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- {{ 155 | localNumber}}
- Aquí debe colocarse una breve descripción del componente
- {{ 32 | localNumber}}
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"value": "2750913",
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"value": "false",
"matchCase": false
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6kINPN - Données flore des CBN agrégées par la FCBN
4kArtportalen (Swedish Species Observation System)
1kFlora von Deutschland (Phanerogamen)
1kOccurrence Data of Vascular Plants collected or compiled for the Flora of Bavaria
866Atlas Flora Danica
740Données de la flore d’Alsace (SBA)
705Observations floristiques floutées issues de la base de données flore du Conservatoire botanique national alpin
666FloraCAT: Banco de datos de los cormófitos de Cataluña
650DIBA-Parc Natural del Montseny
625Observations floristiques issues de la base de données du Conservatoire botanique national alpin
558Moscow University Herbarium (MW)
500Vascular Plants, Observations, Oslo (O)
469CSIC-Real Jardín Botánico-Anthos. Sistema de Información de las Plantas de España
467Banco de Datos de la Biodiversidad de la Comunitat Valenciana
446Israel Nature and Parks Authority
446Living Collection of the Gothenburg Botanical Garden
387iNaturalist Research-grade Observations
366Observations du Conservatoire botanique national du Bassin parisien.
363Chronicle of Nature - Phenology of Plants of Zhiguli Nature Reserve
297Phenology of Liliace
286Vascular plant herbarium, Agder naturmuseum og botaniske hage
249Norwegian Species Observation Service
241Données d'occurrences Espèces issues de l'inventaire des ZNIEFF
213Carnet en Ligne
206Other BSBI Scottish data up to 2012
196Lund Botanical Museum (LD)
186Données ONF Faune-Flore-Fonge
183Wikiplantbase #Toscana
177BioGIS - Vascular plants - A. Danin's grid database
166Sistema de Información de la vegetación Ibérica y Macaronésica
154TAXA - Flore et habitats naturels de Franche-Comté
144BioGIS - Vascular plants - INPA database
118Vascular Plant Herbarium, Oslo (O)
113Flora-On: occurrence data of the flora of mainland Portugal
111Suffolk Biodiversity Information Service (SBIS) Dataset
-, Nature data from the Netherlands
109Monocotyledonous Geophytes of Fergana Valley
105Données acquises dans le cadre de l'activité du bureau d'étude BIOTOPE (1994 - 2013)
104CSIC-Real Jardín Botánico-Colección de Plantas Vasculares (MA)
- - Non-native plant occurrences in Flanders and the Brussels Capital Region, Belgium
95BioGIS - Vascular plants - A. Danin's point database
86Oskarshamn herbarium (OHN)
84LERN Records
82Base de datos de plantas vasculares del País Vasco: ARAN-EH
81Catálogo Florístico Histórico de Navarra. Gobierno de Navarra
71Dutch Vegetation Database
70BioGIS - Vascular plants - Israeli Gene Bank
70Flora of Worcestershire
67Inventaire National du Patrimoine Naturel : Flore protégée du Dauphiné
66Florabank1 - A grid-based database on vascular plant distribution in the northern part of Belgium (Flanders and the Brussels Capital region)
60Phenological observations of biota on the territory of Prioksko-Terrasnyi biosphere reserve
56Biologiezentrum Linz
55The vascular plants collection (P) at the Herbarium of the Muséum national d'Histoire Naturelle (MNHN - Paris)
51Natural History Museum, Vienna - Herbarium W
50Scottish SNH-funded BSBI records
47Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh Living Plant Collections (E)
47Kathryn Kalmbach Herbarium
46Naturalis Biodiversity Center (NL) - Botany
46Colección de plantas vasculares del herbario de la Universitat de València (VAL).
