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11kDutch Foundation for Applied Water Research (STOWA) - Limnodata Neerlandica
5kiNaturalist Research-grade Observations
4kNational indicator data for river condition in New Zealand
3kArtportalen (Swedish Species Observation System)
3kNMNH Extant Specimen Records
3kSystème d’évaluation de l’état des Eaux (SEEE) - Invertébrés
2kUniversity of Minnesota Insect Collection
2kDEMNA-DNE : Occurrences of benthic macroinvertebrates in running waters of Wallonia, Belgium
-, Nature data from around the World
2kInsecta of Costa Rica (INBio)
2kInternational Barcode of Life project (iBOL)
1kInland water macroinvertebrate occurrences in Flanders, Belgium
1kFreshwater samples in MZNA-INV-FRW: Macroinvertebrate samples from the water quality monitoring network along the Ebro Basin
1kCawthron Institute freshwater invertebrate data
1kKiEco Freshwater Ecology: River Macroinvertebrates
1kTexas A&M University Insect Collection
- - Other insect occurrences in Flanders and the Brussels Capital Region, Belgium
930Megaloptera (Insecta: Neuropterida) de México
819Lacewings and allied insects records from Britain and Ireland to 1999
812Snow Entomological Museum Collection
811Norwegian Biodiversity Information Centre - Other datasets
798Australian Museum provider for OZCAM
728BugGuide - Identification, Images, & Information For Insects, Spiders & Their Kin For the United States & Canada
719Illinois Natural History Survey Insect Collection
686Monitoring data from the federal state North Rhine-Westphalia (Germany)
677CAS Entomology (ENT)
626Suffolk Biodiversity Information Service (SBIS) Dataset
597National River Water Quality Network Database (Macro-invertebrates) 1990-2008
568Collated IRTU Freshwater Surveys
566flora & fauna(NIBR)
496Bentos collection of the Museum of Nature and Human Activities, Hyogo
474Australian National Insect Collection
432Sustainable Rivers Audit
396Monitoring data from the federal state Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (Germany)
391Entomology Division, Yale Peabody Museum
385Ehime University Coleoptera Collection
368Colección Zoológica de la Universidad del Tolima (CZUT) - Macroinvertebrados
343C.P. Gillette Museum of Arthropod Diversity
337National River Water Quality Network Database (Macro-invertebrates) 2009-2018
305River macroinvertebrate data for 2005 and 2006
294Limnic freshwater benthic invertebrates biogeographical mapping/inventory NTNU University Museum
280Monitoring data from the federal state Hesse (Germany)
234AM: Freshwater Invertebrates (1900-2005)
205MDFRC macroinvertebrate survey
205Monitoring data from the federal state Saxony-Anhalt (Germany)
203Welsh Invertebrate Database (WID)
176Estonian Naturalists’ Society
164NSW Waterwatch
161Monitoring data from the federal state Saxony (Germany)
159Monitoring data from the federal state Bavaria (Germany)
156Frost Entomological Museum
150The Danish Environmental Portal, species and habitats-database "Danmarks Miljøportals Naturdatabase"
149LERN Records
139Victorian Biodiversity Atlas
135NBIS Records to December 2016
130Carnet B Lorraine
129Stuart M. Fullerton Collection of Arthropods (UCFC), University of Central Florida
127Monitoreo Ambiental del Proyecto La Colosa
126Norwegian Species Observation Service
125Terrestrial and limnic invertebrates systematic collection, NTNU University Museum
125Geographically tagged INSDC sequences
122Naturalis Biodiversity Center (NL) - Museum collection digitized at storage unit level
118National Trust Species Records
115University of British Columbia - Spencer Entomological Collection (UBCZ)
110University Of Pretoria: Lacewing Database Project (1911-2015)
107Museums Victoria provider for OZCAM
107Données d'occurrences Espèces issues de l'inventaire des ZNIEFF
94Recent Invertebrates Specimens
88Insect (KNAM-IN)
86Monitoring data from the federal state Rhineland-Palatinate (Germany)
86Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi - Hexapoda Collection
85Rotherham Biological Records Centre - Non-sensitive Records from all taxonomic groups
82Données naturalistes de CERCOPE (Jean-Louis PRATZ)
73IZIKO South Africa Museum Collection (1800-2013)
73Collections and observation data National Museum of Natural History Luxembourg
69Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University
69BRERC species records from all years at full resolution excluding Notable Species within the last 10 years
69Macroinvertebrate abundance in river biotopes across England and Wales
67Coleção Entomológica do Museu Nacional / UFRJ
65Biologiezentrum Linz
61University of Georgia Collection of Arthropods
59Entomology collection, UiT Tromsø Museum
58University of Guelph Insect Collection (DEBU)
58Centre for Biodiversity Genomics - Canadian Specimens
57SEWBReC Lacewings and Allies (South East Wales)
55Alterra (NL) - Entomofauna inventory in peat swamps
55Insect specimens of Omogo Mountain Museum
51Lund Museum of Zoology - Insect collections (MZLU)
50HBRG Insects Dataset
50NINA Vanndata øvrige arter
50Paleobiology Database
50Clemson University Arthropod Collection
49Colección Macroinvertebrados Acuáticos Universidad Católica de Oriente
47Finnish Entomological Database
46Invertebrate Site Register - England (1738-2005).
