Please cite as (14 February 2022) GBIF Occurrence Download

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33 MB Darwin Core Archive
Involved datasets
{{ 509 | localNumber}}
Involved publishers
{{ 243 | localNumber}}
Involved publishing countries
{{ 37 | localNumber}}
    And All must apply
  • Scientific name
    1. Alcea biennis Winterl
    2. Alchemilla conjuncta Bab.
    3. Alchemilla splendens Christ
    4. Aldrovanda vesiculosa L.
    5. Allium atropurpureum Waldst. & Kit.
    6. Allium carinatum Hablitz
    7. Allium paniculatum Sm.
    8. Allium subhirsutum Delile
    9. Allium vineale L.
    10. Aloe latifolia (Haw.) Haw.
    11. Aloe succotrina Weston
  • Has coordinate true
To repeat the download on current data, you can use below query with the API. Read more
  "type": "and",
  "predicates": [
      "type": "in",
      "key": "TAXON_KEY",
      "values": [
      "matchCase": false
      "type": "equals",
      "key": "HAS_COORDINATE",
      "value": "true",
      "matchCase": false

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