Rhagovelia aguaclara
- Dataset
- Two new species of Rhagovelia in the salina group from Colombia (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Veliidae)
- Rank
- Published in
- Padilla-Gil, Dora N. (2010): Two new species of Rhagovelia in the salina group from Colombia (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Veliidae). Zootaxa 2621: 63-68, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.198101
- kingdom
- Animalia
- phylum
- Arthropoda
- class
- Insecta
- order
- Hemiptera
- family
- Veliidae
- genus
- Rhagovelia
- species
- Rhagovelia aguaclara
Description. Colour and pilosity. - General colour dark brown; genital segments, greater part of antennae, rostrum, and legs, shining black; central part of abdominal sternite VII pale brown; outer rim of connexiva, shinny black. Anterior transverse band of pronotum, basal third of first antennal segment, all coxae, all trochanters, 2 / 3 basal of fore femur, andd 1 / 3 basal of hind femur yellow; all acetabulae pale brown. Venter dark brown. Dorsum and venter of body covered with tiny, black denticles. Dorsum and venter covered with long, semirecumbent yellow setae; bearing long dark brown setae on sides of thorax; abdominal sternite VII and genital segments covered with scattered, small, gold setae. Vertex with two pairs of dark setae; antennal segment I bearing eight long, stiff, erect black setae, segment II with six setae of this type; legs with the usual pubescence and setae. Female, abdominal tergites V and VI with shinny black spots and VII – IX shinny black. Apterous Male. Length 3.72; maximum width 1.40. Length of antennal segments I – IV: 0.94, 0.50, 0.58, 0.72; head width 0.94; eyes length 0.4, width 0.34, interocular space 0.22. Pronotum short, length on mid-line 0.20; mesonotum, length, 0.72; metanotum, 0.14. Trochanters unarmed; fore femur and tibia straight (Fig. 5), tibial comb short (0.30), slightly more than ¼ of the tibial length; middle tibia lacking apical spur; hind femur (Fig. 6) slightly incrassate; ventral surface with a row on ¼ basal with 6 small, black spines, followed by 6 spines, slightly longer than the basal ones and then 3 or 4 spines smaller distally; hind tibia straight (Fig. 6), and with three teeth near apex. Proportions of male legs as follows: fore femur / tibia / tarsal 1 / tarsal 2: 1.10 / 1.06 / 0.04 / 0.26; middle femur, length-width / tibia / tarsal 1 / tarsal 2: 2.00 – 0.32 / 1.68 / 0.70 / 0.76; hind femur length-width / tibia / tarsal 1 / tarsal 2: 1.44 – 0.40 / 1.78 / 0.08 / 0.46. Abdomen L (I – VII) / W: 1.54 / 1.26. Median length of abdominal tergites as follows: I and IV: 0.16, II – III, V – VI: 0.20, VII: 0.44, VIII: 0.48; tergites I – IV slightly convex and tergites V – VI slightly concave; connexiva horizontal or slightly angled upward at 10 º. Venter lightly triangular, ventrite VII with 2 (1 + 1) shallow depressions on either side of midline; ventrite VIII slightly depressed; genital segments well developed, parameres symmetrical (L / W: 0.34 / 0.16, Fig. 7). Apterous Female (Fig. 8). Length 4.53, maximum width 1.73, distinctly larger than male. Length of antennal segments I – IV: 1.00, 0.58, 0.70, 0.70; connexival margins of segments I – IV thickened; connexiva angled upward at 45 º, apices of connexiva reaching basal half of tergite VIII. Abdomen L / W: 2.28 / 1.56. Median length of abdominal tergites as follows: I – III: 0.24, IV: 0.22, V: 0.26, VI: 0.3, VII: 0.36 and VIII: 0.40. Venter convex, gonocoxa well developed, distinctly visible. Macropterous form unknown.
Etymology. The species name “ aguaclara ” refers to the type locality. Comparative notes. Individuals of Rhagovelia aguaclara may be recognized by the distinctive armature of the male hind leg (Fig. 6): femur slightly incrassate 3.6 longer than width, tibia with three teeth near apex; and by the distinctive parameres (Fig. 7) and connexiva of the female (Fig. 8). R. colombiana and R. aguaclara have very sculptured male parameres (Figs. 7, 9).
Type material. HOLOTYPE, apt M, allotype macr F: COLOMBIA, Nariño, Tumaco, Aguaclara, 4 IX 2009, leg. O. Arcos (ICN). PARATYPES, same data as holotype, 6 apt M, 3 apt F (ICN); 6 apt M, 4 apt F (PSO-CZ); 5 apt M, 2 apt F (CP).
- Homonyms
- Rhagovelia aguaclara