Eurytemora lacustris (Poppe, 1887)
- Dataset
- GBIF Backbone Taxonomy
- Rank
- Published in
- Copepoda Calanoida. Parts IX & X. An Account of th
- kingdom
- Animalia
- phylum
- Arthropoda
- class
- Copepoda
- order
- Calanoida
- family
- Temoridae
- genus
- Eurytemora
- species
- Eurytemora lacustris
- Synonyms
- Temorella intermedia Nordquist, 1887
- Temorella lacustris Poppe, 1887
- Homonyms
- Eurytemora lacustris (Poppe, 1887)
- Common names
- langhalerelikthops in Norwegian Bokmål
Bibliographic References
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