Catalogue of type specimens of vascular plants deposited in the Herbarium of the University of Granada (Spain)
Vizoso Paz M T (2024). Catalogue of type specimens of vascular plants deposited in the Herbarium of the University of Granada (Spain). Version 1.8. Herbario de la Universidad de Granada. Occurrence dataset accessed via on 2024-12-11.Description
This dataset contains the specimen records from the catalogue of the nomenclature types of vascular plants in the Herbarium of the University of Granada, Spain. These herbarium specimens are included in the GDA and GDAC collections, acronyms registered in the Index Herbariorum (Thiers 2014). A catalogue of vascular plants types from the Herbarium of the University of Granada has not previously been compiled. As a result of developing a doctoral thesis on the nomenclatural types included in their collections (Vizoso Paz 2019), and a project to get digital images to preserve and publish them, a large number of previously unrecognized types were identified. At this time, the type collection of vascular plants in the Herbarium of the University of Granada contains 565 type materials from 449 nominal taxa. In addition, this dataset contains other 6 types of 2 nominal taxa. Three of them are invalid because original material was found and the rest because it were not validly published (bachelor thesis). These types have been included by their possible interest to know their location in this collection and access to their images. Most of the types provide from Morocco and Spain (eastern Andalusia). Almost half of them come from the following exsiccatae: Iter Maroccanum (1927-1930) of Font Quer, Plantes D’Espagne of Sennen, Flora Iberica Selecta, Flora Selecta Canariensis of Sventenius, and Pteridophyta Iberica. The rest of this catalogue has been generated through researches conducted by Botany Department of the University of Granada, mostly from eastern Andalusia. For each specimen, the locality indication, species name, observation date, collector, type status, related information, associated sequences, and other catalogue numbers related to each type are recorded. The dataset is associated with an image collection (587 images) available at Institutional repository of the University of Granada (DIGIBUG, and at the Herbarium of University of Granada institutional web site (
The Herbarium of the University of Granada combines two general collections: GDA and GDAC (Thiers 2014). Both sections have different origin, dates, taxonomic groups and curatorial treatment. Since 2000, both herbaria were moved to the same place, forming the current Herbarium of the University of Granada. A complete review of all materials, recovery and incorporation of unregistered materials, updating curatorial methods and, even more important, the computerization of the entire collection were the main tasks accomplished since then. Late years, the Herbarium of the University of Granada has developed a project to digitalize images of high-priority specimens in order to preserve them and make them available on Internet. As a result of the reviewing process, several types that had not previously been compiled were detected. In order to reveal the existence of nomenclatural types whose deposit in the herbarium was unknown and to catalogue, analyze and validate the types of the different taxonomic groups and its historical collections, a doctoral thesis was conceived and the associated research conducted. This lead to an in-depth analysis of both sections and their historical collections. As a result, the catalogues of type specimens of different taxonomic groups of the Herbarium of the University of Granada have been compiled, published, and made accessible on Internet at the Herbarium of the University of Granada institutional web. During the verification process of this information, errors in the database have been revealed, and corrected, thereby contributing to the databases cleaning and their validation. In this validation process, types corresponding to a bryophytes taxon and eight to a vascular plants whose names had not been published in an effective and valid way (according to Art. 29-30 and 32 of the ICN) have been removed from the catalogue. Other four types have been validated by publishing a valid typification of their names. The disappearance of 10 types corresponding to six taxa of vascular plants has also been detected. In total, 565 nomenclatural types of vascular plants, four of macroscopic algae, 142 of fungi and four of lichens have been catalogued. From these, 293 types of vascular plants and 42 of fungi have been detected after the study of the historical collections included in the GDA Herbarium and the exhaustive review of the Fungi collection. In addition, 45 new types have been incorporated into the vascular collection and 54 types of fungi in GDA-Fungi corresponding to the publication of new taxa. The catalogue of type specimens of fungi and lichens was the first published on the GBIF.ES Integrated Publishing Toolkit (IPT) (, updated in 2018, indexed on the GBIF.ORG Data Portal ( and published as data paper (Vizoso & Quesada, 2015). In order to complete the main goals of this work we intend to publish the catalogue of type specimens of vascular plants in the same way. However, so far, aside form the fungi and lichen specimen catalogues, only the catalogue of types of macroscopic algae has been published, but at the Herbarium of the University of Granada institutional web.
