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2kA global database for the distributions of crop wild relatives
2kPl@ntNet automatically identified occurrences
1kArtportalen (Swedish Species Observation System)
1kUnited States National Plant Germplasm System Collection
1kEURISCO, The European Genetic Resources Search Catalogue
981Dutch Vegetation Database
960Occurrence Data of Vascular Plants collected or compiled for the Flora of Bavaria
659Flora von Deutschland (Phanerogamen)
614Bioversity Collecting Mission Database
514Kastikka Floristic Archives (Kastikka Ark)
478INIA-CRF (CSIC) Plant genetic resources for agriculture and food active collection
405INPN - Données flore des CBN agrégées par la FCBN
370Phenological Center - Plants (Arkhangelsk)
345iNaturalist Research-grade Observations
-, Nature data from around the World
326INIA-CRF (CSIC) Plant genetic resources for agriculture and food base- collection
310Colección, preservación y caracterización de cultivares criollos de origen español de trigo y centeno de México
200Swiss National Databank of Vascular Plants
179Naturalis Biodiversity Center (NL) - Botany
156Pl@ntNet observations
148A biodiversity inventory of the 16th century based on a land and socio-economic survey in Spain
141Phenological Center - Plants (Karelia)
140The Danish Environmental Portal, species and habitats-database "Danmarks Miljøportals Naturdatabase"
132Natural History Collections of the Faculty of Biology AMU
126Nordic Genetic Resources
120NSW BioNet Atlas
113ACQUISITION_CBNMC - Atlas d'Auvergne
111Polish gene bank – passport data of plants accessions which are important in human life
108Vascular Plant Herbarium: Herbarium Fennoscandicum
107FloraCAT: Banco de datos de los cormófitos de Cataluña
1032023 Contributions of Plant Specimen Data inside China
- - Non-native plant occurrences in Flanders and the Brussels Capital Region, Belgium
99Oskarshamn herbarium (OHN)
85DINA Dataset Unversity of Kassel
76Sistema de Información de la vegetación Ibérica y Macaronésica
71Estonian Naturalists’ Society
69BSBI data from several English counties, up to 2018
69Kastikka Literature Sources
68Biodiversitätsdatenbank Salzburg
62Moscow University Herbarium (MW)
60Biologiezentrum Linz
546 - Inventaire général de la flore vasculaire et de la fonge sur le TAG du CBNMed - Données flores produites par le CBNMed dans cadre du programme Messicoles de Cerdagne
53Herbarium of Jyväskylä University Museum
52Florabank1 - A grid-based database on vascular plant distribution in the northern part of Belgium (Flanders and the Brussels Capital region)
52Vascular Plant Herbarium, Oslo (O) UiO
52Phenological Center - Plants (Murmansk)
51Local floras of Russia: records from literature
51UCR - University of California, Riverside Herbarium - Vascular Plants
50SA Flora (BDBSA)
45Iowa State University Herbarium
41Kathryn Kalmbach Herbarium
39Fungus Collections at Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Karlsruhe (Herbarium KR)
38Mediterranean Germplams Genebank - Miscellaneous species (ITA436-MGG-Miscellaneous)
37Other BSBI Scottish data up to 2018
37Estonian University of Life Sciences Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Vascular Plant Herbarium
36University of Michigan Herbarium
35Intermountain Herbarium (Vasc. & Algae)
35The New York Botanical Garden Herbarium (NY)
34Carnegie Museum of Natural History Herbarium
32Lund Botanical Museum (LD)
32Oregon State University Vascular Plant Collection
30Vascular plant collections of the Botanical Museum, University of Oulu (OULU)
28The Fungal Collection at the Senckenberg Museum für Naturkunde Görlitz
28Vascular plant herbarium TRH, NTNU University Museum
27Centralisation des observations floristiques dans le cadre du SINP - Observations floristiques - plateforme SINP régionale SILENE PACA
27Tropicos MO Specimen Data
26Bell Museum plants
25Victorian Biodiversity Atlas
25Natural History Museum (London) Collection Specimens
25MHA Herbarium: collections of vascular plants
25DAV - UC Davis Herbarium
24National Herbarium of Victoria (MEL) AVH data
23NSW AVH feed
23Données acquises par le Conservatoire botanique national du Bassin parisien et son réseau (bénévoles, associations, autres structures professionnelles) - Flore du Bassin parisien (CBNBP)
- observations
22Deaver Herbarium (Northern Arizona University)
21RSA - California Botanic Garden Herbarium
20Alien plant species of the Middle Volga Region (South-East of the European part of Russia)
20Observations du Conservatoire botanique national du Bassin parisien.