45Insekten Sachsen
45Natural History Museum (London) Collection Specimens
44Colección de Insectos de la Universidad del Quindío (CIUQ)
42University of California Santa Barbara Invertebrate Zoology Collection
41Colección Limnológica del Chocó
41Computarización de la Colección Nacional de insectos Dr. Alfredo Barrera Marín del Museo de Historia Natural de la Ciudad de México (Coleoptera)
41Bob Merritt dataset of Nottinghamshire invertebrates
40Osaka Prefectural Minoh Park Insects Museum
38Megaloptera, Raphidioptera, Neuroptera in Upper Silesian Museum entomological collection
38Estonian Museum of Natural History Department of Zoology
35First record of the dobsonfly genus Protohermes van der Weele, 1907 from Pakistan (Megaloptera: Corydalidae)
34OEH Atlas of NSW Wildlife
33Shropshire Ecological Data Network database
33All taxa records for Leicestershire and Rutland
33Entomological collections, UiB
33Colección Entomológica del Programa de Biología - Universidad de Caldas (CEBUC)
31Insects specimen database of Osaka Museum of Natural History
31Occurrences in SinBIOTA
28Colección nacional de zoología
27Insecta Specimens of Kawasaki Municipal Science Museum
27BioFresh Pond Data
27Insect specimens of Toyama Science Museum
26Colección Limnológica Universidad de Antioquia
26Commissioned surveys and staff surveys and reports for Scottish Wildlife Trust reserves - Unassessed data
25Miscellaneous records held by BIS
24SER Species-based Surveys
23Données bibliographique de la base BOMBINA
23Australian River Assessment System
23Colección de artrópodos del Museo de Historia Natural de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
22Macroinvertebrados y perifiton pertenecientes a cuatro regiones de Colombia
22New Mexico State Collection of Arthropods
22Insect specimens in the Museum of Nature and Human Activities, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan
21CLICNAT Base de données naturaliste picarde gérée par Picardie Nature
20Colorado Plateau Museum of Arthropod Biodiversity
20Leicestershire and Rutland Environmental Records Centre records 2010-2014
19Base de données faune - DREAL Centre-Val de Loire. Polygones
19University of Alberta Freshwater Invertebrate Collection (UAFIC)
18Invertebrate records from sites that are mainly across Scotland
18Dr Mary Gillham Archive Project
18Auburn University Museum of Natural History Entomology
17Entomological Specimens of Museum of Nature and Human Activities, Hyogo Pref., Japan
17Natural History Museum Rotterdam - Specimens
17Natural Resources Wales Regional Data : Mid-Wales
17Casual records for Scottish Wildlife Trust reserves - Unassessed data
17Leicestershire and Rutland Environmental Records Centre records pre 2000
17NRW Regional Data: South East Wales Non-sensitive species
16New species and records of Corydalidae (Insecta: Megaloptera) from Myanmar
15University of Tartu Natural History Museum and Botanical Garden Zooloogical Collections
15Insect Specimen Database of Fukui City Museum of Natural History
14Efectos del Cambio Ambiental en las comunidades de organismos de los ríos mediterráneos
14Danish Lacewings (Neuroptera)
14Swedish Malaise Trap Project (SMTP) Collection Inventory
14Data from Defra Family Organisations supplied to Staffordshire Ecological Record
14Upper Murrumbidgee Waterwatch
13Macroinvertebrate abundance in montane tropical streams of varying land-use, Ecuador
12Données Faune de l'Agence des Espaces Verts (AEV) d'Ile de France
12SER Site-based Surveys
12Earth Guardians Weekly Feed
11Suivi Photographique des Insectes Pollinisateurs (SPIPOLL)
11NE Scotland other invertebrate records 1800-2010
11Miscellaneous records held on the Cofnod database
11Revision of the Protohermes species from Tibet, China (Megaloptera: Corydalidae)
11Données photographiques validées de la galerie du forum "Le Monde des Insectes"
11Elaboración de la base de datos de los ejemplares de la colección general de insectos adultos de la Dirección General de Sanidad Vegetal
11Insect specimens of Sagamihara City Museum
11Gloucestershire Historic Wildlife Sightings prior to 1st Jan 2000
11Colección Entomológica de Piedras Blancas
11National Trust for Scotland Species Records
10Estonian University of Life Sciences Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Entomological Collection
