Strategic meeting of the partners of the JRS project ‘Mobilizing Africa’s policy and decision-making relevant biodiversity data’

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25 - 27 marzo 2014

The South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI) in partnership with African Participants of the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) are planning to hold a meeting to implement an innovative and collaborative project aimed at ensuring relevant biodiversity information is available to support efficient policy formulation and decision-making in Africa.

The project, entitled, Mobilizing Africa’s policy and decision-making relevant biodiversity data, is generously funded by the JRS Biodiversity Foundation.

The overarching aim of the project is to develop and implement a strategy for mobilizing African biodiversity data while strengthening regional collaboration and capacity in biodiversity informatics. The strategy will set priorities for capturing, digitizing and publishing biodiversity data with a view to reinforcing the knowledge base on which policies and decisions concerning biodiversity are made.

To this end, delegates to the workshop in Pretoria will be asked to:
i) Decide what biodiversity data is required for making evidence-based policies and decisions in their respective countries;
ii) Map institutional landscapes to determine the significant sources and repositories of required biodiversity data;
iii) Determine the current availability and accessibility of required biodiversity data;
iv) Set priorities for the mobilization (collection, digitization and publication) of required biodiversity data; and
v) Identify regional capacity constraints in biodiversity informatics and, accordingly, agree on the type of training to be provided at subsequent workshops.

Strategic meeting of the partners of the JRS project ‘Mobilizing Africa’s policy and decision-making relevant biodiversity data’
Lugar de celebración
National Botanical Garden
País o área
25 - 27 marzo 2014