Sampling Description
Study Extent
This study includes a vascular plants collection that contains Spermatophyta and Pteridophyta. Both have traditionally been maintained as independent groups in both sections -GDA and GDAC- of the herbarium. Consequently, the collection codes used to describe these collections in the dataset are GDA-Fanerogamia and GDAC-Fanerogamia, as well as GDA-Pteridophyta and GDAC-Pteridophyta. The vascular plants collection was started in the GDA section at the beginning of the 20th century. However, its origin goes back to 1850, at the beginning of the Botany studies at the new Faculty of Pharmacy founded by D. Mariano del Amo y Mora. The generation of a university herbarium was continued by his successors, among them Díez Tortosa, Cortés Latorre, Rivas Goday, Muñoz Medina and Esteve Chueca. In 1970, with the origin of the studies of Biological Sciences, at the Faculty of Science, another herbarium -GDAC- was also created, and included collections of both groups. In the year 2000, the two herbaria were joined in the Herbarium of the University of Granada (GDA). Although both sections retain their individuality, new materials are added only to the GDA collection. Each of the two sections, GDA and GDAC, brings its uniqueness to the general collection. The GDA section contains historical collections with samples dating from early 1800 until the mid-twentieth century. Among them, collection from the Science Society of Malaga stand out with about 4000 specimens, with some ones of the herbaria of Prolongo, Haenseler, Cabrera, Schousboe, Agardh and Boissier and a small collection belonged to Simón de Rojas Clemente y Rubio. Among the historical exsiccatae "Iter Maroccanum, 1927-1930" stand out. It contains almost all the materials from north of Africa distributed by Font Quer between 1928 and 1932. Also about 500 specimens of the exsiccata "Plantes d'Espagne" distributed by Sennen corresponding to the series of the years between 1928 and 1935; the full exsiccata "Flora Ibérica Selecta" distributed by the Botanical Institute of Barcelona between 1934-1935, the exsiccata of "Flora Selecta Canariensis", compendium of endemic Canarian flora with some specimens of new species described and collected by E.R. Sventenius between 1940-1950, and others like Flora Iberica Selecta, Flora Hispanica, Flora Suecica or Flora Lusitanica. In addition to the contributions of the previous exsiccatae to the Pteridophyta collection, the exsiccate Pteridophyta Iberica stands out with 948 specimens from all over the Iberian Peninsula, wich corresponds to 33% of the Pteridophyta collection. While the GDA section contributes the historical character of the herbarium, the GDAC section stands out because of the incorporation of very different taxonomic groups that until then were represented in a testimonial way in GDA. In addition, GDAC contributes with specimens from the taxonomic and geographic studies conducted by researchers from the Botany Department of the Faculty of Sciences, and most of the types of the new species were described eastern Andalusia throughout the late XX Century. Currently, according to data from June 2020, the Spermatophyta collection comprises 92146 specimens, of which only 35% are deposited in the GDAC section. The Pteridophyta collection contains 2988 specimens of which almost 20% are in GDAC. The 88% of the samples of the former and the 93% of Pteridophyta are of Spanish origin and this is completed with a small representation of 5% from Morocco and 2% from Portugal. The rest correspond to 48 countries among them Sweden stand out, thanks to the contributions from the Science Society of Malaga, and Ivory Coast because of the donation of a collection of 364 orchids by Dr. Pérez-Vera. The collection contains specimens of all the Spanish provinces, although the character of the herbarium as a reference for the flora of eastern Andalusia is clearly corroborated. More than half of specimens come from the eastern provinces, including Granada, with 46%, followed by Almeria, Jaen and Malaga.Sampling
