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  • Scientific name
    1. Sarcophilus harrisii (Boitard, 1841)
    2. Sorex minutissimus Zimmermann, 1780
    3. Tylomys panamensis (Gray, 1873)
    4. Zapus princeps J.A.Allen, 1893
    5. Proechimys goeldii Thomas, 1905
    6. Delphinus obscurus Gray, 1828
    7. Litocranius walleri (Brooke, 1879)
    8. Moschus leucogaster Hodgson, 1839
    9. Ourebia ourebi quadriscopa (C.H.Smith, 1827)
    10. Thomomys bottae fulvus Woodhouse, 1852
    11. Miniopterus tristis grandis Peterson, 1981
    12. Rhinolophus cornutus perditus K.Andersen, 1918
    13. Macaca assamensis pelops Hodgson, 1841
    14. Myotis capaccinii capaccinii
    15. Mammut furlongi Shotwell & Russell, 1963
    16. Indosiren javanensis von Koenigswald, 1952
    17. Pezosiren portelli Domning, 2001
    18. Kalobatippus praestans (Cope, 1879)
    19. Menops walcotti (Osborn, 1916)
    20. Prosynthetoceras orthrionanus Albright, 1999
    21. Navahoceros lascrucensis (Frick, 1937)
    22. Pomatodelphis bobengi (Case, 1934)
    23. Crenatocetus rayi McLeod & Barnes, 2008
    24. Amphechinus akespensis Lopatin, 1999
    25. Palaeolagus philoi Dawson, 1958
    26. Synaptomys australis Simpson, 1928
    27. Goniacodon hiawathae Van Valen, 1978
    28. Chalicomomys willwoodensis (Rose & Bown, 1982)
    29. Tarkops mckennai Ni et al., 2009
    30. Litaletes gazini Robison, 1986
    31. Pipistrellus stenopterus (Dobson, 1875)
    32. Pteropus tuberculatus Peters, 1869
    33. Taphozous nudiventris Cretzschmar, 1826
    34. Mustela putorius furo Linnaeus, 1758
    35. Panthera onca arizonensis (Goldman, 1932)
    36. Tragulus napu neubronneri Sody, 1931
    37. Caluromys lanatus ornatus (Tschudi, 1845)
    38. Crocidura nigripes lipara Miller & Hollister, 1921
    39. Hylomys suillus siamensis Kloss, 1916
    40. Canis aureus lupaster Hemprich & Ehrenberg, 1833
    41. Vulpes vulpes macroura Baird, 1852
    42. Leopardus geoffroyi paraguae (Pocock, 1940)
    43. Felis concolor missoulensis Goldman, 1943
    44. Lepus timidus ainu Barrett-Hamilton, 1900
    45. Sciurus ignitus ignitus
    46. Sousa chinensis taiwanensis Wang, Yang & Hung, 2015
    47. Callicebus vieirai Gualda-Barros, Nascimento & Amaral, 2012
    48. Microtus koreni G.M.Allen, 1914
    49. Otomys yaldeni Taylor, Lavrenchenko, Carleton, Verheyen, Bennett, Oosthuizen & Maree, 2011
    50. Mus plurimammis Hodgson, 1855
    51. Petalia nana K.Andersen, 1912
    52. Parastrellus hesperus (H.Allen, 1864)
    53. Stichomys diminutus Ameghino, 1891
    54. Prohyracotherium matutinum Ameghino, 1902
    55. Odocoileus cascensis Frick, 1937
    56. Australohyaena antiqua (Ameghino, 1894)
    57. Pierolapithecus catalaunicus Moyà-Solà et al., 2004
    58. Kuehneodon barcasensis Hahn & Hahn, 2001
    59. Trioracodon ferox (Owen, 1871)
    60. Macropus pearsoni (Bartholomai, 1971)
    61. Balbaroo camfieldensis Flannery et al., 1982
    62. Felis domesticus
    63. Tinoceras hians Marsh, 1885
    64. Eporeodon perbullatus (Thorpe, 1921)
    65. Helladotherium gaudryi Mecquenem, 1924
    66. Sinostylops progressus (Tang & Yan, 1976)
    67. Colobus abyssinicus poliurus Thomas, 1901
    68. Presbytis obscura (Reid, 1837)
    69. Mammalodon hakataramea Fordyce & Marx, 2016
    70. Lophuromys sikapusi sikapusi
    71. Procavia buchanani Thomas & Hinton, 1921
    72. Myomyscus brockmani niveiventris
    73. Lophuromys woosnami prittiei
    74. Crocidura suaveolens astrabadensis
    75. Thomomys umbrinus perpallidus
    76. Macropus hagenbecki
