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Nom scientifique du taxon
- Laccaria lateritia Malençon
- Laccaria proxima (Boud.) Pat.
- Laccaria pumila Fayod
- Hymenogaster australis (Speg.) Speg.
- Naucoria spadicea D.A.Reid
- Inocybe australiensis Cleland & Cheel
- Lyophyllum eucalypticum (A.Pearson) M.M.Moser
- Tricholoma atrosquamosum Sacc.
- Montagnea haussknechtii Rab.
- Rhizopogon fuscorubens A.H.Sm.
- Rhizopogon nigrescens Coker & Couch
- Rhizopogon zelleri A.H.Sm.
- Pisolithus albus (Cooke & Massee) Priest
- Pisolithus arhizus (Scop.) Rauschert
- Pisolithus marmoratus (Berk.) E.Fisch.
- Pisolithus microcarpus (Cooke & Massee) G.Cunn.
- Scleroderma albidum Pat. & Trab.
- Scleroderma bougheri Trappe, Castellano & Giachini
- Scleroderma cepa Pers.
- Scleroderma citrinum Pers.
- Scleroderma floridanum Guzmán
- Scleroderma laeve Lloyd
- Scleroderma nitidum Berk.
- Scleroderma polyrhizum (J.F.Gmel.) Pers.
- Scleroderma tenerum Berk. & Curt.
- Scleroderma tuberoideum Speg.
- Scleroderma uruguayense (Guzmán) Guzmán
- Scleroderma verrucosum (Bull.) Pers.
- Suillus subaureus (Peck) Snell
- Geastrum smardae V.J.Stanĕk
- Ramaria anziana R.H.Petersen
- Ramaria junquilleo-vertex R.H.Petersen
- Chondrogaster angustisporus Giachini, Castellano, Trappe & V.L.Oliveira
- Chondrogaster pachysporus Maire
- Mutinus caninus (Schaeff.) Fr.
- Leucogaster braunii Rick
- Lactarius argillaceifolius Hesler & A.H.Sm.
- Lactarius camphoratus (Bull.) Fr.
- Lactarius rufus (Scop.) Fr.
- Russula velenovskyi Melzer & Zvára
- Thelephora americana Lloyd
- Thelephora griseozonata Cooke
- Russula sardonia Fr.
- Cladonia rangiformis Hoffm.
- Amanita pantherina (DC.) Krombh.
- Tricholoma albobrunneum (Pers.) P.Kumm.
- Glugea hertwigi Wellings, Ashley & McArn, 1969
- Phytophthora pinifolia Alv.Durán, Gryzenh. & M.J.Wingf.
- Amycosphaerella africana (Crous & M.J.Wingf.) Quaedvl. & Crous
- Mycosphaerella cryptica (Cooke) Hansf.
- Mycosphaerella lateralis Crous & M.J.Wingf.
- Mycosphaerella molleriana (Thüm.) Lindau
- Mycosphaerella walkeri R.F.Park & Keane
- Pseudozasmidium parkii (Crous & Alfenas) Videira & Crous
- Austroafricana parva (R.F.Park & Keane) Quaedvl. & Crous
- Cheilymenia fimicola (Bagl.) Dennis
- Chlorophyllum rhacodes (Vittad.) Vellinga
- Cyathus stercoreus (Schwein.) De Toni
- Amanita rubescens Pers.
- Cortinarius brunneus (Pers.) Fr.
- Cortinarius erythrinus (Fr.) Fr.
- Cortinarius imbutus Fr.
- Cortinarius saturninus (Fr.) Fr.
- Cortinarius vernus H.Lindstr. & Melot
- Cortinarius violilamellatus A.Pearson ex P.D.Orton
- Entoloma pleopodium (Bull.) Noordel.
- Entoloma strictius (Peck) Sacc.
- Gymnopilus junonius (Fr.) P.D.Orton
- Gymnopilus sapineus (Fr.) Murrill
- Hebeloma collariatum Bruchet
- Naucoria escharioides (Fr.) P.Kumm.
- Naucoria melinoides (Bull.) P.Kumm.
- Inocybe amethystina Kuyper
- Inocybe geophylla P.Kumm.
- Lyophyllum decastes (Fr.) Singer
- Mycena capillaripes Peck
- Mycena galericulata (Scop.) Gray
- Gymnopus semihirtipes (Peck) Halling
- Gymnopus villosipes (Cleland) Desjardin, Halling & B.A.Perry
- Callistosporium luteo-olivaceum (Berk. & M.A.Curtis) Singer
- Clitocybe suaveolens (Schumach.) P.Kumm.
- Tricholoma fagnani Singer
- Tricholoma populinum J.E.Lange
- Typhula juncea (Alb. & Schwein.) P.Karst.
- Buchwaldoboletus hemichrysus (Berk. & M.A.Curtis) Pilát
- Rhizopogon honoratoi Speg.
- Serpula lacrymans (Wulfen) J.Schröt.
- Suillus tomentosus Singer, Snell & E.A.Dick
- Tapinella panuoides (Fr.) E.-J.Gilbert
- Laetisaria fuciformis (Berk.) Burds.
- Hysterangium pterosporum Donadini & G.Riousset
- Terana coerulea (Lam.) Kuntze
- Trametes suaveolens (L.) Fr.
- Lactarius controversus Pers.
- Lactarius piperatus (L.) Pers.
- Lactarius pubescens Fr.
- Russula cerolens Shaffer
- Thelephora wakefieldiae Zmitr., Shchepin, Volobuev & Myasnikov
- Melampsora allii-populina Kleb.
- Melampsora larici-populina Kleb.
- Uromyces galegae Sacc.
- Pustula tragopogonis (Pers.) Thines
- Peronosclerospora maydis (Racib.) C.G.Shaw
- Peronosclerospora philippinensis (W.Weston) C.G.Shaw
- Peronosclerospora sacchari (T.Miyake) Shirai & Hara
- Peronosclerospora sorghi (W.Weston & Uppal) C.G.Shaw
- Phytophthora sojae Kaufm. & Gerd.
- Guignardia laricina (Sawada) W.Yamam. & Kaz.Itô
- Cladosporium cucumerinum Ellis & Arthur
- Plenodomus lindquistii (Frezzi) Gruyter, Aveskamp & Verkley
- Venturia inaequalis (Cooke) G.Winter
- Venturia oleaginea (Castagne) Rossman & Crous
- Lachnellula willkommii (R.Hartig) Dennis
- Phomopsis asparagi (Sacc.) Grove
- Cryptodiaporthe populea (Sacc.) Butin
- Verticillium albo-atrum Reinke & Berthold
- Fusarium oxysporum Schltdl.