20SD - SD Herbarium, San Diego Natural History Museum
19Inventaire de la flore d'Alsace - Données de la flore d’Alsace (SBA)
19University of Colorado Museum of Natural History Herbarium Vascular Plant Collection
18Centre for Australian National Biodiversity Research (CANB) AVH data
18500,000 plant Specimens from PE Herbarium in China from 1950 to 1999
18Vascular Plant Herbarium, UiB
18Tropicos Specimens Non-MO
17Herbarium Universitatis Daugavpiliensis
17Vascular Plant Collection - University of Washington Herbarium (WTU)
17CeDoc de Biodiversitat Vegetal: BCN-Cormophyta
17Irish Crop Wild Relative Database
16Washington State University Herbarium
16Herbarium (ICEL)
16Auckland Museum Botany Collection
15IRKU Herbarium: collections of vascular plants
15R. L. McGregor Herbarium Vascular Plants Collection
14University of Idaho, Erickson Weed Herbarium
14Banco de Datos de la Biodiversidad de la Comunitat Valenciana
14Botanical Collections of the Åbo Akademi (TUR-A)
146 - Inventaire général de la flore vasculaire et de la fonge sur le TAG du CBNMed - Programmes messicoles dans les départements du 11, 30, 34, 48, 66.
14CHSC - CSU Chico, Chico State Herbarium - Vascular Plants
14Flora of the Volga River basin
13University of British Columbia Herbarium (UBC) - Vascular Plant Collection
13Herbier Louis-Marie (QFA) - Collection de plantes vasculaires
13Vascular plant herbarium (KMN) UiA
13Tasmanian Herbarium (HO) AVH data
13Scottish SNH-funded BSBI records
13CDA - California Department of Food and Agriculture
13Allan Herbarium (CHR)
13Snake River Plain Herbarium (Boise State University, Idaho, USA)
127 - Données flore du CBNMed issues de la bibliographie - Divers jeux de données issues de la bibliographie dépouillées par le CBNMED
12Tiroler Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum
12Vascular Plant Specimen database of Kanagawa Prefectural Museum of Natural History
12Norwegian Species Observation Service
12Muhlenberg College
11HSC - Humboldt State University Vascular Plant Herbarium
11CSIC-Real Jardín Botánico-Colección de Plantas Vasculares (MA)
11TUR Vascular plant collections of the Turku University, Herbarium generale
11University of Vermont, Pringle Herbarium
11Suffolk Biodiversity Information Service (SBIS) Dataset
11SBBG - Clifton Smith Herbarium, Santa Barbara Botanic Garden
10Malezas introducidas en México
10Tasmanian Natural Values Atlas
10Colección de plantas vasculares del Herbario "Jaime Andrés Rodríguez". LEB
10University of Idaho, Stillinger Herbarium Vascular Plants
10Vascular Plants, Field notes, Oslo (O)
9United Herbaria of the University and ETH Zurich
9University of Alberta Vascular Plant Herbarium (ALTA-VP)
9RECORD Vascular Plant Data
9Institut Botanic de Barcelona (IBB, CSIC-Ajuntament de Barcelona), BC-Plantae
9Colorado State University, Charles Maurer Herbarium
9ACQUISITION_CBNMC - Atlas de l'Ardèche
9Herbarium Dresdense
9Floristic Databases of Mecklenburg-Pomerania - Higher Plants
9Arizona State University Vascular Plant Herbarium
9A grid-based database on vascular plant distribution in Udomlya District of Tver Oblast, Russia
916 - Inventaire général de la flore et de la fonge - CBNA - inventaire général de la flore et de la fonge réalisé sur le terrain
9MVSC; The James C. Parks Herbarium at Millersville University
8Canadian Museum of Nature Herbarium
8KUO Vascular plant collections (KUO)
8Adventitious plants in Greenland 1972
8NMNH Extant Specimen Records (USNM, US)
8Carnet en Ligne
8Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew - Herbarium Specimens
8INSDC Sequences
8OBI - Robert F. Hoover Herbarium, Cal Poly State University
816 - Inventaire général de la flore et de la fonge - ASTERS - Conservatoire d'Espaces Naturels Haute-Savoie - inventaire général de la flore et de la fonge réalisé sur le terrain
7International Barcode of Life project (iBOL)
7H.A. Stephens Herbarium
7Western Australian Herbarium (PERTH) AVH data
7Estonian Museum of Natural History Department of Botany
7BRI AVH data
