Archaeoteleia simulans Masner
- Dataset
- Revision of Archaeoteleia Masner (Hymenoptera: Platygastroidea, Scelionidae).
- Rank
- Published in
- Early, J. W., Masner, L., Johnson, N. F. (2007): Revision of Archaeoteleia Masner (Hymenoptera: Platygastroidea, Scelionidae). Zootaxa 1655: 1-48, URL:
- kingdom
- Animalia
- phylum
- Arthropoda
- class
- Insecta
- order
- Hymenoptera
- family
- Scelionidae
- genus
- Archaeoteleia
- species
- Archaeoteleia simulans
Figures 68 - 71 Description: Female. Length 2.55 mm. Color: generally ebony black; with the exception of A 5, mandible (except for very tip), palpi, tegula, legs including coxae, yellowish; hind coxa slightly darker than remainder of legs; wings clear, without cloud of pigmentation below marginal, stigmal veins. Head (Figs. 69 - 71): vertex, occiput, frons (except facial striae), upper gena smooth, without microsculpture, with minimum appressed minute setae; upper frons, interocellar space glabrous; eye glabrous; LOL slightly greater than OOL; occipital carina fine, but complete, with minuscule crenulation; frons without median keel, but shallow depression present above antennal insertion; facial striae dense, reaching inner orbit, reaching not beyond lower third of height of eye, very short posterior to malar sulcus; clypeus triangular, smooth, anterolateral corners minute; rim of torulus confluent with dorsal margin of clypeus; antenna remarkably slender: A 1 5.4 - 6.0 times as long as wide; A 2 2.3 times as long as wide; A 3 3.6 - 3.8 times as long as wide; flagellum with fairly short setae; claval formula A 6 - A 12 / 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 1. Mesosoma (Figs. 70 - 71): transverse pronotal carina sharp, slightly arcuate, curved forward medially, anterolateral corners angular, but not spikelike; vertical epomial carina present, distinct in upper half, somewhat irregular ventrally; horizontal epomial carina complete, sharp, pronotal shoulders well developed, with row of foveolae both along the horizontal carina and adjacent to mesoscutum, moderately developed, nearly smooth between foveolae; lateral pronotum with large glabrous field, with very delicate microsculpture; netrion well defined by foveolae, considerable micropilosity; mesoscutum with middle lobe smooth and shining, entire surface, particularly posterior two-thirds, regularly covered with setigerous punctures, setae semidecumbent, lateral lobe of mesoscutum almost entirely glabrous, with only few setigerous punctures near posterior notaulus; admedian lines present, fine; notaulus complete, rather narrow, finely foveolate, subparallel; parapsidal line absent or faintly indicated; transscutal articulation well developed, posterior flanking foveolae large; scutellum without microsculpture, with only few setigerous punctures; scutellar spines short, pointed, slightly incurved, distinctly shorter than length of scutellar disk; mesopleural carina absent; dorsal portion of mesopleuron smooth, glabrous, mesepisternum smooth, with fairly dense appressed pilosity; acetabular carina sharply raised; chain of foveolae along posterior margin of mesopleuron well developed, extending ventrally to mid coxal cavity; metapleuron with dense pilosity, both upper and lower parts almost smooth, without microsculpture; propodeum with fine pilosity, almost without medial depression, but median keels well-developed; wings almost clear, widely surpassing tip of metasoma; basal vein, M, Cu, Rs nebulous, with delicate infuscation under marginal vein; postmarginal vein stublike, extremely short; stigmal vein short, slightly curved apically; legs extremely long and slender, femora very weakly incrassate. Metasoma (Figs. 68, 71) relatively short, length 2.4 times width, most terga with rather long, scattered, semierect hairs; T 1 entirely longitudinally costate except for narrow, smooth band along posterior margin, horn not or only weakly developed, anterior margin with only moderate elevation, length of T 1 0.5 times width; length of T 2 0.5 times width, strongly costate throughout; length of T 3 0.4 times width, costae finer than on T 2, both T 2, T 3 with narrow smooth band along posterior margin; length of T 4 0.5 times width, with finer longitudinal costae, larger smooth area posteriorly; length of T 5 0.5 times width, predominantly with very short longitudinal rugulosity anteriorly, mostly smooth in posterior half; T 6 very short, bluntly triangular, length 0.8 times width. Male. Differing from the female in the following characters: both A 4 and A 5 with keels, keels not exceeding basal third of antennomere; length of A 1 4.3 times width; length of A 2 1.3 times width; length of A 3 1.8 times length of A 1; propodeal keels less pronounced than in female; all metasomatic terga longitudinally costate, but progressively finer, on T 4 only anterior half with longitudinal sculpture.
Diagnosis. Most similar to A. araucana, distinguished by the even coverage of distinct setigerous punctures on the entire middle lobe of the mesoscutum, and the low and completely striate bulge on T 1 in the female.
Link to Distribution Map. [http: // atbi. biosci. ohio-state. edu: 210 / hymenoptera / eol _ scelionidae. content _ page? page _ level = 3 & page _ id = taxon _ page _ data & page _ version = 190989 & page _ option 1 = M]
Etymology. The specific epithet simulans, derived from Latin for imitate or copy, refers to the similarity of this species to Archaeoteleia araucana.
Material examined. Holotype female: CHILE: Los Lagos, Antillanca, 1300 m, Nothofagus tree line, Puyehue N. P., Osorno Prov., 16. II. 1988, L. Masner, OSUC 174423. Deposited in CNCI. Paratypes: CHILE: Araucania, Monte Verde, Carahue, Prov. de Cautin, 29. I- 2. II. 1993, L. E. Pena, female, OSUC 146493 (CNCI); Nahuelbuta National Park, forest, 9. II. 2005, L. Masner, 2 females, OSUC 203943, 203944 (CNCI). Los Lagos, Lago Tepuhueico, 42 ° 48 ' 45 " S 73 ° 56 ' 24 " W, 15 m, UCR AToL C 05 - 015, shoreline forest, Miraflores, Chiloe Isl., 13. II. 2005, male, OSUC 174444 (CNCI); Las Trancas, 500 m, Nothofagus, 30 km W La Union, Valdivia Prov., 7 - 12. II. 1988, L. Masner, 4 males, 1 female, OSUC 203936 - 203939, 203945 (CNCI); Petrohue, Llanquihue Prov. (old), 26 - 29. III. 1968, L. E. Pena, male, OSUC 151832 (AEIC); Puntra River, 100 m, Nothofagus forest, Route 5, Chiloe Isl., Los Lagos Reg., Chile, 24. II. 1988, L. Masner, 2 males, OSUC 203941 (CNCI).
- Homonyms
- Archaeoteleia simulans Masner