10Leicestershire and Rutland Environmental Records Centre records 2000-2009
10Rapid Assessment Program (RAP) Biodiversity Survey Database
10CAS Entomology Type (TYPE)
10Entomology Collection at the Natural History Museum of Utah
10Biodiverskripsi: Biodiversity Theses Database
10Arthropod collection, UiT Tromsø Museum
9Merseyside BioBank (unverified)
9RHS monitoring of native and naturalised plants and animals at its gardens and surrounding areas
9Scottish river macro-invertebrate records from 2007 collected by SEPA
9Macroinvertebrados acuáticos asociados a humedales del Cerro Galápagos, San José del Palmar, Chocó - 2018
9Gunma Museum of Natural History, Insect Specimen
9Museum of Southwestern Biology, Division of Arthropods
9Caracterización biológica en la Serranía de San Lucas 2015
9Leicestershire and Rutland Environmental Records Centre records 2015-2019
9Stoke-on-Trent Environmental Survey results (1982-1984)
9Données du naturaliste DEHALLEUX Axel provenant de la base de donnée du SINP Île-de-France CETTIA
8Invertebrate surveys of various ponds in Scotland between 2010 and 2015
8Bringing Reedbeds to Life Invertebrate Survey of three key reedbed sites in England in 2009, 2010
8NRW Regional Data: all taxa (excluding sensitive species), West Wales
8Insect (MNHM-IN)
8Ireland's BioBlitz
8Monitoring data from the federal state Berlin (Germany)
8Ghent University - Zoology Museum - Insect collection
7Macroinvertebrados presentes en fuentes hídricas de los municipios Tadó, Istmina y Condoto (Chocó) - 2010
7Insect specimens of Toyota City Nature Sanctuary
7Recursos hidrobiológicos de sistemas cársticos en el municipio de El Peñón, Santander - Proyecto Colombia BIO
7Macroinvertebrados del Área Serranía De Los Churumbelos Auka Was asociados a la calidad del agua
7The fossil collection (F) of the Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle (MNHN - Paris)
7Grupos faunísticos de la expedición Ocetá - Proyecto Boyacá BIO UPTC
7Invertebrate Common Standards Monitoring and ISIS Test Data
7WTSWW Data: All Taxa (West Wales)
7Zoologische Staatssammlung Muenchen - International Barcode of Life (iBOL) - Barcode of Life Project Specimen Data
6Modernisation des ZNIEFF du PnrL
6Base de datos de la Colección zoológica del Instituto de Investigación de zonas desérticas de la Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí (BDCZIID-UASLP)
6Brecknock Wildlife Trust (Now WTSWW Brecknockhire) records held by BIS
6Argyll Biological Records Dataset
6Insect specimens of Iwate Prefectural Museum
6Universidad del Valle de Guatemala - Colección de Artrópodos (UVGC)
6Estructura Ecológica de la Subregión Norte de Caldas, Contrato para actividades científicas y tecnológicas No. 222-2018 entre Corpocaldas y WCS
6Patrick Roper’s Notebooks
6Insect specimen database of Atsugi City Museum
6Brigham Young University Arthropod Museum
6TWIC Biodiversity Field Trip Data (1995-present)
6Canberra Nature Map
6Données du naturaliste Tillier Pierre provenant de la base de donnée du SINP Île-de-France CETTIA
6A new species of the genus Parachauliodes (Megaloptera: Corydalidae: Chauliodinae) from Northern Kyushu, Japan
5New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science (NMMNHS) Insect specimens (Arctos)
5The InBIO Barcoding Initiative Database: DNA barcoding of Sialis sp. (Megaloptera) in Portugal: the missing tool to species identification
5Montgomeryshire Wildlife Trust records held by BIS
5Staffordshire Wildlife Trust Nature Reserves Inventory
5Merseyside BioBank Active Naturalists (unverified)
5Essig Museum of Entomology
5Registros de macroinvertebrados acuáticos en un bosque seco del municipio de Honda
5ForestCheck Invertebrates
5Hatikka Observation Database
5Données de l'Observatoire de la Faune de Bourgogne
5Colección de Referencia de Macroinvertebrados Bentónicos del Museo de Ciencias de la Universidad El Bosque
5Monitoreo de biodiversidad del Valle del Cerrejón
5RNF - Données de la Fédération des Réserves Catalanes
4Données naturalistes de Xavier JAPIOT
4Benthic Macroinvertebrate Diversity in the middle Doce river basin, Brazil
4Caracterización hidrogeológica para el diagnóstico ambiental de alternativas del proyecto hidroeléctrico San Bartolomé (ISAGEN y HMV).