- Magnaporthiopsis maydis (Samra, Sabet & Hing.) Klaubauf, M.-H.Lebrun & Crous
- Ceratocystis fimbriata Ellis & Halst.
- Xerocomus hortonii (A.H.Sm. & Thiers) Manfr.Binder & Besl
- Russula crustosa Peck, 1887
- Russula delica Fr.
- Helvella lacunosa Afzel.
- Amanita cruzii O.K.Mill. & Lodge
- Coltricia perennis (L.) Murrill
- Scleroderma flavidum Ellis & Everh.
- Cylindrocladium buxicola Henricot
- Phytophthora citrophthora (R.E.Sm. & E.H.Sm.) Leonian
- Ophiognomonia leptostyla (Fr.) Sogonov
- Nigrospora oryzae (Berk. & Broome) Petch
- Erysiphe palczewskii (Jacz.) U.Braun & S.Takam.
- Agaricus bohusii Bon
- Conocybe intrusa (Peck) Singer
- Suillus amabilis (Peck) Singer
- Phellinus pomaceus (Pers.) Maire
- Lysurus cruciatus (Lepr. & Mont.) Henn.
- Ganoderma resinaceum Boud.
- Polyporus rhizophilus (Pat.) Sacc.
- Phytophthora ramorum Werres, De Cock & Man
- Descolea antarctica Singer
- Crepidotus cinnabarinus Peck
- Typhula trifolii Rostr.
- Suillus placidus (Bonord.) Singer
- Sarcodontia crocea (Schwein.) Kotl.
- Amanita abrupta Peck
- Amanita circinata O.K.Mill. & Lodge
- Mycena citricolor (Berk. & M.A.Curtis) Sacc.
- Auricularia nigricans (Sw.) Birkebak, Looney & Sánchez-García
- Phomopsis vaccinii Shear, N.E.Stevens & H.F.Bain
- Leratiomyces ceres (Cooke & Massee) Spooner & Bridge
- Aureoboletus projectellus (Murrill) Halling
- Boletinus asiaticus Singer
- Suillus tridentinus (Bres.) Singer
- Suillus viscidus (L.) Roussel
- Thelephora intybacea Pers.
- Boletinus spectabilis (Peck) Murrill
- Suillus variegatus (Sw.) Richon & Roze
- Geopora sumneriana (Cooke ex W.Phillips) M.Torre
- Akanthomyces tuberculatus (Lebert) Spatafora, Kepler & B.Shrestha
- Ceratocystis platani (J.M.Walter) Engelbr. & T.C.Harr.
- Echinoderma rubellum (Bres.) Migl.
- Lepiota micropholis (Berk. & Broome) Sacc.
- Lepiota rhyparophora (Berk. & Broome) Sacc., 1887
- Leucoagaricus cupresseus (Burl.) Boisselet & Guinb.
- Leucoagaricus marginatus (Burl.) Boisselet
- Leucoagaricus melanotrichus (Malençon & Bertault) Trimbach
- Leucoagaricus rubrotinctus (Peck) Singer
- Leucocoprinus aureofloccosus (Henn.) Bon
- Leucocoprinus brunnescens (Peck) Pegler
- Leucocoprinus caldariorum D.A.Reid
- Leucocoprinus tenellus (Boud.) Locq.
- Lycoperdon umbrinoides Dissing & M.Lange
- Queletia mirabilis Fr.
- Saproamanita singeri (Bas) Redhead, Vizzini, Drehmel & Contu
- Bolbitius incarnatus Hongo
- Panaeolus antillarum (Fr.) Dennis
- Gymnopilus hispidellus Murrill
- Gymnopilus humicola Harding ex Singer
- Psilocybe mexicana R.Heim
- Crepidotus eccentricus Murrill
- Lactocollybia cycadicola (Joss.) Singer
- Lactocollybia variicystis D.A.Reid & Eicker
- Mycena alphitophora (Berk.) Sacc.
- Mycena chlorinosma Singer
- Mycena roseoflava G.Stev.
- Marasmiellus virgatocutis Robich, Esteve-Rav. & G.Moreno
- Omphalotus olearius (DC.) Singer
- Cylindrobasidium eucalypti (M.Dueñas & Tellería) Tellería & Melo
- Volvariella volvacea (Bull.) Singer
- Coprinopsis kimurae (Hongo & Aoki) Redhead, Vilgalys & Moncalvo
- Cystogomphus humblotii Singer
- Rhizopogon vinicolor A.H.Sm.
- Geastrum morganii Lloyd
- Phaeoclavulina murrillii (Coker) Franchi & M.Marchetti
- Lysurus mokusin (L.) Fr.
- Mutinus elegans (Mont.) E.Fisch.
- Phallus indusiatus Vent.
- Neoantrodia variiformis (Peck) Audet
- Pycnoporellus fulgens (Fr.) Donk
- Ganoderma tsugae Murrill
- Laccocephalum hartmannii (Cooke) Núñez & Ryvarden
- Perenniporia ochroleuca (Berk.) Ryvarden
- Asperisporium caricae (Speg.) Maubl.
- Cercospora apii Fresen.
- Mycosphaerella cruenta (Sacc.) Latham
- Mycosphaerella henningsii Sivan.
- Mycosphaerella musicola R.Leach ex J.L.Mulder
- Mycosphaerella tassiana (De Not.) Johanson
- Passalora sidarum (Petr. & Cif.) U.Braun & Crous
- Pseudocercospora purpurea (Cooke) Deighton
- Septoria lantanae Garman
- Alternaria brassicae (Berk.) Sacc.
- Erysiphe diffusa (Cooke & Peck) U.Braun & S.Takam.
- Colletotrichum gloeosporioides (Penz.) Penz. & Sacc.
- Chaconia ingae (Syd.) Cummins
- Cerotelium fici (Castagne) Arthur
- Puccinia lantanae Farl.
- Puccinia melanocephala Syd. & P.Syd.
- Hemileia vastatrix Berk. & Broome
- Calonectria pseudonaviculata (Crous, J.Z.Groenew. & C.F.Hill) L.Lombard, M.J.Wingf. & Crous
- Camarosporidiella elongata (Fr.) Wanas., Wijayaw. & K.D.Hyde
- Massaria anomia (Fr.) Petr.
- Ascotremella faginea (Peck) Seaver
- Trochila laurocerasi (Desm.) Fr.