    77. Medistylus dorsatus (Ameghino, 1904)
    78. Hyperdichobune langi (Rutimeyer, 1891)
    79. Didymictis haydenianus (Cope, 1882)
    80. Arcius lapparenti (Russell et al., 1967)
    81. Talpilestes asiatica Tong & Wang, 2006
    82. Adenota kob (Erxleben, 1777)
    83. Felis ogygia (Kaup, 1833)
    84. Rhynchomys mingan Rickart, Balete, Timm, Alviola, Esselstyn & Heaney, 2019
    85. Miniopterus minor Peters, 1867
    86. Haplonycteris fischeri Lawrence, 1939
    87. Coleura afra (Peters, 1852)
    88. Spilogale pygmaea Thomas, 1898
    89. Crocidura monax Thomas, 1910
    90. Myosorex cafer (Sundevall, 1846)
    91. Mogera etigo Yoshiyuki & Imaizumi, 1991
    92. Sphiggurus villosus (F.Cuvier, 1823)
    93. Eothenomys custos (Thomas, 1912)
    94. Odocoileus virginianus taurinsulae Goldman & Kellogg, 1940
    95. Rusa marianna nigricans (Brooke, 1876)
    96. Perognathus parvus idahoensis Goldman, 1922
    97. Dipodomys ordii marshalli Goldman, 1937
    98. Thomomys bottae anitae J.A.Allen, 1898
    99. Myotis nigricans carteri LaVal, 1973
    100. Rhinolophus clivosus schwarzi Heim de Balsac, 1934
    101. Aonyx cinerea concolor Rafinesque, 1832
    102. Arvicola terrestris scherman (Shaw, 1801)
    103. Cebuella pygmaea (Spix, 1823)
    104. Cimolodon similis Fox, 1971
    105. Hainina pyrenaica Peláez-Campomanes et al., 2000
    106. Eobaatar minor Kielan-Jaworowska et al., 1987
    107. Metaxytherium serresii (Gervais, 1847) Depéret, 1895
    108. Protohippus vetus (Quinn, 1955)
    109. Parahippus wyomingensis Schlaikjer, 1935
    110. Uintacyon jugulans Matthew, 1909
    111. Chonecetus goedertorum (Barnes et al., 1995)
    112. Perognathus minutus James, 1963
    113. Entoptychus germannorum Wood, 1936
    114. Gregorymys kayi Wood, 1950
    115. Peromyscus irvingtonensis Savage, 1951
    116. Meliakrouniomys skinneri Emry, 1972
    117. Pseudhyrax eutrachytheroides Ameghino, 1901
    118. Prodinoceras martyr Matthew et al., 1929
    119. Titanoides simpsoni Simons, 1960
    120. Rhinophylla fischerae Carter, 1966
    121. Lemmus sibiricus (Kerr, 1792)
    122. Stenella plagiodon (Cope, 1866)
    123. Rangifer tarandus phylarchus Hollister, 1912
    124. Mosia nigrescens solomonis Thomas, 1904
    125. Euryoryzomys emmonsae (Musser, Carleton, Brothers & Gardner, 1998)
    126. Protolabis coartatus (Stirton, 1929)
    127. Sorex palustris labradorensis Burt, 1938
    128. Arctonyx collaris dictator Thomas, 1910
    129. Ichneumia albicauda loempo (Temminck, 1853)
    130. Urocyon cinereoargenteus madrensis Burt & Hooper, 1941
    131. Panthera pardus pardus
    132. Herpestes fuscus fuscus
    133. Simia sagulata Traill, 1821
    134. Felis lynx Linnaeus, 1758
    135. Cebus leucogenys Gray, 1866
    136. Eligmodontia bolsonensis Mares, Braun, Coyner & Van Den Bussche, 2008
    137. Miniopterus mossambicus Monadjem, Goodman, Stanley & Appleton, 2013
    138. Microtus fulviventer Merriam, 1898
    139. Neomicroxus bogotensis (Thomas, 1895)
    140. Pteropus coxi Helgen, Helgen & Wilson, 2009
    141. Cervus rhenanus Matschie, 1907
    142. Erythrocebus formosus Elliot, 1909
    143. Chasicotatus spinozai Scillato-Yané et al., 2010
    144. Gidleyina montanensis (Gidley, 1935)
    145. Megacerops syceras (Cope, 1889)
    146. Pliohippus coalingensis (Merriam, 1914)
    147. Galadi speciosus Travouillon, Gurovich, Beck & Muirhead, 2010
    148. Diadiaphorus coelops Ameghino, 1904
    149. Glossotherium giganteum Lund, 1838
    150. Ankotarinja tirarensis Archer, 1982