4CHAS Entomology Collection (Arctos)
4ALA species sightings and OzAtlas
4Invertebrate Zoology Division, Yale Peabody Museum
4Biodiversidad asociada al gasoducto regional Zona Bananera
4Insect Collection of Natural History Museum and Institute, Chiba
4The Davidson College Entomology Collection
4Colección Entomológica CDMB
4University of Texas, Biodiversity Center, Entomology Collection (UTIC)
4Stackpole National Nature Reserve Species Inventory and Ad-hoc Sightings from Across Pembrokeshire
4What bug is that
4Données de l'association RENARD provenant de la base de donnée du SINP Île-de-France CETTIA
4Desarrollo de estudios ambientales dentro de las investigaciones para el futuro aprovechamiento hidroeléctrico del río Nare
4Insect specimens of Komatsu City Museum
3SMNS Palaeontological collection - Amber and fossil insects
3Insect specimens of Rikuzen-Takata City Museum
3Observations naturalistes des Amis de BioObs.
3Jeux de données provenant de l'ATBI Mercantour
3Tullie House Museum Natural History Collections
3Name-bearing type specimens in the Canadian National Collection of Insects, Arachnids & Nematodes (CNC): Blattodea, Dermaptera, Notoptera, Mecoptera, Megaloptera, Myriapoda, Neuroptera, Odonata, Orthoptera, Phthiraptera, Pseudoscorpiones, Psocoptera, Raphidioptera & Siphonaptera
3Données de la structure ANCA (les Amis Naturalistes des Coteaux d'Avron) provenant de la base de donnée du SINP Île-de-France CETTIA
3National Benthic Inventory
3Archbold Biological Station Arthropod Collection
3Yorkshire Wildlife Trust - Non-sensitive records from all taxonomic groups
3Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona: MCNB-Art
3Colección científica del Museo de Historia Natural Alfredo Dugés
3Atlantic Reference Centre Museum of Canadian Atlantic Organisms - Invertebrates and Fishes Data
3Waterbug Census
3Données du/de la naturaliste Lantz André provenant de la base de donnée du SINP Île-de-France CETTIA
3Registros biológicos en áreas protegidas obtenidos de documentos impresos
3Colectas de Corydalus armatus en el marco del Proyecto: Identificación del patrón visual y determinación de la relación entre el tamaño de los ocelos, organización y capacidad visual
3Leptohyphidos asociados al Río Yurayaco en el Parque Nacional Natural Alto Fragua Indi Wasi
3Macroinvertebrados acuáticos asociados a las sabanas inundables de las cuencas de los ríos Bita, Manacacías y Cravo Sur - SULU II
3FBIP:Catalogue of type specimens in the South African National Collection Of Insects
3Insectos de los Parques Ecológicos Distritales Humedales de Bogotá, D.C.
