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4MDonnées piscicoles et astacicoles des cours d'eau de France métropolitaine bancarisées dans ASPE (OFB) - Données acquises selon le protocole de pêche complète à un ou plusieurs passages - ASPE - OFB
2MSLU Aqua Institute of Freshwater Research National register of survey test-fishing - NORS
2MDonnées piscicoles et astacicoles des cours d'eau de France métropolitaine bancarisées dans ASPE (OFB) - Données acquises selon le protocole de pêche partielle par points - ASPE - OFB
938kMultistate Aquatic Resources Information System - MARIS - Fish
740kDonnées piscicoles et astacicoles des cours d'eau de France métropolitaine bancarisées dans ASPE (OFB) - Données acquises selon le protocole de pêche par ambiance - ASPE - OFB
465kSLU Aqua Institute of Freshwater Research Swedish Electrofishing Registry - SERS
453kRoyal Dutch Angling Association (SVN) - Piscaria
370kVIS - Fishes in inland waters in Flanders, Belgium
332kUSGS Nonindigenous Aquatic Species database
315kDonnées piscicoles et astacicoles des cours d'eau de France métropolitaine bancarisées dans ASPE (OFB) - Données piscicoles acquises selon le protocole de pêche partielle sur berges - ASPE - OFB
276kFreshwater fish of the Netherlands, 1800-2019
268kDatabase for the Atlas of Freshwater Fishes
216kUSGS Great Lakes Science Center Research Vessel Catch Information System Trawl
212kFish sample collection
194kiNaturalist Research-grade Observations
175kDonnées piscicoles et astacicoles des cours d'eau de France métropolitaine bancarisées dans ASPE (OFB) - Données piscicoles acquises selon la méthode des indices d'abondance "saumon" - ASPE - OFB
-, Nature data from around the World
169kHarmonised freshwater fish occurrence and abundance data for 12 federal states in Germany
168kPIKE – Distribution, extinctions and introductions of freshwater fish in Sweden
161kAbundances and biological traits of fish sampled by electrofishing (except specific abundance indices) on the River Oir since 1988 (France).
119kRoyal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ) - Kom Fyke Mokbaai
117kSLU Aqua Institute of Coastal Research Database for Coastal Fish - KUL
114kAtlas des poissons d'eau douce de France métropolitaine (2001)
108kMSB Fish Collection (Arctos)
103kIMOS - Animal Tracking Facility - Acoustic Tracking - Quality Controlled Detections (2007 -2021)
102kUniversity of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Division of Fishes
100kPhenology and biological traits of migrating salmon (Salmo salar) sampled by trapping in the Scorff river (France).
95kUAIC Ichthyological Collection
95kVictorian Biodiversity Atlas
94kOhio State University Fish Division (OSUM)
89kNHMO DNA Bank Fish and Herptile collection
88kFishes of Texas Project (FoTX) Database - Darwin Core
88kNuSEDS - New Salmon Escapement Database System
84kNINA Vanndata fisk
84kPacific Ocean Shelf Tracking (OBIS Canada)
80kSA Fauna (BDBSA)
78kNCSM Ichthyology Collection
78kOcean Salmon Program - Barkley Sound Juvenile Salmon Study from 1987 to 1994
70kPhenology and biological traits of migrating brown trouts and sea trouts sampled by trapping in the Oir river (France).
70kProtected and Invasive Species Records Collected Through Environment Agency Survey 1995 - 2021
69kUF FLMNH Ichthyology
64kSwiss National Fish Databank
60kVIS - Reference freshwater monitoring in Flanders, Belgium (post 2013)
59kTPWD HARC Texas Coastal Fisheries San Antonio Bay Bag Seine
58kPhenology and biological traits of migrating salmon (Salmo salar) sampled by trapping in the survey in the Oir river (France)
56kFlorida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission - Freshwater Fishes of Florida - 1956-2000
56kVIS - Estuarine monitoring in Flanders, Belgium (post 2013)
55kCUMV Fish Collection
53kFish Specimens
53kTPWD HARC Texas Coastal Fisheries Matagorda Bay Bag Seine
50kAtlas des poissons d'eau douce de France métropolitaine (2011)
50kUniversity of Texas, Biodiversity Center, Ichthyology Collection (TNHCi)
49kMMNS Ichthyology Collection
47kVIS - Fishes in estuarine waters in Flanders, Belgium
47kHuitfeldt Kaas: Freswhater fish distribution in Norway 1918
44kNew Zealand Freshwater Fish Database (extended)
44kNew Zealand Freshwater Fish Database
44kAtlas of Danish Fishes
44kDonnées piscicoles et astacicoles des cours d'eau de France métropolitaine bancarisées dans ASPE (OFB) - Données piscicoles acquises selon la méthode des indices d'abondance "anguille" - ASPE - OFB
43kTPWD HARC Texas Coastal Fisheries Aransas Bay Bag Seine
43kAbundances and biological traits of the juveniles salmon sampled in the survey of Salmon abundance Indices in the Scorff river (France)
41kFishes in MZNA-VERT: freshwater populations in the Erro river (Spain). PhD Project, Pedro Leunda.