43Virtual Herbarium ALTB (South-Siberian Botanical Garden)
42Finnish Floristic Database (Finnish Museum of Natural History Collections)
41Inventaire National du Patrimoine Naturel : Espèces Végétales Menacées de France métropolitaine
35Sistema Museale di Ateneo, Università di Pisa - Herbarium PI
31The Himalayan Uplands Plant database (HUP Version 1)
31Institut Botanic de Barcelona (IBB-CSIC-ICUB), BC-Plantae
31Hatikka Observation Database
29Colección de plantas vasculares del Herbario "Jaime Andrés Rodríguez". LEB
28Herbario HSS Finca La Orden-Valdesequera (CICYTEX). Gobierno de Extremadura
27Vascular Plant Herbarium, UiB
27VIT Herbarium - Vascular Plants (The Natural History Museum of Alava)
26500,000 plant Specimens from PE Herbarium in China from 1950 to 1999
26Cartografía de vegetación a escala de detalle 1:10.000 de la masa forestal de Andalucía
26Natural History Museum (London) Collection Specimens
26Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh Herbarium (E)
24RNF - Données du Parc Naturel Régional du Vercors
- - Plant occurrences in Flanders and the Brussels Capital Region, Belgium
21University of Vienna, Institute for Botany - Herbarium WU
20Vascular Plants, Field notes, Agder naturmuseum (KMN)
20Herbarium Berolinense, Berlin (B)
20BioGIS - Vascular plants - SPNI
19Estonian University of Life Sciences
19Données d'occurrence Espèces issues de la base Natura 2000 : espèces d'intérêt communautaire et autres espèces remarquables renseignées dans les FSD
19Floristic Databases of Mecklenburg-Pomerania - Higher Plants
16Données du CEN Picardie concernant la Faune, Flore, Fonge
16Herbario ABH (Universidad de Alicante)
16Estonian Nature Observations Database
15Taxon occurrence data for the FungalRoot database
15University of British Columbia Botanical Garden Collections (UBCBG)
14Jeu de données convention FEGVE-SPN-2012-2016
13Données naturalistes d'Olivier ESCUDER
13Phenological Center - Plants (Karelia)
13Données naturalistes de Thomas GAILLARD
12University of British Columbia Herbarium (UBC) - Vascular Plant Collection
12Herbarium Universitatis Daugavpiliensis
12Herbario de Plantas Vasculares de la Universidad de Salamanca: SALA
12Herbario COFC de la Universidad de Córdoba: colección general de plantas vasculares
12Observations floristiques du Parc National du Mercantour
12Données naturalistes d'Olivier ESCUDER
11Atlas de la flore de Lorraine
11Inventaire National du Patrimoine Naturel : Atlas de la flore de Lorraine
11Données de la base Ecosphère
11Naturhistorisches Museum Mainz, Feldbeobachtungsdaten Pflanzen
11Jardín Botánico de Córdoba: Herbarium COA
11MGC Herbarium of University of Malaga (Spain): MGC-Cormof dataset
11Herbario de Universidad de Murcia: MUB
11Flore des Pyrénées
11Wikiplantbase #Liguria
10Herbarium of Vascular Plants Collection of the University of Extremadura (Spain)
10Belgian IFBL Flora Checklists (1939-1971)
10Inventaire National du Patrimoine Naturel : Flore Franco-Belge
10Vascular plant herbarium TRH, NTNU University Museum
9Miscellaneous records held on the Cofnod database
9Flora of the Volga River basin
8RECORD Vascular Plant Data
8MHA Herbarium: Eastern European collections of vascular plants
8PAMP-tracheo: Vascular plants in Ribera Occidental de Navarra (Spain). PhD project, L. Garde
8Natusfera Citizen Science Observation Dataset
7Isle of Man wildlife records from 01/01/2000 to 13/02/2017
- - Non-native species occurrences in Wallonia, Belgium
7North Carolina State University Vascular Plant Herbarium
7BRERC species records recorded over 15 years ago
7Herbario de la Universidad Pública de Navarra, Pamplona: UPNA-H
7Vascular plant herbarium, Tromsø Museum
7Vascular Plants, Field notes, Oslo (O)
7Inventaire National du Patrimoine Naturel : Flore du Massif Armoricain
7Relevés floristiques du protocole de l'Inventaire National Forestier de l'IGN
7Geneva Herbarium – General Collection (G)
6Inventaire National du Patrimoine Naturel : Flore de l'Ain
6A grid-based database on vascular plant distribution in Samoylovsky District of Saratov Oblast, Russia
6RNF - Association Loiret Nature Environnement
6Données naturalistes de Damien AVRIL
6ATBI Parc national du Mercantour / Parco naturale Alpi Marittime
6Welsh BSBI data (ex-VPDB dataset) at hectad resolution
5Shropshire Ecological Data Network database
5Estonian Museum of Natural History
5All taxa records for Leicestershire and Rutland between 1987 and 2016
5SEWBReC Vascular Plants (South East Wales)
5The Fungal Collection at the Senckenberg Museum für Naturkunde Görlitz
5Herbario de la Universidad de Sevilla
5Auckland Museum Botany Collection
5United States National Plant Germplasm System Collection
4Phanerogamic Botanical Collections (S)
4Isle of Man historical wildlife records 1995 to 1999
4Bioblitz 2013 Copenhagen Denmark
4Masaryk University - Herbarium BRNU
4Collection botanique Le Grand A. (BOUM)
