Please cite as (14 March 2024) GBIF Occurrence Download

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    And All must apply
  • Geometry POLYGON((-124.42225 41.08523,-125.31223 40.92212,-124.86974 32.78042,-110.79877 22.02807,-108.58635 23.35552,-113.63914 29.98897,-114.01019 35.02279,-120.02755 39.03437,-120.00501 41.04015,-124.42225 41.08523))
  • Scientific name
    1. Zannichellia palustris L.
    2. Poa howellii Vasey & Scribn.
    3. Paspalum distichum L.
    4. Salix lasiandra var. lasiandra
    5. Diplacus brandegeei (Pennell) G.L.Nesom
    6. Camissoniopsis ignota (Jeps.) W.L.Wagner & Hoch
    7. Montia fontana L.
    8. Eremalche exilis (A.Gray) Greene
    9. California macrophylla (Hook. & Arn.) Aldasoro, C.Navarro, P.Vargas, L.Sáez & Aedo
    10. Atriplex serenana var. serenana
    11. Silene multinervia S.Watson
    12. Polycarpon depressum Nutt.
    13. Lonicera subspicata var. subspicata
    14. Turritis glabra L.
    15. Sibara filifolia (Greene) Greene
    16. Cardamine oligosperma Nutt.
    17. Pectocarya penicillata (Hook. & Arn.) A.DC.
    18. Pectocarya heterocarpa (I.M.Johnst.) I.M.Johnst.
    19. Malacothrix similis W.S.Davis & P.H.Raven
    20. Malacothrix coulteri Harv. & A.Gray ex A.Gray
To repeat the download on current data, you can use below query with the API. Read more
  "type": "and",
  "predicates": [
      "type": "within",
      "geometry": "POLYGON((-124.42225 41.08523,-125.31223 40.92212,-124.86974 32.78042,-110.79877 22.02807,-108.58635 23.35552,-113.63914 29.98897,-114.01019 35.02279,-120.02755 39.03437,-120.00501 41.04015,-124.42225 41.08523))"
      "type": "in",
      "key": "TAXON_KEY",
      "values": [
      "matchCase": false

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