39kPhenology and biological traits of migrating trout and sea trout (Salmo trutta) sampled by trapping in the survey in the Bresle river (France)
39kIms fish tag database
37kFreshwater fishes of Poland
37kFreshwater fishes of Italy
37kAbondances et caractéristiques biologiques des juvéniles de saumons échantillonnés lors des indices d'abondance du saumon dans la rivière Scorff (France)
37kArtportalen (Swedish Species Observation System)
35kAUM Fish Collection
34kIchthyology Collection - Royal Ontario Museum
34kNational fish tag database
33kTPWD HARC Texas Coastal Fisheries Upper Laguna Madre Bag Seine
31kKUBI Ichthyology Collection
31kWildNet - Queensland Wildlife Data
31kTPWD HARC Texas Coastal Fisheries San Antonio Bay Gill Net
27kPhenology and biological traits of migrating eels sampled by trapping in the survey in the Bresle river (France)
27kFishes of INEP and NFH collections
27kBell Museum fishes
27kTPWD HARC Texas Coastal Fisheries Sabine Lake Bag Seine
27kFishes in MZNA-VERT: cyprinid and salmonid communities in the rivers Erro and Urederra (Spain). PhD project, Cristina García-Fresca
26kNorwegian Biodiversity Information Centre - Other datasets
26kSustainable Rivers Audit
26kTPWD HARC Texas Coastal Fisheries Corpus Christi Bay Bag Seine
25kTPWD HARC Texas Coastal Fisheries Matagorda Bay Gill Net
24kTPWD HARC Texas Coastal Fisheries Lower Laguna Madre Bag Seine
24kMonitoreo de peces en la cuenca media y baja del río Cauca en el marco del Proyecto Hidroeléctrico Ituango, durante los años 2010 - 2020
23kVIS - Non-native fish in Flanders, Belgium
23kCanadian Museum of Nature Fish Collection
22kTPWD HARC Texas Coastal Fisheries Aransas Bay Gill Net
22kOccurrence records of southern African aquatic biodiversity
22kAbundances and biological traits of trout (salmo trutta) and salmon (salmo salar) sampled by electrofishing (except specific abundance indices) from 1985 to 2005 on the Nivelle (France).
22kFishes in MZNA-VERT: baseline freshwater sampling campaigns
21kFishes in MZNA-VERT: foraging ecology of the kingfisher. PhD project, Antonio Vilches
21kPhenology and biological traits of migrating eels sampled by trapping in the Oir river (France).
20kField Museum of Natural History (Zoology) Fish Collection
19kUSGS South Florida Fish and Invertebrate Assessment Network Fish
19kINSDC Sequences
19kTPWD HARC Texas Coastal Fisheries Upper Laguna Madre Gill Net
18kInternational Barcode of Life project (iBOL)
18kRAVON (NL) - Fish observations extracted from historic reports 1860-1907
17kFishBase Database
16kVisdoorgangen - Fish passage places in Flanders, Belgium
16kPhenology and biological traits of migrating eels sampled by trapping in the survey in the Scorff river (France)
15kBiodiversity Research and Teaching Collections - TCWC Vertebrates
14kMonitoring of fishes and crustaceans by Province East Flanders in Flanders, Belgium
14kThe Freshwater Biodiversity Information System (FBIS) Fish Data
14kTPWD HARC Texas Coastal Fisheries, Corpus Christi Bay Gill Net
13kFishes in MZNA-VERT: freshwater communities in the Larraun river (Spain). PhD project, Javier Oscoz & Master project, A. Cos.
13kPhenology and biological traits of migrating brown trouts and sea trouts sampled by trapping in the Nivelle river (France).
