Odonata records from the Isle of Man - Manx National Heritage
Manx Biological Recording Partnership (2017). Odonata records from the Isle of Man - Manx National Heritage. Occurrence dataset https://doi.org/10.15468/s0ndu9 accessed via GBIF.org on 2024-11-03.Description
All species of dragonflies and damselflies recorded in the Isle of Man, including historical records.Purpose
Originally to provide a project to revive the field section of the Isle of Man Natural History and Antiquarian Society, but also intended to provide an up to date distribution of the Odonata fauna of the Isle of Man for statutory site/ species or Wildlife Site designation purposes.
Sampling Description
Quality Control
Records collected as part of the Natural History and Antiquarian Society's Odonata survey project have been obtained by recorders with some training and/or personally acquired experience. Records older than 1996 are casual and sporadic and do not constitute a comprehensive view of the Isle of Man's fauna.Method steps
- Records gained by direct observations in the field, coordinated as a field study project by members of the Isle of Man Natural History and Antiquarian Society (IOMNHAS), organised by Kate Hawkins. Observations made while walking targeted sites; no scientific transect methods were employed. Survey includes casual records, records and records included by Wardens of the Calf of Man Bird Observatory in their Annual Reports. Historical records included for the sake of completeness, but are not extensive or systematically collected.
Taxonomic Coverages
Geographic Coverages
The whole of the Isle of Man, though the IOMNHAS survey has concentrated on the southern half of the Island to begin with, as recent records are already held for the north of the Island. Most recent records are provided with at least six-figure grid references. There may be a bias in the data towards more publicly accessible water bodies, as these have been visited more often than private ponds and lakes.
Bibliographic Citations
originatorManx Biological Recording Partnership
Department of Environment, Food and Agriculture, Thie Slieau Whallian
Foxdale Road, St. Johns
Isle of Man
email: philippa.tomlinson@gov.im
homepage: http://www.manxbiodiversity.org/
metadata author
Manx Biological Recording Partnership
Department of Environment, Food and Agriculture, Thie Slieau Whallian
Foxdale Road, St. Johns
Isle of Man
email: philippa.tomlinson@gov.im
homepage: http://www.manxbiodiversity.org/
NBN Atlas
Broadway Business Centre, 32a Stoney Street, Lace Market
email: admin@nbnatlas.org
Philippa Tomlinson, Biological Records Manager
administrative point of contact
email: Philippa.Tomlinson@gov.im