    151. Temnocyon subferox Hunt, 2011
    152. Orycteropus africanus (MacInnes, 1955)
    153. Felis capensis Forster, 1765
    154. Pseudeutatus cuneiformis (Ameghino, 1902)
    155. Incadolops ucayali Goin & Candela, 2004
    156. Allosminthus khandae (Daxner-Höck, 2001)
    157. Archaeohyracotherium mediale (Ameghino, 1902)
    158. Cormohipparion merriami Woodburne, 2007
    159. Apodemus speciosus dorsalis Kuroda, 1924
    160. Allictops inserrata Qiu, 1977
    161. Microtus nivalis olympius Neuhäuser, 1936
    162. Sigmodon leucotis leucotis
    163. Macaca nigra maurus
    164. Hemiacodon pucillus (Marsh, 1872)
    165. Presbytis melalophos paenulata
    166. Elephantulus brachyrhynchus brachyrhynchus
    167. Boocerus euryceros isaaci Thomas, 1902
    168. Gerbillus agag maradius Kock, 1978
    169. Hylomyscus endorobae (Heller, 1910)
    170. Potamogale velox argens Thomas, 1915
    171. Nyctimene geminus K.Andersen, 1910
    172. Zapus trinotatus eureka A.B.Howell, 1920
    173. Rattus rattus khyensis Hinton, 1919
    174. Myodes gapperi loringi
    175. Khaichinula lupula Lopatin, 2006
    176. Teleodus californicus (Stock, 1935)
    177. Elephas columbi (Falconer, 1857)
    178. Adpithecus amplidens (Ameghino, 1901)
    179. Mithridatocetus adygeicus (Tarasenko & Lopatin, 2012)
    180. Otonycteris hemprichii Peters, 1859
    181. Kerivoula myrella Thomas, 1914
    182. Crocidura nana Dobson, 1890
    183. Soriculus fumidus Thomas, 1913
    184. Peromyscus eremicus (Baird, 1857)
    185. Praomys morio (Trouessart, 1881)
    186. Pseudochirulus larvatus (Förster & Rothschild, 1911)
    187. Mesoplodon grayi von Haast, 1876
    188. Elephantulus fuscus (Peters, 1852)
    189. Ovis orientalis Gmelin, 1774
    190. Sus philippensis philippensis
    191. Thomomys bottae aphrastus Elliot, 1903
    192. Thomomys bottae tularosae Hall, 1932
    193. Dasyprocta punctata underwoodi Goldman, 1931
    194. Oryzomys perenensis J.A.Allen, 1901
    195. Abrothrix hershkovitzi (Patterson, Gallardo & Freas, 1984)
    196. Sturnira ludovici occidentalis Jones & Phillips, 1964
    197. Chilonatalus tumidifrons Miller, 1903
    198. Scotonycteris zenkeri zenkeri
    199. Eptesicus serotinus pashtonus Gaisler, 1970
    200. Hypsugo macrotis (Temminck, 1840)
    201. Saimiri boliviensis peruviensis Hershkovitz, 1984
    202. Homo habilis Leakey, Tobias & Napier, 1964
    203. Australopithecus afarensis Johanson, White & Coppens, 1978
    204. Ameghinichnus patagonicus Casamiquela, 1961
    205. Parectypodus sylviae (Rigby, 1980)
    206. Protosiren smithae Domning & Gingerich, 1994
    207. Bunohyrax major (Andrews, 1904)
    208. Megacerops curtus (Marsh, 1887)
    209. Eschrichtioides gastaldii (Strobel, 1881)
    210. Platygonus oregonensis (Colbert, 1938)
    211. Aliveria luteyni de Bruijn et al., 1980
    212. Miodyromys aegercii Baudelot, 1972
    213. Mojavemys mascallensis (Downs, 1956)
    214. Tenudomys dakotensis (Macdonald, 1963)
    215. Simimys simplex (Wilson, 1935)
    216. Microtocricetus molassicus Fahlbusch & Mayr, 1975
    217. Paracricetodon walgeri Bahlo, 1975
    218. Hibbardomys zakrzewskii Martin, 1989
    219. Hessolestes ultimus Peterson, 1931
    220. Daulestes inobservabilis (Nessov, 1982)
    221. Plesiofelis schlosseri Roth, 1904
    222. Phyllotis caprinus Pearson, 1958
    223. Hystrix sumatrae (Lyon, 1907)
    224. Sciurus variegatoides atrirufus Harris, 1930
    225. Nectomys rattus (Pelzeln, 1883)
    226. Pteropus vampyrus pluton Temminck, 1853