13kTrekvis - Migratory fishes in the river Scheldt
- - Fish occurrences in Flanders and the Brussels Capital Region, Belgium
13kMuseum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University
12kRockfish Recruitment and Ecosystem Assessment Survey, Catch Data
12kTPWD HARC Texas Coastal Fisheries Sabine Lake Gill Net
12kInvasive species - American bullfrog (Lithobates catesbeianus) in Flanders, Belgium (post 2018)
12kTPWD HARC Texas Coastal Fisheries Lower Laguna Madre Gill Net
12kAustralian Museum provider for OZCAM
12kPhenology and biological traits of migrating salmon (Salmo salar) sampled by trapping in the survey in the Bresle river (France)
12kMaritimes Spring Research Vessel Surveys
12kCAS Ichthyology (ICH)
12kIchtyofauna of main rivers and floodplain lakes in Ukraine
11kVertebrate Zoology Division - Ichthyology, Yale Peabody Museum
11kMaritimes Summer Research Vessel Surveys
11kNMNH Extant Specimen Records (USNM, US)
11kTasmanian Natural Values Atlas
11kNortheast Fisheries Science Center Bottom Trawl Survey Data
10kSEFSC CAGES Alabama Fish Length Data with CPUE
10kInventario Español de Especies Terrestres (MAGRAMA)
10kCLICNAT- Base de données naturaliste picarde - CLICNAT Base de données naturaliste picarde gérée par Picardie Nature
9kBiologiezentrum Linz
9kPhenology and biological traits of adult migrating atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) sampled by trapping in the survey in the Nivelle river (France)
9kFHSM Fish Collection
9kMinisterio de Medio Ambiente, y Medio Rural y Marino. Dirección General de Medio Natural y Política Forestal. Inventario Nacional de Biodiversidad 2007, Peces Continentales
9kUniversity of Nebraska State Museum Fish Collection
9kFlorida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission - Florida Imperiled Fish Species Investigation - 2001-2004
9kNBIS Records to December 2016
9kNorwegian Species Observation Service
9kBanco de Datos de la Biodiversidad de la Comunitat Valenciana
9kAbundances and biological traits of the juveniles salmon sampled in the survey of Salmon abundance Indices in the Oir river (France)
9kNOAA AFSC North Pacific Groundfish Observer
9kFishes of Vermont
9kColeção de Ictiologia do Museu de Zoologia da UEL
8kAbundances and biological traits of the juveniles salmon sampled in the survey of Salmon abundance Indices in the Nivelle river (France)
8kMonitoring data from the federal state North Rhine-Westphalia (Germany)
8kNUP - Coleção Ictiológica do Nupélia
8kRNF | Ichtyofaune Prés salés, socle commun (Espaces protégés de la LPO France et de l'OFB) - RNF Prés salés - Biométrie de l'ichtyofaune relâchée | RNN Baie de l'Aiguillon
8kFreshwater fauna in Spain in the mid-19th Century
8kFish collection of the Kagoshima University Museum
8kFishes in MZNA-VERT: populations affected by the Itoiz dam in the Irati river (Spain).
8kArizona State University Ichthyology Collection
8kInvasive species - American bullfrog (Lithobates catesbeianus) in Flanders, Belgium
- - Non-native animal occurrences in Flanders and the Brussels Capital Region, Belgium
7kDonnées d'occurrences Espèces issues de l'inventaire des ZNIEFF
7kNSW BioNet Atlas
7kMuseums Victoria provider for OZCAM
7kRare and Protected Species Records Across Wales 1975 to 2012
7kAbundances and biological traits of the juveniles trout sampled in the survey of trout abundance Indice on the Scorff river and its tributaries (France)
7kFish damage at pump stations
7kTalvik fish tag database
7kDepartment of Agriculture Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) Marine and Fisheries Division Marine Survey Data
6kPrograma de seguimiento del estado de las aguas - Sistema de Información de la Naturaleza de Euskadi
6kMonitoring data from the federal state Saxony (Germany)
6kLong-term monitoring of fish (abundance and distribution) in Doñana Wetlands 2004-2019
6kLSUMZ (LSU MNS) Fishes Collection
6kMaine Department of Marine Resources Inshore Trawl Survey 2000-2019
6kEvaluación de la dinámica pesquera en la cuenca media y baja del río Cauca, en el marco del Proyecto Hidroeléctrico Ituango durante los años 2016 – 2020
6kFreshwater fishes of the Western Balkans
6kUEL - Coleção de Peixes - Museu de Zoologia da Universidade Estadual de Londrina
6kSoutheastern Louisiana University Ichthyology Collection
5kNE Scotland fish records 1800-2010
5kUniversity of Alberta Museum of Zoology Ichthyology Collection (UAMZ)
5kVisfauna - Juvenile and adult fishes in riparian habitats along the river Yser in Flanders, Belgium
5kGillnet test fishing and radiocaesium (Cs-137) of brown trout (Salmo trutta) and Arctic char (Salvelinus aplinus) 2008 and 2009 from 20 Central Scandinavian lakes: Occurrences
5kECNASAP - East Coast North America Strategic Assessment
5kProgramme de rééquilibrage du lit de la Loire entre Les Ponts de Cé et Nantes - Données naturalistes brutes - Programme de rééquilibrage du lit de la Loire
5kCity of Amsterdam (NL) - Fyke Fishing Piet Ruiter
5kFish occurrence in middle Volga and upper Don regions (Russia)
5kOregon State Ichthyology Collection
5kIchthyofauna of the Desna River and its tributaries
5kFish collection NTNU University Museum
5kNorthern Gulf of St. Lawrence Fishes
5kProgramme CarNET B (Cartographie Nationale des Enjeux Territorialisés de Biodiversité Remarquable) - Carnet B Lorraine
4kFish occurrence in Kama River basin
4kLIRP - Coleção de Peixes do Laboratório de Ictiologia de Ribeirão Preto
4kAustin Peay State University Fish Specimens (Arctos)
4kInvasive Species and Pests
4kProgramme d’acquisition et de valorisation de données naturalistes BioObs - Observations naturalistes des Amis de BioObs.