The vascular plants collection has been fully computerized. Therefore, developing a complete catalogue involved three kinds of type specimens, namely those that: 1) already have a record in the databases; 2) specimens not recorded as a type in the databases but have been identified as such in the collection; and 3) type specimens not recorded in the databases nor identified or treated as such in the collection. For the first kind, quality control was carried out (see next section). For the second kind of type specimens, literature from the main researchers and collectors was reviewed. This led to the identification of type specimens that were not included in the databases and were either identified as such in the collection (case 2) or had not been identified as such (case 3). The review of the literature of these authors or relative these historical exsiccatae provided new data for both the collection and the associated databases. All type specimens are now registered in the GDA-GDAC collections and in some cases another number from other herbaria has been included in the RelatedInformation or OtherCatalogNumber fields of the Darwin Core standard.Quality Control
The consistency of data on type-specimen records was verified through comparisons with the information in original publications of the new species. The data reference to the original identification for each nomenclatural type of the taxon name were consigned. When the nomenclatural type was not included as such in the herbarium but was found after searching and reviewing the relevant literature, a revision label was added to the sample. Type status, name, site where it was validly published, and the author who documented it, were the fields detailed in this label. These data have also been computerized. When some information items such as geographical coordinates, altitude, identifiers of genetic sequence and others catalogue numbers belonging of the rest typical series had not been included in the herbarium database, and these data were available in the protologue, they were included in this dataset. Taxonomic status of the taxa names have been revised by comparison with Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life, African Plant DataBase, The Plant List, Flora iberica (Castroviejo, 1986-2012), Flora Vascular de Andalucía oriental (Blanca et al., 2009), and Catálogo de las plantas vasculares del norte de Marruecos (Valdés et al., 2002). DARWIN TEST (Ortega-Maqueda & Pando 2008) is the software application used to validate and check records from tables in a DARWINCORE format before exporting the database to a Darwin Core Archive file. DARWIN TEST has been used to check scientific names against the Scientific_Names table from Species 2000, to convert coordinates from UTM to decimal degrees which are used in the Darwincore format and to detect anomalous ASCII characters. Once checked and corrected, these records were exported as a Darwin Core Archive file that was uploaded to the IPT (Integrated Publishing Toolkit) hosted by GBIF.ES ( The metadata from the dataset have been completed directly in the IPT.Method steps
- First of all, a query was made to each of the two herbarium databases on nomenclatural types of the vascular plants collections (Phanerogamy and Pteridophyta database collections). Both were managed with the SICIMA software application (Fajardo & Pérez, 2002) and later with HERBAR (Pando et al. 1994-2010). Thus the results of the queries were compared with the label information for the type specimens in the Herbarium collection. Three kinds of errors were detected and corrected: first, typographical errors; second, records that were described as types samples but were not really types; and third, omissions in the database, i.e. types that should have been recorded as such. Publications on the description of new species made by Amo y Mora (1855, 1861), Font Quer (1928-1935), Pau (1928-1931), Maire (1929-1933), Sennen (1930, 1936), Sventenius (1948, 1953) and González Bueno et al. (1988), main collectors and researchers of the historical exsiccatae, were reviewed. After this review, 308 types that were not recorded as types were detected. In addition to these, others 29 which were computerized as types had not the appropriate physical curation treatment. Over all them, the appropriate curation was applied. A total of 31 errors in the database