3Données naturalistes de Pascal Dupont
2Occurrences of the Insects in the Prioksko-Terrasny biosphere reserve
2Isle of Man wildlife records from 01/01/2000 to 13/02/2017
2Texas Tech University - Invertebrate Zoology
2Macro-invertebrados de la cuenca alta y media del río Bita, Vichada (Colombia)
2Insects, Outer Hebrides
2Bases de datos de plantas, insectos, reptiles, anfibios, aves y mamíferos del “Arroyo la Junta, Una joya de biodiversidad en la Reserva de la Biosfera Sierra La Laguna” (Invertebrados)
2Aquatic animals of the Kamogawa River Basin (Fukuoka, Japan) with the photo images
2Données du naturaliste Julien Birard provenant de la base de donnée du SINP Île-de-France CETTIA
2GEO-Hauptveranstaltung im Nationalpark Bayerischer Wald
2Redescription of larva of the South African endemic dobsonfly genus Chloroniella Esben-Petersen, 1924 (Megaloptera, Corydalidae), with a proposed terminology for Corydalidae larval sclerites
2Diagnóstico del estado actual de la invasión biológica por Aedes (Stegomyia) albopictus (Skuse) (Díptera: Culícidae) en las principales áreas naturales protegidas de la Península de Yucatán, México
2GEO-Hauptveranstaltung in "Wildtierland"
2Données naturalistes de Julien BIRARD [Inventaire Eclair 18 juin]
2Macroinvertebrados acuáticos Río Fragua Chorroso Parque Nacional Natural Alto Fragua Indi Wasi
2Field Museum of Natural History (Zoology) Insect, Arachnid and Myriapod Collection
2Akita Prefectural Museum, Insect Collection
2Données de présence récoltées
2Survey and monitoring records for Scottish Wildlife Trust reserves from reserve convenors and Trust volunteers - Unassessed data
2Entomological Collections (NHRS), Swedish Museum of Natural History (NRM)
2Colección Invertebrados-Museo de Historia Natural Unillanos
2City of Edinburgh Natural Heritage Service - Ranger Ad-hoc records and sightings
2Fife Nature Records Centre combined dataset
2UK abstract from Nottingham City Museums & Galleries (NCMG) Insect Collection Baseline database
2NMNH Paleobiology Specimen Records
2Données du/de la naturaliste D'HINZELIN MARCEL provenant de la base de donnée du SINP Île-de-France CETTIA
2Macroinvertebrados acuáticos del Parque Nacional Natural Alto Fragua Indi Wasi quebradas Morrocoya y El Chocho
2Entomology at ZMUC, Natural History Musem of Denmark
2Atlas of Life in the Coastal Wilderness
2A new species of the fishfly genus Neochauliodes van der Weele (Megaloptera Corydalidae) from India
1Invertebrate data from Selected Grazing Marshes
1SHARK - Regional monitoring, recipient control and monitoring projects of zoobenthos in Sweden since 1972
1Insect specimens of Bihoro Museum
1Données de la structure ONEMA/AFB provenant de la base de donnée du SINP Île-de-France CETTIA
1Inventory and BioBlitz Records from rare Charitable Research Reserve
1Données opportunistes
1Atlas de la Biodiversité de Seine-et-Marne - volet 2
1Dorset SSSI Species Records 1952 - 2004 (Natural England)
1Données du naturaliste Marie-Christine DUBERNARD provenant de la base de donnée du SINP Île-de-France CETTIA
1Zoology (Museum of Evolution - Uppsala)
1Naturalis Biodiversity Center (NL) - Pisces
1Northern Ireland Environment Agency (NIEA) Collated Species Records
1Isle of Man historical wildlife records 1995 to 1999
1PondNet data 2012-2014
1City of Edinburgh Natural Heritage Service - Historical Records
1Bioblitz 2013 Copenhagen Denmark
1Records from the RHS insect reference collection
1Données du/de la naturaliste Fontigny Anne provenant de la base de donnée du SINP Île-de-France CETTIA
1New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science (NMMNHS) Paleontology specimens (Arctos)
1Données ONF faune-flore-fonge
1RNF - Données du Conservatoire d'espaces naturel Limousin
1University of Hawaii Insect Museum
1Inventaire et suivis d'espèces dans le Parc national des Cévennes
1SNH Invertebrate Site Condition Monitoring 2013/14: Lismore Lochs SSSI
1Données du naturaliste Luquet Gérard provenant de la base de donnée du SINP Île-de-France CETTIA
1Mémoires de la Société des Sciences naturelles et archéologiques de la Creuse [1831-]
1Données du naturaliste Larregle Guillaume provenant de la base de donnée du SINP Île-de-France CETTIA
1Gelände der Lahntalschule Biedenkopf und Lahnauen