- Hydnotrya cubispora (E.A.Bessey & B.E.Thomps.) Gilkey
- Peziza ostracoderma Korf
- Ruhlandiella berolinensis Henn.
- Paurocotylis pila Berk.
- Tuber gibbosum Harkn.
- Diaporthe oncostoma (Duby) Fuckel
- Sirococcus tsugae Castl., D.F.Farr & Stanosz
- Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul.
- Coccinonectria pachysandricola (B.O.Dodge) L.Lombard & Crous
- Pseudonectria tilachlidii W.Gams
- Jackrogersella cohaerens (Pers.) L.Wendt, Kuhnert & M.Stadler
- Calvatia tatrensis Hollós
- Chlorophyllum agaricoides (Czern.) Vellinga
- Cystoderma tricholomoides Heinem. & Thoen
- Leucoagaricus badhamii (Berk. & Broome) Singer
- Leucoagaricus meleagris (Gray) Singer
- Lycoperdon marginatum Vittad.
- Mycenastrum corium (Guers.) Desv.
- Tulostoma squamosum (J.F.Gmel.) Pers.
- Tulostoma subfuscum V.S.White
- Descolea maculata Bougher
- Laccaria bisporigera Contu & Ballero
- Gymnopilus purpuratus (Cooke & Massee) Singer
- Phellorinia herculeana (Pers.) Kreisel
- Leratiomyces percevalii (Berk. & Broome) Bridge & Spooner
- Stropharia eximia Benedix
- Lepista graveolens (Peck) Dermek
- Paralepistopsis amoenolens (Malençon) Vizzini
- Squamanita odorata (Cool) Imbach
- Typhula spathulata (Corner) Berthier
- Boletus paluster Peck
- Coniophora prasinoides (Bourdot & Galzin) Bourdot & Galzin
- Paxillus vernalis Watling
- Rhizopogon hawkerae A.H.Sm.
- Suillus spraguei (Berk. & M.A.Curtis) Kuntze
- Geastrum corollinum (Batsch) Hollós
- Ramaria flavobrunnescens (G.F.Atk.) Corner
- Ramaria rubripermanens Marr & D.E.Stuntz
- Phallogaster saccatus Morgan
- Picipes rhizophilus (Pat.) J.L.Zhou & B.K.Cui
- Cerinomyces pallidus G.W.Martin
- Gomphidius septentrionalis Singer
- Boletinus glandulosus Peck
- Suillus caerulescens A.H.Sm. & Thiers
- Dermocystidium marinum Machin, Owen & Collier, 1950
- Pseudocercospora thujina (Dearn.) U.Braun & C.Nakash.
- Septoria passiflorae Syd.
- Cytospora rhizophorae Kohlm. & E.Kohlm.
- Etheirophora blepharospora (Kohlm. & E.Kohlm.) Kohlm. & Volkm.-Kohlm.
- Amanita marmorata (Cleland & E.-J.Gilbert) E.-J.Gilbert
- Descolea alienata E.Horak & Desjardin
- Cortinarius clelandii A.H.Sm.
- Favolaschia calocera R.Heim
- Rhizopogon salebrosus A.H.Sm.
- Suillus pungens Thiers & A.H.Sm.
- Suillus subluteus (Peck) Snell
- Sarcodon atroviridis (Morgan) Banker
- Entyloma ageratinae R.W.Barreto & H.C.Evans
- Gymnosporangium yamadae Miyabe ex G.Yamada
- Pleurotus opuntiae (Durieu & Lév.) Sacc.
- Ganoderma pfeifferi Bres.
- Gomphidius glutinosus (Schaeff.) Fr.
- Suillus flavidus (Fr.) J.Presl
- Inocybe lanuginosa (Bull.) P.Kumm.
- Inocybe petiginosa (Fr.) Gillet
- Thelephora ramarioides D.A.Reid
- Amanita ceciliae (Berk. & Broome) Bas
- Ostracoblabe implexa Bornet & Flahault
- Nosema ceratomyxae I.Paperna & Paperna, 1985
- Ruhlandiella peregrina Lantieri & Pfister
- Reddellomyces donkii (Malençon) Trappe, Castellano & Malajczuk
- Tuber indicum Cooke & Massee, 1892
- Phallus impudicus L.
- Heterobasidion irregulare Garbel. & Otrosina
- Russula ellipsospora (Zeller) Trappe & T.F.Elliott
- Arachnion album Schwein.
- Nosema apis Zander, 1909
- Nosema bombi Fantham & A.Porter, 1914
- Colletotrichum coffeanum F.Noack
- Lycoperdon perlatum Pers.
- Hebeloma versipelle (Fr.) Gillet
- Ustilago kamerunensis Syd. & P.Syd.
- Microsphaera jaczewskii U.Braun
- Pithya cupressina (Batsch) Fuckel
- Gomphidius maculatus (Scop.) Fr.
- Fomitiporia hippophaëicola (H.Jahn) Fiasson & Niemelä
- Lactarius blennius (Fr.) Fr.
- Cantharellus congolensis Beeli
- Cantharellus eucalyptorum Buyck, Randrianj. & V.Hofst.
- Inocybe dulcamara (Pers.) P.Kumm.
- Inocybe mixtilis (Britzelm.) Sacc.
- Coltricia cinnamomea (Jacq.) Murrill
- Hymenogaster maurus Maire
- Hysterangium incarceratum Malençon
- Scleroderma michiganense (Guzmán) Guzmán
- Scleroderma pseudostipitatum Petch
- Scleroderma texense Berk.
- Calbovista subsculpta Morse ex M.T.Seidl
- Macrolepiota excoriata (Schaeff.) Wasser
- Cortinarius torvus (Fr.) Fr.
- Gymnopilus aeruginosus (Peck) Singer
- Marasmius oreades (Bolton) Fr.
- Infundibulicybe gibba (Pers.) Harmaja
- Leccinum aurantiacum (Bull.) Gray
- Laetiporus sulphureus (Bull.) Murrill
- Grifola frondosa (Dicks.) Gray
- Neolentinus lepideus (Fr.) Redhead & Ginns
- Russula cyanoxantha (Schaeff.) Fr.
- Delitschia griffithii Cain
- Erysiphe magnifica (U.Braun) U.Braun & S.Takam.
- Encoelia fimbriata Spooner & Trigaux
- Daldinia childiae J.D.Rogers & Y.M.Ju
- Gymnopilus dilepis (Berk. & Broome) Singer
- Strobilurus esculentus (Wulfen) Singer
- Suillus hololeucus Pantidou
- Geastrum campestre Morgan
- Calophoma clematidina (Thüm.) Qian Chen & L.Cai
- Uncinia uncinata Velen.
