Please cite as (22 February 2022) GBIF Occurrence Download

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Involved datasets
{{ 734 | localNumber}}
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{{ 413 | localNumber}}
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{{ 45 | localNumber}}
Scientific name
  1. Aloe vera (L.) Burm.f.
  2. Alternanthera halimifolia (Lam.) Standl. ex Pittier
  3. Atriplex rotundifolia Dombey ex Moq.
  4. Begonia octopetala L'Hér.
  5. Calymmanthium F.Ritter
  6. Chenopodium petiolare Kunth
  7. Croton alnifolius Lam.
  8. Distichlis spicata (L.) Greene
  9. Erigeron leptorhizon DC.
  10. Erodium moschatum (L.) L'Hér.
  11. Grindelia glutinosa (Cav.) Mart.
  12. Haageocereus pseudomelanostele subsp. acanthocladus (Rauh & Backeb.) Ostolaza
  13. Haageocereus pseudomelanostele subsp. aureispinus (Rauh & Backeb.) Ostolaza
  14. Heliotropium angiospermum Murray
  15. Heliotropium arborescens L.
  16. Ismene amancaes (Ruiz & Pav.) Herb.
  17. Nicotiana paniculata L.
  18. Nolana humifusa (Gouan) I.M.Johnst.
  19. Ophryosporus peruvianus (J.F.Gmel.) R.M.King & H.Rob.
  20. Ophryosporus pubescens (Sm.) R.M.King & H.Rob.
  21. Oziroe biflora (Ruiz & Pav.) Speta
  22. Philibertia solanoides Kunth
  23. Phyla nodiflora var. minor (Gillies & Hook.) N.O'Leary & Múlgura
  24. Rostraria trachyantha (Phil.) Soreng
  25. Solanum peruvianum L.
  26. Stenomesson flavum (Ruiz & Pav.) Herb.
  27. Tillandsia latifolia Meyen
  28. Trixis cacalioides (Kunth) D.Don
  29. Waltheria ovata Cav.
  30. Dicliptera tomentosa (Vahl) Nees
  31. Dicliptera tomentosa Griseb.
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  "type": "in",
  "key": "TAXON_KEY",
  "values": [
  "matchCase": false

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