacea (Haeckel) Johnson & Nigrini, 1980
  29. Acrosphaera spinosa subsp. lappacea
  30. Polysolenia lappacea (Haeckel, 1887)
  31. Acrosphaera cyrtodon (Haeckel) Strelkov & Reshetnyak, 1971
  32. Siphonosphaera Müller, 1859
  33. Siphonosphaera hippotis
  34. Siphonosphaera martensi Brandt, 1905
  35. Siphonosphaera magnisphaera Takahashi, 1991
  36. Siphonosphaera socialis Haeckel, 1887
  37. Siphonosphaera polysiphonia Haeckel, 1887
  38. Polysolenia
  39. Otosphaera Haeckel, 1887
  40. Otosphaera tenuissima Takahashi, 1991
  41. Otosphaera auriculata Haeckel, 1887
  42. Disolenia Ehrenberg, 1861
  43. Disolenia quadrata (Ehrenberg) Nigrini, 1967
  44. Collosphaera Müller, 1855
  45. Collosphaera armata Brandt
  46. Collosphaera armaia
  47. Collosphaera polygona Haeckel, 1887
  48. Collosphaera macropora Popofsky, 1917
  49. Collosphaera huxleyi Mueller, 1855
  50. Collosphaera confossa Takahashi, 1991
  51. Collosphaera tuberosa Haeckel, 1887
  52. Choenicosphaera
  53. Thalassicolla Huxley, 1851
  54. Theoperidae
  55. Perypiramis
  56. Stichopera
  57. Dictyocephalus
  58. Pterocyrtidium
  59. Lophocyrtis Haeckel, 1887
  60. Lophocyrtis neatum (Sanfilippo & Riedel) Sanfilippo, 1990
  61. Lophocorys neatum (Sanfilippo & Riedel) Sanfilippo, 1990
  62. Theopilium
  63. Theopilium tricostatum Haeckel, 1887
  64. Theocorys Haeckel, 1882
  65. Theocorys veneris Haeckel, 1887
  66. Stichopilidium
  67. Stichopilidium columba
  68. Corocalyptra columba
  69. Stichopilidium kruegeri (Popofsky) Nishimura & Yamauchi, 1984
  70. Corocalyptra kruegeri Popofsky, 1908
  71. Sethoconus Haeckel, 1887
  72. Sethoconus tabulatus Haeckel, 1887
  73. Eucecryphalus histrocosus Hülsemann, 1963
  74. Sethoconus myxobrachia Strelkov, 1959
  75. Phrenocodon
  76. Phrenocodon clathrostomium Haeckel, 1887
  77. Lophocorys
  78. Lophocorys polyacantha Popofsky, 1913
  79. Lithopilium Popofsky, 1913
  80. Lithopilium reticulatum Popofsky, 1913
  81. Lithopera Ehrenberg, 1846
  82. Lithopera bacca Ehrenberg, 1872
  83. Gondwanaria
  84. Gondwanaria dogieli (Petrushevskaya) Petrushevskaya, 1975
  85. Sethoconus dogieli Petrushevskaya, 1967
  86. Pterocyrtidium dogieli
  87. Gondwanaria campanulaeformis (Campbell & Clark) Sugiyama & Furutani, 1992
  88. Eucecryphalus
  89. Eucecryphalus craspedota (Joergensen) Petrushevskaya & Bjoerklund, 1974
  90. Corocalyptra craspedota Joergensen, 1900
  91. Clathrocyclas craspedota (Jörgensen, 1900)
  92. Eucecryphalus tricostatus (Haeckel) Takahashi, 1991
  93. Eucecryphalus sestrodiscus (Haeckel) Takahashi, 1991
  94. Eucecryphalus gegenbauri Haeckel, 1860
  95. Eucecryphalus europae (Haeckel) Takahashi, 1991
  96. Eucecryphalus clinatus Takahashi, 1991
  97. Cyrtopera
  98. Cyrtopera aglaolampa Takahashi, 1991
  99. Cyrtolagena
  100. Cyrtolagena laguncula Haeckel, 1887
  101. Cyrtopera languncula
  102. Stichopera pectinata Haeckel, 1887
  103. Cyrtopera laguncula Haeckel, 1887
  104. Cornutella Ehrenberg, 1838
  105. Cornutella profunda Ehrenberg, 1856
  106. Conarachnium profundum (Ehrenberg)