1Die Wuhle
1Paul-Gerhardt-Schule Dassel
1Quellgebiet Flossach - Klassen 4 a und 4 b VS Tussenhausen
1Rückkehr der Biber in Rheinland-Pfalz - Biber in der Primmerbach
1Römertal (Steinpleis)
1Weide an der Mosselde / Dortmund-Kirchlinde/Westerfilde
1Mühlenbach bei Buxtehude
1Issumer Fleuth
1Selz-Renaturierung (Hahnheim/Sörgenloch)
1Brenz (Heidenheim)
1Biosphärenpark Wienerwald - Wiener Steinhofgründe
1NHMO DNA Bank Arthropod collection
1Radnorshire Wildlife Trust records held by BIS
1Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi - Hymenoptera Collection
1Schanzenanlage Bergham
1MfN - Fossil invertebrates III
1Données de la structure Naturessonne provenant de la base de donnée du SINP Île-de-France CETTIA
1Hexapoda MZS
1Rådgivende Biologer
1Insect Collection from the Museu Nacional de História Natural e da Ciência, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
1Insect Specimens deposited in the Saga Pref., Space and Science Museum, JAPAN
1Insect (HUNM-IN)
1Inventario multitaxonómico: PN El Potosí y RB Sierra del Abra Tanchipa (San Luis Potosí)
1Insectos del municipio El Carmen de Chucurí, Santander - Proyecto Santander BIO
1Carnet B Centre - lot 2012
1The Broward College Insect Collection
1Priest Pot species list, Cumbria, Britain
1Invertebrate Paleontology Division, Yale Peabody Museum
1Données du naturaliste Thibedore Laurent provenant de la base de donnée du SINP Île-de-France CETTIA
1Itami City Museum of Insects
1Streuobstwiese RSG (Cham)
1GEO-Hauptveranstaltung (NLP Harz / Hochharz)
1Langenberger Forst am Ochsenweg/ Niebüll-Leck
1GEO Hauptveranstaltung Tirol (Innsbruck)
1Erzental (Oberotterbach)
1NSG Karwendel
1Philosophenwald und Wieseckaue in Gießen
1Biologische Station im Kreis Wesel
1BUND - Dassower See (Lübeck/Dassow)
1Luch Niederlehme, Schüler der Klasse 7
1Schulteich/Tümpel Thor-Heyerdahl-Gymnasium (Kiel)
1Données naturalistes de Cyrille DELIRY
1Knechtweide (Kohlfurth)
1Umgebung der Elsa-Brändström-Schule (Krückaupark)
1Bizzenbachtal (Wehrheim/Taunus)
1Zwei Flüsse - eine Stadt (Villingen-Schwenningen)
1An der Ohm, (Wettsaasen)
1Macroinvertebrate abundance data from the littoral zone of a number of large New Zealand lakes
1Pollen analysis of sediment profile MU1 from Muggesfelder See
1Caracterización Ecológica de los Macroinvertebrados de las Fuentes Hídricas presentes en el Cerro Jánano
1Description of the final-instar larva and pupa of Neoneuromus ignobilis Navás, 1932 (Megaloptera: Corydalidae)
1Queensland Museum provider for OZCAM
1Inventaire des exuvies de la RNR du Grand Voyeux
1Données d'observateurs divers (observateurs transmettant un nombre de données peu élevé) saisies dans Cettia-idf
1Woodmeadow Invertebrate Survey 2017
1Grupos faunisticos de la expedición El Valle - Proyecto Boyacá BIO UPTC
1TWIC - Identification Workshops dataset
1Woodmeadow Invertebrate Survey 2016
1SNH Invertebrate Site Condition Monitoring 2013/14: River Spey - Insh Marshes SSSI
1DNSM: Durban Natural Science Museum Insect Collection (1900-2011)
1Fauna y flora del municipio de Lipa, Arauca
1Fauna de Caño Cristales, Sierra de La Macarena, Meta - Colombia
1Données de la structure Ville de Paris provenant de la base de donnée du SINP Île-de-France CETTIA
1Merseyside BioBank (verified)
1Estonian Nature Observations Database
1Observations occasionnelles Parc national des Pyrénées
1Ville de Trois-Rivières - Bioblitz 2012
1INHS wet collections accession
1Colección de Entomología del Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt (IAvH-E)
1Colección de artrópodos del PNN Gorgona - Museo de Entomología de la Universidad del Valle (MUSENUV)
1Samanta Orellana A. Collection
1Données du/de la naturaliste Bottinelli Julien provenant de la base de donnée du SINP Île-de-France CETTIA
1Données naturalistes de Ségolène FAUSTEN
1BoBO - Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin Observations
1La Planète Revisitée, massif du Mitaraka, mission principale (février-mars 2015)
1Canadian Museum of Nature Fossil Invertebrate Collection
1Comunidad de Macroinvertebrados de un Área Degradada por Actividad Minera en la Costa Caucana
1RNF - Données de l'association Vivarmor Nature
1Données du naturaliste Maxime Zucca provenant de la base de donnée du SINP Île-de-France CETTIA