4Tropicos Specimen Data
4Herbario de la Universidad de Almería
4Natural History Museum, University of Tartu
4Collections and observation data National Museum of Natural History Luxembourg
4Herbarium Senckenbergianum (FR)
4Jeu de données convention Eurovia-SPN-2012-2016
4Conventions d’étude sur la biodiversité française – Partenariats du SPN
3Norwegian Biodiversity Information Centre - Other datasets
3Colección del Banco de Germoplasma de la Universitat de València
3Natural History Museum Maastricht (NL) - Herbarium
3Las monocotiledóneas mexicanas, una sinopsis florística
3Fungus Collections at Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Karlsruhe (Herbarium KR)
3Données 'Flore remarquable' du Parc national des Pyrénées
3Chronicle of Nature - Phenology of Plants of National Park Bashkirija
3A grid-based database on vascular plant distribution in Vladimir Oblast, Russia
3Tiroler Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum
3The Vascular Plant Collection at the Botanische Staatssammlung München
3Universidad de Oviedo. Departamento de Biología de Organismos y Sistemas: FCO
3Photographs of higher plants, mosses, fungi, lichens, and algae
3Herbarium of the Prioksko-Terrasnyi Biosphere Reserve
3Universidad de Oviedo. Departamento de Biología de Organismos y Sistemas: FCO-Briof
3Finnish Floristic Database (Åbo Akademi University Collections)
3Flora d'Andorra
3Merseyside BioBank (verified)
3BRERC species records within last 15 years
3Vascular Plant Records up to 2010
2Merseyside BioBank (unverified)
2Suivi Photographique des Insectes Pollinisateurs (SPIPOLL)
2Isle of Man historical wildlife records 1990 to 1994
2Wikiplantbase #Sicilia
2Digitalización de la colección FITO-UBIPRO, de las enfermedades y sus agentes causales, de los cultivos agrícolas de la región centro de México
2Données naturalistes de Martin HILAIRE
2MEL AVH data
2Hertfordshire Flora Survey Records 1987-2005
2Merseyside BioBank Active Naturalists (unverified)
2Gloucestershire Historic Wildlife Sightings prior to 1st Jan 2000
2Intermountain Herbarium (Utah State University)
2The Fungal Collection at the Botanische Staatssammlung München
2IBF Monitoring of Vascular Plants
2Herbarium Willing at Herbarium Berolinense, Berlin (B)
2SER Site-based Surveys
2Rotherham Biological Records Centre - Non-sensitive Records from all taxonomic groups
2CHSC - CSU Chico, Chico State Herbarium - Vascular Plants
2Vascular Plants, Museum of Archaeology, University of Stavanger
2Data from Defra Family Organisations supplied to Staffordshire Ecological Record
2Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew - Herbarium Specimens
2The New York Botanical Garden Herbarium (NY)
2Vegetation data from protected areas in Denmark (§ 3 in the Danish Nature Protection Act)
2Universidad de Navarra, Herbarium: PAMP-Vascular Plants
2Digitization of plant specimens from Rhoen and Vogelsberg (FULD)
2Vascular plant field notes, NTNU University Museum
1NBIS Records to December 2016
1Montgomeryshire Wildlife Trust records held by BIS
1Données naturalistes d'Arnaud BELLANGER
1Digitization of plant specimens from Rhoen and Vogelsberg (FLAD)
1Tasmanian Natural Values Atlas
1Royal BC Museum - Herbarium (V)
1Herbier Louis-Marie (QFA) - Collection de plantes vasculaires
1HO AVH data
1H.A. Stephens Herbarium
1Steiermärkisches Landesmuseum Joanneum - Herbarium GJO
1National Trust Species Records
1Finnish Floristic Database (Small Collections)
1Herbarium GAT
1Rund ums Ökohaus (Würzburg)
1Herbarium specimens of Société des Sciences Naturelles et Mathématiques de Cherbourg (CHE)
1Données naturalistes de Robin GUILHOT
1NMNH Extant Specimen Records
1Vascular plant specimens of National Museum of Nature and Science (TNS)
1Nordic Genetic Resources
1inatura - Erlebnis Naturschau Dornbirn
1Museu Darder de Banyoles
1Biodiversitätsdatenbank des Landes Salzburg
1AKG-Gelände (Bensheim)
1Trockenhang Greinhartsberg Edelfingen
1Naturschutzgebiete um das Christliche-Spalatin-Gymnasium Altenburg
1Tag der Artenvielfalt
1Patrick Roper’s Notebooks
1Herbarium of Namur
1Field Museum of Natural History (Botany) Seed Plant Collection
1Vascular Herbarium, NMBU
1Geographically tagged INSDC sequences
1All observations extracted from the Flora of Northumberland and Durham 1831
1Geneva Herbarium – Boissier's Flora Orientalis (G-BOIS)
1Herbarium specimens of Université de Montpellier 2, Institut de Botanique (MPU))
1Herbier E. P. Larchevêque (BOUM)
1RNF - Données du CEN Centre
1Arizona State University Vascular Plant Herbarium
1A grid-based database on vascular plant distribution in Udomlya District of Tver Oblast, Russia
1UCR - University of California, Riverside Herbarium - Vascular Plants
1Exotic plant occurrences in Wallonia
1Nijmegen Natural History Museum (NL) - Herbarium
1CAS Botany (BOT)
1University of Graz, Institute of Plant Sciences - Herbarium GZU