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Scientific name
  1. Acrosymphyton Sjöstedt, 1926
  2. Acrothrix Kylin, 1907
  3. Asparagopsis Montagne, 1840
  4. Bonnemaisonia C.Agardh, 1822
  5. Botryocladia (J.G.Agardh) Kylin, 1931
  6. Alsidium C.Agardh, 1827
  7. Calliblepharis Kützing, 1843
  8. Callithamnion Lyngbye, 1819
  9. Aglaothamnion G.Feldman-Mazoyer, 1941
  10. Callophyllis Kützing, 1843
  11. Centroceras F.T.Kützing, 1841
  12. Ceramium Roth, 1797
  13. Ceratodictyon Zanardini, 1878
  14. Chamaedoris Montagne, 1842
  15. Champia Desvaux, 1809
  16. Cladophora Kützing, 1843
  17. Cladophora Kützing, 1843
  18. Cladophoropsis Børgesen, 1905
  19. Cladophoropsis Børgesen, 1905
  20. Coelothrix Børgesen, 1920
  21. Cryptopleura Kützing, 1843
  22. Cystoseira C.Agardh, 1820
  23. Dasya C.Agardh, 1824
  24. Punctaria Greville, 1830
  25. Dictyopteris J.V.F.Lamouroux, 1809
  26. Dictyopteris J.V.F.Lamouroux, 1809
  27. Dictyota J.V.F.Lamouroux, 1809
  28. Dictyota J.V.F.Lamouroux, 1809
  29. Dictyurus Bory de Saint-Vincent, 1834
  30. Digenea C.Agardh, 1822
  31. Ecklonia Schrad., 1832
  32. Eisenia J.E.Areschoug, 1876
  33. Ernodesmis Børgesen, 1912
  34. Gracilaria Greville, 1830
  35. Gracilaria Greville, 1830
  36. Gracilaria Greville, 1830
  37. Gracilaria Greville, 1830
  38. Gracilaria Greville, 1830
  39. Gracilaria Greville, 1830
  40. Haloplegma Montagne, 1842
  41. Halurus Kützing, 1843
  42. Haplospora Kjellman, 1872
  43. Heterosiphonia Montagne, 1842
  44. Dasysiphonia I.K.Lee & J.A.West, 1980
  45. Hypnea J.V.F.Lamouroux, 1813
  46. Lithothamnion Heydrich, 1897
  47. Lomentaria Lyngbye, 1819
  48. Lophocladia F.Schmitz, 1893
  49. Macrocystis C.Agardh, 1820
  50. Microdictyon Decaisne, 1841
  51. Microdictyon Decaisne, 1841
  52. Microdictyon Decaisne, 1841
  53. Monostroma Thuret, 1854
  54. Nemalion Duby, 1830
  55. Phyllariopsis E.C.Henry & G.R.South, 1987
  56. Phymatolithon Foslie, 1898
  57. Polyneura (J.Agardh) Kylin, 1924
  58. Polysiphonia Greville, 1823
  59. Neosiphonia M.-S.Kim & I.K.Lee, 1999
  60. Sargassum C.Agardh, 1820
  61. Sargassum C.Agardh, 1820
  62. Sargassum C.Agardh, 1820
  63. Sargassum C.Agardh, 1820
  64. Sphacelaria H.C.Lyngbye, 1818
  65. Wurdemannia Harvey, 1853
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