Orthocentrus latus Humala 2019
- Dataset
- Mexican species of the genus Orthocentrus (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae: Orthocentrinae)
- Rank
- Published in
- Humala, Andrei E. (2019): Mexican species of the genus Orthocentrus (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae: Orthocentrinae). Zootaxa 4709 (1): 1-83, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4709.1.1
- kingdom
- Animalia
- phylum
- Arthropoda
- class
- Insecta
- order
- Hymenoptera
- family
- Ichneumonidae
- genus
- Orthocentrus
- species
- Orthocentrus latus
Biology. Hosts unknown. Both specimens were collected in a high-mountain oak pine forest.
(Figs 4 F, 10 F, 14 C, 17 C, 26)
Description. Female. Fore wing length 3.3 mm. Face medially 1.1 × as wide as high; face smooth, polished, slightly punctate with horizontal striae, eyes not setose, dorsal ridge of face inbetween antennal sockets sometimes without a median prominence; face profile straight except dorsally very slightly impressed, edge of clypeus straight, antennal sockets not on a distinct high shelf (Hw / Fp = 9.4); subocular sulcus distinct, sharp, bent towards occiput; maxillary palp reaching slightly beyond fore coxa. Head transverse, in dorsal view, posteriorly moderately concave, temples distinct, about 0.45 × eye width, posterior ocellus separated from eye by 1.0 × ocellar diameter, anterior ocellus separated from eye by 2.0 × ocellar diameter, lacking ocellar-ocular grooves. Minimum distance between antennal sockets about a half diameter of socket; antenna slender, with 23 flagellomeres (n = 2) elongate, rather stout, flagellomeres which not gradually shortening towards apex of antenna; basal flagellomere 1.8 × as long as wide and about 1 / 3 of length of scape; scape slightly concave on inner surface, slightly convex on outer surface. Mesosoma smooth and polished except for few striae postero-ventrally on pronotum, with weak microsculpture on propodeum; mesoscutum anteriorly with short notauli; in profile, scutellum not particularly high, metapleuron slightly convex; propodeum with posterior transverse carina complete, strong and raised between lateral longitudinal carinae, weak laterally to lateromedian carinae, median longitudinal carinae complete, lateral longitudinal carinae distinct posterior to spiracles or more or less complete, spiracles small. Legs robust; coxae and femora polished, femora with coriaceous microsculpture especially on posterior side, tibiae and tarsi coriaceous-granulate; hind coxa 1.1 – 1.2 × as long as first tergite, hind femur 3.1 × as long as high, hind tibia broad, 3.4 × as long as apically wide; tibiae with spine-like setae, claws large. Wings not particularly narrow; fore wing with areolet open, vein Rs upcurved; hind wing with nervellus inclivous straight, not intercepted. First tergite slightly widening apically, 1.9 × as long as apically wide, in dorsal view, spiracles protruding; coriaceous, with two complete median longitudinal carinae, with transverse impressions originating at about middle of tergite, sloping posteriorly, not meeting centrally. Second tergite 0.9 × as long as apically wide; coriaceous, sculpture smoother and sometimes striate near apical edge, basal corners impressed and transverse groove near apical margin bending anteriorly near lateral margins, forming a somewhat oval uplifted area medially; basal thyridia round, contrastingly coloured, second thryridia round / oval, contrastingly coloured. Remainder of metasoma unsculptured, polished, lacking thyridia; third tergite with coriaceous microsculpture basally. Ovipositor comparatively stout, slightly upcurved, with distinct notch; ovipositor sheath with sparse, long, backwards-directed setae. Body setose except eyes, pronotum, mesopleuron and metapleuron, setae very scattered on metasoma and posterior sides of coxae. Dark to blackish brown; clypeus, base of antenna ventrally and postero-dorsal corner of pronotum yellow, inner orbits light yellow from subocular sulcus to middle of frons, face mostly brown; mouthparts, malar space up to level of ventral edge of eye, tegula, fore and mid coxae, trochanters and trochantelli creamy, remainder of fore and mid legs dull orange, infuscate dorsally; hind coxa blackish brown except apex dull orange, rest of hind legs dark brown except trochanter, trochantelli, tibia subbasally and basitarsus in basal half dull orange; apical margins of first and second tergites and third tergite basally and apically yellow to orange. Male. Unknown.
Comments. This is a distinctive species on account of the creamy frontal orbits to the level of the middle of frons, the brown face, the white malar space, and the stout, slightly upcurved ovipositor. Additionally, compared with the other species that have a complete posterior transverse carina and notauli, subocular sulcus strongly bent, unlike in O. coronadoae, O. lopezi, O. scutellatus, and O. tergalis, and ovipositor has a distinct dorsal notch, which is lacking in O. malaris, O. luteoclypeus and O. tlaxcalensis; hind coxae blackish brown, unlike in O. brevicorins, O. rufipleuris, O. similis and O. varicolor; upper frontal orbits brown, unlike in O. scutellatus, O. luteoclypeus and O. maculae.
Distribution. Mexico (Oaxaca).
Etymology. Named after the Latin for ‘ wide’, after its wide transverse head.
Material examined. Holotype ♀: México, Oaxaca, Santiago, Comaltepec, 2427 m, N 17.58424 °, W 96.49428 °; humid oak pine forest, MT, 12 – 20. VI. 2007, leg. H. Clebsch (UNAM). Paratype: 1 ♀ same data as for holotype (ZISP).
- Homonyms
- Orthocentrus latus Humala 2019