  107. Conicavus
  108. Conicavus tipiopsis Takahashi, 1991
  109. Conarachnium
  110. Conarachnium polyacanthum
  111. Conarachnium parabolicum (Popofsky) Takahashi, 1991
  112. Sethoconus anthocyrtis Haeckel, 1887
  113. Conarachnium facetum (Haeckel) Takahashi, 1991
  114. Calocyclas Ehrenberg, 1847
  115. Calocyclas monumentum Haeckel, 1887
  116. Clathrocyclas monumentum
  117. Eucyrtidium monumentum
  118. Bathropyramis Haeckel, 1882
  119. Bathropyramis woodringi Campbell & Clark, 1944
  120. Artostrobus Haeckel, 1887
  121. Artostrobus joergenseni Petrushevskaya, 1967
  122. Artostrobus annulatus (Bailey) Haeckel, 1887
  123. Artopilium
  124. Artopilium undulatum Popofsky, 1913
  125. Lophocorys undulata
  126. Dictyocodon
  127. Dictyocodon palladius Haeckel, 1887
  128. Lithocampe Ehrenberg, 1844
  129. Lithocampe platycephala (Ehrenberg) Haeckel, 1887
  130. Eucyrtidium Ehrenberg, 1847
  131. Eucyrtidium teuscheri Haeckel, 1887
  132. Eucyrtidium dictyopodium (Haeckel) Takahashi, 1991
  133. Eucyrtidium calvertense Martin, 1904
  134. Eucyrtidium hexastichum Haeckel, 1887
  135. Eucyrtidium erythromystax Nigrini & Caulet, 1992
  136. Eucyrtidium anomalum (Haeckel) Haeckel, 1862
  137. Eucyrtidium annulatum (Popofsky, 1913)
  138. Eucyrtidium hexagonatum Haeckel, 1887
  139. Eucyrtidium acuminatum (Ehrenberg) Ehrenberg, 1847
  140. Theocalyptra Haeckel, 1887
  141. Pterocanium Ehrenberg, 1847
  142. Pterocanium charybdeum (Müller, 1858)
  143. Pterocanium trilobum (Haeckel, 1860)
  144. Pterocanium elegans (Haeckel, 1887)
  145. Dictyocodon elegans
  146. Pterocanium auritum Nigrini & Caulet, 1992
  147. Pterocanium grandiporus Nigrini, 1968
  148. Pterocanium praetextum (Ehrenberg) Haeckel, 1887
  149. Pterocanium tricolpum Haeckel, 1887
  150. Pterocanium praetextum subsp. eucolpum Haeckel, 1887
  151. Pterocanium praetextum subsp. praetextum
  152. Pterocanium korotnevi (Dogel), 1952
  153. Plectopyramis Haeckel, 1881
  154. Plectopyramis dodecomma Haeckel, 1887
  155. Peripyramis Haeckel, 1881
  156. Peripyramis circumtexta Haeckel, 1887
  157. Perypiramis circumtexta
  158. Cycladophora Ehrenberg, 1847
  159. Cycladophora cosma Lombari & Lazarus, 1988
  160. Cycladophora bicornis (Popofsky) Lombari & Lazarus, 1988
  161. Theocalyptra bicornis (Popofsky, 1908)
  162. Cycladophora davisiana Ehrenberg, 1861
  163. Theocalyptra davisiana Kling, 1977
  164. Lithostrobus Bütschli, 1882
  165. Lithostrobus cuspidatus Haeckel, 1887
  166. Lithostrobus hexagonalis Haeckel, 1887
  167. Lithostrobus argus Ehrenberg, 1873
  168. Lithomitra Haeckel, 1887
  169. Lithomitra lineata Ehrenberg, 1839
  170. Lipmanella Loeblich. & Tappan, 1961
  171. Lipmanella insectum Haeckel, 1887
  172. Clathrocanium insectum
  173. Lipmanella dictyoceras (Haeckel) Kling, 1973
  174. Lipmanella virchowii (Haeckel) Petrushevskaya, 1971
  175. Dictyoceras virchowii Haeckel, 1862
  176. Dictyoceras neglectum Cleve, 1900
  177. Dictyoceras xiphephorum Joergensen, 1900
  178. Lipmanella bombus Haeckel, 1887