were corrected, 12 types were excluded from the catalogue, and 32 types corresponding to 12 new taxa described during the development of this project were included. In addition, nine types of the last three new taxa published in 2018 were also incorporated in this dataset. Finally, last revision during 2019 have permitted to include 18 new types belonging to 12 nominal taxa, five of them are specimens of new incorporation, and the rest of them are revisions over specimens had been loaned and returned to the herbarium. After updating the database with the digitalization of new types obtained from reviewed publications and data cleaning, the dataset corresponding to the type collection was obtained by consulting the database again. The resulting dataset was manually migrated to DarwinCore format and completed by adding the TypeStatus, othersCatalogueNumbers, and associatedSequences fields, and the SimpleMultimedia extension with the metadata associated to the type images. Then, the migrate file was validated with the Darwin Test tool (Ortega-Maqueda and Pando 2008). Finally the Darwin Core Archive was generated to incorporate the metadata to this file and published on the Integrated Publishing Toolkit (IPT). After obtaining the catalogue of types, all specimens were checked for appropriate physical curation treatment. Then, an i2S CopiBook RGB scanner (resolution of 300 dpi and TIFF format) was used to obtain digital images of the nomenclatural types. After the metadata for each image was included, the corresponding tiled/pyramid TIFF was generated and uploaded at the GBIF.ES “Biodiversity Image Portal of Spanish collections” Hosting and Publishing Service. Unfortunately, this GBIF.ES service stopped working but the images collection are now available at the Intitutional Repository of the University of Granada DIGIBUG ( The type collection is also available at the Herbarium of University of Granada institutional web site (
Additional info
We wish to express our appreciation to Dr G. Blanca (Botany Department researcher at the University of Granada) for his help in the interpretation of some type specimens and the direction of the doctoral thesis developed. We also thank Katia Cezón her help in validating and publishing this resource, and to the University of Granada Library staff -Hospital Real- for the facilities provided to use the scanner to take the digital images of the sheets, and the publication of the images in the Institutional repository of the UGR, DIGIBUG.Taxonomic Coverages
Plantaerank: kingdom
Tracheophytarank: phylum
Polypodiopsidarank: class
Liliopsidarank: class
Magnoliopsidarank: class
Pinopsidarank: class
Aspleniaceaerank: family
Aceraceaerank: family
Amaryllidaceaerank: family
Araceaerank: family
Boraginaceaerank: family
Campanulaceaerank: family
Caryophyllaceaerank: family
Chenopodiaceaerank: family
Cistaceaerank: family
Asteraceaerank: family
Convolvulaceaerank: family
Crassulaceaerank: family
Brassicaceaerank: family
Cupressaceaerank: family
Cyperaceaerank: family
Dipsacaceaerank: family
Ericaceaerank: family
Euphorbiaceaerank: family
Fagaceaerank: family
Frankeniaceaerank: family
Fumariaceaerank: family
Gentianaceaerank: family
Geraniaceaerank: family
Poaceaerank: family
Grossulariaceaerank: family
Guttiferaerank: family
Iridaceaerank: family
Juncaceaerank: family
Juncaginaceaerank: family
Lamiaceaerank: family
Fabaceaerank: family
Lentibulariaceaerank: family
Liliaceaerank: family
Linaceaerank: family
Myrtaceaerank: family
Orchidaceaerank: family
Paeoniaceaerank: family
Papaveraceaerank: family
Plantaginaceaerank: family
Plumbaginaceaerank: family
Polygalaceaerank: family
Polygonaceaerank: family
Primulaceaerank: family
Ranunculaceaerank: family
Resedaceaerank: family
Rosaceaerank: family
Rubiaceaerank: family
Rutaceaerank: family
Salicaceaerank: family
Saxifragaceaerank: family
Scrophulariaceaerank: family
Tamaricaceaerank: family
Umbelliferaerank: family
Valerianaceaerank: family
Centaurearank: genus
Sideritisrank: genus
Thymusrank: genus
Linariarank: genus
Teucriumrank: genus
Hippocrepisrank: genus
Ononisrank: genus
Ranunculusrank: genus
Silenerank: genus
Genistarank: genus
Saxifragarank: genus
Narcissusrank: genus
Armeriarank: genus
