Biodiversity Data Needs Workshop

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21 de abril de 2017
08:00 - 16:00 CEST

This workshop was organised to deliver a national consensus on biodiversity information needs for Ghana. The objective of the workshop was to identify biodiversity data needs, gaps, challenges and opportunities for Ghana using strategies to mobilize data.

The workshop was attended by 31 people from academic and research institutions, government ministries and NGOs.

Topics covered:

  • Biodiversity data-holdings and needs for Ghana (questionnaire)
  • Biodiversity data needs, gaps and opportunities
  • Prioritization of biodiversity data needs for Ghana
  • Strategies for mobilization

Assessing national needs and priorities for biodiversity data, the workshop used SWOT analysis to bring to light gaps in data and lack of public awareness so that they can be given a specific focus. The results for this session is included in a workshop report.

Lugar de celebración
Erata Hotel
País o área
21 de abril de 2017 08:00 - 16:00