4kIndividuos capturados durante las faenas de pesca y su punto de desembarque asociado en el marco del Proyecto Hidroeléctrico Ituango
4kLACM Vertebrate Collection
4kOccurrences in SinBiota
4kQueensland Museum provider for OZCAM
4kInventaires de la Fédération - Inventaire et suivi Poissons
4kIowa State University Fishes Collection
4kThe Ichthyology Collection at the Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Stuttgart
4kFish collection of the Museum of Nature and Human Activities, Hyogo
4kFreshwater fishes of Serbia and Montenegro
4kBanco de datos de la ictiofauna del Río Bravo desde 1902 a 1992 en la colección ictiológica de la UANL
4kSouth Australian Museum Adelaide provider for OZCAM
4kFish Species Occurrence Records for Uganda Mobilized from Observation Archives
4kFish of Ukraine in poaching gears
4kThe Pisces Collection at the Zoologische Staatssammlung München
3kDatabase of the Distributions of Marine Fishes of Arctic Canada
3kRapportage 2013-2018 au titre de la directive Habitats-Faune-Flore - Données de synthèse Espèces issues du rapportage au titre de la directive Habitats - période 2013-2018
3kColección Zoológica de la Universidad del Tolima (CZUT)- Ictiología
3kRapportage 2007-2012 au titre de la directive Habitats-Faune-Flore - Données de synthèse Espèces issues du rapportage au titre de la directive Habitats - période 2007-2012
3kUniversity of Florida Vertebrate Paleontology
3kDonnées LPO Réserves Naturelles Nationales - Données des réserves naturelles nationales gérées par la Ligue pour la protection des oiseaux (LPO)
3kVisherintroductie - Reintroduction of the fishes chub, dace, burbot, and brown trout in Flanders, Belgium
3kFishes in MZNA-VERT: ecological assessment of the Aragon river in Sangüesa (Spain)
3kDonnées issues des cartes validées dans le cadre de l'Atlas de la Biodiversité Départementale et des Secteurs Marins
3kPPEAO - Pêches scientifiques. Peuplements de poissons des écosystèmes estuariens, lagunaires et continentaux d'Afrique de l'Ouest
3kPhénologie de la migration et caractéristiques biologiques des anguilles échantillonnées par piégeage sur le Scorff (France)
3kDiversidade e ocorrência de peixes do lago Niassa (2006-2018)
3kMaritimes 4VSW Research Vessel Surveys
3kMonitoreo Ambiental del Proyecto La Colosa
3kVerteCAT: Banco de datos de vertebrados de Cataluña
3kMBML-Peixes - Coleção de Peixes
3kFishes in MZNA-VERT: interactions between signal crayfish and fish communities. PhD project, Iván Vedia
3kFishes in MZNA-VERT: distribution of freshwater blenny in the Segre and Susia rivers (Spain)
3kNorthern Territory Museum and Art Gallery provider for OZCAM
3kMonitoring data from the federal state Hesse (Germany)
3kFish atlas AGE, Recorder-Lux database
2kThe Danish Environmental Portal, species and habitats-database "Danmarks Miljøportals Naturdatabase"
2kDreal Occitanie- Base Biodiv SINP - Données faune pour le rapportage européen DHFF-DO 2018
2kOison : outil de saisie des observations naturalistes réalisées par les agents de l'Office français de la biodiversité (OFB) - Données d'observations "espèce" réalisées par des agents de l'OFB jusqu'au 31 décembre 2018.