- Gyromitra esculenta Pers. ex Fr.
- Tuber aestivum (Wulfen) Spreng.
- Agaricus augustus Fr.
- Agaricus bitorquis (Quél.) Sacc.
- Agaricus campestris L.
- Agaricus cupreobrunneus (Jul.Schäff. & Steer) Pilát
- Agaricus lanipes (F.H.Møller & Jul.Schäff.) Hlaváček
- Agaricus semotus Fr.
- Agaricus subperonatus (J.E.Lange) Singer
- Agaricus urinascens (Jul.Schäff. & F.H.Møller) Singer
- Calvatia gigantea (Batsch) Lloyd
- Coprinus comatus (O.F.Müll.) Pers.
- Cyathus striatus Willd.
- Lycoperdon pratense Pers.
- Saproamanita nauseosa (Wakef.) Redhead, Vizzini, Drehmel & Contu
- Bolbitius titubans (Bull.) Fr.
- Panaeolina foenisecii (Pers.) Maire
- Panaeolus cinctulus (Bolton) Sacc.
- Cortinarius cinnabarinus Fr.
- Cortinarius cinnamomeus (L.) Gray
- Cortinarius saniosus (Fr.) Fr.
- Entoloma rusticoides (Gillet) Noordel.
- Entoloma sericellum (Fr.) P.Kumm.
- Laccaria echinospora (Speg.) Singer
- Laccaria ohiensis (Mont.) Singer
- Laccaria tetraspora Singer
- Hygrocybe conica (Schaeff.) P.Kumm.
- Psilocybe argentina (Speg.) Singer
- Psilocybe subaeruginosa Cleland
- Psilocybe subviscida (Peck) Kauffman
- Inocybe lacera (Fr.) P.Kumm.
- Inocybe rimosa Britzelm.
- Crinipellis scabella (Alb. & Schwein.) Murrill
- Cruentomycena viscidocruenta (Cleland) R.H.Petersen & Kovalenko
- Mycena olivaceomarginata (Massee) Massee
- Armillaria hinnulea Kile & Watling
- Flammulina velutipes (Curtis) Singer
- Pluteus cervinus (Schaeff.) P.Kumm.
A des coordonnées true
Présente un problème géospatial false
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145kArtportalen (Swedish Species Observation System)
100kFungal Records Database of Britain and Ireland
78kDanish Mycological Society, fungal records database
74kiNaturalist Research-grade Observations
-, Nature data from around the World
55kSwiss National Fungi Databank
32kNorwegian Species Observation Service
7kNBIS Records to December 2016
6kMycology herbarium, Oslo (O) UiO
6kBiome of Australia Soil Environments
6kSlovenian Fungal Database - Boletus informaticus
5kDutch Vegetation Database
5kThe New York Botanical Garden Herbarium (NY)
5kRecords of the Queensland Plant Pathology Herbarium
4kFungi field notes, Oslo (O)
4kNE Scotland fungus and lichen records 1800-2010
4kSEWBReC Fungi (South East Wales)
4kLeicestershire and Rutland Fungi and Lichen Records
3kLeicestershire and Rutland Environmental Records Centre records pre 2000
3kBRERC species records from all years at full resolution excluding Notable Species within the last 10 years
3kGeographically tagged INSDC sequences
3kField Museum of Natural History (Botany) Fungi Collection
2kShropshire Ecological Data Network database
2kUniversity of Tennessee Fungal Herbarium
2kNational Trust Species Records
2kFungal occurrences from the Basque Country and neighbouring areas: ARAN-Fungi
2kHerbarium GB, University of Gothenburg
2kFungal Specimens of National Museum of Nature and Science (TNS)
2kNew Zealand Fungal and Plant Disease Collection (PDD)
2kUniversity of Michigan Herbarium
2kFungi collection of the University of Eastern Finland
2kNotes from the Mycology Herbarium, Oslo (O)
2kFungi (S)
2kBiodiversitätsdatenbank Salzburg
1kMerseyside BioBank (verified)
1kLeicestershire and Rutland Environmental Records Centre records 2000-2009
1kThe Fungal Collection at the Senckenberg Museum für Naturkunde Görlitz
1kActualización de la base de datos de hongos macroscópicos de Jalisco
1kLund Botanical Museum (LD)
1kBLS Lichen Database: England 1650-2016
1kBotanical Museum, Copenhagen, Mycology Herbarium
1kTasmanian Natural Values Atlas
1kMycology herbarium, UiT Tromsø Museum
1kDonnées ONF faune-flore-fonge
1kCollections and observation data National Museum of Natural History Luxembourg
1kHBRG Fungus, Lichen & Lower Plants Dataset
1kUniversity of Vienna, Institute for Botany - Herbarium WU
1kEstonian University of Life Sciences Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Mycological Herbarium
1kSuffolk Biodiversity Information Service (SBIS) Dataset
1kFungus Collections at Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Karlsruhe (Herbarium KR)
1kMEL AVH data
1kRNF - Données de l'association Vivarmor Nature
1kUniversity of British Columbia Herbarium (UBC) - Fungi Collection
1kSteiermärkisches Landesmuseum Joanneum - Herbarium GJO
1kBLS Mapping Scheme dataset, 1750-2009
1kEstonian Naturalists’ Society
1kHatikka Observation Database
1kCercle des mycologues de Montréal Fungarium (CMMF)
1kPERTH AVH data
879BLS Lichen Database: Scotland 1700-2016
867CSIC-Real Jardín Botánico-Colección de Hongos (MA-Fungi)
864All taxa records for Leicestershire and Rutland
814Denver Botanic Gardens, Sam Mitchel Herbarium of Fungi
806Herbarium (AMNH)
782Bell Museum fungi
775Manx Biological Recording Partnership VERIFIED Isle of Man records between 14/02/2017 and 05/09/2019
773Leicestershire and Rutland Environmental Records Centre records 2010-2014
767Données d'occurrences Espèces issues de l'inventaire des ZNIEFF
766Flora Mycologica Iberica Project database
750Distribución conocida y potencial de 48 especies de hongos silvestres comestibles en la región central del país
733Mapping the wild ectomycorrhizal fungi of Meise Botanic Garden from 2006 to 2012
710Rotherham Biological Records Centre - Non-sensitive Records from all taxonomic groups
702Fungal Specimens collected by HabitatVision (Jacob Heilmann-Clausen)
700Swiss National Lichens Databank
688Herbario JA
673Fungal literature records database of the Northern West Siberia (Russia)
668University of Tartu Natural History Museum and Botanical Garden Mycological Collections
661SER Species-based Surveys
636Fungal literature records database of the Southern West Siberia (Russia)
629Duke University, Herbarium Fungal Collection
602Gloucestershire Historic Wildlife Sightings prior to 1st Jan 2000
596Banco de Datos de la Biodiversidad de la Comunitat Valenciana
590VIT Herbarium - Mycotheca (The Natural History Museum of Álava)
587Dpto. de Botánica, Ecología y Fisiología Vegetal. Facultad de Ciencias. Universidad de Córdoba. Fungi-COFC