Helianthemumrank: genus
Staticerank: genus
Agrostisrank: genus
Campanularank: genus
Linumrank: genus
Arabisrank: genus
Erysimumrank: genus
Sisymbriumrank: genus
Bulbophyllumrank: genus
Galatellarank: genus
Juncusrank: genus
Dianthusrank: genus
Chamaepeucerank: genus
Salviarank: genus
Acerrank: genus
Brassicarank: genus
Stiparank: genus
Cirsiumrank: genus
Carduusrank: genus
Apialesrank: order
Asteralesrank: order
Boraginalesrank: order
Brassicalesrank: order
Caryophyllalesrank: order
Dipsacalesrank: order
Ericalesrank: order
Fabalesrank: order
Fagalesrank: order
Gentianalesrank: order
Geranialesrank: order
Lamialesrank: order
Malpighialesrank: order
Myrtalesrank: order
Ranunculalesrank: order
Rosalesrank: order
Saxifragalesrank: order
Solanalesrank: order
Pinalesrank: order
Poarank: genus
Acer x avilae Font Quer & Rothm.rank: species
Adenocarpus desertorum Castrov.rank: species
Agrostis canina subsp. granatensis Romero García, Blanca & C.Moralesrank: subspecies
Agrostis hesperica Romero García, Blanca & C.Moralesrank: species
Anacyclus alboranensis Esteve & Varorank: species
Arabis margaritae Talaverarank: species
Armeria alpinifolia Pau & Font Querrank: species
Bromus maroccanus Pau & Font Querrank: species
Bulbophyllum danii Pérez-Verarank: species
Bulbophyllum ivorense P.J.Cribb & Pérez-Verarank: species
Carthamus rhiphaeus Font Quer & Paurank: species
Centaurea ali-beyana Font Quer & Paurank: species
Centaurea citricolor Font Querrank: species
Centaurea legionis-septimae Fern.Casas & Susannarank: species
Centaurea rouyi var. macrocephala Blancarank: variety
Centaurea rouyi var. suffrutescens Blancarank: variety
Centaurea sagredoi Blancarank: species
Centaurea ultreiae Silva Pandorank: species
Crocus nevadensis Amo & Camporank: species
Cynara x gaditana Blanca & Sánchez Carriónrank: species
Cyrtorchis brownii var. guillaumetii Pérez-Verarank: variety
Daucus mauritii Sennenrank: species
Draba hispanica subsp. lebrunii P.Monts.rank: subspecies
Echinops fontqueri Paurank: species
Eryngium caespitiferum Font Quer & Paurank: species
Eryngium × mohamedanii Font Quer & Paurank: species
Erysimum riphaeanum Lorite, Abdelaziz, Muñoz-Pajares, Perfectti & J.M.Gómezrank: species
Euphorbia flavicoma subsp. bermejense Hidalgo Triana, Pérez Lat. & Cabezudorank: subspecies
Festuca font-queri St.-Yvesrank: species
Galatella malacitana Blanca, Gavira & Suár.-Sant.rank: species
Galium talaveranum Ortega Oliv. & Devesarank: species
Gypsophila montserratii Fern. Casasrank: species
Haplophyllum bastetanum F.B.Navarro, Suár.-Sant. & Blancarank: species
Helianthemum x conchitae Socorro & Arozarank: species
Helianthemum grosii Pau & Font Querrank: species
Helianthemum raynaudii Ortega Oliv., Romero García & C.Moralesrank: species
Hieracium riofrioi Pau & Font Querrank: species
Hippocrepis castroviejoi Talavera & E. Domínguezrank: species
Hippocrepis tavera-mendozae Talavera & E. Domínguezrank: species
Hypericum andjerinum Font Quer & Paurank: species
Jasione crispa subsp. segurensis Mota, C.Díaz, Gómez-Merc. & F.Vallerank: subspecies
Juncus fernandez-carvajaliae Romero Zarco & Aránrank: species
Jurinea fontqueri Cuatrec.rank: species
Lamium gevorense (Gómez Hern.) Gómez Hern. & A.Pujadasrank: species
Laserpitium latifolium subsp. nevadensis Mart. Lirola, Molero Mesa & Blancarank: subspecies
Limonium estevei Fern.Casasrank: species
Linaria amoi Campo ex Amorank: species
Linaria arenicola Pau & Font Querrank: species
Linaria argillicola Juan, Blanca, Cueto, J.Fuentes & L.Sáezrank: species
Linaria becerrae Blanca, Cueto & J.Fuentesrank: species
Linaria tursica Valdés & Cabezudorank: species
Marcetella moquiniana (Webb & Berthel.) Svent.rank: species
Marrubium fontianum Mairerank: species
Moehringia glochidisperma J.M.Monts.rank: species
Moehringia intricata subsp. giennensis C.Díaz, Mota & F.Vallerank: subspecies
Moricandia rytidocarpoides Lorite, Perfectti, Gómez, González-Megías & Abdelazizrank: species
Muscari baeticum Blanca, Ruíz-Rejón & Suár.-Sant.rank: species
Muscari olivetorum Blanca, Ruíz-Rejón & Suár.-Sant.rank: species
Myosotis macrosiphon Font Quer & Mairerank: species
Narcissus litigiosus Amorank: species
Ononis penduliflora Paurank: species
Perralderia paui Font Querrank: species