2kColeção Ictiológica (MNRJ), Museu Nacional (MN), Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro(UFRJ)
2kVIMS Chesapeake Bay Multispecies Monitoring and Assessment Program
2kThe own findings of fish of Ukraine during 2001 - 2021
2kFreshwater fish records via iRecord
2kMurray-Darling Basin fish monitoring survey
2kAgri-Food and Biosciences Institute Marine Surveys
2kEstado actual, identificación de riesgos y propuestas para el manejo de las especies invasoras presentes en las regiones hidrológicas prioritarias, confluencia de las Huastecas, Media Luna y Cabecera del río de La Laja
2kLund Museum of Zoology (MZLU)
2kAbundances and biological traits of the juveniles trout sampled in the survey of trout abundance Indices (VIGITRUITE®) in the Oir river (France)
2kMonitoring data from the federal state Saxony-Anhalt (Germany)
2kDonnées poissons et écrevisses issues de bureaux d'études ou autres organismes - Données poissons - Ph Geniez
2kPacific Region Commercial Salmon Fishery In-season Catch Estimates
2kUWFC Ichthyology Collection
2kColeção Zoológica da Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul - Peixes (ZUFMS-PIS)
2kCaracterización de grupos hidrobiológicos en el arroyo Bruno, municipio de Albania, La Guajira
2kRapportage 2001-2006 au titre de la directive Habitats-Faune-Flore - Données de synthèse Espèces issues du rapportage au titre de la directive Habitats - période 2001-2006
2kRotherham Biological Records Centre - Non-sensitive Records from all taxonomic groups
2kKUBI Ichthyology Tissue Collection
2kHakai Institute Juvenile Salmon Program
2kLTER Baixo Sabor: Long term monitoring of freshwater fish - Sabor watershed [2012 - 2020]
2kEvaluación de la situación actual de las poblaciones del pez cachorrito del desierto (Cyprinodon macularius macularius) en la Cuenca del Bajo Río Colorado, Sonora-Baja California, México
2kIctiologia Collection - Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia (INPA)
2kZUEC-PIS - Coleção de Peixes do Museu de Zoologia da UNICAMP
2kSeasearch Marine Surveys in England
2kAbundances and biological traits of the juveniles trout sampled in the survey of trout abundance Indices (VIGITRUITE®) in the Nivelle river (France)
2kUCM Fish Collection (Arctos)
2kInvestigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
2kColección de Ictiología del Instituto de Ciencias Naturales (ICN-MHN-Ic)
2kColección de Peces de Agua Dulce del Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt (IAvH-P)
1kMonitoring data from the federal state Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (Germany)
1kCollection Pisces SMF
1kTPWD HARC Texas Coastal Fisheries Aransas Bay Trawl
1kRECORD Freshwater Fish Data
1kUniversity of Wyoming Museum of Vertebrates (UWYMV) Fish specimens (Arctos)
1kSeaWatch-B: citizens monitoring the Belgian North Sea from the beach (2014-2018)
1kReef Life Survey: Global reef fish dataset
1kEspecies de peces introducidas en aguas continentales de México. Catálogo y manuscrito
1kFishes in MZNA-VERT: freshwater fishes of Hidalgo state (Mexico)
1kDonnées piscicoles et astacicoles des cours d'eau de France métropolitaine bancarisées dans ASPE (OFB) - Données acquises selon le protocole Vigitruite ® - ASPE - OFB
1kLeicestershire and Rutland Environmental Records Centre records pre 2000
1kArctic Species Trend Index (ASTI) : Freshwater
1kConsultancy Contract Surveys - Marine Species Records
1kTPWD HARC Texas Coastal Fisheries San Antonio Bay Trawl
1kPisces (Luomus)
1kInventaires piscicoles réalisés par les Fédérations de Pêche dans le cadre d'études - Inventaires piscicoles / pêche complète
1kThe fishes collection (IC) of the Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle (MNHN - Paris)
1kLong Term Time-Series Data on Fish Monitoring by Okavango Research Institute, Botswana
1kPoissons d'eau douce de Guyane française
1kDepletion fishing in the rivers Grote Nete and Kleine Nete in Flanders, Belgium
1kCardObs : Observations naturalistes issues de l'outil CardObs - Données naturalistes de Philippe KEITH
1kWestern Australian Museum provider for OZCAM
1kZFMK Ichthyology collection
1kBRERC species records from all years at full resolution excluding Notable Species within the last 10 years
1kUAM Fish Collection (Arctos)
1kIchthyological Collection of the University of Antioquia
1kEtude qualité piscicole et astacicole - Inventaire et suivi Poissons
1kFish data of the Belgian River Meuse from 1989 to 2012
1kKUO Fish collections (KUO)
1kNEON Biorepository Fish Collection (DNA Extracts)
1kDiveboard - Scuba diving citizen science observations
1kDonnées d'occurrences issues des Formulaires standards de données des sites Natura 2000 - Données d'occurrence Espèces issues de la base Natura 2000 : espèces d'intérêt communautaire et autres espèces remarquables renseignées dans les FSD