552Argyll Biological Records Dataset
546Digitalización y sistematización de las colecciones biológicas del INECOL (Hongos)
540International Collection of Microorganisms from Plants (ICMP)
536LERN Records
524Threatened species occurrences, Denmark 1991-2015
520Mycological Collection - University of Washington Herbarium (WTU)
517International Barcode of Life project (iBOL)
516Fungal Collection of Natural History Museum and Institute, Chiba
514BLS Lichen Database: Wales 1650-2016
509Register of protected and endangered fungi of Poland (GREJ)
491The Fungarium of Yugra State University
490Miscellaneous records held on the Cofnod database
484Flore du Bassin parisien (CBNBP)
476Royal Ontario Museum Fungarium (TRTC)
468The Fungal, Lichen and Plant Collections at the Herbarium Marburgense
446Mycology herbarium TRH, NTNU University Museum
441University of Tartu Natural History Museum and Botanical Garden DNA and Environmental Sample Collections
440Merseyside BioBank (unverified)
437BRI AVH data
431LSUM Bernard Lowy Mycological Herbarium at Louisiana State University - Fungi
431NRW Regional Data: South East Wales Non-sensitive species
430Natural Resources Wales Regional Data : Mid-Wales
421Isle of Man wildlife records from 01/01/2000 to 13/02/2017
421Fungi collection of Jyväskylä University Museum
418CEDaR Online Recording
407Hongos del estado de Veracruz
406Herbarium of Umeå University (UME)
392Biowide Species data
391SIM-Fungal records compiled by Joan Montón
388Lichens at Herbarium Berolinense, Berlin (B)
384Yorkshire Wildlife Trust - Non-sensitive records from all taxonomic groups
374Tartu Botanical Garden Root and Leaf Endophytes
371Herbario de la Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid (MACB)
369Naturalis Biodiversity Center (NL) - Botany
361WildNet - Queensland Wildlife Data
353ALA species sightings and OzAtlas
345Herbarium Senckenbergianum (FR) - Fungi
343Fungi of Costa Rica (INBio)
339Gunma Museum of Natural History, Fungi Specimen
333Dr Mary Gillham Archive Project
328Fortalecimiento de las colecciones de ECOSUR. Primera fase (Hongos Tapachula)
327CEDaR Lichens of Ireland
318HBRG JP Blunt Fungus Dataset
312NHMO DNA Bank Fungi and Lichens collection
308Ibaraki Nature Museum, Fungi collection
296Earth Guardians Weekly Feed
294Fungi on beech (Fagus sylvatica) wood, Halland, Sweden
280Herbario de la Sociedad Micológica Barakaldo Mikologia Elkartea
279SIM-Fungal occurrences compiled by the Iberian Mycological Society
273Leicestershire and Rutland Environmental Records Centre records 2015-2019
259VegetWeb - Repositorium von Vegetationsaufnahmen
257BIOWIDE eDNA Fungi dataset
249The Danish Environmental Portal, species and habitats-database "Danmarks Miljøportals Naturdatabase"
247RNF - Données de la Fédération des Réserves Catalanes
246Biodiversity4all Research-Grade Observations
236Estonian Nature Observations Database
234E. C. Smith Herbarium (ACAD)
231Sheffield and Rotherham Wildlife Trust - Records
226Fungi specimen database of Kanagawa Prefectural Museum of Natural History
222CANB AVH data
216Pat Livermore's Fungus Records 1976 - 2000
213National Trust for Scotland Species Records
212Fungi and Lichens, Outer Hebrides
210Lichen herbarium, Oslo (O) UiO
199Vegetation surveys of coastal shingle in Great Britain
197Northern Ireland Environment Agency (NIEA) Collated Species Records
196SER Site-based Surveys
190Fife Nature Records Centre combined dataset
185Fungi specimens of Saitama Museum of Natural History
183ARC-PPRI: National Collection Of Fungi(1817-2009)
178NRW Regional Data: all taxa (excluding sensitive species), West Wales
172Water Colours of Fungi by Fritz Wohlfarth at the Botanische Staatssammlung München
171Mycology herbarium, UiB
171Chronicle of Nature - Phenology of Mushrooms of Darwin Nature Biosphere Reserve
170UFRN-Fungos - Herbário UFRN - Fungos
165Fongs d'Andorra
165SEWBReC Lichen (South East Wales)
164Canberra Nature Map
163Fungi of parks, forests and reserves of New Jersey, 2018
160Colección de hongos del Herbario "Jaime Andrés Rodríguez". LEB-Fungi
160HO AVH data
158Application INPN Espèces: Observations naturalistes, participatives et opportunistes, fondées sur des photographies
155Observations occasionnelles Parc national des Pyrénées
153Biodiversitätsdatenbank Nationalpark Hohe Tauern
151RNF - Données de l'Association GEREPI (GEstion de la REserve naturelle nationale du PInail)
151Stackpole National Nature Reserve Species Inventory and Ad-hoc Sightings from Across Pembrokeshire
150Isle of Man historical wildlife records 1995 to 1999
149The Fungal Collection at the Botanische Staatssammlung München
149New Zealand Biodiversity Recording Network
148Intermountain Herbarium (fungi, not lichens), Utah State University
140University of Vermont, Pringle Herbarium, Macrofungi
140Commissioned surveys and staff surveys and reports for Scottish Wildlife Trust reserves - Unassessed data
140PlutoF platform reference-based occurrences
139Phase 2 Lowland Grassland Survey of Wales
133Brown University Herbarium
127Herbarium Berolinense, Berlin (B)
122Plot-based observations of macrofungi in raised bogs in Western Siberia (2014-2020)
119iRecord Surveys
115The Fungal Collection of Helga Große-Brauckmann at the Botanische Staatssammlung München
112Chronicle of Nature - Phenology of Mushrooms of Pechoro-Ilych State Nature Reserve
112SP-Fungi - Maria Eneyda Pacheco Kauffmann Fidalgo
109Macromycetes in Portugal Update
109Photographs of higher plants, mosses, fungi, lichens, and algae
107Water Colours of Fungi by Konrad Schieferdecker at the Botanische Staatssammlung München
107JPB - Herbário Lauro Pires Xavier
102Carnet B Centre - lot 2012
98Diversidad fúngica en planicies del desierto central sonorense y centro del desierto chihuahuense
95Chronicle of Nature - Phenology of Mushrooms of State Nature Reserve Kivach
94Jeux de données provenant de l'ATBI Mercantour
93Miscellaneous records held by BIS
91Actualización de las bases de datos de las colecciones de plantas vasculares y macromicetos del herbario de la UJAT (Hongos)