    227. Pteropus rennelli Troughton, 1929
    228. Molossus rufus E.Geoffroy, 1805
    229. Rhinopoma microphyllum asirensis Nader & Kock, 1982
    230. Cratogeomys planiceps (Merriam, 1895)
    231. Reithrodontomys bakeri Bradley, Mendez-Harclerode, Hamilton & Ceballos, 2004
    232. Hipposideros bouziguensis Sigé, 1968
    233. Mustela jacksoni Storer, 2004
    234. Coryphodon eocaenus (Owen, 1846)
    235. Cryptomys hottentotus caecutiens (Brants, 1827)
    236. Melogale personata laotum Thomas, 1922
    237. Vulpes vulpes montana (Pearson, 1836)
    238. Ailurus fulgens fulgens
    239. Cercopithecus campbelli campbelli
    240. Elephas celebensis Hooijer, 1949
    241. Dasyprocta aguti (Linnaeus, 1766)
    242. Mastotherium hyodon Fischer, 1814
    243. Peramus tenuirostris Owen, 1871
    244. Nosmips aenigmaticus Seiffert et al., 2010
    245. Platalearostrum hoekmani Post & Kompanje, 2010
    246. Desmostylus cymatias Hannibal, 1922
    247. Galidictis eximius Pocock, 1915
    248. Notonycteris magdalenensis Savage, 1951
    249. Dyskritodon amazighi Sigogneau-Russell, 1995
    250. Zapus adamsi Hibbard, 1955
    251. Stegotetrabelodon orbus Maglio, 1970
    252. Metachriacus provocator (Simpson, 1935)
    253. Xotodon prominens Ameghino, 1889
    254. Licaphrium floweri Ameghino, 1887
    255. Pseudoacaremys kramarzi Arnal & Vucetich, 2015
    256. Didolodus latigonus (Ameghino, 1902)
    257. Histiotus diaphanopterus Feijó, Da Rocha & Althoff, 2015
    258. Mesohippus viejensis Clark & Beerbower, 1967
    259. Titanops elatus (Marsh, 1887)
    260. Ovis nahoor
    261. Urocitellus undulatus stramineus (Obolenskii, 1927)
    262. Didelphodon minimus verified
    263. Meiostylodon zaoshiensis Wang, 1975
    264. Tamandua mexicana chiriquensis
    265. Echymipera kalabu
    266. Boocerus eurycerus isaaci Thomas, 1902
    267. Mylagaulus douglassi (McKenna, 1955)
    268. Merychippus mirabilis (Leidy, 1858)
    269. Morotherium leptonyx (Marsh, 1874)
    270. Sorex araneus granarius Miller, 1910
    271. Erinaceus europaeus roumanicus Barrett-Hamilton, 1900
    272. Leptonycteris yerbabuenae yerbabuenae
    273. Neotoma mexicana fallax
    274. Urocitellus mollis artemesiae (Merriam, 1913)
    275. Dryopithecus sivalensis Lewis, 1934
    276. Brontotherium platyceras (Scott & Osborn, 1887)
    277. Aceratherium simorrense (Lartet, 1851)
    278. Mesogaulus vetus (Matthew, 1924)
    279. Ogmorhinus leptonyx (de Blainville, 1820)
    280. Cimolomys major (Russell, 1936)
    281. Dremotherium feignouxi Geoffroy, 1833
    282. Prosarcodon maturus Lopatin & Kondrashov, 2004
    283. Asianeomys asiaticus (Wang & Emry, 1991)
    284. Talpa europaea kratochvilli Grulich, 1969
    285. Gillisonchus gillianus (Cope, 1882)
    286. Veragromovia desmatotheroides Gabunia, 1961
    287. Glossophaga commissarisi Gardner, 1962
    288. Zaglossus attenboroughi Flannery & Groves, 1998
    289. Crocidura caspica Thomas, 1907
    290. Callosciurus pygerythrus (I.Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1833)
    291. Calomys boliviae (Thomas, 1901)
    292. Peromyscus zarhynchus Merriam, 1898
    293. Wiedomys pyrrhorhinos (Wied-Neuwied, 1821)
  • Has coordinate true
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  "type": "and",
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      "matchCase": false
      "type": "equals",
      "key": "HAS_COORDINATE",
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      "matchCase": false

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