1kMonitoring data from the federal state Rhineland-Palatinate (Germany)
1kNortheast Area Monitoring and Assessment Program Near Shore Trawl Survey (NEAMAP)
1kNMNH Material Samples (USNM)
1kFish specimens of Toyama Science Museum
1kMuseu Paraense Emílio Goeldi - Ichthyology Collection
1kDiversidade e ocorrência de peixes em Inhambane (2009-2017)
1kIndustry Sea Lice Counts at BC Marine Finfish Aquaculture Sites, 2020 and Ongoing
1kSea trout entering the rivers Adour and Nivelle in south-west France at the start of the 21st century
1kMonitoreos trianuales de grupos hidrobiológicos en el Valle del Cerrejón, La Guajira
1kMarine Nature Conservation Review (MNCR) and associated benthic marine data held and managed by JNCC
1kMCNH Museum of Cultural and Natural History Fish Collection
1kMaritimes Fall Research Vessel Surveys
1kDonnées acquises dans le cadre d'inventaire ZNIEFF - Données poissons et écrevisses / inventaires ZNIEFF ex-LR
1kBureau of Rural Sciences, Commercial Fisheries Presence, Australia, 2000-2002
1kAtlantic Reference Centre Museum of Canadian Atlantic Organisms - Invertebrates and Fishes Data
1kCollections and observation data National Museum of Natural History Luxembourg
1kWater Framework Directive AGE, Recorder-Lux database
1kSIO Marine Vertebrate Collection
1kBiological survey of lakes and reservoirs from Sardinia and Piedmont (Italy), a georeferenced dataset from the project LIFE INHABIT
1kGlasaalmigratie - Glass eel migration in the river Yser
1kLERN Records
1kJervis Bay Marine Ecological Studies (JBMES) 1988-1991
1kLajitietokeskus/FinBIF - Notebook, general observations
1kRegistros biológicos a partir de actividades de pesca deportiva en los Llanos Orientales
1kFish: Records for Kent
1kVidange du lac des Settons (58) et restauration du barrage - inventaire faune flore - données ichtyofaune
1kProgramme d'observation naturaliste participative avec l'application mobile INPN Espèces - Application INPN Espèces: Observations naturalistes, participatives et opportunistes, fondées sur des photographies
1kProgramme CROMIS: carnet de plongée en ligne de la FFESSM - Observations d'espèces subaquatiques collectées par les utilisateurs de CROMIS
1kRiver Macrophytes Database
1kPacific Multispecies Small Mesh Bottom Trawl Survey
1kSUI Vertebrate Collection
1kColección de peces de agua dulce del INCIVA
995Abundances and biological traits of eels sampled in the survey of eels abundance Indices in the Nivelle river (France)
988MijnVISmaat - Exotic fish occurrences in Belgium
970Additional fish species occurrence records for Uganda
963Environment Agency England and Wales (2012) Non-native Species records v1
961Norwegian freshwater lake fish inventory
960KiEco Freshwater Ecology: River Macroinvertebrates
959Colección de Peces Universidad Católica de Oriente
949Colección de peces del Museo de Historia Natural de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
943England Non Native Species records 1965 to 2017
931SHARK - Regional marine environmental monitoring and monitoring projects of Epibenthos in Sweden since 1994
923SEWBReC Fish (South East Wales)
885RAVON (NL) - Fish observations extracted from Hoek (1888) and Hoek (1897)
- - Non-native species occurrences in Wallonia, Belgium
879Marine Commercial Fish Survey (FV Kapala, FV Trader Horn, FV Shelley, FV Kirrawa, FV May Bell) in the East and South East Australian Region from 1975 to 2008
- observations
873TPWD HARC Texas Coastal Fisheries Sabine Lake Bay Trawl
835CLICNAT- Base de données naturaliste picarde - Données de la Fédération de la Somme pour la pêche et la protection du milieu aquatique.
829Records of protected animal, plant and fungi species in Ukraine
817Fishes in MZNA-VERT: anatomy of cyprinids of Spain. PhD project, Rafael Miranda
808Données du CEN Picardie concernant la Faune, la Flore et la Fonge - Données faune, flore et fonge du Conservatoire des espaces naturels de Picardie
804Occurrences d'espèces de poissons des eaux douces, saumâtres et marines de Côte d'Ivoire
785Monitoreos hidrobiológicos del Valle del Cerrejón en cuatro municipios del departamento de La Guajira
779TPWD HARC Texas Coastal Fisheries Matagorda Bay Trawl
774Computarización de la base de datos de la colección ictiológica de la Universidad Michoacana
757Merseyside BioBank (unverified)
749National Trust Species Records
749Data collected on citizen science web portal
744Réseau de suivi des peuplements piscicoles du Domaine départemental de la Gironde - Inventaire pêches scientifiques
740Census of fishes in watercourses in Benin
737RAVON (NL) - Fish observations extracted from Redeke (1907)
734Peces rescatados y fallecidos durante las maniobras operativas del Proyecto Hidroeléctrico Ituango, 2019 - 2021
734CNPE/Coleccion Nacional de Peces