91Australasian Virtual Herbarium (AVH) data from the State Herbarium of South Australia (AD)
87Fungi (agaricoid basidiomycetes) of the Pechoro-Ilych reserve (Komi Republic, Russia)
86Natural History Museum Rotterdam - Specimens
83Tallinn Botanic Garden
83Masaryk University - Herbarium BRNU
81ICN - Herbário do Instituto de Ciências Naturais
80URM - Herbário Pe. Camille Torrand
79Lothian Wildlife Information Centre Secret Garden Survey
79LiquenCAT: Banco de datos de los líquenes de Cataluña
78Estudio monográfico de los gasteromicetos del noroeste de Baja California, México. Provincia Californiana
77Records of vascular plants, bryophytes and lichens from Ukrainian Grassland Database
77IBF Monitoring of Fungi
74Azorean Biodiversity Portal
71Patrick Roper’s Notebooks
71Herbario de Hongos de la Universidad de Salamanca: SALA-Fungi
69Survey of saproxylic fungi across parks of New Jersey
68Fungi Collection
68Survey and monitoring records for Scottish Wildlife Trust reserves from reserve convenors and Trust volunteers - Unassessed data
65Dorset SSSI Species Records 1952 - 2004 (Natural England)
64Hongos ectomicorrizógenos y myxomycetes asociados con Picea chihuahuana en la Sierra Tarahumara
63Phase Two Lowland Heathland Survey
62RNF - Données de l'ONF Isère
61Clare Biological Records Centre Dataset 2004-2007
60Chronicle of Nature - Phenology of Mushrooms of Pinezhsky State Nature Reserve
60Sistematización del Herbario Nacional Forestal Biól Luciano Vela Gálvez
58Chronicle of Nature - Phenology of Mushrooms of State Nature Reserve Malaya Sosva
58Colección de Hongos del Herbario de la Universidad de La Laguna: TFC Mic
58Field Museum of Natural History (Botany) Lichen Collection
56Atlas of Life in the Coastal Wilderness
56Environmental Monitoring Database Species data 1987 to 2015
55Distribución actual y potencial de veinte especies de hongos silvestres comestibles en los bosques de coníferas del estado de Oaxaca
54Lichen herbarium, UiB
53Brecknock Wildlife Trust (Now WTSWW Brecknockhire) records held by BIS
53Données faune, flore et fonge du Conservatoire des espaces naturels de Picardie
52Chronicle of Nature - Phenology of Mushrooms of Visimsky Nature Biosphere Reserve
52Distribution of Aureoboletus projectellus in Europe
51Mixomicetes de la Reserva de la Biosfera del Valle de Tehuacán-Cuicatlán
49EDP Foz-Tua: Lichen flora – Complementary Studies [2011] and Ecological Monitoring Program [2012-2015]
49V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University herbarium, Department of Mycology and Plant Resistance
48DNA AVH data
48Merseyside BioBank Active Naturalists (unverified)
48RHS monitoring of native and naturalised plants and animals at its gardens and surrounding areas
47Aphyllophoroid fungi of Uzbekistan
46Occurrence records of rust fungi (Pucciniales) in Portugal
46Checklist of rust fungi (Pucciniales) occurring in Portugal
45Oskarshamn herbarium (OHN)
44Ireland's BioBlitz
44Records of protected plant and fungi species in Ukraine
43Lichen herbarium TRH, NTNU University Museum
43East Ayrshire Species Database
43Biologiezentrum Linz
43NRW Regional Data: North Wales
42Données naturalistes de CERCOPE (Jean-Louis PRATZ)
42Species recordings from the Danish National portal
41SIM-XII Jornadas Micológicas El Ilustre Minero
41Chronicle of Nature - Phenology of Mushrooms of Kondinskie Lakes National Park named after L. F. Stashkevich
41HSS-micoteca (HSS-F) Finca La Orden-Valdesequera (CICYTEX). Junta de Extremadura
41Données RNF - PNR des ballons des Vosges
39List of animalia, fungi and plant species recorded through naturalist observations and research activities in Benin. Data mobilized in the framework of a JRS Biodiversity Foundation project of Benin
39Registros de hongos en áreas protegidas de la Argentina
38Bryophytes, fungi and lichens on dead wood
37FLOR - Herbário do Departamento de Botânica da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
37CeDoc de Biodiversitat Vegetal: BCN-Lich
37WTSWW Data: All Taxa (West Wales)
36Gasteroides de la Colección Criptogamas herbario CORD
35Montgomeryshire Wildlife Trust records held by BIS
35Herbario, Departamento de Farmacología, Farmacognosia & Botánica, Facultad de Farmacia, Universidad Complutense, Madrid: MAF-Lich
35Ty Canol National Nature Reserve (NNR) Species Inventory
34FBIP: Linking ecosystem processes and soil microbial diversity in Rooibos and Honeybush
34All observations extracted from the Flora of Northumberland and Durham 1831
33Phenological Center - Mushrooms (Arkhangelsk)
32Chronicle of Nature - Phenology of Mushrooms of Kaniv Nature Reserve
32TWIC Biodiversity Field Trip Data (1995-present)
31Departamento de Investigación y Experiencias Forestales de Valonsadero de la Junta de Castilla y León: JCYL-Fungi
30Inventaires faunistiques et floristiques de la ville du Havre
30RNF - Données de la Communauté de Communes de Gevrey Chambertin
29Observations floristiques - plateforme SINP régionale SILENE PACA
29City of Edinburgh Natural Heritage Service - Historical Records
29Ectomycorrhiza species on all VIP´s April 2008
29BLS Lichen Database: England churchyards 1650-2016
29Universitat de València, Colecciones de Criptógamas: VAL_Lich
29Apoyo a las colecciones biológicas de la Facultad de Ciencias de la UNAM: Fase 1 (Hongos)
28Données naturalistes de Xavier JAPIOT
28Agaricomycotina species reveald by ITS / LSU sequencing
27NSW BioNet Atlas
27Historia natural del parque ecológico estatal de Omiltemi, Chilpancingo, Guerrero, México
27CSIC-Real Jardín Botánico-Colección de Líquenes (MA-Lichen)
27Estonian University of Life Sciences Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Department of Plant Protection
27Duke University Herbarium Lichen Collection
27Geneva Herbarium – General Collection (G)
26Données acquises via le réseau du Conservatoire botanique national du Bassin parisien
26Phenological Center - Mushrooms (Murmansk)
25Observational database of Icelandic plants
25Marine metagenomes Metagenome
25Chronicle of Nature - Phenology of Mushrooms of State Nature Reserve Nurgush
24Lichens: Records for Kent.