  179. Lipmanella pyramidale
  180. Dictyoceras mellitta Haeckel, 1887
  181. Lipmanella xiphephorum Joergensen, 1899
  182. Dictyoceras
  183. Corocalyptra
  184. Corocalyptra cervus (Ehrenberg)
  185. Coracalyptra cervus
  186. Eucecryphalus cervus (Ehrenberg) Petrushevskaya, 1971
  187. Coracalyptra
  188. Dictyophimus Ehrenberg, 1846
  189. Dictyophimus macropterus (Ehrenberg) Takahashi, 1991
  190. Dictyophimus bicornis (Ehrenberg) Petrushevskaya, 1967
  191. Dictyophimus killmari (Renz, 1974)
  192. Dictyophimus histricosus Joergensen, 1905
  193. Dictyophimus infabricatus Nigrini, 1968
  194. Dictyophimus hirundo (Haeckel) Petrushevskaya, 1975
  195. Pterocorys hirundo Haeckel, 1887
  196. Dictyophimus crisiae Ehrenberg, 1854
  197. Stichocorys Haeckel, 1881
  198. Stichocorys seriata Joergensen, 1905
  199. Clathrocyclas
  200. Clathrocyclas cassiopeiae Haeckel, 1887
  201. Litharachnium Haeckel, 1861
  202. Litharachnium eupilium Takahashi, 1991
  203. Litharachnium tentorium Haeckel, 1860
  204. Eucyrtidiidae
  205. Sticholonche Hertwig, 1877
  206. Sticholonche zanclea Hertwig, 1877
  207. Acantholithium stellatum Haeckel, 1887
  208. Acantholithium dicopum (Haeckel, 1860)
  209. Amphiacon denticulatus Schewiakoff, 1926
  210. Amphilithium clavarium Haeckel, 1887
  211. Xiphacantha alata Haeckel, 1862
  212. Lithoptera fenestrata J.Müller, 1858
  213. Lithoptera mülleri Haeckel, 1862
  214. Dorataspis gladiata Haeckel, 1887
  215. Lychnaspis giltschi Haeckel, 1887
  216. Phractopelta dorataspis Haeckel, 1887
  217. Diploconus fasces Haeckel, 1862
  218. Amphistaurus complanatus Haeckel, 1860
  219. Heliolithium aureum Schewiakoff, 1926
  220. Heteracon biformis (Popofsky, 1904)
  221. Stauracon pallidus (Claparede, 1855)
  222. Stauracantha orthostaura Haeckel, 1887
  223. Stauracantha quadrifurca Haeckel, 1887
  224. Heteracon Schewiakoff, 1926
  225. Stauracon Schewiakoff, 1926
  226. Amphistaurus Schewiakoff, 1926
  227. Heliolithium Schewiakoff, 1926
  228. Phractopelta Haeckel, 1881
  229. Diploconus Haeckel, 1862
  230. Dorataspis Haeckel, 1860
  231. Lychnaspis Haeckel, 1862
  232. Lithoptera J.Müller, 1858
  233. Amphilithium Haeusler, 1881
  234. Xiphacantha Haeckel, 1862
  235. Acantholithium Haeckel
  236. Amphiacon Schewiakoff, 1926
  237. Stauracantha Haeckel, 1881
  238. Gymnosphaeridae
  239. Actinocoryne Febvre-Chevalier, 1980
  240. Actinocoryne contractilis Febvre-Chevalier, 1980
  241. Hedraiophrys Febvre-Chevalier, 1973
  242. Hedraiophrys hovassei Febvre-Chevalier, 1973
  243. Gymnosphaera Sassaki, 1893
  244. Gymnosphaera albida Sassaki, 1894
  245. Filoretidae
  246. Filoreta Cavalier-Smith & Bass, 2009
  247. Filoreta turcica Cavalier-Smith & Bass, 2009
  248. Filoreta marina Cavalier-Smith & Bass, 2009
  249. Filoreta japonica Cavalier-Smith & Bass, 2009
  250. Vampyrellidae
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  "type": "in",
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  "matchCase": false

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