730Rapid Assessment Program (RAP) Biodiversity Survey Database
718Census of the animals of Benin
716Italian official Adriatic (Mediterranean Sea) landings between 1953 and 2012
711Natural History Museum (London) Collection Specimens
705Fish species occurrence and composition in selected Ugandan water bodies, 2001-2003
696Suffolk Biodiversity Information Service (SBIS) Dataset
680EDP Foz-Tua: Fishes – Ecological Monitoring Program [2011-2017]
678Fish species occurrence and composition in shallow (wetland) habitats of Northern Lake Victoria (Uganda)
673Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery provider for OZCAM
672Fish occurrence in Kuban River basin
671Système d'Information sur la Nature et les Paysages d'Ile de France - Etude mise au grand Gabarit Seine amont – Hydrosphère
6682017_CEN PACA_1
665The Living Murray Fish data
663Epibenthos and demersal fish monitoring at long-term monitoring stations in the Belgian part of the North Sea
657TPWD HARC Texas Coastal Fisheries Corpus Christi Bay Trawl
654Leicestershire and Rutland Environmental Records Centre records 2000-2009
646RAVON (NL) - Fish observations extracted from Hoek (1890) and Redeke (1921)
639Collection of Cyclostomata and Fish from Nizhyn Gogol State University
638IMOS - Larval Fish Sub-Facility - Database of Marine Larval Fish Assemblages in Australian temperate and subtropical waters (1983 - ongoing)
635Données naturalistes CEN Centre-Val de Loire - Conservatoire d'espaces naturels Centre-Val de Loire - Données Faune au 1/11/2020
629Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences Fish collection
626Registros de fauna rescatada, ahuyentada y reubicada en predios de Mineros Aluvial
617Fish monitoring data in Lake Kasumigaura
616Epibenthos and demersal fish monitoring in function of dredge disposal monitoring in the Belgian part of the North Sea
604Données opportunistes capitalisées par la DREAL Corse (OGREVA) - Dreal Corse - Base Ogreva
600Australian National Fish Collection (ANFC)
597Données de la plateforme régionale SINP DREAL Bourgogne - Données de l'Observatoire de la Faune de Bourgogne
596Biodiversity of Luiz Saldanha Marine Park
579Reef Life Survey - Survey Records
573Freshwater fishes of Greece
573Epibenthos and demersal fish monitoring data in function of wind energy development in the Belgian part of the North Sea
567Seasearch Marine Surveys in Scotland
560Freshwater Fishes of Bulgaria
554Observations faune et flore du Parc national des Écrins
546ONF - Observations et inventaires MOA ONF - ONF - Observations opportunistes et inventaires
545Réserves Naturelles de France (RNF) - RNF - Données du Syndicat de Gestion des Gorges de l'Ardêche
543IUCN Red List assessment occurrence data for freshwater species native to the Lake Malawi/Nyasa/Niassa Catchment
540The Pisces Collection at the Staatssammlung für Anthropologie und Paläoanatomie München
539Fortalecimiento de las colecciones de ECOSUR. Primera fase (Peces San cristóbal)
530Survey dataset on Pomatoschistus minutus (Pallas, 1770) and other gobies at the Belgian Coast, Oosterschelde, Westerschelde and at nuclear plants near Doel & Borssele
529TPWD HARC Texas Coastal Fisheries Upper Laguna Madre Trawl
524Ontario BioBlitz Species Records
522Eulachon migration bottom trawl surveys
520Historical landings from the Trieste (Italy) fish market between 1902 and 1968
515Colección de los peces nativos de Sonora
504Midden-Limburg Fish Ponds Survey
503Fish and crustacean community in the Western Scheldt (Doel nuclear power station) during winter season 1991-1992
500Dr Mary Gillham Archive Project
496Données de faune aquatique
491Evaluación del impacto de una especie íctica invasora Cyprinus carpio en el Lago de Pátzcuaro, Michoacán
484Enquêtes carnassiers - Inventaire et suivi
478Système d'Information sur la Nature et les Paysages d'Ile de France - Données du Parc Naturel Régional de la Haute Vallée de Chevreuse provenant de la base de donnée du SINP Île-de-France CETTIA
477Visfauna - Juvenile and adult fishes in riparian habitats along the river Leie in Flanders, Belgium
477Données Faune Base SIRFF - FNE Centre-Val de Loire - Système d’Information Régional sur la Faune et la Flore - FNE Centre-Val de Loire - Données 2016
470Computarización de la Colección Nacional de Peces del Instituto de Biología UNAM
470Fauna species from the Sectoral Plan of the Natura 2000 (Lines)
467Diversidade e ocorrência de peixes na Zambézia (2003-2016)
460An Extended dataset of registration points of species listed in Resolution 6 and 4 of the Bern Convention
458AIMS, Long-Term Fish Visual Census, Great Barrier Reef, Northeast Australia, 1992-2015
456Øvre Heimdalsvatn, Radiocaesium (Cs-137) monitored annually in brown trout (Salmo trutta)
452Colección de Ictiología del Museo de Ciencias Naturales "P. Antonio Scasso"