7Idaho State University, Ray J. Davis Herbarium Vascular Plants
7Herbarium of Vascular Plants Collection of the University of Extremadura (Spain)
7Herbario HSS Finca La Orden-Valdesequera (CICYTEX). Junta de Extremadura
7The Erysiphales Collection at the Botanische Staatssammlung München
7University of South Florida Herbarium (USF)
7Wikiplantbase #Italia
7Flora of Worcestershire
7Observations faune et flore du Parc national des Écrins
7Vascular plant observations of Turku university Herbarium
7Welsh BSBI data (ex-VPDB dataset) at hectad resolution
7Colección de Poales del Museo Botánico CORD - IMBIV
6Puntos de presencia en Baja California (Botany)
6Données issues du portail Sigogne - Bourgogne-Franche-Comté - Données flore, fonge, habitats naturels du Conservatoire Botanique National du Bassin Parisien
6Foreign plant germplasm collections in Ghana
6Herbarium Horti Botanici Pisani (PI), Sistema Museale di Ateneo, Università di Pisa
6Natuurmuseum Brabant, Tilburg - Botany
6SEWBReC Vascular Plants (South East Wales)
6The Himalayan Uplands Plant database (HUP Version 1)
6Herbarium Willing at Herbarium Berolinense, Berlin (B)
6The System-wide Information Network for Genetic Resources (SINGER)
6Images and observations of mostly edible plants in Stephen Barstow’s Edible Garden in Norway, taken between 2005 and 2014
653 - Flore station
6Données issues du portail Sigogne - Bourgogne-Franche-Comté - TAXA - Flore et habitats naturels de Franche-Comté
6A grid database on vascular plant distribution in the Meshchersky National Park, Ryazan Oblast, Russia
6Montana State University Herbarium
6Wikiplantbase #Liguria
6University of Montana Herbarium
5DEMNA-DNE : Early warning system on Introduced Species in Wallonia
5Bruce Bennett Herbarium (BABY)
5SJSU - Carl W. Sharsmith Herbarium, San Jose State University
5UTEP Plants (Arctos)
5FLORUS: miscellaneous records
5Royal BC Museum - Herbarium (V)
- - Non-native species occurrences in Wallonia, Belgium
5Données Vigie-Flore
5BRERC species records from all years at full resolution excluding Notable Species within the last 10 years
5Jardín Botánico de Córdoba: Herbarium COA
5Herbario COFC de la Universidad de Córdoba: colección general de plantas vasculares
5University of Alabama Herbarium
5State Herbarium of South Australia (AD) AVH data
5Plant specimens of Kushiro City Museum
5Dr Mary Gillham Archive Project
5E. C. Smith Herbarium (ACAD)
5Weed plants of the European part of Russia
5Some Plant Specimens from PE Herbarium in China from 1900 to 1950
5CAS Botany (BOT)
5Données d'occurrences Espèces issues de l'inventaire des ZNIEFF
5Colecção Botânica do Instituto de Investigação Agrária de Moçambique
4ONF - Observations et inventaires MOA ONF - ONF - Observations opportunistes et inventaires
4Weber State University Herbarium
4ANR BioarchéoDat - Inventaires archéozoologiques et archéobotaniques de France
4Central Oregon Community College
4The digitization of plant specimens of NTU
4Données ONF faune-flore-fonge
4Mississippi Museum of Natural Science Herbarium
4Wikiplantbase #Toscana
4Louisiana State University, Shirley C. Tucker Herbarium - Vascular Plants
4TUL Herbarium: Tula Oblast collections of vascular plants
4National Trust Species Records
4Inventaire de la flore d'Alsace - Données Herbiers de l'Université de Strasbourg
4Digitalización y Sistematización de las Colecciones Biológicas Nacionales del Instituto de Biología, UNAM (Plantas vasculares)
4The AAU Herbarium Database
4Colección de plantas vasculares del herbario de la Universitat de València (VAL)
4Herbario ABH (Universidad de Alicante)
4Herbarium Berolinense, Berlin (B)
4Centralisation des observations floristiques - Observations floristiques issues de la base de données du Conservatoire botanique national alpin
4TULGU Herbarium: Tula Oblast collections of vascular plants
4Kastikka Floristic Archives (OULU)
4Herbarium Senckenbergianum (FR)
4VegetWeb - Repositorium von Vegetationsaufnahmen
4ACQUISITION_CBNMC - Atlas de la Loire
4LERN Records
4Herbier du Québec (QUE) - Collection de plantes vasculaires