24Commissioned surveys and staff surveys and reports for Scottish Wildlife Trust reserves - Verified data
23iNaturalist records from Northern Ireland
23Fife Nature Records Centre combined dataset 2018/19
23University of Graz, Institute of Plant Sciences - Herbarium GZU
22Fungi of French Guiana
22Chronicle of Nature - Phenology of Mushrooms of Bryansk Forest Nature Reserve
21Las familias Polyporaceae sensu stricto y Albatrellaceae en México
21MELU AVH data
21Rutgers University, Chrysler Herbarium - Mycology Collection
20Lichen diversity in grasslands
20GEO-Hauptveranstaltung in "Wildtierland"
20RNF - Données du Conservatoire d'espaces naturel Franche-Comté
20The Erysiphales Collection at the Botanische Staatssammlung München
19Institut Botanic de Barcelona (IBB-CSIC-ICUB), BC-Lichen
19Natural History Museum (London) Collection Specimens
19EDIT - ATBI in Mercantour/Alpi Marittime (France/Italy)
19Arizona State University Lichen Herbarium
19Welsh Invertebrate Database (WID)
18Species within North Ayrshire from 1984 - Present
18HUCS-Micoteca - Micoteca do Herbário da Universidade de Caxias do Sul
18Données naturalistes de Pierre HUGUENY
18Biodiversity assessment in the Yangambi Biosphere Reserve
18Chronicle of Nature - Phenology of Mushrooms of Central Forest State Nature Biosphere Reserve
17Lichens of Biebrza National Park
17Amplicon sequencing of Tara Oceans DNA samples corresponding to size fractions for protists.
17Lichen field notes, Oslo (O)
17Colección del Herbario de la Universidad de los Llanos
16Inventaire de la flore du PNRLG 2014 (Landes et Gironde)
16Herbarium - Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia (INPA)
16R.H.Wardell - Cardiff Nature Conservation Strategy - 1991 - 1998
16Database on Forest Disturbances in Europe
16The Erysiphales Collection at the University Halle-Wittenberg
16Données naturalistes de David HAPPE
16Images and observations of mostly edible plants in Stephen Barstow’s Edible Garden in Norway, taken between 2005 and 2014
16Collection and observation of macrofungi from Vakh river basin (Western Siberia)
16Eukaryotic diversity in Central Park
15Données des réserves naturelles nationales gérées par la Ligue pour la protection des oiseaux (LPO)
15Digitalización y Sistematización de las Colecciones Biológicas Nacionales del Instituto de Biología, UNAM (algas, frutos y semillas, hongos, líquenes, xiloteca)
15FURB - Herbário Dr. Roberto Miguel Klein
15FURB herbarium - Universidade Regional de Blumenau - Herbário Virtual REFLORA
15Lichen herbarium, UiT Tromsø Museum
14Données naturalistes de Monsieur JOURDE Rémi
14Données naturalistes de Julien BIRARD [Inventaire Eclair 18 juin]
14Rust fungus specimen of Research Group of Plant Parasitic Mycology, Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba
14Fungal specimens of Faculty of Agriculture and Life Science, Hirosaki University
14Lichens of North-Eastern Poland
14City of Edinburgh Natural Heritage Service - Fungi Surveys
14Observations faune et flore du Parc national des Écrins
13Données naturalistes de Cyril EPICOCO
13HUEFS - Herbario da Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana
13Inventaire de la flore par le CBN Sud-Atlantique sur le PNRLG 2007-2008
13Los hongos silvestres: componentes de la biodiversidad y alternativa para la sustentabilidad de los bosques templados
13Fungal specimens of Komatsu City Museum
13Microeukaryotes in metagenomic survey of ancient Siberian permafrost
12EMOSE (2017) Inter-Comparison of Marine Plankton Metagenome Analysis Methods
12SMDB - Santa Maria Departamento de Biologia
12Mycoblitz 2017 - IRBV et Cercle des Mycologues de Montréal
12GEO-Hauptveranstaltung im Nationalpark Bayerischer Wald
12Gemeinde Sursee
12Mycology collection, Norwegian Forest and Landscape Institute
11Inventaire de la flore du Pays Bassin d'Arcachon - Val de l'Eyre 2010-2013
11Fungal Biodiversity Centre (CBS) - Fungi strains
11Données naturalistes de PONCET Rémy
11HUEG - Herbário da Universidade Estadual de Goiás
11India Biodiversity Portal publication grade dataset
11MPUC - Herbário do Museu da Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul
11Carnet B Lorraine
10Ascomycetes of Russian Fennoscandia
10Mushrooms Flora of Nepal at Central Department of Botany, Tribhuvan University, Nepal
10Census of the species of Benin. Data mobilized in the framework of JRS Benin project and funded by JRS Biodiversity Foundation
10Fungi collection of the Botanical Museum of the University of Oulu
10ARKO gamle edellauvtrær
10BoBO - Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin Observations
9Données naturalistes de Laurent PONCET
9DAR AVH data
9Radnorshire Wildlife Trust records held by BIS
9Mushrooms Flora of Nepal at Natural History Museum
9Mushroom Diversity of Cross River National Park Akamkpa Nigeria - Flora Database of University of Calabar
9Northern Ireland Environment Agency (NIEA) Collated Lichen Species Records
9Kherson State University herbarium (KHER), Department of Botany
8Dorset Sites of Nature Conservation Interest (SNCI) species records pre 2000
8Chronicle of Nature - Phenology of Mushrooms of Ilmensky State Nature Reserve, Russian Academy of Sciences, Urals Branch
8IBF Monitoring of Lichens
8GEO Biodiversity Day
8Israel Nature and Parks Authority
8Naturschutzgebiet Sistig-Krekeler-Heide
8Schwanheimer Wald
8Tag der Artenvielfalt im Taubental
8Phenological Center - Mushrooms (Karelia)
7Isle of Man Historical Wildlife Records pre-1990
