Melanophyllum haematospermum (Bull.) Kreisel
- Dataset
- GBIF Backbone Taxonomy
- Rank
- Published in
- (1984). Feddes Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 95(9-10): 700.
- kingdom
- Fungi
- phylum
- Basidiomycota
- class
- Agaricomycetes
- order
- Agaricales
- family
- Agaricaceae
- genus
- Melanophyllum
- species
- Melanophyllum haematospermum
- Synonyms
- Agaricus echinatus Roth
- Agaricus haematophyllus Berk.
- Agaricus haematospermus Bull.
- Agaricus haematospermus var. nigrescens Pers.
- Agaricus hookeri Klotzsch
- Agaricus nigrescens Bull.
- Cystoderma echinatum (Roth) Singer
- Cystolepiota echinata (Roth) Knudsen
- Fungus haematospermus (Bull.) Kuntze
- Inocybe echinata (Roth) Sacc.
- Inocybe echinata var. brasiliensis Rick
- Inocybe pollicaris P.Karst.
- Lepiota echinata (Roth) Quél.
- Lepiota haematosperma (Bull.) P.Karst.
- Lepiota haematosperma (Bull.) Quél.
- Lepiota haematosperma f. gracilis J.E.Lange, 1935
- Melanophyllum canali Velen.
- Melanophyllum echinatum (Roth) Singer
- Melanophyllum echinatum f. gracile J.E.Lange
- Melanophyllum echinatum f. gracile J.E.Lange ex Wasser, 1978
- Homonyms
- Melanophyllum haematospermum (Bull.) Kreisel
- Common names
- Blutblättriger Zwergschirmling in German
- Lépiote à lamelles rouges in French
- Redspored Dapperling in English
- Sodet grynparasolhat in Danish
- Sodet parasolhat in Danish
- verihelttajauhikas in Finnish
- verkleurzwammetje in Dutch
- Redspored Dapperling in English
- Verkleurzwammetje in Dutch
- granathuldrehatt in Norwegian Bokmål
- granathuldrehatt in Nynorsk, Norwegian
- granatskivling in Swedish
- Pertyn Gwaetgoch in Welsh
- granatfjällskivling in Swedish
Bibliographic References
- (12/31/1899 23:00:00) Funga Nordica. Agaricoid, boletoid and cyphelloid genera
- Basidiomycetes Eubasidii in Rio Grande do Sul- Brasilia. 5. Iheringia, Sér. Bot.,8: 296- 450. (p. 430),1961
- Ortega,A., Esteve-Raventós,F. & Moreno,G. ( 1994). Contribución al estudio micológico del Parque Natural de la Sierra de Aracena y Picos de Aroche (Huelva, España), Bol.Soc.Micol.MadridBol.Soc.Micol.Madrid19:227-279 <9472>
- Robert, Stegehuis & Stalpers (03/03/2013 23:00:00) The MycoBank engine and related databases.