4University of New Mexico Herbarium
4MnhnL various project records, Recorder-Lux database
4Deer Creek Riparian Restoration Ecological Monitoring
3Vascular Plants, Field notes, Agder naturmuseum (KMN)
3Clemson University Herbarium
3Centralisation des observations floristiques - Observations floristiques floutées issues de la base de données flore du Conservatoire botanique national alpin
3Parc éolien de Ouest-Château-Thierry - Données Faune/Flore Ecosphère
3Pacific Northwest Herbarium (Western Washington University, Washington, USA)
3Weed species of the Central Urals (Sverdlovsk region)
3PUA - Pacific Union College Herbarium
3College of Idaho Herbarium
3North Carolina State University Vascular Plant Herbarium
3TKM Herbarium: Tula Oblast collections of vascular plants
3Herbarium Senckenbergianum (GLM) - Plantae
3Vascular Plant Specimens of Kochi Prefectural Makino Botanical Garden
3MPM Milwaukee Public Museum Herbarium
3SPW ARNE-DNF : Occurrences of introduced species along roadsides in Wallonia
3Collections and observation data National Museum of Natural History Luxembourg
3VIT Herbarium - Vascular Plants (The Natural History Museum of Alava)
3Texas Tech University, E. L. Reed Herbarium
3Pittsburg State University, Theodore M. Sperry Herbarium
3Old Dominion University Herbarium
3Portland State Universtiy Herbarium Vascular Plants
3Plant Specimen from Herbarium (IBK) in China, Guangxi Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences
3Black Hills State University Herbarium
3Vascular plant herbarium, The Arctic University Museum of Norway (TROM)
3Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission Herbarium
2NBIS Records to December 2016
2Marie-Victorin Herbarium (MT) - Plantes vasculaires
2Vascular plant records verified via iRecord
2Contribution to a study of plant cartography in Portugal - degree internship report - Part 1
2IAC - Herbário do Instituto Agronômico de Campinas
2Auburn University, John D. Freeman Herbarium
2CHAS Botany Collection (Arctos)
2Shropshire Ecological Data Network database
2Staten Island Museum
2University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Herbarium: Vascular Plants
2Desert Botanical Garden Herbarium
2Herbario Museo de La Salle Bogotá (BOG)
2"Flora of Russia" on iNaturalist: a trusted backlog
2Flora of the Korean Peninsula Phase II
2Masaryk University - Herbarium BRNU
2Steiermärkisches Landesmuseum Joanneum - Herbarium GJO
2UAM Herbarium (ALA), Vascular Plant Collection (Arctos)
2Polish seed gene bank – historical passport data of accessions
2Herbario de la Universidad de Granada: Colección GDA-Fanerogamia
2Flora of Vladimir Oblast, Russia: an updated grid dataset (1867–2020)
2Catálogo Florístico Histórico de Navarra. Gobierno de Navarra
2Herbarium (AMNH)
2Herbario de Plantas Vasculares de la Universidad de Salamanca: SALA
2Vascular plant specimens of National Museum of Nature and Science (TNS)
2Plant Specimens of Kurashiki Museum of Natural History
2ACQUISITION_CBNMC - Atlas du Grand Lyon
2inatura - Erlebnis Naturschau Dornbirn
2N.C.W. Beadle Herbarium (NE) AVH data
2A grid-based database on vascular plant distribution in southern part of Yaroslavl Oblast, Russia
2Floristic records from survey studies of the Bayerisches Landesamt für Umwelt
2Base de datos de plantas vasculares del País Vasco: ARAN-EH
2Herbario de la Universidad Pública de Navarra, Pamplona: UPNA-H
2Gunma Museum of Natural History, Vascular Plant Specimen
2Botany Division, Yale Peabody Museum
2Natural History Museum Rotterdam - Specimens
2Seed Collection of Crops and Crops’ Wild Relatives (CWRs) of Armenia
2Parc éolien de Chazottes-Ragaede - Données naturalistes - Etude d'impact
2Flora d'Andorra
2University of South Carolina, A. C. Moore Herbarium Vascular Plant Collection
2Kastikka Floristic Archives (KEVO)
2Community Foundation for Ireland Records
2Biowide Species data
2Herbario de la Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid (MACB)
2MPUC - Herbário do Museu da Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul
2Herbarium of Shinshu University
2Digitization of plant specimens from Rhoen and Vogelsberg (FULD)
2Herbarium specimens of Jardins botaniques and Conservatoire Botanique of Nancy (NCY)
26 - Inventaire général de la flore vasculaire et de la fonge sur le TAG du CBNMed - Divers jeux de données floristiques produits par le CBNMED sur son territoire d'agrément
2Vascular plant specimens of The Shirakami Research Center for Environmental Sciences, Hirosaki University
2University of Graz, Institute of Plant Sciences - Herbarium GZU
2Leicestershire and Rutland Environmental Records Centre records 2010-2014
1Production de données flore dans le cadre du programme européen FLORAPYR EFA 100/15 dans l'Aude et les PO
1Charles University Prague - Herbarium PRC
1John T. Waterhouse Herbarium (UNSW) AVH data
1Bureau of Land Management, Medford District (Oregon, USA) Vascular Plants
1Centrale photovoltaïque au sol de Tonnerre - Données brutes
1Wikiplantbase Sicilia
1Montgomeryshire Wildlife Trust records held by BIS
1Atlas communaux de la biodiversité du Parc Naturel Régional des Landes de Gascogne 2014-2020 - Inventaire de la flore du PNRLG 2018 (Landes)
1University of Tartu Natural History Museum and Botanical Garden Botanical Collections
1NMNH Material Samples (USNM)
116 - Inventaire général de la flore et de la fonge - Conservatoire d'Espaces Naturels Rhône-Alpes - inventaire général de la flore et de la fonge réalisé sur le terrain
1Herbarium of Yuganskiy State Nature Reserve
1Regional Museum of Lapland (LMM)
1Herbario Universidad de Caldas - FAUC
1Catálogo electrónico de especímenes depositados en el Herbario de la Universidad de Texas en Austin, Fase IV (Ejemplaresimagenes)
1Flora of the Korean DMZ and adjacent area
1SFV - California State University, Northridge
1Inventaire de la flore des Landes 2012-2019 - Inventaire de la flore des Landes 2012 (Chalosse et Tursan)
1Bureau of Land Management, Vale District (Oregon, USA) Vascular Plants
1SDSU - San Diego State University Herbarium
1FSC - Fresno State Herbarium
1Tallinn Botanic Garden
1LA - University of California, Los Angeles Herbarium
1Plant specimens of Komatsu City Museum
1Natural History Museum Maastricht (NL) - Herbarium
1Colorado Mesa University, Walter A. Kelley Herbarium
1Flora of kurgans in the "Wild Fields" (Ukraine)
1A grid-based database on vascular plant distribution in Samoylovsky District of Saratov Oblast, Russia
1Kastikka Small Collections
1University of Northern Colorado Herbarium
1Herbarium of the Department of Natural Forests (Forest Research Institute) - Plants
1Westerwälder Umwelt- und Naturschutztag Limesgemeinde Hillscheid
1Rund um das LUGY
1Biosphärenpark Wienerwald - Wiener Steinhofgründe
1Henderson State University Herbarium
1University of Southern Mississippi Herbarium
1Activité générale du bureau d'étude BIOTOPE (1994 - 2013) - Données acquises dans le cadre de l'activité du bureau d'étude BIOTOPE (1994 - 2013)
1Biosphärenpark Wienerwald - Pfaffstätten
1Streuobstwiese Stedar 2009
1Atlas communaux de la biodiversité du Parc Naturel Régional des Landes de Gascogne 2014-2020 - Inventaire de la flore du PNRLG 2017 (Landes)
1Taxon occurrence data for the FungalRoot database
1Herbarium Des Méloizes Albert (BOUM)
1ACQUISITION_CBNMC - Société linnéenne de Lyon
1Vascular plant specimens of Akita Prefectural Museum
1Artenvielfalt rund um die Dalbek-Schule
1Angiospermatatophytina Collection of Saitama Museum of Natural History
1Plant (NHMK-PL)
1Silver Bluff Audubon Center Herbarium
1The Fungal Collection at the Botanische Staatssammlung München
1Natural History Museum, Vienna - Herbarium W
1IRVC - University of California, Irvine Herbarium
1Herbarium Specimens of Museum of Nature and Human Activities, Hyogo Pref., Japan
1Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden (FTG)
1Herbario BIO de Plantas Vasculares (BIO), Universidad del Pais Vasco (UPV/EHU)
1Herbario de la Universidad de Almería
1Herbário João de Carvalho e Vasconcellos, I.S.A./U.L.
