Please cite as (08 February 2021) GBIF Occurrence Download

  Rerun query

50 MB Simple
Involved datasets
{{ 650 | localNumber}}
Involved publishers
{{ 123 | localNumber}}
Involved publishing countries
{{ 26 | localNumber}}
    And All must apply
  • Geometry POLYGON((3.38722 43.7709,3.39546 43.57452,3.49434 43.43033,3.59871 43.41797,3.74016 43.46054,3.87749 43.55942,3.91594 43.59787,3.92418 43.62534,3.91148 43.67752,3.94203 43.76678,3.95027 43.86841,3.91319 44.04831,3.8102 44.18152,3.65501 44.18289,3.50945 44.16229,3.41606 44.10736,3.35461 44.04831,3.34568 43.8636,3.36559 43.79768,3.38722 43.7709))
  • Occurrence status present
To repeat the download on current data, you can use below query with the API. Read more
  "type": "and",
  "predicates": [
      "type": "within",
      "geometry": "POLYGON((3.38722 43.7709,3.39546 43.57452,3.49434 43.43033,3.59871 43.41797,3.74016 43.46054,3.87749 43.55942,3.91594 43.59787,3.92418 43.62534,3.91148 43.67752,3.94203 43.76678,3.95027 43.86841,3.91319 44.04831,3.8102 44.18152,3.65501 44.18289,3.50945 44.16229,3.41606 44.10736,3.35461 44.04831,3.34568 43.8636,3.36559 43.79768,3.38722 43.7709))"
      "type": "equals",
      "key": "OCCURRENCE_STATUS",
      "value": "present",
      "matchCase": false

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