Pinguicula mundi Blanca, Jamilena, Ruíz-Rejón & Reg.Zamorarank: species
Potentilla caulescens subsp. achhalii Romorank: subspecies
Ranunculus cherubicus subsp. girelae Fern. Prieto, Molero Mesa, Muñoz Díaz & Sannarank: subspecies
Ranunculus valdesii Graurank: species
Ribes x varoi Blancarank: species
Rivasmartinezia cazorlana Blanca, Cueto, Benavente & J.Fuentesrank: species
Rosmarinus x mendizabalii Sagredo ex Rosúarank: species
Rosmarinus x noeanus Maire ex Rosúarank: species
Salvia barrelieri Etl.rank: species
Salvia cavanillesiana Bolòs et Font Querrank: species
Sarcocapnos pulcherrima C.Morales & Romero Garcíarank: species
Saxifraga x sorianoi García Maroto & Gómez-Merc.rank: species
Saxifraga tricrenata Pau & Font Querrank: species
Saxifraga werneri Font Quer & Paurank: species
Scorzonera albicans var. macrocarpa Blanca & F.Vallerank: variety
Scrophularia valdesii Ortega Oliv. & Devesarank: species
Scrophularia viciosoi Ortega Oliv. & Devesarank: species
Sideritis bubanii Font Querrank: species
Sideritis x candelii Font Quer & Paurank: species
Sideritis carbonellis Socorrorank: species
Sideritis x ginesii Socorro, L.Cano & Espinarrank: species
Sideritis x grosii Font Querrank: species
Sideritis maireana Font Quer & Paurank: species
Sideritis x sagredoi Socorro, Molero Mesa, Casares & Pérez Rayarank: species
Sideritis x varoi Socorro & García-Gran.rank: species
Silene abietum Font Quer & Mairerank: species
Silene cuatrecasasii Pau & Font Querrank: species
Silene rhiphaena Pau & Font Querrank: species
Silene vidaliana Pau & Font Querrank: species
Sisymbrium isatidifolium Blanca, Cueto & J.Fuentesrank: species
Sonchus masguindalii Pau & Font Querrank: species
Sonchus tuberifer Svent.rank: species
Stipa almeriensis F.M. Vázquezrank: species
Stipa apertifolia var. nevadensis F.M.Vázquezrank: variety
Teucrium chlorostachyum Pau & Font Querrank: species
Teucrium grossii Paurank: species
Teucrium teresianum Blanca, Cueto & J.Fuentesrank: species
Thapsia nitida var. meridionalis A. Pujadasrank: variety
Thymus x beltranii Socorro, Espinar & Arreb.rank: species
Thymus x enicensis Blanca, Cueto, L.Gut. & M.J.Martínezrank: species
Thymus x hurtadoi Socorro, Molero Mesa, Casares & Pérez Rayarank: species
Thymus x indalicus Blanca, Cueto, L.Gut. & M.J.Martínezrank: species
Thymus x jimenezii Socorro, Cano & Arreb.rank: species
Thymus x mariae Socorro, Arreb. & Espinarrank: species
Thymus x pastoris Socorro & Arreb.rank: species
Thymus x pseudogranatensis Vizoso, F.B. Navarro & Loriterank: species
Tolpis crassiuscula Svent.rank: species
Tolpis nemoralis Font Quer ex Mairerank: species
Tragopogon cazorlanum C.Díaz & Blancarank: species
Tragopogon lainzii Suár.-Sant., P.S.Soltis, Soltis, C.Díaz & Blancarank: species
Verbascum prunellii Rodr.Gracia & Valdés Berm.rank: species
Veronica rosea var. macrantha Paurank: variety
Armeria villosa subsp. enritrianoi Blanca et al.rank: subspecies
Linaria qartobensis Blanca et al.rank: species
Narcissus nevadensis subsp. herrerae Algarra et al.rank: subspecies
Centaurea × maritima nothosubsp. borrianensis var. nasturtiifolia Roselló et al.rank: subspecies
Foeniculum sanguineum Triano & A.Pujadasrank: species
Launaea lanifera Paurank: species
Linum jimenezii subsp. willkommii Mart. Labarga & Muñoz Garm.rank: subspecies
Poa minor subsp. nevadensis Nannf.rank: subspecies
Potentilla caulescens subsp. achhalii Romorank: subspecies
Antirrhinum bilbilitanum Güemes & Mateorank: species
Geographic Coverages
Bibliographic Citations
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M. Teresa Vizoso Pazoriginator
position: Support teaching and research technician
Herbarium of the University of Granada (Spain)
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Telephone: +34 958246329
M. Teresa Vizoso Paz
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position: Support teaching and research technician
Herbarium of the University of Granada (Spain)
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Telephone: +34 958246329
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University of Granada
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Herbarium of the University of Granada (Spain)
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