452SILENE-FAUNE-PACA - Parc_National_des_Ecrins_2017_12_18
443Puerto Rico Reef Visual Census (RVC) 2016 - 2021
441Fortalecimiento de las colecciones de ECOSUR. Primera fase (Peces Chetumal)
439DFO Pacific Groundfish Synoptic Trawl Surveys - West Coast Vancouver Island
437Colección de Tejidos del Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt (IAvH-CT)
432Fishes in MZNA-VERT: ecological assessment of the Guadalope river in Aliaga (Spain)
431Zooplankton and Ichthyoplankton of the North Western Portuguese Coast in May 2002
424Biodiversitätsdatenbank Salzburg
423ACT Wildlife Atlas
418River Biologists' Database (EPA)
415Données ONF faune-flore-fonge
413Downeast Maine Smelt Monitoring - Powered by
412Institut de Recherches Agronomiques et Forestières - Ichthyology Observations
409FBIP: IZIKO Marine Bony Fish (1884-2013)
406Peces y Mamíferos de la región de Norogachi, Alta Sierra Tarahumara, Chihuahua (Peces)
405Bolivian Amazon lowland fish metacommunity data
400Pêches électriques réalisées pour le compte de l'Office de l'eau de La Réunion entre 2000 et 2017
400Données Faune de l'Agence des Espaces Verts (AEV) d'Ile de France
399Base de dados da Coleção Ictiológica do LEP-UFRRJ
394Monitoring of ichthyofaunal of the Uday river on the territory of the National Nature Park "Pyriatynskyi"
391Records of protected animals species in Ukraine
391Zoological specimens of Gifu Prefectural Museum
391LIGNE NOUVELLE MONTPELLIER PERPIGNAN DUP PHASE 1 - Poisson - Inventaire non protocolé
381Fishes in MZNA-VERT: monitoring program in the Suspiro stream (Spain)
378NEON Biorepository Fish Collection (Vouchers)
376Earth Guardians Weekly Feed
370WNMU Fish Collection (Arctos)
365BioGIS - Fish - HUJ collections
365Trawl Data from the CCGS Sir John Franklin during the 2022 International Year of the Salmon Pan-Pacific Winter High Seas Expedition
357Long-term fauna and flora records of the experimental forests of the Forest Research Station of Hokkaido University, Japan
353Línea base general de peces para el valle medio del Magdalena - VMM
352Invasive, neolimnetic and aboriginal fish species in Dnipro, Danube and Southern Buh basins (Ukraine, 2021)
351Seasearch Marine Surveys in Wales
346ICTIOGEN. Muestreos para identificación genética de especies piscícolas de la Comunidad Autónoma del País Vasco - Sistema de Información de la Naturaleza de Euskadi
346CardObs : Observations naturalistes issues de l'outil CardObs - Données naturalistes de CERCOPE (Jean-Louis PRATZ)
3442019_CEN PACA_1
344Otoliths Reference Collection. CBMR-AFORO (ICM-CSIC)
343Fish collection of National Museum of Nature and Science
340Seasearch Marine Surveys in Ireland
339Chronicle of Nature - Phenology of Fishes of Sikhote-Alin State Nature Biosphere Reserve Named After K. G. Abramov
338Epibenthos and demersal fish monitoring in function of aggregate extraction in the Belgian part of the North Sea
334Biodiversidad asociada al proyecto Línea de Transmisión a 110 kV San Lorenzo-Sonsón
327Zoologische Staatssammlung Muenchen - International Barcode of Life (iBOL) - Barcode of Life Project Specimen Data
325FBIP: SeaKeys-SANBI_Modern-Harrison_2013_v1
319Species data for Scottish waters held and managed by Scottish Natural Heritage, derived from benthic surveys 1993 to 2018
312Leicestershire and Rutland Environmental Records Centre records 2010-2014
311Peces exóticos invasores en la región hidrológica prioritaria Río Amacuzac, Morelos
310Sistematización de la colección de peces del centro de México
3092018_CEN PACA_1
306Colección Ictiológica - Museo de Historia Natural Unillanos
304Epibenthic fauna along the salinity gradient in the Westerschelde area in 1990
290Collection Ichthyologie - SNSD
286MSB Host Collection (Arctos)
286Abundances and biological traits of the juveniles trout sampled in the survey of trout abundance Indices (VIGITRUITE®) in the Bresle river (France)
285Historical landings for the lagoon of Venice (Italy) between 1945 and 2001
281Fish (KIWE-PI)
277Actualización y enriquecimiento de las bases de datos del proyecto de evaluación y análisis geográfico de la diversidad faunística de Chiapas
275Fishes of the Danube lakes
272Freshwater fish records via iRecord - additional species
267Freshwater Shad Monitoring Data
260Historical landings from the Venice (Italy) fish market between 1905 and 1927
259Inventario de peces y crustáceos decápodos de la Reserva de la Biosfera Selva El Ocote y Presa Nezahualcóyotl (Malpaso), Chiapas México
257SILENE-FAUNE-PACA - DDT05_2017_12_18
256EDP Baixo Sabor: Fishes – Ecological Monitoring Program [2012]
255All taxa records for Leicestershire and Rutland
255Freshwater Bullhead Survey Data in Wales
252Distribution of 15 major fish species in the North Sea between 1959 and 1979
252NRW Regional Data: South East Wales Non-sensitive species