Please cite as (14 April 2018) GBIF Occurrence Download

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223 MB Simple
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{{ 47 | localNumber}}
    And All must apply
  • Geometry POLYGON((11.42578 -25.79989,19.51172 -36.87962,27.59766 -34.30714,36.03516 -27.68353,47.63672 -26.74561,53.26172 -17.97873,53.61328 -10.48781,42.71484 -3.86425,52.55859 5.96575,53.96484 12.89749,36.38672 23.24135,21.26953 20.96144,12.48047 19.31114,0.17578 18.97903,-18.80859 19.31114,-20.56641 14.60485,-9.66797 0.70311,2.98828 2.81137,7.55859 0,10.37109 -9.79568,11.42578 -25.79989))
  • Scientific name Plantae
To repeat the download on current data, you can use below query with the API. Read more
  "type": "and",
  "predicates": [
      "type": "within",
      "geometry": "POLYGON((11.42578 -25.79989,19.51172 -36.87962,27.59766 -34.30714,36.03516 -27.68353,47.63672 -26.74561,53.26172 -17.97873,53.61328 -10.48781,42.71484 -3.86425,52.55859 5.96575,53.96484 12.89749,36.38672 23.24135,21.26953 20.96144,12.48047 19.31114,0.17578 18.97903,-18.80859 19.31114,-20.56641 14.60485,-9.66797 0.70311,2.98828 2.81137,7.55859 0,10.37109 -9.79568,11.42578 -25.79989))"
      "type": "equals",
      "key": "TAXON_KEY",
      "value": "6",
      "matchCase": false

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