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- {{ 91 | localNumber}}
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- {{ 61 | localNumber}}
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- {{ 18 | localNumber}}
Nombre científico Ulota crispa (Hedw.) Brid.
- POLYGON((-23.203125 65.946471,-23.203125 34.885930,52.734375 34.885930,52.734375 65.946471,-23.203125 65.946471))
- POLYGON((7.734374 81.093213,7.734374 36.031331,54.140625 36.031331,54.140625 81.093213,7.734374 81.093213))
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"type": "and",
"predicates": [
"type": "equals",
"key": "TAXON_KEY",
"value": "2671967",
"matchCase": false
"type": "or",
"predicates": [
"type": "within",
"geometry": "POLYGON((-23.203125 65.946471,-23.203125 34.885930,52.734375 34.885930,52.734375 65.946471,-23.203125 65.946471))"
"type": "within",
"geometry": "POLYGON((7.734374 81.093213,7.734374 36.031331,54.140625 36.031331,54.140625 81.093213,7.734374 81.093213))"
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9kBritish Bryological Society - Bryophyte data for Great Britain from the British Bryological Society held by BRC
327Norwegian Species Observation Service
307Lund Botanical Museum (LD)
210Bryophyte herbarium, NTNU University Museum
157Mosses (S)
124Universidad de Oviedo. Departamento de Biología de Organismos y Sistemas: FCO-Briof
80Herbarium of Umeå University (UME)
77Estonian Museum of Natural History
70Biologiezentrum Linz
60Bryophyte diversity in forests
60Biological and palaeontological collection and observation data MNHNL
55Bryophyte herbarium, Oslo (O)
49Natural History Museum (London) Collection Specimens
39Naturhistorisches Museum Mainz, Herbarium von Ruprecht Düll
38Natural History Museum, University of Tartu
35Vascular plants in Denmark recorded under the The Nationwide Monitoring and Assessment Programme for the Aquatic and Terrestrial Environments (NOVANA)
31Dutch Vegetation Database (LVD)
25INPN - Données flore des CBN agrégées par la FCBN
22Estonian University of Life Sciences
19Ireland's BioBlitz
19Universität Salzburg
17Herbarium of the Department of Natural Forests (Forest Research Institute)
16Bryophyte herbarium, Tromsø Museum
16Bristol Regional Environmental Records Centre - BRERC October 2009
14Dorset Environmental Records Centre - Dorset SSSI Species Records 1952 - 2004 (Natural England)
14BrioCAT: Banco de datos de los briòfitos de Cataluña
13Tropicos Specimen Data
12Highland Biological Recording Group - HBRG Fungus, Lichen and Lower Plants Dataset
11Moss herbarium, UiB
10Bryophyte collection of Porto Herbarium (PO)
9Suffolk Biological Records Centre - Suffolk Biological Records Centre (SBRC) dataset
8Universitat de València, Colecciones de Criptógamas: VAL_Briof
7Herbarium Senckenbergianum (GLM) - Lichenes
7NINA botanical collection
6Naturalis Biodiversity Center (NL) - Botany
6John Muir Trust - Plants, Bryophytes and Lichens recorded on the Skye Estate during October 1995 â October 2004.
6Tallinn Botanic Garden
6tree climbing bryophytes & lichens at tree base and crown with traits
6Thames Valley Environmental Records Centre - Local Wildlife Site Surveys Oxfordshire
5Données ONF Faune-Flore-Fonge
5National Trust - Hatfield Forest species data held by The National Trust.
5Real Jardin Botanico, Madrid: MA-Musci
5Wetland Inventory (NV)
5Données ONF Faune-Flore-FOnge
4John Muir Trust - Knoydart Bryophytes, 1990
3John Muir Trust - Bryophytes of Glen Nevis Woods 1987-1988
3Kystfuruskoger 2015
3ARKO gamle edellauvtrær
2National Trust - Wicken Fen nature reserve species data held by The National Trust
2Australia's Virtual Herbarium
2Naturhistorisches Museum Mainz, Botanical Collection
2Karl Franzens University of Graz, Insitute for Botany - Herbarium GZU
2John Muir Trust - Plants and Bryophytes recorded on Schiehallion 25-30 June 2000
2Gothenburg Herbarium - General (GBIF:IH:GB:Herbarium)
1Bryophyta collection of the Botanical Museum of the University of Oulu
1iNaturalist Research-grade Observations
1Lillachtal mit Kalktuffquelle bei Weißenohe
1Natur erleben rund um den Seminarbauernhof Gut Hohenberg
1Biosphärenpark Wienerwald - Wiener Steinhofgründe
1"Laubenheimer Bodenheimer Ried" - von Stromtalwiesen und Flutrasen
1Royal Horticultural Society - RHS monitoring of native and naturalised plants and animals at its gardens and surrounding areas
1John Muir Trust - Plants, Bryophytes and Lichens recorded on the Lì and Coire Dhorrcail Estate during June 2001.
1Rådgivende Biologer
1Danielsberg (Mölltal, Kärnten)
1GEO-Hauptveranstaltung (NLP Harz / Hochharz)
1Waldränder der Frankenhöhe (Rothenburg ob der Tauber)
1Mooswald (Freiburg)
1Gemeinde Sursee
1Artenvielfalt auf der Weide - GEO-Hauptveranstaltung in Crawinkel
1NABU-Projekt (Osterode am Harz) Südharzer Gipskarst
1Laubenheimer Bodenheimer Ried - von Stromtalwiesen und Flutrasen
1Banco de Datos de la Biodiversidad de la Comunitat Valenciana
1Vom Gipfel ins Moor, Transekt im NSG Allgäuer Hochalpen
1Tag der Artenvielfalt im Taubental
1National Trust - Anglesey Abbey wildlife species data held by The National Trust.
1Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh Herbarium (E)
1Countryside Council for Wales - Welsh Invertebrate Database (WID)
1John Muir Trust - Plants, Bryophytes and Lichens recorded on Quinag in 2006-2007
1Herbario de Briófitos de la Universidad de Salamanca: SALA-Bryo
1John Muir Trust - Plants, Bryophytes and Lichens recorded on the Nevis Estate during summer 2003.
1Geneva Herbarium – General Collection (G)
1The cryptogamy collection (PC) at the Herbarium of the Muséum national d'Histoire Naturelle (MNHN - Paris)