1Kitami Region Museum of Science History and Art(KIRM)
1ALA species sightings and OzAtlas
1The Erysiphales Collection at the University Halle-Wittenberg
1Photographs of higher plants, mosses, fungi, lichens, and algae
1Flora of the ancient settlements within Lower Dnipro – natural heritage with cultural background
1FloVegSI - Floristical and fitocenological database of ZRC SAZU
1Schulgarten Huttenheim (Philippsburg/Baden)
1Wiese und Weide am Waldrand von Gusterath
1Eppingen und Umgebung
1renaturierter Main (Kemmern bei Bamberg)
1Freigelände Naturschutzscheune Reinheimer Teich (Kreis Darmstadt-Dieburg)
1Eastern Illinois University, Stover-Ebinger Herbarium
1FLORUS: miscellaneous records from the City of Moscow
1Field Museum of Natural History (Botany) Seed Plant Collection
1University of Mississippi, Thomas M. Pullen Herbarium
1Lustadter Wald .
1MGC Herbarium of University of Malaga (Spain): MGC-Cormof dataset
1Database of Native Plants in Taiwan
1Digitalización y sistematización de las colecciones biológicas del INECOL (Herbario)
1National Plant Monitoring Scheme - England, Scotland, Wales
1Banco de datos florísticos del Herbario CHAP
149 - Fiche FE
1Rotherham Biological Records Centre - Non-sensitive Records from all taxonomic groups
1CardObs : Observations naturalistes issues de l'outil de saisie et gestion CardObs mis en place par le Service du Patrimoine Naturel (MNHN) / UMS PatriNat (OFB - CNRS - MNHN) - Données naturalistes d'Olivier ESCUDER
1CardObs : Observations naturalistes issues de l'outil CardObs - Données naturalistes de Pierre DUFRENE
1Baylor University Herbarium
1Eastern Washington University Herbarium Vascular Plants.
1Species inventories NP Öewersauer, Recorder-Lux Database
1University of Manitoba Herbarium (WIN) - Vascular Plant Collection
1The vascular plants collection (P) at the Herbarium of the Muséum national d'Histoire Naturelle (MNHN - Paris)
1Meise Botanic Garden Herbarium (BR)
1SER Species-based Surveys
1Michigan State University Herbarium Vascular Plants
1George Mason University, Ted R. Bradley Herbarium
1BLM - National Invasive Species Information Management System - Plants
1Lord Fairfax Community College Herbarium
1Grand Valley State University
1Las monocotiledóneas mexicanas, una sinopsis florística. Parte II
1Royal Ontario Museum Green Plant Herbarium (TRT)
1Projet Eolien de Saint-Souplet - Données faune/Flore Parc éolien de Saint-Souplet
1Eastern Kentucky University, Ronald L. Jones Herbarium
1Plant specimens of Obihiro Centennial City Museum
1Vascular plant specimens of Nagano Environmental Conservation Research Institute, Nagano Prefecture
1Herbarium of University of Białystok - Vascular Plants
1Observations opportunistes de flore vasculaire, bryophytes, champignons et lichens - Observations opportunistes Flore, Fonge et Bryophytes des salariés et bénévoles du CBNPMP
1La Trobe University Herbarium (LTB) AVH data
1Sistematización del Herbario Nacional Forestal Biól Luciano Vela Gálvez
1Herbario de Plantas Vasculares de la Asociación BIGA para el estudio del patrimonio natural de Galicia: FBIGA
1DEMNA-DNE : Exotic plant occurrences in Wallonia
1Geneva Herbarium – General Collection (G)
117 - inventaire général de la flore et de la fonge issu de la bibliographie - CBNA - inventaires de la flore et de la fonge issus du dépouillement de la bibliographie
1Parc agrivoltaïque de cellettes (16) - Flore - inventaire
1Inventaire de la flore de Gironde 2014-2019 - Inventaire de la flore de Gironde 2016
1Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University