7Herbario Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
7Isle of Man historical wildlife records 1990 to 1994
7Ontario BioBlitz Species Records
7Images of Flora and Fauna of 290 Leppitt Rd, Upper Beaconsfield
7Chronicle of Nature - Phenology of Mushrooms of FGBU National Park Kenozersky
7Staatsforst Rehna - Woitendorfer Wald im Biosphärenreservat Schaalsee
7VIES-Fungi - Herbário Central da Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo - Coleção de Fungos
7Raw sequence reads from soil relic DNA study
7Species at 290 Leppitt Road, Upper Beaconsfield
7The University of Hong Kong Herbarium
7FloVegSI - Floristical and fitocenological database of ZRC SAZU
6Michael Barkla's Observations
6inventaire botanique et lichénologique de D. HAPPE
6Norwegian Biodiversity Information Centre - Other datasets
6ALCB - Herbário Alexandre Leal Costa
6Dorset Sites of Nature Conservation Interest (SNCI) species records 2000-2008
6Données faune, flore et fonge du Conservatoire des espaces naturels du Nord Pas-de-Calais
6Auckland Museum Botany Collection
6Botanical Museum, Copenhagen, the Lichen Herbarium
6GEO-Hauptveranstaltung (Insel Vilm)
6University of British Columbia Herbarium (UBC) - Algae Collection
6Estonian Museum of Natural History Department of Mycology
6Botany (UPS)
6Registro de plantas y hongos en el marco del proyecto: Valoración de servicios ecosistémicos a partir de componentes esenciales para la biodiversidad Norandina en Boyacá
6Finnish Floristic Database (Literature Sources)
6Ektomycorrhiza species in a soil exchange experiment
6Ectomycorrhiza species in a soil exchange experiment
6Fungal Bioblitz in Białowieża Primeval Forest at 18th Congress of European Mycologists
5Inventaire de la Forêt de la Commanderie, Fontainebleau
5sediment metagenome Raw sequence reads
5An Extended dataset of registration points of species listed in Resolution 6 and 4 of the Bern Convention
5RNF - Données de l'association de la RN du lac de Remoray
5Biosphärenpark Wienerwald - Wiener Steinhofgründe
5Schlern - (Bozen)
5MPM Milwaukee Public Museum Herbarium
52019 ForBio and UiO International Dead Wood Course. Biodiversity assessement
5Freiburger Netzwerk Artenvielfalt
5Artenvielfalt am Schlern
5Descoleas Sur de Argentina depositadas en el herbario CORD
5National Wetland Inventory (NV)
5Water and Sediment samples Targeted loci environmental
5LOB - California State University, Long Beach Herbarium
5Anymals+plants - Citizen Science Data
5Propuesta para sistematizar la colección palinológica de polen reciente y fósil del IGLUNAM
5CGMS - Herbário da Fundação Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul
5marine metagenome Metagenome
4Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi Herbarium
4Données bibliographique de la base BOMBINA
4NINA Artskart data
410. GEO - Tag der Artenvielfalt 2008 - LSG "Pfarrhübel" Chemnitz
4MG herbarium - Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi - Herbário Virtual REFLORA
4Harvard University Herbaria: All Records
4GEO-Hauptveranstaltung (NLP Harz / Hochharz)
4Lustadter Wald .
4City of Edinburgh Natural Heritage Service - Ranger Ad-hoc records and sightings
4Micromycetes of vascular plants of the Nurata Nature Reserve, Uzbekistan
4Lichens of Knyszyn Forest
4Inventaire de la flore de Gironde 2015
4RNF - Conservatoire d'espaces naturel Nord-Pas-de-Calais
4Long-Term Monitoring Network Vegetation Quadrats
3Données naturalistes de Bart BUYCK
3Données naturalistes flore et fonge du Conservatoire des espaces naturels Auvergne saisies avant le 18 février 2019.
3Field workshop on data publishing in Ethnographic and ecological park "Yugra" (Megion, 1-3 July 2019). Biodiversity assessement.
3RNF - Données de l'association Nature Nord Isère LO PARVI
3Colección de líquenes del Herbario "Jaime Andrés Rodríguez". LEB-Lichen
3Macrohongos de sistemas cársticos en el municipio de El Peñón, Santander - Proyecto Colombia BIO
3Inventaire de la flore de Gironde 2014
3Données naturalistes d'Océane ROQUINARC'H
3Environmental long read amplicons of soil fungi across Podzol soil profile
3Wasserwerkspark (Chemnitz)
3Bannwald Burghauser Forst
3Bayerische Donau - Leipheim
3Dornwanger Moos
3sediment metagenome Metagenome
3The Exsiccatal Series "Triebel, Microfungi exsiccati"
3Tropicos Specimen Data
3Waldränder der Frankenhöhe (Rothenburg ob der Tauber)
3Entdeckertour am Muldestausee
3Gurgltal (Tarrenz)
3Gemeindegebiet Weikendorf (Marchfeld)
3Dreilinden Gymnasium-Schulgelände
3Mosses and Lichens (Vermorel coll.)
3Données naturalistes de Damien AVRIL
3Survey and monitoring records for Scottish Wildlife Trust reserves from reserve convenors and Trust volunteers - Verified data
3Données naturalistes d'Olivier ESCUDER
3Research on Airborne Ice Nucleating Species
3Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh Herbarium (E)
2Records of protected animal, plant and fungi species in Ukraine
2Inventory and BioBlitz Records from rare Charitable Research Reserve
2MFS - Herbário Profª. Drª. Marlene Freitas da Silva
2Tejidos de sistemas cársticos en el municipio de El Peñón, Santander - Proyecto Colombia BIO
2Inventaire de la flore de Gironde 2017
2Tullie House Museum Natural History Collections
2Plants galls
2Inventaire du legs Thénard (Bourgogne)
2Données naturalistes de ROBOUAM Nicolas
2Wood-inhabiting corticioid basidiomycetes in Norway
2Roter Berg Werdau (Leubnitz)
2WildesMoor bei Schwabstedt
2Boimstorfer Sundern
2Schatzinsel Wangerooge
2Données naturalistes de Pierre NOEL (pnoel)